Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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“We're in, so what’s the plan Jaz?”

Plan? Oh, she had a lot of plans alright! Strangling this Fox demon and carving the word Civet on his forehead using a flaming arrow was totally not one of them, honest!

Maintaining enough dignity to not hiss, she answered. "Why, of course, mister Geito,"

Despite the apparent sarcasm, that pseudonym irked her more than it should Jazdia had to fight the impulse to incinerate the document along with the fox youkai in front of her. "Why don't we start with keeping up with the deception?" beseeched Jazdia in a calm tone, yet her mannerism suggested she was about to feed Kaito the documents she was now giving. "Go get your story from those soldiers and compare their testimony with the report."

Then, without any threat or violent misconduct, she left, walking down the path leading to the mausoleum. As much as she hated it when the guard leered at her no thanks to Kaito's unnecessary remark, she had to keep it cool. It was all just a part of the job, nothing personal. There would be plenty of chances to get even with that crafty fox. Just wait...

"How long do we have?" asked the Rosenving daughter as she catched up with Jazdia.

The elf stopped at the tile that had a faint yellowish stain, taking her time to kneel before answering the question. "Until that guard realizes we are pulling the wool over his eyes. Probably will take a while."

She stroked the powdery compound, it smelled like sulfur, and there were some metal fragments residing in the withering grass. The casing of a smoke grenade? Quite a high-quality one it seemed. Bandits usually encase them with buffalo skin, and they didn't produce smoke in the intensity enough to make trained royal guards break their formation.

According to the report, after an assailant had his head split open by Matilda and the other killed by Fredricus himself, their priority was to quickly evacuate the king out of the smoke screen. The third assassin tried to shoot the escaping monarch with a poisonous arrow, but Matilda deflected it with her shield. It seemed the orc woman wasn't so slouchy she lunged at the ranged assassin at neck-breaking speed and literally broke his neck, face and all against the nearest vertical surface she could find. A nasty blood stain on the chapel wall confirmed this account.

Jazdia briefly activated her eyes. "Miss Rosenving, would you mind to look at the hedge near the tree?"

The fox paused and smiled. “Perhaps we can help each other out here like friends do. I can put out a good word for you and the boys. Make them part of the publication and get the story of their great deeds out. You and your pals certainly deserve some of the spotlight, don't you think? All you have to do is let us in so that we can get the details right. That way we all win. Sounds like a plan, don't you think?”

The guard shook his head, feeling a surge of recollection as the man Geito introduced himself and stated his business. Suddenly he felt he had seen this man before, but couldn't point where and when exactly. Before he realized it, his expression softened, and every word this Gaito uttered sounded reasonable, trustworthy, and... lucrative.

Surely there was no harm in letting a few newsmakers have a look around, wasn't it?

"Mr Geito, I really want to help but. Orders are orders, you see. Constable Delving will not tolerate any breach of rules."

He glanced at the approaching guard. Then back at the group, particularly at the elf, who was now sidelined and steaming hot. It was an entertaining sight to behold.

He bite his lips and continued. "Let's help each other yeah? How about you show me any form of identification? So I can put your name on the record. Then I can let you and your friends in."

He waved at his friends and shouted. "It's all right, they are just tourist!"

"It is his son," The elf confirmed flatly, then resumed her words in a rather mocking tone. "The man had it hard he almost looked like a decrepit old man."

"Heh... Officials said he'd been evacuated following the attempt on his father's life. Pretty good excuse if you ask me." the fox sneered. "So, are we going to investigate that as well? I'll be honest, boss, I don't have much intel beyond the tittle-tattle in a speakeasy."

The elf just shrugged. "We are rescuing him as well."

"What?! For real? How?"

"You heard that right. We are not alone on this. Don't worry"

That was all Jazdia could afford to disclose. Keito meanwhile took his time to mingle with the rest of the team, exchanging greetings and other pleasantries before reporting his assessment to her again. Mostly concerning their background. Some were solid, while others sounded grossly exaggerated.

"Why didn't you ask them yourself?" the elf chuckled, answering Kaito's concern with another question that sounded more like an announcement instead of whispering.

Keito tilted his head and took a glance at them."Nah, if you trust them, then we're good... Anyway, the assassination attempt is the talk of the town at the moment. Lots of people are saying that Meche is behind it. Or at least that the assassins that got killed came from Meche. That seems to be public knowledge. What is more interesting is that some say a noble house from Kindeance is involved as well. Nobody is saying names or pointing fingers to a specific house. Trying to figure out the source of that rumor but no luck yet on that part.”

His report about the citizenship of the assassin sounded... strange. If they were professional, there was no way they could be easily identified even in death. Brainwashed Mecheans? Could be, although professional assassins with more patriotic background and willing to be a martyr was not unheard of.

The rumor about a certain noble house taking advantage of the ensuing chaos was a rather common story. Almost like a natural occurrence in every kingdom and era. That was why nobody had a solid pointer on it, because everyone, to some extent, would be willing to see the king lose his influence so they can strengthen their own. Fredricus might have noticed this, but no details were spared for her to salvage, not even when she shuffled the documents on his table.


As they approached the public park, Jazdia could not shake off the feeling that someone was tailing them. She gandered at numerous high rises and activated her eyes. Nothing.

She shifted her attention to the street, eyes still glowing in violet, but not for long, as everything seemed normal. Another false positive. Years of retirement had made her quite sloppy. Or perhaps it was hunger that made her jittery. She peeled the leaf wrappings and helped herself to the rice roll this Chounan guy gave them earlier.

The streets were not as bustling as they usually were, but surely weren’t deserted either, despite the apparent feelings of bewilderment that struck the entire populace five days ago, and the streets now adorned with several checkpoints and outposts, people were moving on with their lives. Street vendors peddling their wares, a father bringing his daughter for a walk, and a couple of youngsters could be seen sitting together on a bench under the tree, enjoying the warm summer as if the world belongs to them alone.

Somehow reminded her of the old days with Faldiar, and it felt like a lifetime ago.

Separating the public park from the more gloomy part of itself was a high metal fence with sharpened ends. Old and sinister, probably erected in the same year when this city had its first foundation built. The cemetery ground was flanked by a large chapel building with high eaves on the right, and a fortified wall separating it from the Royal Palace complex on the left. Occupying the grassy plot of land were a dozen graves, each built grandly like twelve monuments guarding a very sacred entrance.

And indeed, at the end of the paved path that divided this memorial park was a lavish mausoleum with a marble door. Two guards could be seen guarding the entrance, and four more were stationed near the chapel. A bit too much for a graveyard, but not every graveyard was the place where a king was nearly murdered.

One of the guards, wielding a polearm approached them. “Who goes there? This place is off-limits for the civilian!”

“Don’t worry.” Jazdia greeted the guard with a smile. Then turned to introduce her companions. “We are here by the order of Madame Matilda, we are private investigators, you see. These are my assistants, Mr. Keito, Mr. Chounan, and Miss Yvonne.”

The guard scowled, then looked at every one of them. Chounan seemed to be the person he observed the most. “Oh yeah? Then where is Madame Matilda?”

“Madame Matilda is on an important mission,” Jazdia answered dryly. “Whatever it is, it should be no concern of us, freelancers. I know you understand.”

Jazdia was a terrible liar. But all she said so far was the truth it was easy to deliver them convincingly. That was also why when the same guard asked for relevant documentation to prove the legality of their activity, her expression turned sour, and she cursed under her breath at how guards these days had become bureaucratically smarter.

"I need to see the seal."

The seal. The only document in her possession that has Fredricus' seal on it was her procurement contract. It contained sensitive details that Jazdia wouldn't be willing to disclose even if ordered by Fredricus himself. She eyed the guard, he was a reasonably young man, loyal to a fault. It wasn't clear to what extent Fredricus would want the abduction of the prince to become known, and if Keito's intel was any indication, Jazdia see no reason to share any information with this low-ranking grunt.

“It is confidential. I don't think you have the authority to question our assignment. Move aside!”

her curt answer caused the guard to look at them even more suspiciously. But instead of apprehending the feisty elf in front of him, he rolled his eyes and plunged the tip of the hilt of his spear into the ground.

“Give it a rest madam. I know you and yous ain't ordinary folks, but the orders are orders. I shall not let you in until I heard it from Madame Matilda herself.”

The guard didn't look like he would budge any time now. Jazdia was clearly unfit for negotiation and letting her talk for more might invite unnecessary attention. The other guards at the chapel were starting to take notice, some were on their way here.

2:30 P.M.
Blackswan tavern, Rascade city outskirt, Kingdom of Kindeance.

Despite knowing it was just a theatrical cover-up, Jazdia never appreciated it when someone making a jab at her attitude. But she will let it slide this time. She had tired of explaining that attitude was not a mere symbol of who was outranking who, attitude was mutual respect, a sign of trust, and most importantly must go both ways.

So she played along. A small dent to her pride, a minuscule price to keep the surreptitiousness of their task from being compromised. This place was full of curious patrons with some degree of influence over Kindeance's politics and economy. And she reckon three men in front of them were no exception.

“Anyway, I certainly hope that I am going to win. I betted a fair deal of money on this game and don’t want to explain to my father why our families coffers have shrunk a bit today. But since you’re here, it is safe to assume that my presence is required at the estate, right?”

"That is correct." Answered Jazdia, moving aside to escape the noblemen's patronizing stare. Surely she skipped the part where she must call him 'master', but let us be real, that was kinda pushing it.

Keito announced that this round would be their last for today. And just like in the classic story when the protagonist had the last laugh, he revealed his cards, the strongest set on the table. Thanks to her for not intervening in this rigged card game of theirs, the kitsune had earned himself not only a fortune but also a chance to savor the moments when those noblemen showed myriads of emotions on their faces.

It was understandable. But it was time to go before their expression changed into collective suspicion and anger. Jazdia certainly did not want to be in the middle of this upcoming bar fight.

"We are leaving." She insisted. Glared at Keito and his now flat-broke victims, she gave them a mental warning to not 'get involved'. With Chounan and Yvonne behind her, it was not so hard to convince a few people that they mean business, but the entire tavern? Not so much.

After gaining some respectable distance away from the Black Swan. Jazdia asked them to have a breather in this deserted alley.

"I thought you promised me to lead an honest life." Jazdia began, feeling perturbed, but masked it with sarcasm.

Kaito smiled at Jazdia. “Well, you know what they say, a fox never loses his tricks. I have become more mindful of who I trick. Only dishonest people. That's an improvement, right?”

But Jazdia wasn't really amused by that lousy excuse. She moved closer and looked him in the eyes. "It's not who you did it to that upsets me, it is what you did. What were you thinking pulling that kind of stratagem when everybody in the entire Rascade is on a tizzy? If you get caught, it won't be just imprisonment this time. I don't think you fancy being labeled as the conspirator after they have you drawn and quartered, do you?"

The kitsune sighed as his facial expression became more serious. He knew the elf was right. The city was on edge since the assassination attempt and a mischievous mythical being was a perfect scapegoat to draw and quartered in a nice public display. “Yeah, you’re right. I do prefer myself in one piece. Not the smartest timing.”

For a moment he looked at Jazdia and contemplated her reason for visiting him. Usually they weren’t social ones and considering she brought two friends it must be something major. “Your visit has something to do with the assassination attempt on the king, right? Or is there more at play?”

"A bit of both." answered the elf, now looking at her two other companions. A bit late for a nice introduction, but she did it anyway. "Miss Yvonne, Mister Chounan. This is Keito, one of my... surveyors. We will enlist him into our merry band of... investigators. Say, Keito. What rumors circulate on the street regarding the assassination, and how far people had gone with their guesswork? In vino veritas. Perhaps some nobles had a slip of tongue here end there after having a few rounds?"

2:10 P.M.

Rascade city outskirt, Kingdom of Kindeance.

Once a bustling hub of commerce, this town was now rarely seen by outsiders. The rumor of imminent war and their recent policy to tighten their border control had made most people steer clear. No longer merchant flocks and the ship docks in their street and harbor, causing the economy to stall considerably. People didn't seem to be troubled by it, however. Maybe because the lockdown was just announced five days ago and a dent in the kingdom's economy was barely felt.

With the help of the swordmaster Chounan guiding them through the city maze and alleys, the trio finally arrived at the... less sophisticated part of the city. A ghetto if you may, but don't let the average citizen hear you saying that. Those Nouveau Riche would gasp in horror before telling you that you are an imbecile and there was no such thing in this prosperous city. The others, however, would nod to that notion and blame that on the influx of immigrants from their neighbor Meche who then formed their own destitute community, giving a stain on the face of their great city.

With discrimination and prejudice becoming more rampant these days, who could really blame them?

Their destination was a very busy middle-class tavern named The Black Swan. Which, based on Jazdia's analytic mind, had positioned itself cleverly on the market. As long as they have thirst and coin, everyone was welcomed, from nobles to paupers, immigrants, travelers, and natives alike. And while this gave a sense of inclusivity, it systematically encourage its patrons to flaunt their wealth for everyone to see. Really, it was not showing off if you couldn't rub it in someone’s face, and this tavern facilitated you to go wild with your petty ego.

Still, it was a tavern. Information circulates as much as coins and drinks. Coins lure all kinds of people including those with dishonest hearts and scheming minds who sedulously taking the advantage of the addling nature of liquors, which needless to say didn't mix very well with one's financial acumen.

Sauntering through its main hall, Jazdia fixed her sight on a room with decorated walls located on a slightly elevated floor. The so-called VIP area, reserved exclusively for those with a more prominent background they even had a well-dressed bouncer guarding the entrance.

The bouncer, to their surprise, immediately welcomed them upon seeing the expensive (and gaudy) armor Chounan was wearing.

Jazdia didn't even need her power to find what she was looking for. The table in the middle of the room was so loud it attracted the attention of the other patrons. There were four men, three gentlemen were obviously nobles, and the person who was shuffling the cards was an ancient being wearing heavy illusion makeup from head to toe to make himself look like a whimsical noble boy in his late teens. As the coins piled up and another round began, the noblemen watched with sneer and anticipation.

Jazdia approached the table. A foul game was at play and the victim would be these three seemingly obnoxious aristocratic gentlemen. She was rather undecided if she should intervene.

Placing her hand between two invisible fox ears, the elf decided that she just need some fluff to ruffle. Whatever happened next was up to chance... as any gambling should.

"Are ya winning, son?"
"Just one moment there, blondie. You looks like you need extra muscle. I'll come along with your group, yeah?"

Ah, the first objection. Jazdia was starting to feel the urge for subterfuge was a bit pushing it and this lady being forthright was just something she needed. There was a hint of hesitation however when she confirmed this last-minute decision. "Are you sure? My plan to distribute the manpower was carefully thought out. But surely I might not have the most accurate assessment of your capability."

Being already this technical, Jazdia reminded herself that the urgency to maintain the secrecy would give her fewer options to tell this petite noble lady why was it so important to stick with the plan. But no, there was no clear chain of command in this motley group, only recommendations. Except of course without disregarding Matilda's position as Fredricus' right-hand woman.

So she asked her opinion, and the orc, showing the sign of someone being tunnel-visioned with her duty glowered back at her and then snorted. "Do whatever you wish."

The crudeness of the answer surprised Jazdia, especially after hearing her deep, but otherwise professional tone earlier. The orc finally left the room for real. Without looking back, without repeating the order that it was time to move on. And those... people who agreed to be under her command should have known better to not dally any more.

"Well I guess you heard her."


Entering the hall was the short oriental man wearing a newly forged piece of armor and multiple swords on his waist. He immediately introduced himself as Chōnan, Gold Ranking Adventurer. He was told by Matilda on the aisle to report to Jazdia...

Who clearly wasn't so happy with his lack of punctuality. Those irritating minutiae were starting to erode the cordiality she showed so far, making her default stern expression even more apparent.

"I guess we can skip the pleasantries for later. We must go before Fredricus decided to take these matters into his own hands."

Hello. It's a bit urgent, but could you get me seeds from these plants? Yes, just all of them. All of them. Let me water the plants for you. Actually, do you also have a water barrel I could use?"

"Of couss mistah 'Enry. Please, follow me."

The royal gardener was a man named Charon. A black-skinned fellow hailing from the Maghribi region. Over the years of service in Kindeance Palace, he had befriended Henri the painter due to having a similar profession as men of arts and craft. If Henry was in the business of paint and canvas, then Charon projected his artistic value in sculpting overgrown and greeneries alike.

The royal gardener guided Henry to a small storage room, where he immediately scooped seeds from three different containers. He didn't specify what kind of seeds they were but the sample from the first container was a small, black seed with a faint trace of tangy aroma. The second was medium-sized, rough, and brown in color. The third was small and silky white.

"These ar gud for youh." he said, again with a funky Magribal accent. Of course, three types of seed barely counted as all of them like Henry ordered, but as a friend, Charon gave him the types of plants that were easy to maintain and... nutritious, because he always looked so pale.

When Henry reminded him about his second request, the man Charon frowned.

"I kan give you de barrel, but mistah 'Enry must know that the supervisor is a difficult man to deal with. All tools are to be accounted for, every missing spade, every broken bucket, always in every Saturday."

Regardless, Charon removed a few sacks from an old wooden barrel and swiped the dirt and a swarm of black ants who apparently nested there. "But! I kan just say to the supervisor that old Charon requested mistah 'Enry to repair the old barrel. We good?"

"It... Yes, glad to be here, miss...? Forgive me, I know not of anyone's names."

"It's Jazdia. Fred-- uh, the King hired me as an independent investigator." Battling the desire to unravel the mystery of the stone man in front of her, She intended to reach out for a handshake but something tells her that it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Also, I wanted to inform you that I have spoken with our mutual acquaintance, Madame Matilda and you will be working with her. Please consult with her about your inquiries."

But the man was already gone as if he was sunken down to the concrete floor below.

Heyo, blondie!" That was to the elf, if anyone wondered. Not like there's another blondie in the room. "Our big friend here need something unusual to function best, yeah? Got anyone to run a small errand nearby?"

Another disturbance, bearing the very question that sounds as ridiculous as asking what if an archer forgets to bring his arrows. Jazdia was unsure what to say and the only quick response she would give was "I am afraid don't have anyone I can spare to do my bidding."

When the little noblewoman turned away without saying anything, Jazdia immediately knew her answer was disappointing. She searched for Matilda, who shook her head, and Jazdia answered the courtesy by shrugging pensively. Nope, not my concern.

She wondered where the heck this Chounan guy was. High time for him to return, and she wasn't so thrilled with the idea of using her power to find out that this gentleman was hiding somewhere. No, that would cause severe consequences.
I assume you would like to know what the first step is? Firstly, I want to investigate the last known area where the prince was seen. He went on a hunting party with the Vessier, along with some guards. I assume that Cedar and maybe Henri, could smell or find any clues the investigators may have missed.

Matilda was about walk towards the entrance, but realizing that Jazdia was not following her, she turned. "Well?"

The elf sighed. This orc woman apparently was a stranger to a saying that patience is a virtue. When Jazdia heard her uttering the word 'prince' she wondered what in the Terra she was thinking. Prattling about the plan on her way to the stable so every unfriendly eye and ear can see and hear? So far there had been too many elements being overlooked and it was rather concerning, but for the sake of decency, and solidarity of this motley crew, she did not bother to explain.

"That was an astute plan. Madam. But could I offer you my view about how we organize this event?"

This event. Organize. Jazdia reread the documents and tried to remember as much as she can. Then, in an effort to put another failsafe, she continued. "I agree that Mister Cedar would be a great help to design a venue that will meet the standard for ecological sustainability. Also to ensure that any undesirable 'animals' are to be kept out or handled in a proper manner. Mister Solomon can provide medical assistance for both the organizer and... those who are already there."

Jazdia shot a glance toward the young woman who seemed too occupied with flaunting her killing ability to the bear-man. Not sure if they could hear her, but she continued anyway.

"For security details, you can entrust that task to young miss Yvonne as well as giving her the responsibility to provide questions and answers should our contestant have doubts. As for mister Henry, I am sure you have your own consideration."

Jazdia flipped the documents again down to the most decorated one. "To ensure the success of this event. I offer my service to survey possible guesthouses for our contestants. For that, I will need Mister... uhh... Chounan's assistance to aid me in navigating the Rascade, and also his position as the representative of the Adventurers Guild will prove useful for security details. With the current situation, I am sure you understand we need that now more than ever."

Throwing another fake smile, Jazdia lowered the document and made a mental note of what she just said, expecting Matilda to do the same. "Needless to say what we discuss here is confidential. It would be unfair if some contestants got wind of our plan and have an early start".

That was all of her plans. And Jazdia emphasized that she would do her part in her own way.

"We will meet at the Village of Hdur. Assuming everything went smoothly. What a lively bunch of misfits we are." Jazdia tapped Matilda's pauldroned shoulder and immediately regretted it. Despite a bit of pain in her palm, she still maintained her cordial attitude, for now.

"Mister Henry! Glad you could join us!"
For someone this big... and druidic, the fellow named Cedar was surprisingly courteous. Not everyone might be able, or willing to see past his ragged appearance and gruffness of his voice, but Jazdia tried to be not very judgmental. She of course was still taking into account how unpredictable and sensitive these types of forest watchers were. She had worked with the druids on a few occasions in the past. Excellent tracker, but very fussy, moody, and their behavior can be a total hindrance when you were on a total pursuit.

'No, I am not looking for something..." the elf gave everyone, especially the female orc next to the druid a heartfelt smile. "Except of course our Madame Matilda!"

Jazdia waved at her. Hoping that cordial gesture would make the orc paladin ease up for a bit. After what happened with her master and his son, that would certainly put anyone on edge. Not that Jazdia blamed her, especially not after what she did in Fredricus's chamber. She was, however, almost tempted to explain that she was also roped into this motley band of investigators, and had to make do with whatever they had now.

But that can wait. Really...
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