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Yeah I was wondering if you missed it. Anyways I've moved it over to the character tab.
Also would it be possible to get a quick recap of what the current scene is so that I can figure out how to introduce Kherun.
@Dark Cloud
Always up for playing as fantasy monsters. I'm going to crack open my copy of the D&D Monster Manual to get some inspiration before starting on a character sheet.
Thanks for answering my questions! So my character idea is Kai Harris, a biology student from New Zealand. He is a designer baby, having his genetics altered in the womb so that he would excel academically and physically as that was a trend among parents at the time. Basically he was in university by the time he was 13 studying astro biology. Due to his academic credits he was made an officer aboard one of the colony ships. How does that sound?
Just checking if this is still accepting new characters? I would very much like to join. Character wise I am not sure what I want to play yet.
Just wondering if you missed my character sheet application? If not ignore this, I understand that the holiday season is busy and I am okay if you don't immediately respond.
I am also Canadian! It's great to find other Canucks on the site.

As for the sheet it's not too much. But before I finish working on my character I have a few questions? What year is this RP set in? Also I know we have sleeper colony spaceships, but what is the level of technology in other areas? I'm toying with including cybernetics or genetic manipulation in my character so I thought I'd ask before I wrote it up only to find I couldn't use these concepts. Thanks for reading my questions!
Since Dark Cloud mentioned that they wanted to be a medical officer, I might make a biologist of some variety instead. The idea is had is that they're like 19-20 and just happened to be studying astro biology before getting picked by the lottery. Due to his prior knowledge of the field, he is made one of the senior crew of one of the colony ships, hence why he is woken up when things go bad. I currently have no idea what nationality to make this character. Has anyone else picked from where on Earth their character is from?
Character is done and posted in the OOC thread.
So here's my character up for review.

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