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Ten years ago the world changed. People began to exhibit strange powers, using them for good and evil. Mutants became public knowledge, the Spider-Man was caught on film, and Captain America turned out to be just not a piece of propaganda. To deal with this influx of powered individuals, the UN made public knowledge the existence of SHIELD, a global peacekeeping organization. With the help of SHIELD, various heroes came together and formed teams, like the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Avengers.

For several years the battle between good and evil continued as usual, that was until a major revelation occurred. The Avengers discovered that SHIELD was secretly being controlled by HYDRA, a terrorist organization that dated back to World War Two. Now revealed, HYDRA decided to advance their plans, using the forces of SHIELD to attack most major government. With the combined power of several hero teams, HYDRA was defeated, with most of its leadership arrested. In the wake of this incident, the UN dissolved SHIELD, leaving the world without dedicated peace keepers.

With SHIELD gone, many criminal and terrorist groups began to expand. This would continue for several months until Nick Fury, the former head of SHIELD, contacted Captain America, the team leader of the Avengers. He suggested having the Avengers step up as the defender of the world, to which Cap eventually agreed. Thus they launched the NEO Initiative. All former and reserve members of the Avengers were called to rejoin the team, as were many former SHIELD technical staff and agents.

The main purpose of the NEO Initiative was to recruit new heroes, with the current members of the Avengers encouraged to sponsor a new hero. These new heroes would be based in Avengers Mansion New York on a probationary basis. They would be assigned missions to prove that they could be actual Avengers.

- Abide by all rules of the Guild.
- This roleplay is PG-13, so no excessive violence or sexual material.
- No power gaming.
- This game only accepts Original Characters.
- One character per player at the start of the game.
- Any established Avenger can be a sponsor.
- Post character sheets here to be approved.
- Have fun!

Character Sheet:
Feel free to add new sections and fancy it up with bbcode.

Real Name:
Avengers Sponsor:
Bump again!

While we are still looking for players, it seems like we'll be playing with a small group. Of course new players will be welcomed for a while still. Also expect an OOC thread put up some time this weekend.
Interested. Would it be possible to play as something like a Drow, Orc, Lizardman, or something a little more out there like a giant talking spider?
So I decided to not go straight up Blue Beetle. But I did keep the whole alien artifact combining with a regular guy.

I don't really use discord, but I do check my messages on the guild often so that is probably the best way to reach me.

Eli yawned for the umpteenth time in the past few minutes, the hum of the slushie machine the only thing keeping him awake. Glancing down at his phone, Eli was pleased to see that his shift ended in a minute. He knew he had done a real solid for his co-worker by taking the early, early, morning shift. Eli hoped that he would remember that if he ever had a need.

With drooping eyes, Eli stared at his phone, waiting for the fifty-nine to become a zero. As he gazed intently at his phone, it began to buzz and play a simple electronic beat, indicating a call was coming in. Eli made note to change his ring tone as it was still set to the default as he clicked on the call.

“Hello?” Eli asked sleepily.

The response was a man telling him to come to him. Eli was initially puzzled before deciding that it was a prank. Just as he was ending the call he heard the man’s address. Fifth and Durum, not far from where Eli was right now. But Eli wouldn’t be heading that way as his shift was now down and he wanted to go home and sleep. Right on schedule a heavy-set bald man entered the store, Carl the man whose shift was next.

“Long night, day, or whatever Eli?” Carl chuckled as he approached the counter.

Eli yawned, “Yeah. Pretty dull besides the people leaving the bar at 2 AM and coming here to get doritos.”

“True, true. Hey man, have you heard about these crazy attacks?” Carl asked.

“What crazy attacks?” Eli asked as he made his way out of the shop.

“I don’t know really, but it’s been blowing up all over social media. Like mass murders and crap.”

“Seriously?” Eli turned to him.

“Yeah man. But some people say the police stopped it already, so you’re probably good.”

“Alright man. You be safe as well, okay?”

Carl just nodded as he positioned himself behind the counter. Eli then left the store, instinctively checking that he had his switchblade on him still. While Eli was not one to believe internet craziness, Carl’s account had unnerved him. With a quickened pace, Eli made his way back toward his apartment. While he didn’t like walking these streets so much, as he was without a car and the transit service was very sparse in this part of town, he had no choice.

“How ya’ doing Eli?” asked an old man.

Eli looked over and saw Tommy, a haggard looking homeless veteran, and his dog Clint. “You know, same crap different day.”

Tommy laughed in response, followed by a bout of coughing caused by too many cigarettes and years living on the cold streets. The coughing was cut short by the growling of Clint. Both Tommy and Eli turned to see what he was growling at. About where Eli had been a minute ago stood a man in a suit, walking with a limp and blood dropping out of his nose. As the man got closer, Clint began to bark loudly, pulling on his leash.

“Woah, boy. It’s probably just a drunk,” laughed Tommy.

But Clint continued to bark, eventually pulling his leash from Tommy’s hands. Clint then bounded down the street, before diving into the man, knocking him to the ground. Shouting an expletive, Tommy launched after his dog, Eli following close behind. As the drew near the man they could see that Clint was tearing into him, drawing blood.

“Bad dog! Damn it!” Tommy said as he pulled his dog off the man, “Sorry sir. He didn’t mean no harm. He jus-”

Tommy was interrupted as the man grabbed his arm and then bit down into it. Tommy screamed as the flesh was ripped from his arm. Eli froze as the man continued to eat Tommy’s arm. But then Clint jumped into the way, breaking the man’s hold on Tommy. Eli then regained control of his body and managed to pry Tommy away from his attacker.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here!” hollered Eli as he pulled Tommy to his feet.

Wincing in pain, Tommy began to run from his attacker, Clint now following behind him. Back behind Eli kicked the man in the face, causing him to fall fully onto the ground, before sprinting after Tommy. As Eli ran he quickly looked back just to see that more of the mysterious attackers had shown up, seeing two people huddled over another person laying prone.

“Shit!” Eli caught up with Tommy, “We need someone to check out that arm.”

Tommy grimaced, “Hospital’s too far. Is there a drug store?”

Eli glanced at Tommy’s wound, “There’s a pharmacy a block from where I live. It’s just down Durum. Can you manage till then?”

“Yeah,” Tommy mumbled.

Eli was covered in sweat, caused not by exercise but by fear, as they ran down the street. As they put distance from Tommy’s attacker, people screaming and the occasional gunshot began to fill the streets. Eli took his switchblade, praying that between that and a guard dog, would be enough to get through this chaos.
Roger D’Monty

Roger was mortified as the bowl of fruit collided with the lion. Roger quickly wiped away the noodles from his face, only to see that the lion was mere inches away from his face. Roger inwardly said a quick prayer to not have him kill him. His anxious mind then began to go even faster, wondering how many hundreds of years it had been since a predator had killed a prey, and if it was speciesist to even consider that.

However that didn’t happen. The lion instead suggested in whisper that they make a scene of it so that they both came out looking good. At first Roger didn’t fully grasp what he had meant, that was until the lion grabbed some drinks and flung them at unsuspecting cafeteria goers. Once again a feeling of shock overtook Roger as a cola collided with a rhino’s fine clothing. But then came a thrill as something wild was happening.

While at first opposed to the idea of throwing food, Roger was quickly coming around as he the look of excitement on the lion’s face. It was then that Roger recalled the words of his older brother Julian on college: go crazy and take risks. Roger decided to abide by these wise words, grabbing a cup of orange juice and slugging it at finely dressed flamingo. The juice drenched his beak and began to leak down onto his expensive jacket. Before anyone could do anything Roger passed by a pig and grabbed a plate of something, he wasn’t really sure what pigs ate. He then tossed the plate of mystery food into the air, not entirely sure of who it would hit.

Roger then began to laugh, a deep throaty laugh, like one that was needed for a very long time. He then looked over to where he had tossed the food, only to see it had all landed on the head of a very large buffalo. The buffalo huffed as some kind of brown food stuff crept down his neck and onto his Eukary University athletics jacket.

“Sorry about that sir,” Roger was still giggling, “But wasn’t that fun?”

“No,” the buffalo huffed as he moved toward Roger.

“Well, uh, sorry?” Roger felt very small in front of the buffalo.

As Roger prepared for a beat down, a shriek caused everyone to turn their heads back. “You’ve stained my heirloom ascot!” shouted the flamingo.

Roger took this momentary reprise to turn and bolt out of the cafeteria, passing the lion on the way out. Roger kept running, making it far, even with his small rodent legs. By the time that Roger finally stopped running he saw that he was now outside, in front of the men’s dorm building. He then looked back to where he had come from to see if the lion had also followed behind.

Still looking for interested players. Depending on interest I may start the roleplay with a smaller group.
Hey another interested person here. I read in the interest check that this will be a mostly original world, with some DC elements. I was wondering how much that will play into the roleplay. The character I'm thinking of would have a similar power set to Blue Beetle, in that he gets powers from an alien artifact. If that character concept doesn't work let me know and I can come up with something else.
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