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Current i lost the ability to draw and its made me incredibly depressed. i dont know what happened, was learning at a great6 pace, now i cant even draw a face anymore
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Weirdest people come here to rp the weirdest fetishes and play nothing else. There's tons of porn websites just so you guys know
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His name is Dino
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I got my first car yesterday. 2017 Jeep Renegade
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I will be attempting to finish my sheet tonight.
@Lightning Fast oh, and of course if you can finish your sheet by Saturday.
@Lightning Fast You can give it a go as long as it doesn't border too much on comedy and remain active if you are accepted.

Note that I think we have a few more females in the works than males



@Majoras End I can extend it to Saturday if you would like.

MENTIONS: Munehisa [@Solace], Nagi [@Psyker Landshark], Akira [@DJAtomika], Hakuro [@FallOutJack]

Wait, where were these two going, actually? They went into the school the same crow she had taken care of. In fact, it was resting right upon Nagi’s shoulder, as buddy-buddy as one could be with her. Huh, she hadn’t even gotten him to perch on her finger, yet. How the heck did she get it to just sit there without freaking out? Asumi pursed her lips, continuing to follow her two friends from a distance. They entered the school without glancing back, and she slipped in behind them. Her mind and heart raced at the same time. What if they caught her following them? She would have to come up with some half-hearted excuse as to why she was hounding after them like a serial stalker. She wasn’t ready to have to deal with that sort of explanation, nor Nagi’s and Munehisa’s reaction upon hearing it.

They headed up to the third floor and towards an empty clubroom. As the two rounded a corner, Asumi halted at the intersection and peered around the corner to watch them head further down the hall. So, they weren’t studying. Unless they joined a club, both of them were probably up to no good. Why that made her blood run a little hotter, she didn’t know. All she knew was that in the span of seconds, the world warped around her. The smell of waxed floors was replaced with a sickly sweet stench, and her feet seemingly sunk into the ground and tipped her body to the side. A squeak left her in alarm, her left arm reaching towards a wall to catch herself before she fell– only to see that the walls themselves had been decorated with strange, geometric patterns that were sticky with some sort of fluid. Another cry of horror and disgust escaped her as she pulled away in alarm, leaving a stringy trail of the strange, yellow liquid stuck to her hand. She stared down at her fingers, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she glanced back down the hall where Nagi and Munehisa had disappeared. This whole thing smelled of a huge, nasty prank.

”Okay, guys,” Asumi whimpered, trudging down the corridor with overly-exaggerated steps. The texture of the floor just wanted to pull her shoes off… She huffed loudly as she walked, clutching the bag in her right hand like a weapon. Oooh, she’d get to them… and when she did, she’d pull both of their ears! ”This really isn’t funny anymore! You’re gonna have to clean all of this up before anyone finds out, y’know!”


Not much had changed since the last time Nagi and Munehisa had stepped foot within the Palace. Everything was still sticky, the corridors were still long, and the honey-wax candles that hung sparsely from the ceiling lit up only a few patches of the hallways at most.

Surprisingly, the unused room that Nagi and Munehisa had stumbled into didn’t look as abnormal as the rest of the rooms that were scattered across the Palace. The honey still spilled from the walls, but the room was overall dark despite only a small candle lit in the corner. The tiled floors only had splotches of the adhesive substance at its corners where it met the walls. If one looked closely enough in the half-light, they would see that yellowed wallpaper peeled away from the walls and the floors were overall filthy. The room was obviously in poor shape, as if it had been abandoned by a careless parent.

”Ugh, you know it would’ve been better if we did the whole app thing outside, right?” cawed a small puff of feather’s from Nagi’s shoulder. Goji had transformed into a smaller version of himself, though his figure was more round and chubby than usual. He looked more like a stuffed animal than bird, complete with the lack of a neck and large, annoyed looking eyes. His wings, once plumed with long feathers, were now stubby and appendage-like. He flailed his uninjured wing as he glared at Nagi, his tone several pitches higher than usual. ”We could’ve found a secret entrance or somethin’! Wouldn’t be surprised if Teacher Lady knows we’re here already. Great job.”

Meanwhile, the drama club room had remolded itself into something more… well, ornate than the typical Fujihama High drama club room. A huge chandelier hung from the center, highlighting the golden chairs that surrounded the front of the stage in a U-shape. While there weren’t many of the chairs, they were all well-decorated with gold-leaf fridges and void of any of the sticky filth that stuck onto the old, wooden stage. Even the walls glittered with what seemed like diamond dust instead of the normal honey that covered the rest of the Palace. The same could not be said for the actual stage itself, however. Past a pair of silky, off-yellow curtains and into the backstage area rested several large, egg-shaped sacks covered with a thin film of honey. The sacks throbbed in a disturbing fashion; whatever slept within seemed disturbed by Hakuro’s alien presence.

Luckily, nothing was really happening on the roof of Okamoto’s Palace. There were no enemies, no strange beasts, no Shadows that patrolled the rooftops as they did within the Hive. Though, the rooftop was not like its counterpart. Where Fujihama High’s roof was paved in a straight fashion and prevented students from falling off, the Palace’s was curved much like a Hive itself. Though, again, Akira was fairly lucky– the honey that coated the outside of the Palace prevented her from falling, and could provide a proper grip for her if she decided to search for an entrance into the Palace itself.

No problem.
@TheNoCoKid That appearance seems much more like a regional form/stance change than minor aesthetic changes. I already said that I'm not accepting fanmade regional forms/Pokemon/etc, no matter if the typing changes or not. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to deny your request.

Another thing is that remember Asher is a Fire-type gym leader, not a Fighting-type one. Right now, it seems like you're having him border on both. Having a passion for martial arts is fine no matter what the character's preferred typing is, but at the moment it's leaking into your whole character's persona, including what you want for your team. This makes things a little unfair to the person who's actually making a Fighting-type Gym Leader.
@TheNoCoKid Depends on what you want to use for him?
Water @King Cosmos
Ice @Majoras End

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