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Current i lost the ability to draw and its made me incredibly depressed. i dont know what happened, was learning at a great6 pace, now i cant even draw a face anymore
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Excited for more sheets!

Their escapade was more terrifying than exciting. Behind them, the SandWings scrambled, writhed, and clawed at their scales in useless attempts to get rid of the venom that clung to their skin and seared holes through their tendons. The arena had flown into a frenzy, with dragons scattering into the skies in terror. Two monsters had escaped, and they had to get home before they were killed, devoured, or worse. Vivid grinned down at the storm of thrashing wings and tails that lashed back and forth in desperation. With the havoc they caused, they would surely be home free… right?

They flew for a while over the sandy wastes. No one followed them. Three moons, she thought Boa and Caracal would care a bit more about losing their dragons. Maybe there was just too much chaos going around for them to set off after them in a hot pursuit. Which meant that they had more than enough time to lay and rest. Her body ached, and fatigue set in as soon as her claws touched down upon the sands of the oasis that Frostbite had found. Finally, some water and shade. She trod over to the parched hybrid’s side and slipped into the water. It was shallow, but deep enough to soak in. She spread open her blue wings and let her brilliant yellow membranes soak in the coolness of the water.

”Ahhh,” she breathed in a sigh of relief before she dipped her head into the water to take large gulps of the liquid. It wasn’t too grainy, but she wasn’t going to complain. Honestly, if she had the option, she’d stay at that oasis forever. It was much better than that courtyard back in the Scorpion’s Den.

She raised her head and swiveled it around, facing Frostbite. ”You’re Frostbite, then?” she piped. ”I’m Vivid. It’s nice to meet you!”

The scratches that marred her scales stung, but for now, they were trophies that she had sustained in order to achieve her freedom. She wondered how tired Frostbite was. ”Are we staying at this oasis for too long? The water feels nice, you should try it out!”

Frostwhisker always thought that vigils were easy to get through. She had heard of some tricks that young warriors told to-be apprentices in order for them to ride through their own vigils as painless as possible. Unfortunately, none of these so-called tricks worked for her. She tried to count the stars in the sky, though it was far too easy to lose her place, and she had to start over every time. Then she would think of what she would do if she was a shark in the ocean and dream of underwater tales of adventure. Yet, to say that Frostwhisker was exhausted at the end of the night was a huge understatement. By the time the sun peeked over the horizon, tinging the dark waters a brilliant amber, Frostwhisker wasn’t sure she could feel her paws anymore. But there were things to be done as a warrior, and she was going to accomplish any task that was to be laid at her paws.

Dawnstar’s first task, however, was one that almost knocked her over.

She stared at her leader in shock, her eyes wide as moons. Going to FireClan? Why couldn’t she stay there? Her first day as a warrior, and Dawnstar was already kicking her out? She felt the fur at the back of her neck begin to bristle, though she forced it to lay flat with a pained swallow. Her tail, however, lashed back and forth in frustration a pawful of times. ”I’ll be proud to serve BreezeClan, Dawnstar. But, I have to ask, wouldn’t it be better to send an older warrior..? I only became one yesterday,” she murmured, her voice uncharacteristically low. She dropped her eyes towards the floor in anticipation of her answer. There was no point in debating with her leader. Dawnstar’s word was law, even if it made no sense.

Her pawsteps burned against the cobblestone. Her ribs rattled with the rapid thrumming of her heart, the blood that it pumped through her body roaring in her ears like the vicious screech of a feral Pokemon. Lumi ground her teeth together as she made her way down Sunspear’s Main Street. Of course Sora was still around. What was she even supposed to do? If she was smart, she’d just leave Rieka, Enya, and Marlow behind and head off elsewhere. They would do well with Cash and the rest of them. Meanwhile, she was small enough to not garner too much attention on her way back to Fishertown. That was, if she was lucky…

A familiar voice from behind her made her nearly leap out of her fur. Whirling around, she came to be face-to-face with her remaining brother. A storm of words threatened to spill out of her maw in response, though she swallowed them. No. Now wasn’t the time to argue. Too many Pokemon would see and they would get too much attention. Her amber eyes darted to one corner of the square, then to the other. The citizens of Sunspear seemed to be very entertained with their own endeavors. They smiled, laughed, and chatted with one another. Despite everything, it felt like the world was about to collapse on top of her and she was going to be crushed under the rubble. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t bring herself to look directly at her brother. At her very own flesh and blood.

”I haven’t heard anything from Sable for a long time,” she admitted. That wasn’t a lie. Sable hadn’t even tried to reach out to her, though she guessed that was her fault as well. It wouldn’t have taken long to have sent a bird to check up on her eldest sister. ”I can only guess that Fawn’s doing great studying in Twilight City.”

Her paw scuffed the pathway. She wanted to sink her claws into the stone and scream at Sora. Screech at him, ask him why he was pretending things were so normal. All she did was blink up at him in a somewhat disinterested glance in turn. ”How have you been?”

I should be headed home today, so I'll work on my character soon.

Try to have your characters done by Thursday guys!
I haven't gotten up my sheet due to being at my boyfriend's house for the weekend, but interesting characters so far!

A little insight to my girl-- born into the Joy family, decided to become a trainer, was disowned by family, and was destroyed defeated in the Champion's Cup the first few times.
@Exit Sorry, forgot to add you cause I was half blind after coding that sheet ;(
Claimed types:

Dragon @Ambra
Flying @Psyker Landshark
Ground @Solace
Ghost @Serei2477
Fairy @Yankee
Steel @Lord Orgasmo
Psychic @Crimson Flame
Ice @Majoras End
Fighting @Demon Shinobi
Dark @PrankFox
Poison @Fabricant451
Normal @Vertigo
Electric @LuckyBlackCat
Water @King Cosmos
Fire @TheNoCoKid
Grass @Exit

NOTE: Only ten to eleven people will be accepted depending on the quality of character sheets. If you are NOT accepted, do not take it personally. Have fun creating your characters, and good luck!

1.) Iris Gattonsvale - Ghost - Wedgehurst Gym
2.) Isaiah Cross - Dark - Motostoke Gym
3.) Bianca Schnee - Ice - Circhester Gym
4.) Sawyer Chahal - Normal - Turffield Gym
5.) Nordrin Yasmar - Fairy - Hulbury Gym
6.) Fiona MacConnell - Flying - Ballonlea Gym
7.) Mika Arenas - Ground - Stow-on-Side Gym
8.) Hestia Joy - Dragon - Hammerlocke Gym

1.) Basil Constantine - Grass - Turffield Gym
2.) TBD
3.) TBD
4.) Allen Martenson - Steel - Hammerlocke Gym
5.) Sloan Wilder - Fighting - Circhester Gym
6.) Inigo Abastello - Fire - Spikemuth Gym
7.) Astrid Jennings - Electric - Motostoke Gym
8.) Sebastien Tomas - Water - Stow-on-Side Gym

Ryker Sutherland, Champion of the Galar Region. Nineteen years old. Aloof, cool-headed, and admired by a wide variety of fans.
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