Avatar of Mangrale


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2 mos ago
Current The only thing I love more than the protracted development of passion projects, is NOT getting other people's money involved.
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2 mos ago
Oh Bulbapedia, why must you be this way?
4 mos ago
Despite what Joker 2 would have you believe, the REAL Joker works for Nintendo. Check mate, Batman!
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4 mos ago
Okay but like seriously though, let's not tell Nintendo about this... About what, you ask? Exactly!
5 mos ago
"We hear your enthusiasm for exciting survival experiences, and we're proud to announce even more realistic dino-survival sandbox sims." - Game Devs, apparently
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Greetings visitor! I hope you're having a good day! Whether you've seen me around the guild or not, I should admit that it's only been within year-6 of my time on this site that I've bothered to start work on this here "bio". I feel like I should apologize for not making it a higher priority much sooner, but lately I've adopted that "better late than never" mindset when it comes to introductions, and besides, I doubt there was much to tell in my early years anyway. I'm pretty much an amateur writer who got my start as a minor tag-along player in a fandom AU campaign ran by a small, close-nit remnant of a community formerly in association with a notable strategy-gaming youtuber. I'm being vague for brevity's sake. In the end, I value my first exposure to roleplaying as a personal learning experience more than anything, as I'm definitely the kind of person that sequesters themselves in any given community they find themselves in and RPG is certainly no exception.

That pretty much explains what I've been up to for the last several or so years, with only occasional public posts from me, as private 1x1 roleplays are easily where the lion's share of my attention goes to. Details regarding my particular interests and even approach as a prospective partner can be found in the interest check I update very rarely, but if you'd like to have a link to it or want to work with me in a similar capacity, then PMs are the best way to reach me. As for what you can expect in very broad terms, I'll say that I'm a 90s kid who'd grown up on Nintendo and Cartoon Network where, thanks to Toonami, I've developed an appreciation for the Japanese style of animation, a style that commonly influences my own creative endeavors to this day. That is in no way to say that I'm an avid watcher of anime and the like (I have my tastes and while that does sometimes coincide with what's current, it usually doesn't), just that I gravitate toward the ludicrous, extraordinary concepts and settings they commonly facilitate. That style aligns with what excites me creatively. That's the long and short of it. Exceptions do exist of course.

Most Recent Posts

[Editing Area]

Project Gemini

Working Title: Code Aether

Aether Online

Developer - Frozenith Interactive Publisher - Parallax Systems
Release Date - xxxx

This is a WIP testing thread. Private use only.

This is for the side of project development I don't mind being open.

There isn't really a whole lot to say about this thread. Attempts will be made to introduce, update and organize as many viable projects as I can, probably as far as the varying levels of preliminary information involved with each. With that in mind, while I'm not at all opposed to anyone wishing to speak with me over something within this thread, I would ask that they do so through PMs or even my discussion thread as they're probably the best ways of reaching me. Good day.
Update 4 - Project Gemini (Part 1) [October / 2019]
Of the Virtual Frontier in a Futuristic Reality

Projected Project Tags
AdvancedLarge GroupFantasyAnime/MangaSci-FiFuture

If I were to try and explain the premise as briefly as possible in this first sentence (to either turn off or grab the attention of readers as quickly as possible), then I'd say that this project can be likened to properties like .Hack, SAO and RP1, a not so distant or far flung future featuring a great deal of virtual reality, but this time with an emphasis on events occurring both within the virtual world(s) and the real one. Another way to look at it is that this is a glorified SAO AU, blown to rather ridiculous proportions. In saying this, I'm of course partly referring to the infamous "death game" trope that commonly underscores most works attempting to capture that same tense atmosphere.

But part of the reason I mentioned RP1 up there is that while the "death game" does occur as lore within the story, this project isn't a true isekai storyline as the players' characters themselves aren't necessarily trapped within the virtual world. Actually, the absurd and dire event stands as a historical catalyst that alters the course of history and society at large, the world left reeling from the stark tragedy, especially years later when I intend the events of the RP to pick up at.

As I'd like to make clear by now, this RP will ideally have multiple backdrops, all existing concurrently and all accessible to the players at or near the start of the game. The real world, as I'll be referring to it, consists of the technologically advanced metropolis that the players reside within; everyone may very well have to be resigned to play students should I decide that everyone being equal footing in for the best. True to the fantasy tag I listed, the primary virtual realm will follow in the classic stead of a fantasy-oriented MMORPG. Should I be successful in implementing the more gamey mechanics into this RP, then they will likely facilitate interactions in at least this aspect of the campaign. Aside from these, a lesser but still notable third of the game will involve an in-universe version of a socially driven virtual application. Think VR-Chat but futuristic and a widespread forum for public dialogue.

If handled correctly, the idea is for these divisions of the RP to almost be as worlds in their own right, the role they play in the story being vital of course, but I want the content within them (especially the first two I mentioned) to be such that not only is there enough material to allow players to occasionally step off the main path of the story, but also to present the proper amount of narrative and material incentive for them to do so. At the same time, over the course of the main story, I want there to be choices made by the players that lead to consequences across the other realities, if possible culminating in an appropriate conclusion reaped by those still around to see it.
In-Game Time Progression
You may already have an idea of what this will entail, possibly having even experienced a similar mechanic in the past. Basically how it'll work is that, with exception to longer, drawn out occasions like dungeon running and certain events, days in-game may correspond to a week for us in real time. The intention is to help ensure a steady rate of progression while also allowing for periods of downtime for players to explore the world and roleplay their characters on their own.

RPG Mechanics
What I want is for the "Character Information" sheet that I presented months previously to be refined and adapted to an acceptable format wherein all relevant player information for interacting with the RPG side of things (at the very least) to be recorded. Classes, skills, abilities and equipment are among the items I wish to cover, this all as likely to be attributed to the virtual world, though I am open to the possibility of stats applying to IRL characters as well.

Turn-Based Battles
Honestly, the way I see this is more of a very hopeful pipe dream, yes maybe even more so than everything else I've mentioned already. Once I had found that Discord can facilitate virtual dice rolling, my mind immediately jumped to what was likely one the intentions behind it: turn-based battles involving the entire party as one cohesive team (preferably). It might be asking too much for every single mob encounter to be done in this style, but the dream is to do these impactful strategic encounters fairly frequently and smoothly.


There is of course plenty more to be said and elaborated upon, but so long as I'm not a total flake and just very very slow, then everything that needs to be considered absolutely will in due time. That said, if anyone wants to bring up something, like any pertinent questions perhaps, then that's only something I can encourage at this point. Anyway, I better leave it as that for now. Big thanks to anyone who read all the way to the end here. Will post again eventually, or maybe sooner if anyone cares. Have a nice day.
Update 3 - GM Wanted (1st Edition)
The Plan-B For Certain Ideas I Can't Follow Through On

This is something that I'll probably only bring up once in a while, as the focus of this whole thread really should be on my main bloated vanity projects (as awful as that sounds), the kind that I'll spearhead myself and not what I'd just as soon pass off on others. Well, I say "pass off", but really it's not like I'll continue to draw attention to each edition if no one is ultimately interested in taking what I present and running with it.

For every project that I'm invested toward building from start to finish, there are a some that, despite all being possibly worthy of someone's attention (one imagines), just don't rank too highly on my to do list. After a bit of thought on the matter, I've decided to at least make the basic premises available for anyone to see, the idea being for those of like-interest coming forth to either express their availability for the position of GM or even just their interest in the project being made.

In looking over this particular passing fancy of mine, keep in mind that this is little more than a basic idea, leaving a great deal of room for whoever's taking the lead to develop the story and plot however they want. Included in my description are certain details and even pics to better get the idea across, but anyone willing to put the work in needn't feel forced to strictly operate under them.



Thanks to anyone who read through the details up there (such as they are) for hearing me out. Future editions may well be more complex than this one, but they can wait for now. My next update will return to talking about my own personal ventures, so please look forward to finally finding out what this space is really meant for.
Update 2 - Advanced Game Mechanics (Part 2)
Prototype Character Sheet Template

What follows are at least some key sections of a possible player character sheet, namely the Profile, Statistics and Inventory of a typical PC. I pretty much just jotted down whatever came to mind as a starting off point, all the while attempting to make things as clear and easy to read as possible, but of course some possible clarifications do come to mind going into this.

Random selection of info that would generally apply to a fair amount of RPs and a few that I passivley thought might come into play depending on the setting and features at play. It's all interchangeable and depending on how I'm feeling, things like personality and biography (so long as the players themselves know what they're going for) might not even need to be plainly written down.

First of all, things in small parentheses are just there to explain the values directly to their left. All stats are laid out in a hopefully intuitive manner. I though about using the table bbcode to make things look more appealing, but simpler is best I imagine. I haven't tried as many RPGs as I probably should, so I just thought of the basics. They will of course change depending on what the game calls for.

This section will probably undergo the biggest change, primarily in regards the admittedly needless "mass" system. It will probably be removed completely in favor of a better way of keeping track of items. I was brainstorming different ideas for future projects at the time and it just sort of stuck around. Better solutions aren't that hard to come up with I figure, and future versions will definitely address them.


Here is the template as it is now. Let me know what you guys think.


Other sections for things like Passive Skills and Active Abilities are due to be worked on, but I just wanted to get the template out as it is now before moving ahead with a potentially deeply flawed format. I mean, it looks okay to me, but it pays to have more experienced sets of eyes on things like this. Let me know any of your relevant thoughts on this and I'll get to addressing them when I can.
Update 1 - Advanced Game Mechanics (Part 1)
Introduction to Structured Elements and Encounters

I should say first of all that it's unlikely that every RP that comes from me will be with this level of work behind it in mind. When I propose features like character statistics, equipment, skills, and abilities in conjunction with other quantifiable aspects of the game world, I do so in recognition that it's going to put off many potential players that would have gladly joined in otherwise. I know as well as anyone that free time is scarce and most people who have a choice will never willingly perform math.

Furthermore, I can imagine that the more game features are implemented into an RP, granted there's a suitable level of world building that goes with it, the less room that leaves for players to present unique ideas of their own to an extent. That would of course be a regrettable consequence if I should ultimately fail to allow for accommodation where others might have done so.

The topic of creative control is something that I've pondered over a lot in the past. It's hard for me to determine how other players approach an RP that interests them, but for me I can say that I've frequently been guilty of centering my potential involvement in a project primarily on the concepts I wanted to bring to the table. I believe I usually did a good job of keeping whatever I brought to the fore in line with the GM's requirements, but that desire to have something for myself in the face of everything else was a potent one.

And now in contemplating the possibility of making the cross to GMing, I'm mindful that like myself, there are many out there that at one point or another had ideas they've been fond of or imaginative foundations they've held onto that might have made for enjoyable campaigns. But in the end some hold back from inviting people in because on some level they rather not deal with relative strangers who may very well only see the project for what they can turn it into for themselves, and not for what they, the maker, intended.

It's a matter of communication and balance ultimately. I have to be clear on what I expect, and leave room for player expression where I can. I'm not saying that I'll be proficient at balancing these things right away, but I hope anyone that simply cannot work with the inner workings of some of my RPs will at least appreciate my attempt to make something that works instead of either dropping the project entirely or reserving it primarily for myself.


Okay so this feels like more of a rambling preamble than a real first look into any solid features I have in mind but I'll make sure to have something tangible for you guys in the next update. This one here came late I admit, but the next one should come sooner... if I'm lucky.

- Redirect OOC troubles to your DM box when appropriate. Shutting people down when they have a problem without followup is a good way to damage your GM rep, but having a shitshow in the OOC isn't too great either. If it's something all people should know, of course give replies to the OOC - just don't be too bogged down. If, of course, the person is unreasonable, have no trouble with bringing it up to mods.

That does ring true as the way I ought to operate. I of course wish I could stay connected all the time to handle disputes immediately when they spark up, but that likely won't be possible for me, so I may very well rely on Co-GMs to see to lighter matters and things easily resolvable until I make it online.

Discord is something I'll have to start using in earnest eventually, and I foresee quite the learning curve ahead of me, what with its propensity toward getting inundated with messages very quickly. For setting players aside though, guildside PMs are likely what I'll be more comfortable with, but I'll be willing to use Discord if the player prefers it.

- Sometimes things will fail. Go in with that as a distinct possibility however confident you are and have contingencies for yourself and your plot should that happen. Use what fails as inspiration to do something better, get new people, reboot, whatever you need to do.

If I'm confident in anything, it's that nothing will be flawless, not even by the second or third attempt. I don't mean that in a defeatist sort of way, but rather in recognition that GMing is a composite of skills that are developed over time, and even the best out there know that not everything can be accounted for, certainly not at the start.

- Express your setting and wishes clearly, but concisely. Attempt to find the balance between providing everything people want to know and could know, and ensuring people can do it without having their eyes bleed. Be clear in what you're striving to achieve.

With all I intend to pass through this thread, I will be nothing if not transparent, even before an interest check is released. Some time ago, I heard that a major cause of player dropoff may lie in the RP ultimately differing from their expectations. Looking further ahead, I believe that if any IC I put out can not just inform players of what the RP will be about, but also how the game will function, then hopefully anyone that joins will be less likely to find themselves dissatisfied. All the more work on my part, but it might pay off in the long run.

Thanks again for the pointers, Spambot. If you or anyone wishes to send any more my way, I say go for it. Even if I don't respond right away, I'll of course listen to it.

Reckon my next post will likely be the first actual update. There are mechanics and features I have my mind on and they will shape what my RPs look like, so it's best I address them first. All in good time.
Just to get it out of the way quickly, I should mention that I'll have to back out of this RP. It seems I just don't have the circumstances to support this like I'd want to nor the impetus to force myself to carry on writing for the quest in a timely manner. But @Jerkchicken is more than willing to move forward in my stead and is probably far more capable.

I imagine that even the function of Rowan, my seemingly most important character, can be boiled down to issuing a list of available quests to anyone interested in taking them, you know - gamey stuff. Course, since I'm leaving, it's not like I ought to be the final word as to what becomes of my characters, but I thought I'd just put the idea out there.

Good luck everyone.

- Know your players. I'm not saying stalk the people who joined and their former posts, but on the other hand, stalk the people who join and their former posts so you have a gist of what you're working with and know how to handle them.

Such an initiative would be so much more bearable if ghost mode prevented you from also appearing in people's visitor list. Oh, well.

My thoughts after that are along the lines of "I doubt I could alter my approach to a significant extent for any single player" and "Given how the players themselves are in the best position to know just what they're capable of, wouldn't it be more practical to lay down what I/the RP will expect from them and they would decide if they're capable of making it work".

Saying that out loud, it does sound like a rather naive stance to rely on completely. I can't help from imagine that I could only tell so much from public posts with conceivably limited context. It's also doubtful to me that anything of significant detriment will come up in a search aside from perhaps evidence of behavioral conflicts that might arise. In a worst case scenario I imagine, "handling them" might not seem like a suitable option.

Course, I'm probably just unaccustomed to the whole thing, and perhaps a clearer way of working with interested players will come to me in time. I am quite interested in examples and hypotheticals on the subject of player inspection, what to look for and so forth, but otherwise I'll likely just conduct the best dive I feel would be necessary into a player's history and use my best judgement from there.

- I don't think I need to tell you about using too dark colors on a dark background regularly and the stupid tiny-text format if you just carry on with the presentation you've been using. It's pretty good. Keep doing.

Thank you. I would have loved to say that the simple presentation I tend towards is out of deliberate consideration and not out of laziness and habit, but it's good to hear that everyone's a winner in that case.

I have used small-text now and again, but never to the extent of full paragraphs on paragraphs of content, as I had seen some others use toward some manner of ascetic effect. It never appealed to me personally, so that shouldn't be a problem if that was what you had in mind.

For better or worse, I am someone who loves his eye-catching pics and imagery, yet I can assure you that I know how to implement them in a manner so as not to ruin a post's structural cohesion (for lack of better phrasing), especially when it comes to large portrait images, which had always been a gripe of mine in the past.

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