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"I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm 24." She lied through her teeth.
"You must be confused."
But the man from the bar came over. Expecting him to agree, Lura rested her hand on her blade.
The 2 began to quarrel, and Lura attempted to silently slink away.
Yes and yes, I'm wanted as a runaway/petty thief just for some context.
Sweat dripped down her nose. She arched her shoulders slightly.
Please just be something normal.
She turned on her heel, taking in the person before her. Young, likely wanting glory.
"Just myself. The single bed will do fine."
She was glad the bartender seemed to not care. She paid him, nodded, and glanced over at the table.
One danger at a time, she thought. I'll check it out tomorrow. Besides, my boots are all muddy...
She could already feel suspicious eyes on her, and she didn't come this far to get caught here.
She sauntered past the table silently, and had almost gotten to the stairs peacefully-
"Hey, you."
She was acutely aware of every person in the tavern as she slunk up to the bartender. What if this was too risky? What if it got her caught?
But she knew she needed work. She couldn't survive off petty thievery forever. She just couldn't.
"G-greetings. I'd like a room for the night, and..." She swallowed, trying desperately not to sound like a scared child.
Now now, She chided herself. Unless you want to get caught, start acting like you belong here.
"I was wondering if maybe you had any work for me?"
Great. She sounded pathetic.
LURA adjusted her satchel as she walked down the road. She knew there was a town somewhere around here, and she needed to find a place to stay. She just hoped she could get there before the storm did. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw lights in the distance. Pulling her hood over her head, she cautiously stepped into the town. She knew many heroes would want nothing more than to snatch up orphaned children-
They called it protection- She called it ensnarement. She wouldn't let some overambitious hero clip her wings.
This town was full to the brim with them, but it also promised work and a place to stay. High risk, High reward.
Steeling herself, she stepped into the tavern.
Name: Lura
Age: around 13-14
Race: Human
Fighting class: Rogue
Gear: Very light flexible armor.
Appearance: 5'4, with freckles. Fair skin, short choppy brown hair.
Backstory: During the war, millions of lives were lost. And despite the good it did, Lura began to resent both sides for destroying her home and her family. She was left orphaned, and with families already struggling to feed the mouths they still have, had nowhere to go.
But she wasn't going to give in. She was the only survivor from her family, and she owed it to them to survive. Sure, petty thievery might not have been exactly what they wanted, but what other way did she have?
In Salreia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Antarctica is split into 10 different provinces/cities. Now, we look at the first one. Shuranica city is the entry for all those seeking access into our lovely icy desert, and has been described as its sweaty underarm. Shuranica is crowded, loud, and busy, overflowing with refugees and immigrants. The process of emigrating is grueling, with mountains of paperwork that can take months to get in order. But Shuranica in only the gateway to this country.
In Salreia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Earth wasn't always this way. But back in 2025, The scientists in Antarctica noticed that the children born on the stations were different.
Strange things. Pure white hair that wouldn't fade. Not blonde. Not grey. WHITE. Ice blue eyes. Strange, but not incredibly odd.
It wasn't until the children developed the cold resistance that the scientists realized what had happened.
Horrified, they left the children on the icy Antarctic tundra, and abandoned the stations in the east.
But they survived. Survived and FLOURISHED. They fought to reclaim Antarctica, and became known as the Sidelians.
It wasn't long util the world discovered them in 2038. Now, tensions were already rising in the world, and the Sidelians were the match that lit the fire. World War 3 began, and Canada was almost completely destroyed. Thousands of refugees from Canada and The United States fled to the Antarctic city of Salreia. The city became the light in the storm, while also harboring prejudice and resentment from Sidelians and Humans alike. Amidst the war, the clashing countries of Canada, America, and Antarctica created a new surge in art and creativity.
The Salreian Renaissance.
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