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Just finished my character. It seems I'm the only person so far to mix two characters rather than do the child of a pair.

The half-elf felt a twinge of anxiety as another agent engaged him. Avi felt out of his element as the team bonded over dinner. While he could easily through up a facade, Avi knew that it wouldn’t be fair to his teammates. He had a lot of practise at lying, as that was the whole reason the OMR had hired him. He could easily slip into a character, blending into whatever was going on. However, Avi thought that it might be a good idea to try being himself for once. This was proving harder to do as Avi had been undercover so long that he almost forgot what his true self was.

As Scarlet introduced herself, Avi snapped out of his mental ruminations, “My name is Xaviron, illusion caster and often undercover asset. But I suppose that if we are working together, you would better know me as Avi. That’s what everyone back home calls me.”

Scarlet then asked if they had any burgers, which almost caused Avi to chuckle. He supposed some American stereotypes seem to be true. But before he could answer, Amanda jumped in, recommending the Hamburg steak. As Avi sunk back down into his seat, he did admit that it would be a good choice. However, Avi perked back up as the group began discussing where they were from.

Amanda the android was ‘made’ in Utah, which made sense to Avi. After all a secret android production centre would be easier to hide in a state with a smaller population density. Faye then talked about being raised on her family’s estate, hanging out with fairies. This prompted Avi to ask a question.

“Sorry to cut in, but I have a question. I was always told by my magical instructors that the Fairies are leaving this world in large groups. Is there any truth to that? I’ve never met a fairy before to ask and I know you’ve got Fae blood,” questioned Avi.

Michael then began to speak. While Avi had known he was a shaman, he didn’t know that he was part of the official confederacy. Back when Avi was a cop, he often had dealings with the Shaman Confederacy of North America. Usually that meant dealing with unlicensed members who were peddling spells or charms that weren’t regulated. Avi had always held these Shamans in esteem as he knew that they did good work. Then Scarlet, the one who had started this discussion spoke, talking about a simple life in the States. Apparently like Avi, her line of work took her all over the world, which was a genuine perk of working with the OMR.

Avi then realized that it was his turn to talk, “Like I said, you can call me Avi. Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada where I developed my magical skills. While my father’s elven bloodline goes far back, I’m am only a half-elf, as my mother was human. I actually followed in her footsteps initially, going into law enforcement. I was part of the RCMP for several years until an unfortunate incident during the whole chaos of the Abomination coming. But after leaving the RCMP I was scooped up by the OMR. They’ve mostly had me go undercover in the years I’ve been with them, so this kind of mission is something completely new to me.”

Avi then turned to Michael, “I know you mentioned being a part of the Shaman Confederacy of North America, but are you Canadian? Or did I miss it when you spoke? Even if you aren’t though, have you ever been to Vancouver? We have a great Oktoberfest every year that serves this kind of food.”

Once Avi stopped talking, he was surprised by how much he did say. It was probably more at this restaurant then he had said the whole rest of the day. Avi wasn’t sure if he had gotten too personal, but he did note that he had left out his last name. Which was fine for now, he had only known these people for a day. Perhaps as the mission continued, he might try opening up again.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos @13org @AWACs @BigPapaBelial
Still around. I've been sick in bed since boxing day (not COVID, I took a test) and haven't been able to work on anything that requires my computer. I've finally felt well enough today to get on my computer and give an update. I hope to finish my character sheet my tomorrow.
@Dark Cloud
Hey sorry for disappearing. I forgot to mention that I wasn't going to do any RP stuff on Christmas Eve and Day, but then of course on boxing day I got sick. For several days now I've been miserable and stuck in bed, but finally today I feel slightly well enough to get on my computer and update people on the Guild. I hope to get a post up for this RP by tomorrow.
Sorry about the lack of update. I know I mentioned that I was taking Christmas off, but then on boxing day I got sick. I've been in bed for several days now sick (it's not COVID, I took a test) and only today have I felt good enough to get on my computer. So I've basically had no progress on my sheet since I last posted, but once I'm done with this post I'll start working on the sheet again. Expect it either later today or earlier tomorrow.

Felt well enough to finish the character. Here he is.

Thanks for the recap! I'm busy with the holidays right now so I probably won't get a post up until boxing day or the day after that.
Was working on my character sheet, but the holiday season has caught up with me, so I'll probably be busy until boxing day. Just wanted to let you know I am still interested even if I disappear for a few days.
So I did start working on a character sheet, but holiday season busyness has caught up with me. I probably won't have a chance to finish the sheet until boxing day. Hopefully that won't delay the RP.
So I bounced around a couple of monster races, like Driders, Gargoyles, and Jackalweres. But I decided on the mightiest of monsters: the Bullywug!

The plan for progression is less him getting stronger, and just have more Bullywugs hang around him, basically just having overwhelming numbers.
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