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So I'm working on my character sheet now. When it's done, would you prefer it to be posted in the OOC thread or PMed to you?
I'm down to be a super powered college student who fights demons. But I have no real knowledge about Philadelphia, as I'm Canadian and have never been there.
Really sorry for the massive delay. I hope I didn't hold up the story. Anyways I finally got a post up. I'm really sorry that it took this long, but real life, mental health in particular, have been really trying in recent time. I hope to be more involved with this roleplay going forward.

The young half-elf had found himself lost in the chaos of the battle, being quite stunned when the Abomination appeared. But the battle had wrapped up, the forces of the OMR victorious. Avi didn’t say anything as he was loaded into an OMR transport and taken back to the office. Once there, Avi avoided his teammates, still stressed from the events of the day. So he went into one of the side office rooms where he was debriefed by a senior agent. Avi perfectly recounted the events that had just transpired, sure that his statement would be the same as the other agents involved.

Once the debrief was done, Avi left the office room without saying a word. He still felt stressed as he now knew that this assignment was going to be a lot tougher than he had thought before. He contemplated just turning in for the night, and have a fresh start tomorrow. But as he made his way through the halls, Avi found Amanda and the others talking. Apparently they wanted to go visit the town. The android asked if anyone knew a place. While Avi did speak German, he had never been to Frankfurt before and thus was clueless about local establishments. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to go with them.

Yet somehow Avi found himself following the android as she led the agents to a nearby restaurant she had discovered on the computer. As he walked, Avi thought up a possible excuse to return to the office, not really comfortable in this situation. But in the back of his mind, Avi heard his mother chiding him, telling him to put himself out more. So this phantom of a memory did end convincing Avi to remain with the group.

The rest of the walk was brief with the agents reaching the restaurant in very little time. The restaurant itself looked like it belonged in a small village in the mountains and not the big city. The classic architecture really clashed against the high rises and office buildings behind it, but yet Avi still found it charming. Once they entered, Amanda asked for a table for six in German. Her use of the language was perfect, causing Avi to wonder if she had actually learnt it or that it was simply in her coding.

As the greeter led the group to their table, which was a booth with red leather sofas, Avi turned to her and said in German, “Thank you ma’am.”

As Avi sat down, Amanda mentioned the restaurant’s top sellers. Yet again Avi wondered about her android nature as he thought about whether she could even consume food. He didn’t think it appropriate to ask, so instead he looked down at his menu. The waiter had recommended the beer, to which Avi considered, after all he was off the clock and could partake in an adult beverage. Unfortunately he was not familiar with German brews, having mostly just drunken Canadian beer.

Avi then heard Faye talk about the bockwurst, to which he explained, “Bockwurst is a sausage with ground veal and pork. It’s good, I used to have every year at Oktoberfest back in my hometown. I am actually tempted to get it myself, but I might go with the hunter’s schnitzel.”

Avi felt odd cutting in like that, but that voice in his head telling him to socialize was still strong as he mulled over what to order. While everything looked good, he felt he should possibly be more courageous with his food intake as well.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos @13org @AWACs @BigPapaBelial
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

The water god kept pace right behind the young priestess, the body of Sir Oren resting on his shoulder. While this would easily tire out a mortal, Trineon was gifted with the physique of a god and thus easily carried the slain protector. Thus Trineon did not complain as Flora led the revived gods into a deep forest, the path becoming smaller and the plant life thicker.

Trineon was amazed at how much life on this world had changed since last he walked it. He couldn’t help but stare as they passed mushrooms larger than any man and trees that would dwarf a giant. But it wasn’t just plant life that had been altered, as the water god caught glimpses of various flying creatures moving about at the top of the forest. And what looked like a family of small orange-furred mammals watched their every move, clearly on edge. However that did not put Trineon on edge as he believed that they were not a threat.

What did alert Trineon was the other, mysterious animal calls that rang out through the forest. Whatever creature was making them was a lot bigger than the orange watchers. But while focusing on these creatures, Trineon did not notice that Flora was becoming tired, that was until Ashte scooped her up and put her on her shoulders. Trineon was glad in that moment that he wasn’t the only god looking out for the priestess.

But it seemed that Trineon was not the only one thinking of what may dwell in this forest as Alasayana wondered out loud about how they would fare in combat. Personally, Trineon didn’t feel like fighting anything, having eased himself of his pent up aggression by slaying those soldiers earlier.

He then agreed with Aureia, saying, “We should try and reach a settlement before nightfall. I already feel like there are a thousand eyes watching us, hidden in the trees. At least when dealing with humans I know what to look out for.”

Trineon hoped that the other gods would agree with him, as he prepared to increase his pace. Something about this forest seemed off to the water god, as he was surrounded by the noises of who knows how many creatures.
Hey, I would be interested in participating in this roleplay. The character I have in mind is a son of nomadic druids who aided the rightful king in the War of the Red Flag. Due to this aide the King recognized the authority of the head of the clan over his clan of druids. In a show of good will, the druid leader sent his son to be raised in the capital, converting to the Mayonite faith. He would eventually become a member of the Iron Rose Knights. He would have access to nature based magic, mostly plant life. He would also have a Great Horned Owl familiar.

If that character concept has any issues, please let me know.
I am interested in this as I’ve always found the Amalgamverse interesting. I currently have two character ideas, though I may end up using a completely different character.

First is Toy Lad (a combination of DC’s Toyman and Marvel’s Iron Lad). He is a genius Japanese teenager named Hiro Okamura who learns that he will become the time travelling villain Kang the Conqueror when he grows up. Wishing to avoid this future, Hiro builds a suit of battle armour and becomes the hero Toy Lad. Hiro hopes that by doing heroics he won’t grow up to become a villain.

Second is the Crimson Bat (son of Batman and Black Widow). Born of a brief affair between the two heroes, he (named undecided) was raised in secret by Black Widow. When he became a teenager he learnt who his father was, and travelled to Gotham, becoming the new Robin. But after a fallout with his father, he returned to Russia, taking the mantle of the Crimson Bat. Recently he has joined Batman Inc and has been travelling the world as part of it, somewhat reconciling with his father.
I would be interested in this. Character wise I'm thinking something related to biology, whether they be a doctor or something more impressive like a xeno-biologist. Also you mentioned that we are young adults, so what age range are we looking at? But yes I am definitely wanting to join this roleplay.
If anyone is reading this, let me apologize for disappearing and abandoning this roleplay. I've been struggling with depression and this site was neglected as such. I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this, and again say sorry that I screwed this roleplay up.
Sorry about not being around. I've really been struggling with depression, and this site has been neglected as such. I am still interested in participating in this, so expect a post tomorrow, or two days at the latest.
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