Avatar of ManyThings


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3 mos ago
Current Be a moon unto yourself.
9 mos ago
You almost got the cheese touch....
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6 yrs ago
There are stupid questions, but if you pretend you were just joking you should be okay.
6 yrs ago
The best business pitch is to throw the business ball past the business batter to the business catcher.
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6 yrs ago
I sometimes hear about someone having skeletons in their closet. Ok? How do you know they're still in there? You can't just assume a skeleton is gonna stay still. This is your house, not a graveyard.


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Hemlock Reguim

Apartment Workshop, Core District

Hemlock flicked the latch on the window, letting a dove fly in from outside and land on his finger.

"...I see. That man is entirely uninteresting."

The familiar left the way in had come, and its creator closed the window once more. The last remnants of the wind that had been let it caused the curtains to sway back and forth, as well as the cloths covering a few easels stationed around the room. Hemlock turned around and looked over his recently-created workshop. It was beautiful, and that was what mattered. Beauty was necessary to create beauty. Aside from candles, the only source of light in the rather high-quality venue he had procured was the moon shining in through a massive window, which also gave a magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower. One of the covered easels was just next to that window, a barely-started project in which he would be pushed to his limits to portray one of the greatest constructions of mankind. The magus moved to a fine wooden desk and took an object wrapped in white cloth from one of the drawers. Unfolding the wrappings revealed a chunk of wood that had once been part of a certain city's gate.

"Which side will my hero hail from? I wonder..."

Hemlock walked to the centre of the room. The many canvases were arranged around this spot, making it simply perfect, and before him was a complex marking made with drops of mercury. He placed the chunk of wood at his feet and extended one arm towards the circle, which began to emit light.

"Fill, fill, fill, fill, and fill..."

As the chant continued, that light grew brighter with each verse, and fog began to waft from the mercury.

"...Raise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Close the four cardinal gates..."

That fog completely obscured the summoning circle, where the body of an ancient hero began to take form.

"...An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain the beauty of Heaven, and cast aside the unsightly evils of Hell..."

A powerful wave of air threatened to blow Hemlock off his feet, but he stood strong.

"...Come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!"

And with that, the summoning was complete.

...Did it work?

No Saber after all. :^(
I'll do something cooler in a sec.
Yes I'm on it too.
If we're talking Classes, I have a few Riders in mind.
I don't think this is a fight worth haggling over, it should be fine. The zombie rat is a good point, though. I believe Caster was sending it in headlong to see when and how it would die, so if it didn't find anything it would have come out the other side of the forest or made it to the enemy base somehow.
Well, fair enough. The telescope can't see through things ranked B or higher on the Servant scale, so if a Caster was involved it probably won't work. I can't speak to Rider's ability since that's @King Cosmos's business.

Anyway there have been a few posts with things like "I'm scouting the area" and I haven't seen many results from that unless it was in PMs, so I want to make sure our good surveillance utility doesn't go to waste.
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