𝗪 𝗼 𝗻 𝗱 𝗲 𝗿 𝗪 𝗼 𝗺 𝗮 𝗻
♦ D I A N A P R I N C E ♦ V E T E R A N ♦
♦ V I G I L A N T E ♦ U N K N O W N ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T ♦
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:
"I can't sleep anymore. Food has no taste. Alcohol has no favor.
Every time that I close my eyes, I hear souls crying out to me.
I'm already a dead man, waiting for someone to finish me off."
A long time ago, the world used to be simple for everyone. It wasn't perfect, but there was a sense of comfort. Then, she appeared in trenches and led the charge against German forces. She was the one that abruptly changed everything we had learned about ourselves. The one that made everybody, even her allies, terrified. The one that forever changed the history of humanity. The world's first superhero, Wonder Woman. You know the rest. Fought in the Second World War with other superheroes, labeled as a Communist sympathizer during the Cold War, married and watched her lover die in his sleep, and retired.
However, the world kept on going without her until September eleven. Wonder Woman appeared out of the horizon and started helping the firefighters during the search. It was when she vowed to protect humanity once more and be there for them. Yet, she barely knew how much the world changed in thirty years. She didn't realize that until it was too late. Until Transia. In the town of Velinsky, Wonder Woman was tricked by resistance leader, Yuri Petrovich, and his mysterious partner, Aladdin. A fake suit of iron was more than enough for the legendary hero to be consumed by vengeance.
Thanks to Aladdin's powers, he filmed every second and released it to the entire planet. Everybody watched the brutality of Wonder Woman coming out on that day. Meanwhile, in the hill of the people, senators gathered around and smiled at this new evidence that finally will contain the rouge hero. She came to realize, with help from her old friend Steve Rogers, that with great power came responsibility. It was when she vowed to do better while standing up to the committee. That was until Stryfe began his attack.
Just like Aladdin, he managed to play Wonder Woman into destroying the Empire State Building. And in an instant, she went back to her own self. She killed dozens of hired men and would have murdered Stryfe if it wasn't for Captain America's intervention. Before his death, however, he managed to falsely claim that she was the co-collaborator of Metahuman Supremacy Front. It resulted in an ongoing investigation for the American government into the matter. Additionally, with the public slowly turning against her, Diana fell into a depressed state.
Even know her old friend helped a little, Wonder Woman still was a broken woman with no answers. In order to get them, she needed to find former associates before it's too late.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Season 1 marked a turning point for Wonder Woman. For the first time in a long time, she found herself fighting against the American government and possibly the world. And with that, she will have to meet some associates from the past and reunite with old friends and foes. I'm also planning on focusing on the politics and business side of this world. There will be actions and drama as always. It just feels right that I would expand upon this new world.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
I have plans for all of the supporting cast that I used last season. However, I plan on bringing some former members of the JSA and the rest of the former Rocket Reds. Not to forget Captain Atom, General Eiling, and Bambina Arbogast.
S E A S O N O N E S Y N O P S I S:
Refer to the concept section for the summary.