Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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When in battle, keep the talking at a minimum. Especially at a close-quarter brawl, especially now!

Just when she thought the vanguard would make their first move, the two midgets hurled their nets at her. Jazdia pushed her body backward to retreat as an archer should, but the big man kept his eyes on her. Nobody could have guessed how his leg could support that tremendous body, but he did; he made a long jump from his position, landed between Jazdia and Yvonne, and swung a centrifugal wide slash across the party, with Jazdia as the main target.

The elf raised her bow to block the heavy blow, but the force was so great it wasn't merely throwing her off balance but also violently pushed her entire body backward and had it collide with the pillar on the right.

The audience cheered in a thrilling stupor as the announcer enliven the match with his feverish commentary.

"—OUT! The elven lady was caught off guard! That sudden jump knocks her off right before the finish—! ACROSS THE LINE—! The Punisher, from Wigerjurgen Crews, the butcher Knight!!!"
”Everyone here relies on you to make the decisions, the decisions that make the difference between us completing the mission and making it out alive or running to our deaths. We need you… I need you...the true you. So please calm down.”

"I am calm." said a Jazdia curtly, then, with a purple glint in her eyes under their bristling brows, she added. "If you think I am not, then you don't know me long enough."

The elf let out a heavy sigh, and the air she released looked like it was unleashed from a fiery furnace. But then, her expression softens. "You don't need to worry about me, my little fox."

Walked closer to the end of the tunnel, it seemed they just left a belly of the beast only to walk into another. The arena was a large circular space with three supporting pillars. The wall was solid stone, four meters tall from the base to the lowest seating an audience could sit to. The entire place was lit by a huge chandelier and no shadow at all.

In the arena were two tigers, overpowering, and ultimately pouncing down a fighting slave and ripping his throat off. The cheering was loud and mixed with expressions of contempt or disapproval. The spectators were restless, yet the announcer remained upbeat.

"And so passes, Terminators, champions of Sigurd. The beasts of the Alerac were too much for them!"

Jazdia readied her bow and activated her eyes. It was still distorted, but through the stone ceiling, she could see it clearer; forty, no at least fifty or so people, populate the space surrounding this arena. Their faces were hidden beneath fancy-looking masks, and it was not only men who enjoyed this game of carnage, there were women as well, both aged and young, and 'looked young'.

She readied her bow, picking her target carefully. There was Gerrald. The description matched, and he sat on the front seat, with luxuries on his left and right and a glass of wine at hand.

The arrow glowed, and Jazdia took her steps carefully. Like a hunter she was stalking prey. But she overlooked the possibility of the other hunter. The tigers were not here for a meal, nor to fulfill some sort of craving to feast on human flesh. They were here for the sport, to enjoy the killing, and if humans can teach animals many things, why not cruelty too?

And so with a piercing roar, the twin noticed her and rushed toward the tunnel with sheer of animalistic confidence. Thinking their victim had been cornered and was on their last stand.
However, they were animals and thus couldn't be any smarter than that. When Jazdia's enchanted arrow struck one of the twins, it ripped and tear the other as well. The audience gasped in surprise. The announcer stammered.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What is that?"
Then, after a moment, he returned upbeat again. "And suddenly, a burst of light! Someone pelted the beast bare! What in the world just happened?! Ah, oh ohhhhh we will be damned! New challengers just entered the Arena! Come on out and don't be shy!"

Shy she was not. Jazdia walked over the dead beast and channeled another shot. This time no tigers, nothing stood in the way of her arrow and that damned guild master, or so she thought. The arrow flew and hit a transparent barrier and exploded in front of the man, but it did not kill him, not even hurt him. And the only annoyance he felt was he accidentally dropped his stemware in surprise due to the flashy firework show.

"There she is! Fiesty lady and her companions! Welcome! Welcome. I see that you are very eager to start! A shame that you are a bit late! Today's match should have been done-and-done! We had seen plundering! Crazy battles! Tight escapes and desperate chases! But fret not! It seems the fight is far from over Ladies and Gentlemen."

There was a loud one from the audience. "Can we buy them?!"

The patron talking was a short, half-bald man with a braided beard. He was sitting between two women with skimpy clothes, and with his stubby, jeweled finger, he pointed at Jazdia.

"Buy them? Of course! If they can survive the gauntlet"

"No, I want to buy them! Can that be arranged?"

The announcer shrugged. After consulting with Gerrald, he announced but was less enthusiastic about the prospect. "If you can tame them Master Ulgad! We will give you an 20 percent rebate!"

The announcer then winked. "Alright! Give hearty applause for Wigerjurgen Crews! You can fuck them boys but be gentle!"

With waves of laughter, the trap door at the north side of the arena opened. Three burly men walked in, their faces were covered with triangular metal helmets but their chests were left bare and hairy. Each brandished poleaxes with rust on its edges. Following them from behind were five stunted men carrying trawling nets with iron weights. Their twisted visage smiled with glee as they waved for the cheering of the audience.

Jazdia shook her head in disgust as the samurai knelt before her. It was too late, and an apology could only do so little. Pathetic, she muttered, her blade was glowing brightly in response to Chonan's dishonorable attack, but she then decided, instead of ending this Samurai's life, she would rather save someone's life.

The metal door toppled sideways after Jazdia slashed its hinges down. Seeing the glowing blade severing iron with fiery sparks, the slaves were horrified, confusion filled the room, some raised their hands in defense, and a few others cower at the corner, far away from the door and their executor's reach. Not in the mood to convince anybody, she hissed. "Leave!" and that was the only word she could afford to say.

Near the exit, there was another chamber, blocked by another metal door with many locks. The door had a barred window, and if one peeked inside, they would see a child in her early teens imprisoned in that chamber. Her ankle was shackled to a heavy iron ball, and she sat on a stone dais with legs outstretched.

Jazdia called, but the girl only tilted her head. She wore a ragged top tube and skirt with a distinctive pattern. She has curly brown hair and a beautiful face, blemished by dust but unscarred. A piece of cloth covered her eyes and she seemed to be heavily sedated. Jazdia could only imagine the unspeakable cruelty they put her through. Someone had to pay for this.

She tightened her grip and slashed everything that holds the door to its frame. Hinges, latches, chains and locks alike, but the door wouldn't budge. Only when Jazdia touched the metal slab to push it down she realized there was a sealing magic that held it shut, and it was linked to one person.
"Gerald, it must be him!"

Without mentioning Chonan, she stormed for the exit and breached its door, reluctantly leaving the girl to her fate. Angry and bitter, she partially acknowledged that her anger was unwarranted. These atrocities were a common occurrence anywhere around the world, and she had seen a lot. So why this one affected her so much?

"Miss Rosenving, this way."

Their exit was a tunnel that leads to a circular arena. From here, the yelling becomes louder, and in it, Gerald's voice could be heard. Or she thought. Why she was so angry?

Perhaps everything would be easier if she could find a way to justify... and atone.
Jazdia was furious. For a split second, she considered the option to plant an arrow on this man's knee and drag him out to be judged. Seeing the dead again, her heart sank, and she felt cheated, her idealism shaken to the core. No matter how to look at it, their operation had costed innocent lives. How could she claim the moral high ground after this?

"On your feet!"

Even when the elf grabbed the samurai by his collar, she was still torn between continuing this mission or bringing this man into the light. Nah... it was too late for that. Now was the time to think pragmatically, but for pity's sake, she hoped the man would show some remorse.

"Hey Samurai! Chonan!"

But the man was in a... psychedelic mess he kept grinning from ear to ear. Yet his eyes were empty, and he trembled as if being overpowered by a mysterious being.
Jazdia, who had no time to deal with this kind of bullshit finally had had enough and punched the man square on his lower jaw.

"Enjoying too much killing aren't you? It's their blood in your hand! Shouldn't you at least feel sorry about it?!"

She had no idea if that punch was enough to mend her ire, or to make Chonan return to his sense. Something very wrong was at play here, and Jazdia, in anticipation clutched the handle of her long knife.
"But I see our man. He is there..."

Jazdia hadn't finished her report when the Rosenving Daughter flipped a table and make a barrier. While Chonan... well the oriental man was not content with just preparing.

"Hmmm. When it comes for a risk. It will be my pleasure." He announced. Despite his calm disposition, his words were laced with unadulterated excitement. He moved forward, opened the door, and slithered in.

"No! Wait!"

It was the first time Jazdia raised her voice since the operation began, and she immediately followed inside. A sharp groan of agony assaulted her hearing when she entered the room, then the sounds of whimperings and gasps. A silhouette in the shape of a human was slumped, followed by a thud.

The room was dark, the torches were extinguished, leaving two spheres of ember glowing in the haunting darkness. When Jazdia reignited them and brought back the lights into that room, the atrocities became apparent.

The room was separated in two. The first section had a stone beam directly facing the door. On that beam chained two humans. One human was dead, a shuriken embedded on his forehead. The other human, a female, had a throwing star stuck on her neck, and her body was spasming. The last Shuriken landed on an unused pillory.

'Please! Please have mercy!" cried one of the slaves as the light from the torches revealed their faces. In the corner of the room was a large cage with eight humans imprisoned inside. Males, females, and children, all mixed in one place. Their condition ranges from malnourished, to injured and mentally broken.

One of the younger slaves reached out, showing her hand with three stumped fingers. "It hurts! I want to go home! Ma! I will behave! Ma!"

“That went pretty smooth so far. Can you see what awaits us inside? I can go in as the captain if needed.”

Jazdia walked closer to the door and activated her eyes. "There is no need for that. The upper floors were empty, and all activities seemed to be concentrated in the basement. The passage to reach the place was a straight line downward. Aisles and slope stairs with several rooms on the left and right. The opposition was minimal. Anything beyond that is still unknown."

The group entered the place, and as the sun rose behind them, their sky was fading as they went deeper.

And indeed no one challenged them. The passage was large, sufficiently lit, and rather clean. The rooms Jazdia described were barred from the outside. Devoid of lives save several flares of life force that deteriorate slowly. At the end of the aisle was a large metal door that stood unguarded, but no one couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister was waiting for them.

As they walked closer, the boisterous noise of cheering audiences could be heard. Jazdia activated her eyes again. Whatever behind that door was a distorted image, blurry and sometimes dark. The place was crowded, with many voices; men, women, gruff, meek and booming. Amidst the chaos, she saw a glimpse of a man with a prominent jawline and long gray hair, sitting proudly on his throne.

"There was a barrier that repelled my power, but it was incomplete."

She took a deep breath, already feeling the strain when she tried to bypass the interference.

"But I see our man. He is there..."


“Honestly, I’m not much of a fan of all this violence. Why don’t we sit this one out pal? Just us living to see another day. Sounds good, right?”

"Whatever you say! I yield, let the bigwigs duke it out, ain't got nothing with them no more!"

The crossbowman threw his weapon away, one hand still raised to block the maw of Kaito's spectral Lupo. Looking at the ongoing carnage, the thug better meant every word he said.
Seeing that Kaito would keep his word, the thug skidded sideways, crawling before rushing for the door. Free and uninjured, one might wonder if such an act of benevolence was worth it, but the deed was done.



The Sergeant, despite having a cut on his throat was not dead yet. The samurai's blade tore his jugular artery but did not sever it. Adrenaline numbed the pain, and with bloody gurgles, he roared, making a second wind by rushing forward. Swift and unexpected, his last attack was delivered with sheer desperation and rage. The confident samurai was too quick to indulge in his premature victory, but was far from being unprepared, in an equally swift motion he twirled, evading the incoming onslaught, and retaliated with a quick swing against the sergeant's neck, decapitating him.

4:20 A.M.
Angel's Share Inn, Rascade City Plaza, Kingdom of Kindeance.

Jazdia had awakened on the last third of the night and was ready to start the day after brewing some tea for herself. She found a blueberry tart on the counter and thought that would be sufficient for breakfast. Walked back to the second floor, the elf headed to the open terrace and sat there.

A shadow jumped from the roof, then bowed before her. "Mission accomplished." the oriental man said.

She could see it, or rather, smell it. The air was chilly yet blended with a faint smell of burnt sugar. The day was still dark but three yellow brightenings could be seen on the horizon, and some people had already wide awake; running on the street with cursings and concerned utterances.

"Very well. Muster everyone, we will depart in half hour."


Exactly 30 minutes later, the group returned to the street. Located four blocks away from Angel's Share, the Black Serpent headquarters was located between East Market and upper-class residential area, with the main access through a rather large alleyway with a huge wooden gate blocking the way. The place was deserted as expected, but the group remained vigilant as they approached it.

Nobody knocked or breached the door yet, but they heard angry yellings from the inside. There was a peeping window on the gate, and on the interior's side, someone was guarding it. A very fat bald man with a mustache. Their courtyard was populated by ten or so members, armed like militias and briefed by a very pissed, red-skinned sergeant.

Jazdia instructed Kaito, and the fox responded by donning his illusionary mask, impersonating one of the guild members he remembered. The peeping windows opened, a man peered, and with unconcealed disdain, he barked. "You again?! I thought the order was clear! Weren't you supposed to be with Anton's group?"

"Yoo fatso! Anton sent me. I Aint coming back if ain't got something to report. Very important, it's about the attack. Where is the sergeant?"

"You can tell me first."

"Here? Naw! The guards could be anywhere, mang! Let me in and I will fill you in."

With the sound of a disengaged latch bar, The unsuspected fatso opened the gate. The group sprung in, weapons drawn. Amidst the confusion, Jazdia was taken aback, there were quite a number of people directly in front of her. Should she flaunt a warrant and proclaim their right to remain silent? To stay their hand lest be incriminated for obstructing the enforcement of the law?

The fatso slumped after Yvonne bludgeoned his abdomen. Snapping Jazdia out of that. "Hey, Sparky! What's the matter?"

Nothing, except the fact that she was an agent of law no more. The only difference between her and these thugs was she had the King's blessing and her personal sense of justice. The thing was, both were equally finicky to gauge for righteousness's sake.
But Jazdia knew one thing, no matter the circumstances, if someone tried to kill her, she would gladly return the sentiment. So when the thugs formed a rank and had their arbalest prepared, the elf fired her explosive arrow in preemptive retaliation, blasting four thugs and injuring several others.

The explosion shattered the glass windows behind them, causing additional damage and concussing the surviving enemies, Now was the chance for Chounan and Yvvone to safely rush forward. They still had seven enemies standing. Three on the left and four on the right including the sergeant. Few were rabid and impatient, while some reluctantly welcomed the fight.

An angry howl from the sergeant somehow inspired... or terrorized them. "What are you doing? They are just four! Kill the men, get the bitches!"

Three thugs armed with blackjacks and some other improvised blunt weapons made a beeline for Yvonne. While on the Chounan's side, the sergeant led the charge, followed by two others. The only surviving crossbowman could be seen reloading his weapon and due to the courtyard being poorly lit, seemed undecided on who to shoot first.

"You sure our target will be there? It's well past midnight in eight hours."

"After the commotion? Chances are high that he will be in his command post, coordinating things and making sure he is present at the place where almost all of his wealth is concentrated. If he decided to be careless by monitoring his damaged assets in person one by one, we will know it and our work will be a lot easier."

Who do we present the evidence to?” Now it's Kaito's turn to speak. He brought up too many ifs in his assessment, and honestly, it was a fair skepticism.

"We work with Fred. All of our findings will be directly presented to him."

What Jazdia did not say was what if Fred, for whatever motive and reason found their report unsatisfactory. If that happened, all bets are off for them, and her leverage was not as substantial as it used to be. She hated to admit it, but right now, all she could do was to have good faith in that human king, and that should suffice, for now.

"I will deal with the guild if they are not involved." said Jazdia. It was an open-ended statement. Her usual answer could also be perceived as her subtle way of saying that should be none of your concern... Kaito, as someone who basically worked with her, should be familiar with that kind of speech. "I feel that your disquietude is quite misplaced. You are an outlaw that tangoes with authorities on a daily basis. If another party goes on the dance floor, I am sure you will manage."

"I think that will conclude this meeting."


After some more railleries, Jazdia went upstairs to rest. She had instructed Lucas to show Chounan and Kaito their room if they feel like sleeping and informed Yvonne the number of her room.

The room was spacious and cozy, lit by four oil lamps that radiates warm light. It had two beds with white sheets and blue-navvy blankets, a large cupboard, and a decorated partition. At the end of the room, close to the door that led to a private bathing chamber, was a long square table with white clean towels. The room was scented with a faint sandalwood aroma, and if one feel the perfume was too overpowering, or just wanted the breeze of fresh air, they can always open the large window situated at the west of the room.

Jazdia spent fifteen minutes soaking her body in the tub which had its water warmed by her power. Putting on her pajamas and placing the bow and quiver next to her bed, the elf rolled her body onto the bed and slept.

"Uh, one question. Wouldn't it be more feasible to grab the man in his mansion? Or better yet, when he's on the way home."

"If you ask me, I don't believe this entire Mansion thingy. In the times like this, strongmen usually will be more vigilant than ever. They wanted to be closer to their empire. Making sure it runs smoothly while at the same time remaining low profile. Remember that Gerald's face and his rank were barely known. This means the man is paranoid and rarely makes a public appearance. He would stay on his throne even if his empire is on fire. And don't forget, if the assassination attempt is any indication, they seemed to have a very extensive tunnel system, and they can and will use those passages as their primary means of transporting.

"On a side note, I'm against walking up on their front door. They'll inevitably recognize us, and when it comes to these kind of folks they can hold grudge for a really long time. Unless we completely uproot the entire band in one go."

"Our options are either that or have one of us cuffed." Jazdia shrugged. "Why? Do you fear those kinds of riffraff? If we can prove their involvement in Fred's assassination, I am damned sure Kindeance would have the entire guild purged until there is no single snake scale left."
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