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Current Be a moon unto yourself.
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You almost got the cheese touch....
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6 yrs ago
There are stupid questions, but if you pretend you were just joking you should be okay.
6 yrs ago
The best business pitch is to throw the business ball past the business batter to the business catcher.
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6 yrs ago
I sometimes hear about someone having skeletons in their closet. Ok? How do you know they're still in there? You can't just assume a skeleton is gonna stay still. This is your house, not a graveyard.


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If you feel that strongly, I'll think on it.

I like the "owner of a long object" Lancers though.
What if it worked only on magecraft and more specifically mystery-relient abilities? As an example, magecraft related to the human body has gotten weaker thanks to progress in the medical sciences. It would be like a localized version of that. Tesla relies on the fact that mankind thinks lightning is this gift from the gods so he could use it on things like that too.
I see what you mean. It's not like I would ask you how it actually works or have Lancer talk about it so much as it is a conceptual thing.

Alternatively I could spin it as more of a theory disproving thing based on the destruction of geocentrism. Like "What you're doing doesn't make any sense physically speaking!"

Either way it's important to remember the amount of effort that is required to pull it off. He has to get into a fight or watch one happen, then go home and think about what he saw, then later if the same enemy shows up he can put a few rank-downs on the ability in question.
It's true that it's a stretch, but he and Tesla both have justification in how mankind sees them. Since they're credited for big things (space and lightning) they have access to them.

That seems like a misunderstanding of Innovation, though. Sword skill would mostly be fine unless it was something like Kojiro's strike. Tearing down the mystery of magical things is the exact point of this ability. Presence Concealment would be hard to affect because you can't watch a person do it unless their PC rank is less than the telescope's.
He's a Lancer because of the telescope! It's sort of odd, but it's magnification ability means it's valid in melee. If necessary I can switch him to a Berserker because he was considered a madman by some at the time. Could be interesting.

Innovation of Understanding is more like... "Ah yes the energy is used like this. I see, it's simple thermodynamics!"

...Sorry, I am hardly a man of actual science. But remember that mystery equals power for Servants and magecraft in general. He couldn't find out true names, or learn what the skill can do without seeing it in action, but as he observes how the ability works more and more he basically deconstructs it down to a science. When magecraft becomes understood by humanity, it weakens greatly. I figured you wouldn't want it to be permanent based on how you reacted to that NP-cutting sword earlier, so I had it mostly stick to fights against Lancer himself with some residual weakening afterwards. Consider that mundane weapons can't really affect Servants and you'll probably get why turning mystery into science would be useful. Going that far would likely require a long fight with Lancer personally involved, though, and he can't really make an NP release ineffective unless he sees it used 2 or 3 times first.

Galileo's Natural Genius is mostly sticking to the mundane. Martial arts, military tactics, sewing, etc., as well as various fields of science. He likely couldn't get Mind's Eye but he could probably get swordsmanship or what have you. If you need a real list, I will make it and check with you if everything else about him is accepted.
@vancexentan Okay, here's something.

Yeah sorry I've been quiet and busy. It's a rough time but I think I can get back to things tomorrow night?

I can do Lancer. My characters will probably join the crew in the summoning room or Poland if that's okay, assuming you don't get stuck in there much longer.

Minivan, through the Historical District

The plain looking vehicle rumbled over the bridge and into the district isolated by water. It passed by the venerable buildings of the area as it took a leisurely path, along the scenic route, a small point of light travelling through this tranquil December night. The architecture around here was from a time long past, but in Saber's eyes, this was...

"...There's something!" A voice brimming with energy remarked to his Master, who was watching out the window. Richard would have felt it at roughly the same time. Energy denoting both a Servant and Master in one place. At the next intersection they came to, Saber made a right turn, increasing the minivan's speed to catch up with this unknown pair.

As the car came over a hill, it became clear that they were not pursuing just a pair. Alongside the Master, who seemed to be a youngish girl, walked two other mages. Of course, they would be invited as well. "If you don't mind, I will attempt to sway the hero while you speak to the reason of the magi, assuming their relationship is so simple as all that." This group would definitely have felt the vehicle approaching, and with a Servant in tow they would likely be able to flee, but with superior numbers, why hasten to escape? As long as the hero didn't pick up anyone and start running, Saber would eventually pull up next to them, coming to a stop as much or as little as they did.

"Good evening, all, even if it is an unfavourable season for war in the traditional sense." He spoke as he pushed open the driver's side door and stepped outside, seemingly unbothered by the sharp cold even in his casual and light civilian clothes, not that anyone here could ever mistake him for a civilian. He crossed his well-muscled arms, which were only barely held in by his short sleeves. Saber could not quite be called a giant, but he nonetheless cut an imposing figure as he stood before the group. "Please don't panic, we're not here to launch an attack."

"You look to be headed somewhere tonight, so my Master and I thought to offer you a drive!" Saber gave a grin to the other Servant present, no matter if he found him to be in physical form or otherwise. "Additionally, to my fellow warrior, I propose we fight together as allies. For the Grail, if you like, but I'll gladly support a comrade in any noble goal he has set his heart on!"
I am still here, I was just having some trouble with ideas. I thought I might need one of the NPCs to Master the Servant I play, but I think I've got a Master I can work on now. Since Artificial has just properly been pronounced gone I might go with Berserker.
I somehow managed to miss this one until now, but it looks like... Lancer is still available, am I right?
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