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Gin Silti

Gin swore as he watched the race from a seat at a bar. Next to him was Jim Valerian, his human manager over at Gaelok Industries. He was going hard on Belatoni whiskey, a drink that only Belatonins could properly digest. Jim had offered him some to which he declined, as he wanted to keep his wits. After all he was supposed to be racing. He was supposed to premiere as a pro racer in the very race he was watching on the screen on the wall.

Gin ordered another drink, something the humans called cola. The massive amounts of sugar within were helping keep Gin alert. But besides being alert, Gin was also mad. He had only been involved with Gaelok Industries for a few months now, but he was already getting tired of them. While they did make it a big deal to have their own racers in this tournament, they didn’t seem to help their racers.

Gin had arrived on Mevalo a few days back, taking a civilian shuttle. His racer, Stinger-Six, was currently at a Gaelok station, where they were apparently modifying it for terrestrial racing. Usually it would be Gin who made any modifications to his racer, but the heads at Gaelok insisted that their own team of mechanics perform the modifications. Now it had been a few days and Gin hadn’t heard anything about his racer.

As Gin finished his cola, a ping sounded on Jim’s comm-pad. The drunken manager tapped his pad, bringing up a message.

“Wow, good news,” he slurred.

“What?” Gin asked.

“So turns out, they finished work on Stinger-Six. And they’re sending it here.”

“When?” Gin asked excitedly.

“Like right now,” Jim said with a smile, “Like they’re coming down to landing pad four right now.”

“Well then,” Gin stood up and grabbing Jim, “Let’s get going. Pay your tab.”

“Well you see the thing is,” Jim laughed, “Gaelok hasn’t paid me this week yet, so I’m kind of low on credits.”

Gin sighed, before placing down enough of his own credits to pay for both of them. He then dragged Jim out of the bar and into the busy street. Thanks to a lot of people being at the races themselves, the street was not quite as packed as usual. Due to that Gin was able to hail a hover cab.

Pushing Jim into the cab, the android driver turned to him and asked, “Where you headed to?”

“Landing pad four please,” Gin replied.

“Alright, but that’ll take us past the race course. I just heard that the first race is now down, so that are will be swimming with traffic soon.”

Gin sighed once again. While traffic was annoying, not knowing what was up with his racer was more annoying. So he just sat back and zoned out for the duration of the ride, Jim falling asleep next to him on account of the Belatoni whiskey.
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

For a long time Trineon floated in the waters of dreaming, unaware of the passing of time. The once divine being was seemingly lost in this limbo, a world without form. Occasionally a creature would swim by, interacting with his dream. Sometimes even people he knew would pass by him, triggering a memory from many millennium back. It seemed like that would constitute the rest of Trineon’s existence. And yet, he found himself waking up somewhere else.

The familiar feeling of being coated in water washed over Trineon as his eyes adjusted to the limited light of the room he now found himself in. For almost a minute, Trineon was confused, having no clue as to who even was. It was the same for the other people he saw waking up in the chamber, they were just strangers to him. However, like a dam bursting, memories suddenly began flowing into Trineon’s mind. Within a few seconds, he remembered his name and his role as a god. A few seconds later he began recognizing the others as fellow gods. However he did not recognize the girl lying in the centre of the room.

As Trineon wondered if he did know the girl, the Sun God walked up to her and attempted to kick her in the ribs. Trineon was flabbergasted by this action, but before he could do anything, some of the other gods interceded. The Sun God backed up leaving the sickly girl alone. Now, the Goddess of the Hunt approached the girl, declaring that he had a fever.

Trineon coughed to make himself known as he took a step toward the girl, “Perhaps I can help.”

Trineon knelt down next to the girl, placing his right hand on her head, “She definitely has a fever. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have any of my healing herbs with me. However we arrived here, it seems we did not come with our items.”

Trineon stood up, looking around for an exit. While the question of how they came to be here was pressing, Trineon had deemed the well being of this girl to be more important. If only Trineon could exit this structure, he should be able to sense a nearby body of water, and the healing herbs that grow in such places. But as it stood right now, Trineon’s connection to the seas was faint. Since waking up in this room, Trineon had felt faded, as if a large part of himself was missing. As he looked around at the other assembled gods, Trineon wondered if they too felt that loss of power.
So I edited the above character sheet to make his origins more vague. If anything else needs changing let me know.

Arthur cursed his luck as he sat in the conference’s medical building. An hour back he had the smart idea of walking through the woods for a little bit just to see how dense they were. Less than five minutes into his excursion, Arthur tripped on a root and fell down. While initially just embarrassed, Arthur had more to worry about when he realized he had fallen into a poison ivy plant. Arthur recognized it from many lectures of his parents telling him to avoid it.

By the time Arthur made it back to the conference, his skin had already begun to itch. Arthur tried powering through it, as he didn’t want to miss the keynote speech. But closer to the time of the speech, Arthur’s arms and legs had turned red. He tried his best not to itch, but the compulsion was too strong. As Arthur itched he thought of how poison ivy would be a really evil power to have.

Fed up with this, Arthur approached one of the staff walking about, “You wouldn’t happen to have something to help with poison ivy?”

The staff stared at his red skin, “Yeah, you should probably go see the medical staff. Their building is just down there.”

Arthur looked where she was pointing and did indeed see a white building that said medical. Arthur thanked the staff before running toward the medical building. The uncomfortable feeling of the rash prompted Arthur to run, and then throw open the door.

“Wow. Slow down man,” said the medical staff standing in the centre of the room, “What do you need?”

“Some help with this,” Arthur replied as he raised his red arms toward the staff.

“What? I told them not to have you guys hike through that trail. It’s all poison ivy.”

“Actually this wasn’t a hike. I just kind of wandered into the woods and fell into the ivy,” Arthur replied sheepishly.

“Well. OK,” the staff was a little surprised, “Let’s see if I can help you out.”

The medical staff proceeded to apply some kind of lotion that calmed down the itchiness. It even helped a little with the redness.

“That should do it. If you need anything else then come on back here,” the medical staff stated.

Arthur nodded before leaving and heading to the hall. He arrived just in time to see the end of the icebreaker activity. The people of cabin five were just splitting up for their activities. Arthur looked at his brochure and saw hiking was an option. Arthur considered doing that as he did like hiking and he was pretty sure he couldn’t get double poison ivy.

His attention was then drawn to the quickly forming line of people to show off their powers for a refund. Arthur decided to enter the line as saving money was always good. The only problem would be showing off his powers.

Arthur motioned for a staff member to come over so he could ask them a question, “Hey what do I do if my essence only does something at night?”

“I don’t know man. I don’t work for the BioTech guys, just the building they’re renting. My guess is to wait in line and ask when it’s your turn. Whenever that will be.”

“Thanks,” Arthur replied as the man walked away.

Arthur gazed at how long the line was and sighed. Maybe by the time he reached the front it would be night and he could transform. But at least he didn’t have to itch anymore.

-A Few Hours Back-

Avi had remained quite for most of the briefing, unsure of if he even needed to say anything. This was his first time working in a group for the OMR. But he was sure that he could handle it. Toward the end of the briefing, the same dwarf in a turtleneck from earlier poked his head through the doorway. Avi glanced over at him as he motioned for him to come into the hallway. As silently as he could, Avi made his way out of the room. He followed the dwarf down the hallway, eventually stopping in front of a small office.

“There’s an urgent call for you Agent Mosley,” the dwarf stated.

“May I ask who it is?” Avi asked as he entered the office.

“An Agent Brock I believe.”

Avi sighed as he picked up the phone. Agent Theodore Brock was one of the higher ranking OMR agents in North America, and had been his handler on his undercover mission in Mexico. He had made his distaste for Avi’s handling of the mission quite public.

“Xaviron Mosley here.”

“Mosley, I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time?” Brock asked.

“Well. I was in a briefing, so-”

“Fine I’ll keep it brief. Romero is dead.”

Avi felt a pang in his chest. Luca Romero was a fellow OMR agent working the Mexico mission with Avi. While the mission had technically been a success, it had ended in a shootout, where Romero had taken several bullets. He had been quickly airlifted to a hospital in Texas.

“How did he die?” Avi asked with the faintest of a quiver in his voice.

“Infection,” Brock answered, “They didn’t clean out one of the holes good enough so it got infected. Then it spread damn quickly.”

Avi was silent.

“Well I thought you should know,” Brock said, his voice cold, “Maybe this mission you won’t fuck up your fellow agents.”

“Goodbye Agent Brock,” Avi replied quickly.

Avi slammed the phone down, while yelling fuck. Once he was done he glanced over at the dwarf in the hall who had heard his scream and seemed bewildered. Avi didn’t save anything as he left the office. He made his way back to the briefing room only to discover that his new team had already left.

Avi then proceeded back to the main office. The receptionist let him know that his team were investigating a warehouse stocked with weapons. Avi wasn’t in the greatest of moods and decided that he wasn’t needed in the field now. Instead he decided to look over the case files, as research always seemed to calm him down. So he requested the pertinent files and sat down at a small desk, going over everything once more.


Avi set the final file down while sighing. He gave a glance at the clock on the wall and saw that several hours had elapsed. The time taken to research had indeed calmed him down, so he figured now was the time to rejoin his team. If they asked where he had been he could always say that phone call had taken much longer than it actually did. It was a lie, but Avi was good at lying. It helped make him a good undercover agent.

Avi stood up and turned to the receptionist, “Could you perhaps arrange a driver to pick me up?”

The receptionist nodded and within ten minutes, Avi was outside and getting into an unmarked black car. To his surprise, it was the same elven driver from earlier today. He asked Avi where he was headed, to which Avi supplied the address of the warehouse.

The drive there was uneventful, save when the radio played Rock Me Amadeus, to which Avi tapped along to the song with his fingers. A few minutes after the song finished, the driver pulled up to the building. Avi got out and immediately took out his wand. While he was pretty sure it was a safe situation, Avi knew that there were always dangers involved with working for the OMR.

Upon entering the building, Avi spotted Amanda the android. He was just in ear shot as she described the transport manifest and the nearby house. Also possible bad guys meant Avi was not wrong to have his wand at the ready.

As the rest of the team gathered, Avi made his presence known, “My apologies. A very pressing matter had come up at the office that required my presence. But it would seem I arrived at the correct time. If everyone is prepared then I’ll accompany you all to the location on the manifest.”
Hey I'm back. I got the OK from TheWendil to rejoin the RP. I was going through some bad stuff but I'm doing better and will jump back in when the first race is finsihed.
Here's the character I mentioned.

EDIT: Changed history upon request from GM.

This looks really interesting. I have an idea for a god of rivers, lakes, and oceans. I'll put together a character sheet tomorrow.
Thanks for the welcome back everyone!
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