Avatar of Mangrale


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current The only thing I love more than the protracted development of passion projects, is NOT getting other people's money involved.
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3 mos ago
Oh Bulbapedia, why must you be this way?
4 mos ago
Despite what Joker 2 would have you believe, the REAL Joker works for Nintendo. Check mate, Batman!
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5 mos ago
Okay but like seriously though, let's not tell Nintendo about this... About what, you ask? Exactly!
6 mos ago
"We hear your enthusiasm for exciting survival experiences, and we're proud to announce even more realistic dino-survival sandbox sims." - Game Devs, apparently
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Greetings visitor! I hope you're having a good day! Whether you've seen me around the guild or not, I should admit that it's only been within year-6 of my time on this site that I've bothered to start work on this here "bio". I feel like I should apologize for not making it a higher priority much sooner, but lately I've adopted that "better late than never" mindset when it comes to introductions, and besides, I doubt there was much to tell in my early years anyway. I'm pretty much an amateur writer who got my start as a minor tag-along player in a fandom AU campaign ran by a small, close-nit remnant of a community formerly in association with a notable strategy-gaming youtuber. I'm being vague for brevity's sake. In the end, I value my first exposure to roleplaying as a personal learning experience more than anything, as I'm definitely the kind of person that sequesters themselves in any given community they find themselves in and RPG is certainly no exception.

That pretty much explains what I've been up to for the last several or so years, with only occasional public posts from me, as private 1x1 roleplays are easily where the lion's share of my attention goes to. Details regarding my particular interests and even approach as a prospective partner can be found in the interest check I update very rarely, but if you'd like to have a link to it or want to work with me in a similar capacity, then PMs are the best way to reach me. As for what you can expect in very broad terms, I'll say that I'm a 90s kid who'd grown up on Nintendo and Cartoon Network where, thanks to Toonami, I've developed an appreciation for the Japanese style of animation, a style that commonly influences my own creative endeavors to this day. That is in no way to say that I'm an avid watcher of anime and the like (I have my tastes and while that does sometimes coincide with what's current, it usually doesn't), just that I gravitate toward the ludicrous, extraordinary concepts and settings they commonly facilitate. That style aligns with what excites me creatively. That's the long and short of it. Exceptions do exist of course.

Most Recent Posts

Hello there. Yeah I believe you got it. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is very much mystery dungeon RPGs where you play as the pokémon themselves. People who know the game series will remember a special quirk reserved for certain characters, but I believe that out of all the RPs that I've seen people do before, everyone is a pokémon plain and simple, and there are no humans. I'm adding some extra things to my game, but at its heart it'll still pretty much be a fantasy adventure sandbox but with pokémon instead of people. It's still a WIP for now, but I've made definite progress.

Your spearow will likely fit in just fine. The character sheet template will be revealed in the future so keep an eye out if you want.
Hey guys! I've come back with the beginnings of what may be the RP's biggest feature: Dungeons. Some may already be known by the time the story begins, others (or most) will have to be discovered over time. But the way dungeons will be implemented was rather up in the air for a while, and it essentially has a major bearing on the game as a whole. So naturally I'm starting with an off-kilter option to see how that goes for a while. You see, the bare minimum might be something like just written descriptions whereas the most experienced GMs might look to using their online dungeon-generator of choice. But me, I'm currently leaning towards the poor-man's dungeon map, finagling tables once more, but this time into a simple square grid formation. Keep in mind that some of this might be subject to change.

Below you'll find a sample for 10 columns and 3 rows, representing 1 floor of a dungeon. Number of floors and even the total spaces a floor can have will vary from dungeon to dungeon.
  • Active Cells (Highlighted Spaces) are for rooms where the player party is located. Can the party split up in a dungeon? Not sure. Should they? Probably not. But we'll cross that bridge later.
  • Black Full Blocks just mean a completely unknown and (currently) unreachable part of the map
  • █ White Full Blocks refer to open spaces, and one or more blocks alongside each other make an open room.
  • ╬ Box Drawing Characters (Double Lines) are for pathways and corridors within a dungeon
  • Gray Full Blocks are also unknown parts of the map, but ones reachable by players from adjacent spaces

I hope this setup is easy to read, even if it isn't particularly pretty to look at. It's the best I could come up with at this point, and I believe that, in this way, I can incorporate some of the additional features we've come to love about PMD's dungeon crawling. Course for now, I'm not fixing to make combat overly stat based, perhaps only things like equipment, level, typing and moves factoring into a player's own storytelling. What harder rules I do have in mind center around things like resource management and (maybe) a light use of RNG tables.

I'll of course explain more in future updates. TTRPGs were never my scene, and I'm sure it shows. But even if there was a guarantee that I'd pull this off flawlessly, I feel like there might be some level of disappointment towards this direction. Doors are bound to close with decisions like this. Regardless, all I can say is that I'll try my best to make it work, till the very end or until something I hadn't accounted for makes me reexamine what I want from the RP (it's been known to happen). Anyway, I wish you all the best until I come back. Take care.
Hello everyone! Progress has been made, just slower than I'd like. The first order of business is the four special events I mentioned in connection with the Master Star Festival. I wanted something interesting to punctuate the start of each season, though not anything as major as an elaborate celebration. They will be added to the final calendar for sure, but I thought I'd post them here as well so you can know mostly what to expect. I have plans for them in the future, but more has to be done first.

In other news, I'm considering having images hosted on site, especially considering that I'll be pushing for artwork on my end when it comes to side characters. That said, I'm thinking I'll add individual sprites to the folder only after I've introduced them for the RP (I'm too paranoid when it comes to spoilers). Ivytortle is there already and more will come in time.

The "Complete Calendar Display" sub-hider section has been added to the "In-Game Calendar" hider, describing as clearly as I can what to expect from the RP's "Wandering Star Calendar", it's makeup and how it works. It's mostly what I already mentioned, but it'll be a reference for when anyone needs it.

It might soon be time for me to tackle one of the biggest aspects of a mystery dungeon game. I have an idea brewing on how I can do it, but like you'd expect it's rather foolhardy and needlessly complicated. Wish me luck anyway! Take care until then.
Hello again everyone. Some more work was done on the calendar. I did replace the old version but then I immediately decided to post the WIP here anyway. Like I mentioned, every number has been colored to align to their respective season. It does look a bit unsightly that three of the seasonal transitions occur in the middle of months, but ultimately the best I could manage might be to try and make it as easy to read as I can.

I'd like to have special events occur at the start of seasons, but now I'm not sure if they'll be festivals like what I have for New Year's Day (each calendar icon will have abbrev. text to them), though they'll at least be related thematically. At any rate, I'll get to deciding for the four of them next. Now to make up for the shame of using emojis, I wanted to fiddle with some well made sprites for my own devices. Here's an empty bottle , and here's a potion , for a craftable basis for unique strategies. That's all I have to present for now. See you next time.
Hello there. Thanks for the interest. This bloated vanity project of mine is still trudging along towards a ready state where everything I have will be listed out and updated. For now though, I can point you to the two main posts having to do with fusion. As part of the hard mechanics, check out the last section of the first post under "Fusion Basics". It's based off of the fan-game Infinite Fusion, if you ever heard of that one. The section might be due for a little update soon, but generally that's what it'll look like.

And for what initiates fusions in the RP, check out this post having to do with a certain class of special items in the game called Coalescite. I hope that helped a little. Basically you can either make a fusion who acts just like any other pokémon (and stays like that permanently), or your pokémon can become part of a fusion later that's literally a two in one (with the help of said special items). I like to think that presents a good deal of freedom for what kind of character you might want to make. Let me know if you have any other questions.

(P.S. - Items like those crystals have additional descriptive text to each of them once you move your mouse cursor over them. Sorry if you already knew that. Just wanted to be sure.)
Hello again. I believe I've found a calendar setup that covers just about everything I want it to and that's also pretty easy to read. Kinda made up a name for this thing at the last minute but who knows if I ever come across something better than "Revival Age" Calendar. Also this is indeed the first time I've tried out tables within tables so it certainly isn't as clean as I want, but I'm willing to overlook it all if the players are.

It's still a WIP because I still intend to work on it, particularly when it comes to addressing seasons and events. When I next get the chance, I'll likely try and color every numbered day in one of four colors tied to their respective season. The first day of each season will probably have a special event tied to it (like a festival or the like).

Off the top of my head for now, I wanted to divide the thirteen months into as few sub-hiders as possible for our convenience while also keeping a sensible number per hider. Nevertheless, I'm sorry if this setup doesn't read that well on your device. In the full game, active in-game days during the RP will see their "cells" set to "active" so as to be easily spotted. The sub-hider(s) containing active days can also receive a temporary marker so you know generally where to look.

Not bad for a first time, I'd say. Seems like there's more going for this calendar idea than against it so I'm good to continue developing it. This was something I might have thought of now and again, but never had the excuse to try out before now. I'll come back with an update to this soon. See you then.
Hello there! Welcome to the site and thanks for the interest. To be honest, I've never actually been in a PMD RP either, so this is all new to me. The earlier entries (Up to Explorers of Sky) are what I'm drawing the most inspiration from in terms of finer details like items and so forth. But this project for the most part should wind up being its own thing, so hopefully no one will need that much experience in order to get into it.

That said, there's plenty of things I'll be going for in this RP that will put off plenty of people (such as fusions like this guy), so I probably won't be the one to go to for that pure and simple PMD experience. I can't guarantee that this will click with you when all's said and done, but I can guarantee that it will be finished and open someday.

Would be cool if I see you again when that happens, but in the meantime, don't be afraid to check out another of the site's other RPs to join. A good deal of them would be happy to have you. And if you have any questions about how to navigate this place or whatever, feel free to ask around and someone will surely get you sorted. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Alright so, first off, time was at a premium for a while here. Some things you can't help, you know. Unfortunately what I did spend an inordinate amount of time on was a reevaluation of the in-game calendar. I know I said I didn't see the point in tampering with it further, but I couldn't help but fixate on it as of late and so wound up wanting for better than a season paired with a dreadfully basic day counter.

So it started with wanting to change the name of every day in the week, but I soon came to realize that not only were my attempts at substitutes terrible enough for me to give up, but that said attempts would have been pointless in the end anyway. So much of our lives are tied to the days of the week that it'll likely end up being far too annoying for players to make "new" associations just for this RP.

Month names were what I ultimately took a stab at, but before I tell you them, I'll need to give you some background. The rudimentary idea of a single annual day separated from the more evenly divisible 364 days of the year was actually something I lifted from a concept I came across some time ago: the International Fixed Calendar. With just one standalone day and an extra month, I got myself complete uniformity across all months and years (standard leap year terms may apply).

The biggest drawback for me however was that 13 months cannot be spread across four seasons evenly (no matter how hard you try). Now, can even that bit of annoyance be overlooked in the end? I don't know. Maybe? I'll have to consider how I feel about it some more before I rewrite anything I have on the calendar section. For now though, I could list out the month names I've settled on.

1. Nokta 4. Nenoh 7. Reor 10. Lalao 13. Mikkatia
2. Irvesi 5. Onshin 8. Vanou 11. Ragal
3. Ojoth 6. Uishi 9. Solka 12. Depala

I'm sure you'll get the trick I used right away. The point is to get across that this is indeed its own world with its own cultures, as it really didn't sit right with me to stick with RL months. It really came down to preference, but I also understand if anyone feels names like these don't fit that well with what you expect from PMD. Suggestions are always welcome, but I thought I might as well put it out there.

And as a way of a bonus, here's a shield for similar items in your inventories. Took longer than the sword sprite, but in the end, I'm happy that it communicates what I want. See you guys later.
@Elite Minor
Appreciate the possible interest. In the future, just about every update I've made will be put together in a single list for quick reference. At around that time, I'll bump this IC again to see if anyone wants in after they know what they'd be getting themselves into.
Hello again. This is a smaller update coming at you sooner because I wanted to throw some ideas around for implementing individual character inventories. To sum up, as I have it now, every player character will be able to carry a limited number of items wherever they go (I currently got it as 5 unstackable slots for simplicity's sake), along with an additional slot specifically for equipment (your gameplay-functional garments or accessories). Clothing items worn purely for show will likely be covered in the "appearance" part of the CS and perhaps there'll also be a count for the money PCs carry with them.

I'm leaning towards the floor being open for players to propose their own ideas for new equipment and items, even for their pokémon at the start of the story, though they will have to be treated and balanced accordingly. For instance, there can certainly be equipment like bags and such that could give you more item slots, but any of them accessible at the start will only get you 1 additional slot.

Now then, true to my word, I wanted to give some novice sprite work a try for a class of item that doesn't exist for the PMD games already, in this case: weapons. I hold no delusions of the quality, but even this piece , such as it is, feels like beginner's luck. I don't think I can justify branching off into different types of weapon sprites like spears and so on, but a real artist is more than welcome to try. No, at best I might just pass off some recolors to represent different grades/varieties of weapons. Now and again I'll try at more sprites for things, but for now, I'm happy to say that I won't be relying on emojis just yet. Thanks for catching up on this vanity project of mine and I'll see you next time.
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