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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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The elven woman closed the door behind her with a fair amount of respect she could muster, deciding it would be in everyone's best interest to not anger the poor Fredricus even more by slamming the door. The chamberlain, however, looked very surprised when he saw her, showing a mix of confusion and fear as he scurried back to the King's chamber and make audible door noises in his entry. A series of angry yellings could be faintly heard afterward.

Still leaning against the wooden railing, Jazdia observed the main hall below and focused her attention on the group. She saw a very pale man leaving the premises after exchanging words with the King's trusted Knight. Not a very... fleshy fella. Prosthetic? Animated doll? Golem?

Before she managed to investigate further, the man had already headed to the east wing, far beyond the range of her vision.

Investigate. She repeated the word under he breath. Looking at the records she swiped from Fredricus's desk and matching them with the personas below, Jazdia would soon find few of those documents were lamentable at best even an intern in the Delta Two could do better. Some track records were lacking, and the details about family, origin, and analysis, many were left blank. No one, for instance, bothered to type out the detail that two of the invitees were a decaying old man devoid of any living energy... and the other was a half-stone man. They, however, had a very thorough report about the druid, who apparently was not just a bipedal bear but also an offshoot offspring of an unholy union between an intelligent bear and a druid. They detained him a few weeks earlier and had him released just recently.

The report somehow made Jazdia recall one of the bizarre accounts her apprentice Linea testified when she returned from a rescue mission in a remote misty village 10 years ago.

Two other hirelings apparently had a certain connection with the royal court. The small woman was a scion of a failed clan, who might or might not have retained its status had this child didn't dwell too much in the art of severing heads and limbs and mindless carnage. The other guy, wearing oriental-styled armor, was an ex-royal knight, but for whatever reason took early retirement to join the Adventurers' Guild. He claimed to be a close friend of the king, but according to the report, did not present when the king was attacked, nor when a certain group ambushed and kidnapped the Prince. The reason for his absence was unknown.

See, this was one of the glaring mistakes she mentioned earlier. This whole report lacked any presumptions of motive. A good intelligence service realized that it was their job to find the worst in every human being, to find a potential threat and a way to subdue it regardless of the accuracy of the allegation. There were too many unknowns in this report Jazdia partially believed it was filled by the invitees themselves.

Jazdia normalized the color of her eyes and took a series of very regulated breaths as she walked down the stairs to regroup with everyone, not sure if any of them saw her on the balcony, but she greeted them regardless.


At the king's behest, the group left the chamber to begin their investigation. Fredricus returned to his seat and finally felt a certain amount of weight had been removed from his chest. Looking at the pile of the unsent letter, he was glad he didn't have put any mind to it for this time being.

However, there came another headache from a certain elf who remained in the chamber despite the clear dismissal. She was the one who didn't bow. A transgression punishable with fifteen lashes for anyone failed to observe the importance of paying respect to a king. But instead of apologizing, the elf took her time fooling around with his favorite bookshelf and lacquerwares, blatantly breaking every court etiquette like nobody's business.

"So many years in the Council and you still have not mastered the basics of etiquette."

The elf glanced at him briefly. "You know what they say, can't teach an old cat a new trick."

Fredricus found that analogy makes very little sense it felt like an insult to his intelligence. However, the king, with the ease of long practice, kept his emotions in check. "Rare be the days when Jazdia Crystalspark would heed to the king's summon. I remember that wasn't one of your tricks either."

Jazdia closed a book with a blue cover that told the tale of classic Kindeance folklore and shelved it back. "You know I am not turning down an invitation. Also, even rarer be the days when a king would require assistance from a humble restaurateur."

Fredricus couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, probably the first time after some people tried to have his neck. "I have heard about your retirement. But a humble restaurateur? Are you sure you are not being delusional, Milady?"

There is a brief pause, and Ferdinant remembered a very silly anecdote that said the fall of Tretagor began when two amethyst glowed in its royal great hall. At this moment, it didn't sound very silly at all.

"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened lately, Fredricus, King of Kindeance."

The elf moved forward, looking back at Fredricus who didn't feel intimidated at all. No, not this time, he was tired, wounded, and wronged and he thought the only way to make himself feel better was a blatant show of power.

"You are one to talk! And really we should thank the Mecheans for sapping the cheerfulness of my court." He glared back, then added. "Also, I will see you behave in a way that is considered proper in a royal court, Milady."

Jazdia was no pushover either, and he knew she never was.

"Or what? Throwing me out? No thanks, I can leave myself."

They had been in this battle of staring for a full minute already, and even this time, Fredricus opted to be a bigger man. Wrangling this elf was as useful as shouting at the rock. As well as chaining and hauling her to the dungeon. So instead of risking his palace having another hole, he receded.
"How was the Council, Milady?"

"I thought you know that I have retired." Jazdia answered, still belligerent tone.

"Yes, I know, but you are still one of their important associates--"

"Let's make it easier for both of us by omitting the tediousness of Royal Protocol, Your Highness. I know you are not... inviting me to reminisce about the old days, so why did you bring it up now?"

Ah, the old days. Fredricus still remember those days like it was a few weeks ago. When Kindeance began its rapid economic growth 30 years ago, it was all thanks to the big nations on the western part of the continent waging war on each other. It didn't matter who was the victor, his only concern of that time was a threat from another bigshot Tretagor who took the advantage of this momentum by conquering the Westernant's vassals and absorbing their standing army into their own. It was just a matter of time until another war would come to his doorstep.

Fredricus knew for the sake of his kingdom's survivability, he couldn't afford a war, big or small. So he contacted the newly formed League of Nations, pleading to join, adding another reason why they should pacify the Beast of the North, and they did just that. With systematic warfare orchestrated by the Council, Tretagor was brought down to its knees, torn by a civil war after its people, inspired by a lust for revolution, court-martialed their king and had him executed.

Fredricus always saw himself as a rational man. With the downfall of his potential enemies, and after seeing the extent of what this Council could do, The King wanted nothing of it anymore, so he withdrew the application and remained neutral. Obviously they were not very happy with his pragmatic decision.

Now, the former leader of the so-called peacekeepers was standing in front of him, sporting a similar expression as she did in their last meeting when attending the Helvetian royal banquet ten years ago. Honestly, Fredricus couldn't really answer why were they having this banter. Was this still the part of enlisting a pawn to do his bidding or just two old acquaintances talking about the old days?

He decided to find out.

"I have been thinking. Would bringing back the old days help me find the prince?" The King reached for the bottle of wine but could find another stemware. "And flush out the traitors and slaughter the usurper?"

The elf's nose wrinkled. "No. Certainly not. And I don't drink. Thank you!"

"What about... the repercussions," The king emptied his glass in one gulp. The liquor was so invigorating he stopped caring about mincing his word. "...should we invade Meche?"

"Ah, so that's why you brought this up." Jazdia stared out the window, but her face was not as alert as Fredricus had predicted. "You don't have to fear them. Kindeance and its neighbors are beyond their jurisdiction. However, you will have yours and your kingdom on everyone's little black book if you dared to wage war unprovoked."

Jazdia shook her head, gesturing that Fredricus should have known better. "For a country that depends on trade and export that would be suicide for your own economy."

"People will forget, it doesn't matter where the goods came from as long as people find it satisfactory both in quality and pricing."

The elf nonchalantly continued her tour in his chamber and found a set of porcelain wares with a half-emptied teapot. Without asking for Fredricus's permission, she poured a cup of already-cold tea for herself and reheat the container with her fire magic.

"The world is changing, Fred," she approached the king again. "And everyone is out there flaunting their morality in every aspect of their lives. Isn't that your approach when this conflict started? Nobody would want to trade with colonizers, invaders, or slavers. King or not. And if you think your kingdom is the only trading port in this region people would just change their course, or better yet, someone else would start a new one. You are not an idiot. You know this from the get-go."

Fredricus smiled as he leaned against his chair. "And yet, you are still putting an effort to entertain us with that lengthy forewarning. Are you sure you are retired, Milady?"

Jazdia's silence answered his question.

"I am sure you have heard me saying the chance for Meche to do the right thing is still open, but to guarantee its safety..." Fredricus shook his head. "I am afraid you have visited the wrong person, Milady. I am King and a Father. If you want to stop this war, do your part and help me instead of preaching about its consequences."

After another long pause, Jazdia shrugged as if trying to retake the dominance from him. "Why should I help you? I am here to deliver a formal complaint."

But Fredricus knew this time he was indomitable.

"For the unprofessionalism my soldier displayed when searching your new restaurant? I am really sorry, but the impending war forced us to be less bureaucratic with our procedure. You, however, can help to normalize the situation so it can be... profitable again."

Jazdia sipped her stale tea and looked the other way. Fredricus apparently had had enough of this old acquaintance playing hard to get.

"Miss Jazdia." He said, straightening his posture and putting more emphasis on his words his voice starting to sound coarse and breathy. "The very flesh and blood of mine they are currently holding in their custody is my only son. Find him, for he will inherit the crown one day when this body has given up. I don't know what the future holds, but you will outlive me, and when that day comes, I assure you he will be your valuable ally."

In his last attempt, he smiled. "Consider this as a long-term investment."

Fredricus didn't care anymore if his words would get through to her. The not-supposedly-old King let out a heavy sigh, leaning against his chair as he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the elf was nowhere to be seen, and at the edge of his table was a teacup, half emptied but still steaming hot.


We are currently reviewing your character. Could you please join the discord so we can have quick discussions about it?
Hi, is there room for 1 more?

Hello there. Our GM is still offline so I will reply in his stead. Technically we are still open with only one slot remaining. If you wish to join, please make your character sheet so Boss GM can review it ASAP

PS: the recruitment will be closed when the team finished the audience with the king, you should hurry.
Jazdia was the one who did not kneel.

The king tolerated her antics although a glint of annoyance could be observed in his eyes. But the same couldn't be said to one of the king's bodyguards who invited her to have this audience. Jazdia could feel the glare of the orc knight bore through her skull, and maybe, just maybe it was only a matter of finding the right moment for her to summon other guards and have the elf executed.

It was only when the King demanded them to be at ease Jazdia would follow that will to the letter, instinctively taking the time to review her behavior. The situation was already intense, and Jazdia pondered if the act of withholding her prideful ideals was really worth it.

So, it would be in her best interest to let the others speak first. Though, she would have preferred to have the chamberlain bring them something to sit to... And some refreshments, come to think of it, weren't they all the guests here?

One of the guests was a burly man with an imposing figure. Dressed like a druid, walked like a druid, and smelled like a druid. A Druid for those who fancy integral classification of magic application and keen enough to spot the difference. For the average people though, not sure if he was a very hairy man or a bipedal bear.

"I'll do what I can-- jus..please, do what ya can too.. Don' go ta war..."

The man said solemnly. Now there was an interesting interchange. Don't go to war... such an honest plea, just what the common folk needed, but seldom wanted thanks to that pesky thing called politics.

@Randomness It is necessary to have your character cataloged. If you wish to join and already have a character written down, you may post it here or in the interest check thread so we can review it.

Also, this is the link to the discord server if you are interested

Name : Jazdia Crystalspark
Species : Elf
Gender : Female
Age : 54
Height : 175

Jazdia is a tall elven woman with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and long, waist-length platinum blonde hair that she often let untied. Elves are all born beautiful and Jazdia was no exception. Her attractiveness is often described as an eternal winter barely touched by the sun's embrace. But that's just another way for the gentlemen to adore her face that seemed to always sport a perpetual frown. At least that's original.

Former leader of a peacekeeping organization, Jazdia understands it would be in her best interest to omit such details from her MO. Not that she is a wanted criminal or anything; she ended her tenure on a relatively high note actually. The thing about working as law enforcement is you will have no shortage of old enemies who would persistently try to even the scales with you even after retirement, and Jazdia does not wish to be tangled with such... nuisances.

So now, she is just Jazdia. An adventurer, restaurateur, and tea connoisseur. Yeah, just put that in her business card.

Skillset and spells:

-Hemophobia (passive)
Taking damage would result in lower combat efficiency. Jazdia will start sweating, having a shaky aim and blurred vision. At a certain threshold, her Ultravision cannot be activated.
-Curse of the crimson flame (passive)
Resting near any fire or under the sun would slowly regenerate her power and heal her wounds. However, any healing magic cast on her would instead deal damage.

-Arrow Enchantment.
Channels magic into her arrow. Can only use one type of arrow in a single turn. Has three flavors:
A. Crystal Arrows.
Glorified fireworks with an equally destructive explosion contained inside. Can be programmed to either explode upon impact, delayed, or remote detonation.
B. Crystal Arrows
Non Explosive variants, but hot as hell it pierces through plates and mails like a hot knife through butter. Armor Piercing, nuff said.

Any close-range attack will be answered with heavy retribution. Figuratively speaking, sometimes this extended to the non-combat situation. Proceed with caution.

Channeling magic to enhance her vision, Jazdia can see pass through solid objects and magical manipulation such as illusion and darkness. Imposes varying degrees of strain on her body depending on the area covered and elapsed duration. Prolonged abuse of this skill might result in myopia and gradual blindness.

At this point, taking heavy damage would no longer weaken her. Now she is faster and deadlier and angrier. The third flavor of her enchanted arrows unlocked:
C. Poison arrows. Deals heavy damage over time. The enemy killed by this arrow will have their body burst into a swarm of black lepidopteran that attacks nearby hostiles until either they or the caster died, or the effect expires. At the end of its fleeting lifespan, the insect will return to the caster and heals her wounds. Has 3 days of cooldown.

An obsidian black bow with gold and silver linings on its limbs. Has an absurdly light draw weight of 44 pounds.
A long knife with ivory handle and elven runes inscribed on its blade.
-Medium-sized satchel bag
A plain-looking bag that doesn't seem too out of fashion despite being designed with function in mind.
-Pocket watch
A momento from her father. Well maintained and functioning properly.
Generic first aid kit.

"Indeed we are not..." Sonia pondered. What mystery awaited them upstream? Could be civilization or the opposite; unsavory locals with a penchant for foreigner's flesh and blood. Such presumptuous assumptions dawned from her limited knowledge about the tropical realm and what dwells within it.

"It could be a man killing another," she murmured, watering down the visceral chronology Verdan had just described with premature deduction. "Or he ate the wrong mushroom and died here after thinking he could wash it down with water."

The alternative seemed equally possible with the former. If the man was killed by another human, be it a desperate survivor or rabid tribesmen, they would have taken his coat. Clothing, after all, was a precious commodity if you were in the middle of nowhere.

"We should take a closer look. Mayhaps guess what exactly done him in."

"If I were you I would let the dead be at rest." Sonia shrugged, yet still upholding her ambivalent neutrality. "But that's just me."

The demoness walked upstream, a good half dozen meters away from the skeleton's resting place. There she unfastened her belt and undressed, leaving her trusty crossbow on the riverbank as she took a dip into the river and wash the burning salt off her skin. The water was cold and so clean she could see the riverbed, too bad it was too shallow to swim.

Giving her hair a good rinsing, Sonia finally felt like a civilized person again. However, as much as she loved a good bathing session, she tried to not enjoy it too much, at least for now. There was a remnant of a dead people just a few meters ahead, and they were still within an unknown territory. Besides, they have reached their objective, it was time to go back and report their findings. She bet the flamboyant mage would flip upon hearing it.

After washing her dress, Sonia climbed up and twisted her only clothes before wearing them again, smiling as she thanked Rayland for keeping eye on the surroundings.

"The water is good. If you want to have a quick soak, well, do it now and take your time. Just keep in mind that we need to go back soon."

And with that, she slung her crossbow and had it at the ready.

A strong feeling of fear was punching her guts when she learned that some of her teammates had already taken a few sips from the same water where the skeleton was. Sonia clutched her crossbow tighter than ever, eyes regularly shifting between them and the surrounding foliage with sheer cautiousness, expecting an ambush jumping out of the shrubs, or witnessing one of these explorers throwing up and slumping down after gulping questionable water.

A few moments passed, nothing happened and the fear subsided.

"Everyone, check your surroundings."

The instruction was delivered with sufficient alertness, one that quickly conveyed the seriousness of the situation, but did not instill unnecessary consternation. After all, it was just a dead body, and that alone invited a lot of possibilities to think about. Few of it was not very pleasant.

"Do you see anything out of the ordinary?"

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and they reported that with troubled looks, making Sonia feel like she was overreacting. She did not explain the possibility that this place may have been rigged with traps, and now with everything seeming safe and clear, it would serve no purpose to explain why she felt so agitated.

Sighing to calm herself, Sonia noticed that her party members seemed all too keen to inspect the skeletonized remains, and thus, came another question she had no answer for.

"Now what are we going to do with that poor fella?"

@spiral origin
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