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Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.60: Owning Up

Interaction(s): Haleigh Crawford @Kuro, Calliope De León @PatientBean
Previously: The Obnoxious Tourist

Iñigo wasn't fazed at the man's outburst, colorful insults, and thick English accent. There were worst insults out there than the ones spat out by him. And then he began lecturing them about... well, they weren't quite frankly paying attention. It was nothing more than Banjo whining about them being a 'rude prick' while being such a hypocrite with that display of the bird. And once his temper tantrum had ended, the tent was practically set up and ready for use. Iñigo smiled in delight for pitching a tent without any fuck-ups. Then, they turned around to greet Haleigh and Calliope, acting as if the outburst didn't occur. "Iñigo is indeed my name! I would've properly introduced myself sooner if not for the... interruption. Sorry abo-."

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?"

Before having the chance to react, Calliope inserted herself into the conversation. And yet, Iñigo truly listened to her words and felt terrible for not acknowledging her. But that was the only thing they agreed with. She wasn't any better than them with her snide remark toward Rory, all because he was trying to be a mediator. It wasn't their fault that Banjo lost his cool so fast. And furthermore, Iñigo never agreed to participate in this bonding-with-complete-strangers-in-the-woods activity. Hell, the entire idea of the homecoming trials was meaningless to them. Iñigo didn't even care about winning or which house chose them. All they cared about was upholding their agreement with the Americans.

So they can ultimately be reunited with their parents and little brother. Stop thinking of them! Not with everyone staring at you, idiot!

"You're right. I shouldn't have ignored you and your offer. And for that, I am truly sorry." Iñigo sincerely apologized to Calliope, regretful for being dismissive towards her earlier. Then, it was time to apologize to Haleigh and hopefully be done with this awkward mess. "And I'm sorry for misreading the situation. I swear it won't happen again."

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Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.52: The Obnoxious Tourist

Interaction(s): Haleigh Crawford @Kuro, Banjo @Hound55
Previously: Settling In

Upon a closer look at the bag, there was no way that Iñigo would've set the tent up alone. That should've been obvious earlier, given their lack of experience in assembling tents. But, as per usual, there was no foreseeing them awkwardly inserting yourself as someone's partner. At least Haleigh was also kind, given that she didn't mind the slip-up and was concentrated on the tent. And it was also fortunate that she knew a thing or two about tents and (more importantly) setting one up. Then, before having the chance to say their name, a very familiar high-pitched voice interrupted them. Familiar in the sense that it was assigned to the obnoxious, childish tourist. The ones who have one too many drinks at the casino and start acting irresponsibly before security gets involved.

Banjo might've actually been a kind and pleasant person to hang around with, but his unpalatable demeanor was not doing him any favors. As a result, Iñigo found themselves tuning him out, but not completely to have heard him mention a lever that had been obscured underneath the tent. And the pathetic attempt at flirting by such an irritating man. Iñigo needed to interfere before having to endure any more tries were made. So they decided to speak up for some (much-needed) assistance with the tent. It wasn't a complete lie, given that the manual did not make sense to an inexperienced camper like them. "Haleigh, I need you to read out the instructions while I use the tools provided to us. Whenever you have the time, of course."

And when she was close enough to them, Iñigo stopped messing around with the lever and turned to face her. They didn't care if Banjo was still close enough to listen in to the conversation. "Sorry if I am presuming or whatever, given we hardly know each other. But you can tell me if he's starting to bother you. I have dealt with my fair share of obnoxious tourists who have overstayed their welcome. But if you're fine with him around, then let's focus on this pretentious tent and be done with it before it's too dark to see."

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Good luck with the project.

"But yeah, that's pretty much the crew. We've got a big Breakfast Club vibe… except there's more of us, I guess. And there wasn't a real buff lady. And we're not in detention…"

Honestly, that was quite a lot of details about their teammates to process. But it was very much appreciated. Then the mind began to wander about who would become wary of a "convict" on the team. Iñigo was mentally prepared for the questions and the assumptions from... well, everyone on this island. And the amount of energy it would've taken to constantly correct everybody was not worth it. Not that they were going to try. Then a simple pat on the shoulder interrupted their train of thought. To say that Iñigo was caught off-guard would be an understatement. Their entire arm was shivering despite the warm weather and the pleasant chat with Rory. And they were subconsciously holding their breath, releasing it quite abruptly once they were alone. It was unnerving.

Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.38: Settling In

Interaction(s): Haleigh Crawford @Kuro
Previously: Initiation

By the time the convoy made its presence heard, Iñigo had suppressed the unease from earlier and was more than ready for the trials. Then their mood was ruined when the team's faculty representative greeted everyone. They did not want any more reminders of the unpleasant arrival on campus. Seeing the "personal guru" didn't help whatsoever. It was just another person to lie to on an ever-growing list. Iñigo was paying little attention to the other representative and his team. But, for a brief moment, they glanced up from the ground to witness one of the team members being actively avoided. Iñigo frowned at the sight and tried to get his attention with a simple wave, but he was already gone. Then the time came to depart for the campsites, something they particularly dreaded.

Camping was something that never interested Iñigo. There just wasn't any compelling about the activity other than the scenery. But if they wanted to experience the wilderness, they would've hiked or watched a nature documentary instead. Hell, gardening was more fun than setting up a tent. Not that the tents provided were necessarily terrible; there were worst options out there. But before getting their tent up, Iñigo headed to the student advisor to request vegan for dinner. It wasn't like they didn't eat meat; they were exhausted after having to consume cold burritos and frozen sandwiches for five months straight. Tad, the student advisor, seemed all right enough to chat with relative ease. But they still planned on avoiding the counselor entirely out of an abundance of caution.

Fortunately, the girl in the wheelchair needed help getting her tent up, and it was an easier way of introducing themselves to the team. Better than awkwardly mumbling their name around the campfire late into the night. Iñigo approached her and introduced themselves with a soft smile, "I am more than willing to help you out, camarada." So much for a good first impression, imbécil! The smile faded ever so slightly at the slip-up. "Sorry... Let's just set this tent up."

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For such a confidential assignment, one would assume that an interstellar company like ExoGeni would've paid for better bunks. It wasn't like they didn't have the credits to spend. Antelmo Águila-Paiva struggled to get a decent night's sleep due to the relatively small mattress provided to him. So that explained why he was already at the cafeteria when the helmsman announced that they had arrived at their destination: a barren, frozen hellscape known as Faringor. There wasn't much to note about the planet other than it being the location used in the gothic horror classic, Starless. A tiny part of Antelmo had secretly hoped the assignment would take them to the well-preserved sets on the planet's icy surface.

Then, the helmsman made sure to mention that Laine was waiting for everyone at operations. Antelmo didn't know what to make out of the other human. Other than the fact that the old man had a closet of secrets for being N7. And that included his time on Anhur during the revolt, undoubtedly laboring for the Alliance and their interests abroad. Nobody with such experience in the art of warfare would've helped some industrial planet out of the kindness of their heart. No, they only got involved because it crippled batarian investments in the long run. Antelmo pondered whether the Alliance would have intervened if the oppressors were turian or asari. But of course, he found out the answer a long time ago.

Antelmo made sure to gear up for landfall, examining his rifle and submachine gun to ensure they were ready for action. Then, he changed into simple garments meant to be worn under armor. And by the time he emerged from the armory, the well-worn partisan armor brought forth much-needed color within the vessel. Antelmo arrived just in time to hear the XO complain about never being sent somewhere nice. He made his way over to one of the empty chairs in the room and decided to answer her question in a rather cheeky manner, "I've learned recently that if an assignment involves going to some backwater planet, the pay's higher. But given we're gonna be on the planet used in Starless, our pay will be shit."


FT. MARIVEA @Starlance //

Location: PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #1.25: Initiation

Interaction(s): Rory Tyler @webboysurf
Previously: New Arrival

The gentle breeze of the warm afternoon felt nice while it tickled the olive skin of an observer. That was who Iñigo was, and it didn't bother them in the slightest. Perhaps it was because of their frequent visits to The Strip caused them to often watch tourists roaming about. Or maybe they just enjoyed seeing life unfold from a distance; there wasn't any reason to think about it til now. And it didn't help that their teammates were scarcely having a conversation. In fact, everyone was absolutely starting to disperse from each other, if only briefly, before the trials tonight. Iñigo felt relieved they won't have to explain themselves (and the reason for their late arrival) to the others—for now, at least. But, of course, someone had to approach them all of a sudden. ¿Por qué yo, dios?

"Hey, my name is Rory, it's nice to meet ya. I see you're with Team 21... I'm heading back to the House to pack some stuff for the Trials. Why don’t ya join me, and we can meet up with the others?"

Rory seemed nice. And the fact he didn't instantly act like he was talking to a convict was a good enough sign for Iñigo. It meant that details of their sudden arrival hadn't spread to the team yet. But perhaps their teammate was doing an excellent job of hiding the fact. Regardless of his intentions, his presence was quite endearing, and it would've been rude for them to leave him hanging. Something engraved by their mother at a young age and constantly brought up whenever their little brother was being a little shit at... no. Don't think about them now—not while someone's here. Iñigo shook their teammate's hand and got up from the planter. Their smile was genuine despite still bearing a headache from the inhibitor earlier (it usually lasted twelve hours in the best case).

"Sure, it isn't like I have nothing better to do. The name's Iñigo, by the way." Iñigo smirked at Rory before beginning the lengthy walk back to the dorms. They felt delighted to be walking around without being surrounded by a ten-foot barbed wire fence, having hostile guards beside them every day, or wearing that awful inhibitor. It was fucking liberating. But the awkward silence between their fellow teammate was going to kill that feeling. So to preserve it for as long as humanly possible, Iñigo decided to kick-start a conversation by throwing a seemingly harmless question at Rory (in truth, it was their clever way of learning about the others rather than going in blind and playing catch-up at the trials). "So... what are the others like? I am quite curious about our crew of misfits."

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