Avatar of ManyThings


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4 mos ago
Current Be a moon unto yourself.
10 mos ago
You almost got the cheese touch....
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6 yrs ago
There are stupid questions, but if you pretend you were just joking you should be okay.
6 yrs ago
The best business pitch is to throw the business ball past the business batter to the business catcher.
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6 yrs ago
I sometimes hear about someone having skeletons in their closet. Ok? How do you know they're still in there? You can't just assume a skeleton is gonna stay still. This is your house, not a graveyard.


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@vancexentan Okay, here's something.

Yeah sorry I've been quiet and busy. It's a rough time but I think I can get back to things tomorrow night?

I can do Lancer. My characters will probably join the crew in the summoning room or Poland if that's okay, assuming you don't get stuck in there much longer.

Minivan, through the Historical District

The plain looking vehicle rumbled over the bridge and into the district isolated by water. It passed by the venerable buildings of the area as it took a leisurely path, along the scenic route, a small point of light travelling through this tranquil December night. The architecture around here was from a time long past, but in Saber's eyes, this was...

"...There's something!" A voice brimming with energy remarked to his Master, who was watching out the window. Richard would have felt it at roughly the same time. Energy denoting both a Servant and Master in one place. At the next intersection they came to, Saber made a right turn, increasing the minivan's speed to catch up with this unknown pair.

As the car came over a hill, it became clear that they were not pursuing just a pair. Alongside the Master, who seemed to be a youngish girl, walked two other mages. Of course, they would be invited as well. "If you don't mind, I will attempt to sway the hero while you speak to the reason of the magi, assuming their relationship is so simple as all that." This group would definitely have felt the vehicle approaching, and with a Servant in tow they would likely be able to flee, but with superior numbers, why hasten to escape? As long as the hero didn't pick up anyone and start running, Saber would eventually pull up next to them, coming to a stop as much or as little as they did.

"Good evening, all, even if it is an unfavourable season for war in the traditional sense." He spoke as he pushed open the driver's side door and stepped outside, seemingly unbothered by the sharp cold even in his casual and light civilian clothes, not that anyone here could ever mistake him for a civilian. He crossed his well-muscled arms, which were only barely held in by his short sleeves. Saber could not quite be called a giant, but he nonetheless cut an imposing figure as he stood before the group. "Please don't panic, we're not here to launch an attack."

"You look to be headed somewhere tonight, so my Master and I thought to offer you a drive!" Saber gave a grin to the other Servant present, no matter if he found him to be in physical form or otherwise. "Additionally, to my fellow warrior, I propose we fight together as allies. For the Grail, if you like, but I'll gladly support a comrade in any noble goal he has set his heart on!"
I am still here, I was just having some trouble with ideas. I thought I might need one of the NPCs to Master the Servant I play, but I think I've got a Master I can work on now. Since Artificial has just properly been pronounced gone I might go with Berserker.
I somehow managed to miss this one until now, but it looks like... Lancer is still available, am I right?

Montag Apartment

As he listened to his Master's Declaration of an outing, Saber leaned on the frame of the newly-opened door, where he had arrived only a few moments earlier. In contrast to the knightly garb he had been summoned in, he was now dressed in a t-shirt and jeans more fitting of the day and age, something critical for interacting with the neighbours and blending in, although it would scarcely fool anyone who had a sense of magical energy.

"A splendid idea!" Saber had already held a contented look on his face, so his expression as Richard related his plan was simply a shift from passive to active happiness. He knocked his hands together twice, cleaning off a fair amount of dust. Richard couldn't be sure of the exact source of it, but he would have a general idea. Saber had been helping the neighbours with various physical chores since their arrival, in between his visits to restaurants and bars. "Killing would be fruitless, but gathering comrades is best done early."

Saber let his Master pass through the door before walking alongside him as the two made their way down the staircase to the parking lot. Along the way he made friendly greetings to the last few tenants who were just locking up for the night. As the pair stopped next to an unassuming minivan parked among all the other civilian vehicles, the swordsman turned to the mage. "I'm sure you know the risks of coming out yourself. The bloodthirsty Assassin is probably stalking the streets while Caster schemes and spreads pawns."

A frown formed on Saber's face as he regretted his words immediately. Stealth and Magecraft still required much training, and they could certainly be used for good. If he met a Servant from one of those Classes who was worthy to join his band, he would definitely have to commend them on rising above their assigned status in the war.

The air audibly shifted in a thunderous clap as Saber's hand moved and closed into the thumbs-up position directed at Richard. "...So since you have the courage to step out onto the battlefield of heroes as a man of the modern age, I promise to spare no effort in your protection!"

With that, he brought his other hand down on the top of the car with not quite enough force to dent it. "We have space in here for a great many heroes! If your familiars have informed you of anyone in particular, we may head there, but I otherwise have no problem simply exposing my presence while we do a bit of sightseeing."

Flying Saucer

The silvery disc was supported by its three landing legs on the small island at the centre of the duck pond. Its surface way entirely smooth and without marking, aside from the spaces where the legs extended from. However, when the last of the Blue Fields citizens had cleared off of the streets, an externally invisible hatch on the saucer roof opened with a hiss.

"-Guess I'll go up with you."

If anyone had been in the park at this late hour, they still would not have heard the second half of Andrei's sentence, as it was stopped by the boundary of the island. From the hatch, the UFO's captain climbed out, followed by the Emperor of Rome. The latter was outfitted in a fashionable, if rather flamboyant, winter coat, while the former was completely bundled up with a thick jacket, earmuffs, scarf, and gloves.

He had grown up in Arizona, after all.

"Take the wheel, skeleman! Put the cloak up, but leave the landing legs down!" He called down into the cabin as he closed the hatch behind them. As it fell into place, a small handle rose from the top which could be used to open it again. It was something that could be retracted using the control panel, which meant they were completely at the mercy of Agent Morgan. A scary thought, but at least he didn't have a gun.

Nero was the sort to put you in a daze when you spent a day with her, so Andrei couldn't think of the furthest apart they had been since her summoning, but now, Andrei very intentionally huddled close to Nero. His new coat was thick enough to make the chilly Montana air manageable without her added warmth, but that didn't account for what they were about to do. "Keep a sharp eye out, okay? If an Archer or flying-type Rider catches wind of us, you'll be our only hope."

The hummm of the saucer was something that anyone hanging around it would quickly tune out, but now it raised in volume until it could no longer be ignored. The pair could feel it moving under them, beginning to hover, but ignoring a slight correction from the mildly uneven ground to a perfect midair level, there was absolutely no wobble. Abnormally for such takeoffs, the three legs of the UFO remained extended, and after a moment, the entire surface, legs and all, vanished from sight. Andrei and Nero could feel the surface they stood on and detect the immense mana core within, but they did indeed seem to be standing on air.

"Let's get outta here!"

The humming reached its peak, and the saucer flew away.

There was no explosion or prolonged jet of flame. The people of Blue Fields would scarcely see or hear a thing. Nonetheless, the energy in the air was nearly tangible. This was flight meant to travel the stars, and in another moment, it would reach its destination. Its altitude was low enough that it would have been at risk of crashing into the W.I.P. skyscraper of the city, but Morgan's dexterity was far too precise to allow for something like that, even if it had been able to damage the ship.

Anyone in tune with mana would note the vague position of something in the sky, and the eyes of Servants were sharp enough to pick out the nigh-invisible ship even without the two people grouped atop it, being battered by the wind. Just now, they were partway through the downtown area, but where would they end up?

Flying Saucer, Blue Fields Park

Yes! He had managed to summon one!


...What did that mean?

By all accounts, a really gorgeous lady had appeared. A former boss of Rome, apparently. Did the Romans fight skeletons? If there was even a chance, he had to warn her not to-

"You may praise me now."

Was it supposed to be like this? Andrei had gotten the impression that having a Servant was meant to be more like "I will do as you command, Master." A working relationship that didn't involve some ancient dead lady rubbing up against you.

This was perfect for him, then. It would've been dull if his situation had been the same as everyone else's. While all those losers were stuck being "Masters," Andrei would be a "Maestro." He liked the sound of it, for now. Plus, if he really needed to boss someone around, there was always that skeleton guy.

On the subject of praising the Emperor...

"Uh, nice entrance."

That ought to do it.

"But yeah, I'm Andrei Ozhidani. Your Maestro, I guess. Do I call you Nero, or am I supposed to go by your class container?" He made to pull back and offer a handshake, but if Nero decided to keep him in her grasp there wasn't much he could do. " Welcome to my flying saucer! In this war we have the extremely cool benefit of a mobile base, so make yourself at home!"

He looked squarely in Nero's eyes. She was weird, but that was fine. Good, even. Meanwhile, the smell of paint definitely seemed to be clearing out along with the last remains of the summoning fog. Using his newly gained Master's clairvoyance, he could see that she was a high-quality Servant whose abilities would work well with what he had.

"I don't know if you had any plans in mind when you appeared, but there are a few important things to take care of. First you'll have to meet my right hand man. He looks like, but is not actually, a skeleton. The other thing is a real dilemma. See, we all need winter clothes, but since none of us have winter clothes yet we can't go outside to get them."

He looked Nero up and down. What she was wearing looked kind of warm, but it was no jacket. "If you're good with braving the elements to buy a coat or two, I'll give you some cash. Or maybe you have another plan?"

Flying Saucer, Blue Fields Park

"Jeez louise, it's chilly!"

Andrei stepped off the ramp that rose from the ground below and into the UFO interior. Behind him, the ramp folded up to become part of the floor, sealing the cabin with a hiss. "The boundary field's up, but I'm not going out there again without a sweater!" As he spoke, he walked, and he reacclimatized to the heated indoor air of the ship. His words were undercut by the occasional beep from the control panel and the constant hummmm of the saucer's core.

"I could go get you one, but the townspeople would probably beat me to death before I made it to the store." The metal chair at the other end of the cabin spun around, revealing a human skeleton.

...No, that wasn't right. The eye sockets that should have been holes into an empty skull were instead indentations about half an inch deep, painted black. The joints of its limbs were very obviously artificial, and from the left side, the screws that held it together could all be seen.

Moreover, a price tag hung from its ribcage.

"Mind you, they could only kill me because I don't have a-"

"If I get you a gun, you're not gonna be using it to attack random townspeople" Andrei could see the sentient halloween decoration's trigger finger twitching restlessly. What kind of wraith had he stuck inside those plastic bones?

"Right. Yes, sir. As long as we're hiding here, I'm sure I won't be in a shootout anyway."

They were parked on a small island at the center of a duck pond that was bereft of ducks. It had a pair of benches, a small plaque built into the ground explaining how a tree had been planted in someone's memory, and a white bridge that led to the bulk of the park. Thanks to Andrei's efforts from a moment ago, civilians would not notice the large metal disc dominating the island, and any who tried to go there would suddenly decide to enjoy a lovely day somewhere else.

"Still, just because it's a good hiding place doesn't mean it's not pretty lame." Andrei threw himself down onto a couch. The entire surrounding area seemed to hold traces of ancient and advanced technology, but had been largely converted into a modern-day living space. "But I'm stuck indoors because of this icy Montana weather!"

"I think it's normal for this area and time of year." With Morgan sitting in a chair next to the couch while Andrei lay down, the situation looked like some kind of joke about a psychiatrist.

"Good point, Boney Bob!"

"It's Agent Morgan."

"That's a stupid name."

"You came up with it literally six days ago!"

"...Whatever. If everyone around here was expecting it to be this cold, maybe we could fly around until we see some people with coats on, then with the tractor beam..."

"Why don't you just summon your Servant and have them get you a sweater?"

A look of supreme realization appeared on Andrei's face. "Oh, yeah. Good point."

He was a quick worker once he got started, so in fifteen minutes, the complex circle for the summoning ritual had been drawn in bright red paint on the UFO floor.

"You think the air recycler is gonna filter out those fumes? Agent Morgan commented idly from his position splayed out on the pile of furniture that had been moved to make space for the ritual.

"I mean it's super high tech, so probably, right?" Andrei sniffed the air, which seemed, if anything, less paint-scented than when he had first opened the can. Probably a good sign. "Okay! Boney- um, Agent Morgan! Please step outside!"

"Can I ask why, first?"

"Servants are heroes, after all!" Andrei started speaking as though he would have said the same thing even if the skeleton had made to walk silently outside. "And any self-respecting hero would attack a low-level monster like a skeleton on sight! With that in mind, I'll explain your situation to them, and then you can come in!"

"I'll ignore that you just called the way you very intentionally made me 'my situation', but is that really true about heroes?" He was lowering the ramp to head outside either way. It wasn't like he could disobey the captain's orders, after all.

"I dunno. It made sense in my head."

The skeleton was already outside.

As the ramp raised itself back into the floor, the three landing legs of the UFO also folded in. There was a slight thump as the full weight of the saucer landed on the well-kept park grass, connecting to the land.

With the hiss of the cabin being sealed, Andrei turned to the circle. Now that he had caught a whiff of outside air, the paint fume smell was a lot more noticeable, but he was still pretty sure it was getting filtered out.

He took a deep breath, and began the incantation-


Nothing happened.

The magical energy did not react, and command seals were nowhere to be found.

Andrei sighed.

"Grail. Have you every heard of the Rule of Threes?"

A slight reaction. The circle began to glow.

"It means that if I have to say something three times, I'll be very disappointed!"

With a slight burning sensation, some sort of bruise began to appear on his hand.

"I know you've got your magic words you like to hear when people summon Servants, but it's important to try new things! Understand?!"

Light began to pour forth from the circle.

"With that in mind-"

The light became blinding.


The cabin was completely filled with a wave of steam. Always a sign of good things.

Hopefully the air recycler would filter it out.

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