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Roger D’Monty

The flickering lights of the cafeteria caught Roger’s eye as he entered the room. He was pretty sure they had fixed that last month, but alas it seemed to have started again. While slightly annoying, Roger didn’t consider it a crucial issue, as he just came here to eat and not hang out. He also understood that the University’s focus right now was the Winter Carnival and not on some lighting issues. So, Roger tried to ignore the occasional flicker as he walked up to the kitchen staff. Before he could ask what the special was, the bovine lunch lady pointed to a note on the wall listing what they were serving today.

Roger quickly looked over the list, finding a lot of insect options. It was times like these that Roger wished he was born an omnivore so that he could have the best of both worlds. But as he was a herbivore, Roger selected the grass noodles, a cheap staple among herbivores, and grabbed a bowl of fruit salad for dessert. Carrying one dish in each hand, Roger looked out across the cafeteria to find seating. As it was later at night, the cafeteria was pretty barren, so Roger easily found an empty table where he could eat in peace. As he started to walk over to the table, he was immediately surprised by someone shouting, asking what the special was tonight.

Roger’s fur raised slightly in shock at the intrusion, but he quickly recovered, his body calming down. Taking another step forward, Roger unfortunately wasn’t looking at the ground, and thusly didn’t see the pile of slush on the floor. As soon as he put his foot down, Roger immediately began to slip backward. Through various improbabilities, Roger let go of the fruit salad bowl, causing it to fly into the air. Meanwhile, Roger fell backward onto another table, pushing the food of a pair of deer off the table, as the grass noodles landed on his face. As Roger quickly saw that the bowl of fruit salad was heading right for the black lion who had shouted earlier. Roger muttered an expletive as things seemed to move in slow motion from his point of view.
Working on a character. Will hopefully have it finished and up sometime today.

Edit: Finished the character sheet. The relationships section keeps on looking a little wonky, so if someone more familiar with bbcode could help me out with it that would be great.

Sorry about the delay in the reply. It’s cool to see people interested in this.

So I as the GM would control all the canon Avengers, but they will mostly be relegated to the role of side NPCs. The players’ original characters will mostly work autonomous of the other Avengers as they are now spread out across the globe. As for story structure, I do envision it being primarily mission based, but also having periods in-between missions in which the players can do what they want to advance their own stories. I would also collaborate with players to work their subplots into the missions. Hopefully that answers your questions.


It has been seven years since the new age of heroes began. Starting with the likes of the Spider-Man of New York, the monstrous Hulk, and the return of Captain America, the world has been irrevocably changed. The realization that mutants, aliens, and gods exist has changed the way the people of Earth view each other. Some worshipped these powered individuals, while others despised them, viewing them as monsters. What can agreed upon is that the world is a much more dangerous place now. To deal with this the heroes of the world have joined together to form teams like the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and the Avengers.

While these hero teams were clearly making the world a better place, evil festered very close to them. SHIELD, a UN sanctioned intelligence agency, was tasked with maintaining global peace. However, they were secretly run by a terrorist group called HYDRA. Whenever someone would discover this they would be killed. That was until the Avengers discovered the conspiracy. Being unable to silence the Avengers, HYDRA instead sped up their plans, revealing themselves to the world and launching coordinated attacks on governments around the world. The Avengers stepped in and were able to repel the attacks and capture most of the leaders of HYDRA.

In the wake of this disaster, many nations called for the dissolution of SHIELD. Reluctantly the UN Security Council agreed, disbanding SHIELD. Without a dedicated force policing the world, many criminal and terrorist groups became more bold in their actions. With many leaders questioning what to do next, Nick Fury, former director of SHIELD, approached Captain America, leader of the Avengers. Fury offered the Captain a solution to the current dilemma: have the Avengers protect the world. Captain America agreed, the two of them launching the NEO Initiative.

Over the course of the next few months the Avengers grew massively in size, gaining many support staff, and having many former and reserve members join the team. Another part of the NEO Initiative was gaining new team members. Current members of the Avengers were encouraged to sponsor potential new members of the team. These probationary members would be gathered at the Avengers Mansion in New York, a former Avengers headquarters. There they would be tested to see if they could become actual Avengers.


So it’s the start of the New Year and I figure it is a good time to do something I haven’t done in a while, run a roleplay. So anyway the tl;dr is that HYDRA was controlling SHIELD, when it was revealed SHIELD disbanded, so the Avengers are stepping up to defend the world, with the players being potential new Avengers that are a part of the NEO Initiative. All player characters will be OCs with any background that would seem in place in the Marvel Universe, as long as they are not crazy overpowered and are at least mostly heroic. Also each character needs a sponsor member of the Avengers. I’m pretty loose with who the current Avengers are, so I’ll say any character who’s ever been an Avenger in the comics can count as a sponsor for the roleplay. And lastly we would be starting with one character per player at the start, though that could change. Anyways, that’s my idea and I would some of you are interested in it.
Interested in this as well. Haven't played a speedster in years so I might pick that role.
Sorry for the delay in reposting my character sheet. Was busy with my family.
Roger D’Monty

The young capybara yawned as he exited the dark classroom, his eyes having a little trouble adjusting to the light in the hallway. For the past two hours Roger had been sitting in the dark, with only a video projector illuminating the room. Normally Roger didn’t mind such a setting as it meant he was watching a movie, however the current film being shown had failed to keep his interest. This was not the first time Roger had seen Citizen Canine, considered one of the greatest films of all time, but it was the first time in several years. While his film professor had hyped up the film for the past few days, Roger still had the same reaction as when he first watched it, apathy. He didn’t get why it was so beloved.

Roger was still considering the merits of the film as he made his way down the hallway. He was eventually snapped out of his considerations by the rumbling of his stomach. Roger realized that he had failed to eat today and was now paying the price. As his stomach growled at him, Roger began to crave Beetle Burger. While he himself did not eat insects, they did have good herbivore options such a bark fries. But Roger then remembered that Beetle Burger locations in New York didn’t serve bark fries. Roger suspected that it was a cultural thing as there was less capybaras in New York then New Birdsey. With his favourite food unavailable, Roger decided to settle for the school cafeteria.

As Roger made his way to the cafeteria, he saw several posters advertising the school’s Winter Carnival. While some of the events mentioned sounded fun, Roger felt a slight pang of self pity when he read about the Winter King and Queen. Roger felt that he was the farthest from being King, being a portly rodent and all, but then again he liked to believe he would be too indifferent to try even if he had a more ideal body. That and it was said that the King and Queen often get together, and Roger wasn’t interested in finding a Queen. But he pushed that thought aside as he entered the cafeteria.
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