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So should we just start putting out ideas, and then vote on what one to actually do?
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

The water god was still wary as he walked through the forest. The god of the underworld then made a comment, calling both humans and animals disgusting creatures. Trineon took some offence, he had come to treasure both the mortals who worshipped him and the creatures that lived in these lands, especially those who resided by his watery domain. He supposed that Moridax couldn’t understand the sentiment as they lived among the dead, and would thus know nothing of the vibrancy of life.

She then smirked at Trineon, as she stated that they would disagree on what company to keep. The water god decided to pay her no heed as he had never placed no worth in her opinion. Back when they lived before, Trineon had almost never even seen Moridax as he avoided the underworld. The goddess and her undeath had always seemed unnatural to Trineon, a perversion of the life he cherished in the mortal realm. Truth be told, he was still off put by her state, possessing a rotting body. But she was a fellow god, so Trineon knew that qualified her for respect, especially since there seemed to be so few gods left in this different world.

Trineon decided to focus on something else as this undeath was troubling him. So he saw that O’Menus asked Flora if anything was familiar in the forest. As she tried to remember, the priestess pointed toward a grove thick with vegetation. Trineon began to enter the grove, careful not to drop the body of Sir Oren as doing so would be an indignity to the fallen knight. But Trineon did almost drop the body when he was surprised by a large creature emerging from the thick forest.

It was grey-skinned, with legs going significantly higher than Trineon’s head. As the water god was spellbound by the magnificent creature, several more walked into the clearing. All in all, around twelve entered the area, before walking over to a bush and beginning to strip it of its leaves and eat them.

“Such graceful creatures,” Trineon said, “I wonder how much the other animals have changed since we last walked these lands.”

But as Trineon admired the animals, Alasayana had a different feeling about them. Out of the corner of his eye, Trineon saw the goddess of the hunt hunker down before leaping at the nearest of the tall creatures. While Trineon’s initial thought was to stop her, but then the rational part of his brain kicked in. In ages past, Trineon would not of faulted someone for hunting a stag, a magnificent creature in of itself. So why should these grey animals be any different? Trineon decided that Alasayana was not in the wrong here. As long as she wasn’t just hunting for the kill, and would actually use the meat of the beast, Trineon felt that he couldn’t complain about it.
@Dark Cloud
I would be up for voting on a setting. Space Prison sounds fun, but my suggestion would be nonsensical superheroes. I've always found superhero tabletop rpgs way too crunchy in detail, so running it in something as minimal as Risus could be cool.
Alright, I guess we don't do the level of craziness and despair of the Mist. But I am still interested in the concept either way and would love to see this get started.
@Moon Man
Thanks for pointing out that error. Apparently I had forgotten about that character aspect in the time between reading the posts and writing my own. I've edited the post to say there was only one voice and it wasn't coming from the Spore.
Got my first post up. Ended up being slightly longer than I planned.
Phaid easily navigated through the twisting flooded caverns of the Everdark, years of practise clearly evident. For many generations now, the Bullywugs had lived among this submerged architecture, calling it their home, a place in the dungeon for only the frog-kin. Phaid was a proud Bullywug, viewing himself as an alpha among his clan, the rightful lord of these depths. As such he had no problem eating something without sharing it among his kin.

And that is exactly what he did as he leaped out of the water. A small rat had barely enough time to even squeak as Phaid opened his jaws, easily encompassing the rodent. With a loud crunch, Phaid broke the rat in half, his powerful jaws grinding it up enough so that he could swallow. With one last gulp, Phaid completely downed the rodent, sending it to his digestive track. Phaid then wiped away what little blood from his meal that had gotten on his face.

While Phaid always enjoyed the taste of rat meat, the one he had just consumed had been on the smaller end. The Bullywug did not feel full, his tongue salivating at the idea of having one more rat. Unfortunately, Phaid did not see anymore rats around the pool. With his one good eye, Phaid looked down the tunnel, the only light coming from some bio luminescent fungi that clung to the walls and glowed a bright blue. While he didn’t see anything dangerous, he did know that he was near the edge of his clan’s territory. But the primal feeling of hunger overtook Phaid, as he threw logic to the wind.

With wet steps, Phaid began walking down the tunnel. He figured that he would only be a few minutes, and that his clan would be safe without the protection of their Puddle Knight. But Phaid kept his short sword on himself just in case he wasn’t safe. With a hand kept on his blade’s hilt, Phaid left the familiar tunnels of his people and into the bigger part of the Everdark.

Phaid attempted to keep walking forward as he didn’t want to get lost. He had heard stories of Bullywugs who had travelled too far and were forever lost, dying from exhaustion unless the creatures of the dungeon got to them first. It was with those phantom creatures in mind that Phaid stopped when he heard a voice. The Bullywug quickly dropped to one knee and began to listen. Whatever was making that noise didn’t sound that large to Phaid, so he ruled out the worst possibilities like a troll or ogre.

But then Phaid thought of what if it was a smaller creature. He had heard tales of giant Bullywugs eating Kobold babies, apparently being a delicious meat. The thought of snacking on one was enough to cause Phaid to slowly approach the voice. As he got closer he saw a being who looked like a giant walking mushroom. Phaid knew of this creature, a gentle being who comes and goes. The mushroom was standing next to some kind of small furred animal wearing clothes, apparently the one who was speaking. Phaid didn’t know what to make of him, until he mentioned helping with ailments.

Even to a Bullywug, Phaid understood that as a code word for herbs and mixtures. While he wasn’t supposed to waste trade items for frivolous things, Phaid had in the past partaken in some psychedelic plants. It helped liven up Phaid’s mundane life. Deciding to be bold, Phaid approached the pair, his hand still on the hilt of his sword.

“Excuse me small mammal. Would you perhaps be selling the mind warping flower?” Phaid asked as he sized up the medicine man.

[Interactions with: @Moon Man @SleepingSilence]
I would be up to playing Risus, that is if there are still people interested. I vaguely recall running a oneshot in person years ago, so I half remember the rules. Honestly I would just want to anything tabletop roleplay related as I haven't in a long time due to COVID.
Would this be anything like the movie the Mist? Because I love that movie and would totally be up for a roleplay that is even slightly like it.
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