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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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"If I got to pick though, left shoulder broke. I think it's the collarbone. Need to get out of this mail and bandage it good."
Jazdia activated her eyes but barely managed to see through Yvonne's hauberk. It was all bruises all over her shoulder, and aside from broken bones, there was probably internal bleeding too. It was indeed very concerning.

Jazdia groped through her bag and placed a roll of bandage on Yvonne's lap before retrating her bandaged hand to somewhere out of the noblewoman's line of sight.

"A spare bundle from our samurai friend. I suppose you don't need assistance to dress it?"

The girl surprisingly imbibed the potion without much fuss, probably recognizing the bottle and the taste. Not sure if this was a good thing. Could it be that she wanted to recover quickly to continue his payback, who knows?
Her smile seemed to have annoyed the girl, but both exchanged no word.

They waited a bit. The girl was still paralyzed but wide awake. The sedating drug should have reached its onset now, and usually would have knocked a grown man out cold in a single dose.

When Kaito touched the arrow, the girl growled faintly and twitched her body. Her persistence to fend off unconsciousness and showing resistance was laudable, yet also foolish. And her rescuer had no time to entertain her uncooperativeness, Jazdia pinned her wrist with her knee and covered her eyes.

"Chonan, secure her other hand, would you kindly? Kaito, you can do it now."

The girl's body tensed as the arrow pulled out and tossed aside. Quite slower than she had imagined but it was done anyway. Now checking for the wound, it was frothy and blood was still oozing, but not profusely. Kaito attentively sealed the wound with his hand. Good boy!

Biting open something from an aluminum wrapping, Jazdia then laid a special, waxy membrane over her wound and secured it with an occlusive dressing. "How is your breathing?"

Of course, she didn't answer, and even if she wanted to, the girl seemed to suffer deafness too. So Jazdia checked it herself, she breathed alright, but short... any shorter than that and she would have reopened the dressing again. She waited, and all seemed well and nominal.

"She is all yours, Kaito. Apply more dressing on her chest, remove her upper clothing, and apply some on her temple too." she heaved, then turned to Chonan. "And best not cause any unnecessary alteration on her body. She is as helpless as a kitten for six hours to come."

Then she approached Yvonne and smiled wryly. "Anything hurt?" A dorky question indeed, and a bit late too.

"Not the best time to be compassionate here, Sparky." Kindness to an enemy was cruelty to one's allies. "Hope you know what you're doing. Even if Edgy here can block spellcasting, she's one of the strongest mage I've ever seen."

Jazdia heard her loud and clear, but she remained determined. "I will deal with her myself if she tries anything." she answered, as clearly as she could. The girl's red eyes glared at her with rekindled anger, but Jazdia looked back unbothered.

"Listen... you. I have registered 15 milligrams of morphine into your bloodstream, you will remain calm until I am done patching your wound. You will die if I let you." Jazdia touched her cheek, a gesture of reassurance, but her deadpan expression said otherwise. "I want to help."

She heard someone sighing behind her, it was Kaito, who immediately squatted next to her. The sudden movement down caused him to grimace in pain.
”You can’t give her a potion before taking out the arrow. That will lead to infections later. Your hands are in no condition to take it out. I’ll do it.”

"If you pull the arrow now, she will bleed to death in minutes. That health potion does wonder to staunch the bleeding, but it takes time to be absorbed and take effect." Jazdia shook her head and continued in a grim tone. "She has lost so much blood, and we can't afford to spill more. She will get the potion first, then we will take it out when the potion has started to take effect. At least we will have some insurance. How is that sound?"
"You're lucky I cant move right now. Go to the corner and pretend you're a rock or something."

Yvonne quickly grabbed one of the red bottles and drank it. Even in the first sip, the healing and invigorating effect of that potion could be felt. The pain lessened, and the bruises were starting to fade. And at that moment, her word to that surviving soldier was no longer an empty threat anymore.

Ignoring the confused soldier to be somebody else's problem, Jazdia approached the wounded girl and stared at her deviant eyes before kneeling and opening her medkit. Her expression was cold, and she was actually hesitant, but something deep inside moved her. Compassion, yeah it had to be that. At this moment, she remembered her late aunt, Flenaline. Be a healer, she said. The world will be a better place with more people capable of healing instead of fighting, she said. But she died before she could see one more healer taking her oath.

The girl tried to shove her away with her trembling hand, but barely a push can be felt. Frowning only slightly, Jazdia gripped her hand tightly and swiftly administered sedative morphine from a squeezable syrette. The girl let out a choked protest and Jazdia braced herself. It would take another two minutes for the drug to take effect and alleviate her suffering-- or remaining rage, come to think of it.

Yes, her hand was starting to bleed again after wrangling the girl to not jolting her body left and right.
"Samurai!" she shouted. "Bring one of those medicines here and have her drink it!"

"Well I'd love to help but I literally cant move a finger right now. "Left shoulder's busted, broke some ribs too. But the rest should heal in a week or two.""

Jazdia took that thermos again, looking dejected not only upon hearing the damage report but also at the unopened thermos as well. Giving up, she handed it to Kaito.

The group's attention suddenly shifted to arriving Chonan and the coughing soldier near the pillar. It looked like he was regaining his consciousness. Jazdia wondered who spared him.

"What! Who goes there!" He slapped his nape, then searched his waist. Seemed disappointed to find himself unarmed, he murmured."Where is my sword? You! You are the... criminal."

He studied them before rubbing his temple. "Wa-what do you want? Why did you let me... live?"
"Hey boss. Doing good?"

When Yvonne saluted her, Jazdia was busy biting one end of the bandage to secure a knot on her wrist. Even after done with that, she didn't immediately answer. She handed Yvonne a small, squeezable tube with a cone-shaped end containing white powder and asked her to wait as she unfastened her undershirt and pulled it down. There, on the same level as her armpit was a wound. It was still oozing some blood, but luckily no froth could be seen.

The elf poured some antiseptic solution and then sprayed the white powder before quickly applying the bandage. To her dismay, but completely unsurprised, the gauze she had was insufficient to properly dress the wound.

A trace of blood was still spreading slowly on her left hand. A sign that she might had use her bandage a bit too sparingly. To that, she chuckled wryly. That was a first aid kit for you.

"She ain't dead yet. Would be a lot safer to finish her off, yeah?"

The Rosenving daughter suggested, but Jazdia wasn't very ready to answer that. Pausing a moment to watch the fire burning in front of them, she then handed to her a metal sleek thermos. Gesturing to Yvonne that her injured and bandaged hands were too weak to open it themselves.

Approaching from behind was Kaito and immediately he voiced his concern. “Jaz…”

"Morning, little fox. Having a nightmare?"

Jazdia rose up and flinched as her injured chest adapted to a different tension, she raised a hand to tell them she was fine, but Kaito fluttered around her like a fussy nursemaid.

”Where is your medkit? We need to do something about that shoulder of yours.” He paused a bit and looked at Yvonne. ”And we need to do something about pretty much everything of Yvonne. Where is Chounan?”

Jazdia rubbed the bandaged wound under her untied shirt and sighed. "Don't worry about me. As for Chonan..."
The glow in her eyes was faint this time before it turned normal again.

"I can't see him," She stated flatly, then continued in a manner of someone explaining a natural occurrence. "I have lost a sizeable amount of blood I can't use my power properly."

As she finished speaking, Chonan returned, bringing several items with him.

Come to think of it, she might have cut some of her muscles.

Jazdia twitched her fingers. All were responsive albeit with limited movements.

Nervous system?

She could feel the touch, and pain, except for her right thumb and pinkie which looked very pale. She tested by yanking both fingers. Ouw! Ouch!
Yeah, they too passed the check.

Blood vessel?

Blood dripping from her punctured knuckle and wrist told her that this one was still... problematic.

Jazdia had finished tending to her left palm when Chonan approached her, offering help. But she shook her head and dismissively waved her hand. The Samurai was slow to take the hint, so Jazdia resorted to verbal instruction.

"You should help Yvonne."

That noblewoman in question however was walking, or rather, wobbling, with swords in her hand, but barely a few steps later she stumbled, almost comically so, and hit the floor, face first.

Hesitatingly, pausing many times for breath, she stressed."Yeah, you should help her..."

The samurai nodded and approached Yvonne. There was a short bark, unruly squirm, and wild arm movement when he gently picked the noblewoman up and bring her to safety. Come to think of it, they looked awfully matched to each other. Jazdia leaned backward and laughed throatily.

The Samurai then stormed for the south tunnel for God knows what.


Upon arriving at Gerrald's bunker, Chonan ransacked the guild master's quarter and opened all the containers he could find. There was no valuable intel, however, but at the cupboard where Gerrald stored his liquor, he found a jar of honey and unlabeled rectified spirit. Opening another cabinet near the door, he found a scissor, three small bottles filled with red aromatic liquid, two similarly small bottles filled with clear solutions that smelled like lemon extract, and a generous supply of bandages --three rolls to be exact.

"Catch this, bitch!"

The girl was still hysteric, and now even more so when Yvvone swung Gerrald's ruined bulk against her. Her frail body thrown sideways and collided with the wall. She still managed to stand, yet trembling, both in panic and pain with bits of gore from Gerrald's cratered chest splattered on her abdomen. But it wasn't the end of the relentless assault her enemies had prepared for her. Suddenly the fire that had burned her before spreading to every part of her body, crackling to consume what was left for her. All but not the grief.

Long before her master took her in, she was no stranger to torture, if this would be the end of it, then so be it. She swallowed the pain and steeled herself. Her talent was ready, fire and blood blocked her impaired sight and sense, but she aimed regardless.

The bolt of energy shifted in the air, nicked Yvonne's shoulder, and hit the pillar behind her before bouncing off its course and bombarding the wooden crates at the far right of the hall.

Although not taking the full brunt, The young noblewoman was impacted by the attack. Pieces of masonry hurled at her with considerable force, and she immediately registered extreme pain in her left shoulder.

The girl was spent, so exhausted, so conditioned with the pain she could no longer feel the scorching fire the enemy had cast upon her. With one arm stretched, she wobbled, magic flickered in her fingers, and then, a sudden sharp feeling of pressure recoiled in her chest. She managed to make another step before finally kneeling, whimpering as her breath became narrower, and then lying down on the floor, an arrow lodged in her chest.

Several good meters away from that, Jazdia let go of her slippery grip from her bow. Blood trickled from both hands and her upper chest, soaking her torn undertunic. Her fear had set in and become worse with every passing second, luckily she found a campfire conveniently lit by someone...
The mace flew straight, and the flange hit the girl right on her temple, tearing the skin along with the upper part of her earlobe. The weep now was not just for her dead master but for herself as well. Blood immediately flew from her injured temple, and her sobs turned into angry growls.

Her blindfold unfastened, and with her glowing red eyes, she saw the woman charging at her with a blade drawn. Almost instinctively, a telekinesis wave blasted the woman away. Yvonne was still gripping her sword tightly when she crashed with Chonan, and the second pillar behind them with a thud.

Had the mace missed, she might never know what was coming. And she would have died, right here, right now spending her last moment indulging in a final sorrow.


The blindfolded young woman stood up, and now instead of using her power to hover, she walked. A spear from a dead soldier clasped into her grip as if attracted by a magnetic force. And then she advanced.

Jazdia now could make a small movement with her leg but it wasn't enough to stand yet. Her hands however were free, and immediately she tended to the most injured of the two: a broken arrow shaft was lodging in her knuckles between her index and middle finger, yawing with one part of the splinter made its exit on the back of her hand and the other exiting near the wrist. Gasping for a breath and bracing for more excruciating pain, she yanked the broken shaft out.

Blood spurted out, but she couldn't pass out yet. She could feel more blood trickling on her leg, but this time it was not hers. The girl stood in front of her now. Why did everyone in Kindeance seem to have a national preference for poled weapons?

The blow came straight down. Instinctively the elf shielded it with her palm, then desperately used her bloodied hand to grip the spearhead to stop the thrust. Seeing it from the lowest angle possible, it was easy to forget how lithe and frail the girl was. Her body was not, by any means malnourished, but the excessive use of magic had worn it inside out. How the spear stopped after piercing her palm reflected the girl's physical fraility.

Despite the girl's stunted strength, it was still a vertical blow that could kill her if she let it. The elf knew she was now bleeding profusely, and now the only thing that kept her together was the adrenaline that too will fade in time. Seeing no easy way out, Jazdia shifted the blow and let go of her grip, letting it sink shallowly into her upper chest, closer to her shoulder. The blow made her gasp for air, but not futilely so; a flicker of fire conjured from her bloodied hands like a whip, and she launched the flame, along with her boiling blood toward the blindfolded girls' eyes.

The spear yanked away. And with more strength now returned to her legs, Jazdia inched away from the frenzied girl. A telekinetic blast blindly aimed at the floor jolted her, but it helped to gain additional distance.

Between her wailing, growling, and piercing cry, the orb of white energy formed again on the girl's right hand.

The girl floated across the broken bridge. Unhindered by the ruined infrastructure below her. White flames flickered and coursed in her right hand, but no spell was cast. Not yet.

She could feel more people come to aid the injured elf. One of them tried to tell her something, while the other sneakily tried to take the wicked elf away.

”I think I have a grasp of how you feel, you loved Gerald, your master, right? No amount of revenge can bring him back and no amount of violence and death will ever ease your pain! It will only put other people through the same misery you’re feeling now but it will never end yours. I will not allow you to hurt my friend because I feel the same.”

The girl lifted his left hand and waved it, sending a telekinetic wave to blast the rescuers. Kaito who was the closest to her suddenly found himself thrown away by the force and landed on the floor between the first and the second pillar. While Yvonne was similarly knocked away and hit the floor with Jazdia.

Another pain surged through her, but Jazdia managed to secure her right hand from hitting the floor. Now lying on her back, the elf faced the enraged young woman, who was now weeping before Gerrald's corpse. Her wailings were incomprehensible, more like a shriek from the wounded animal, but the rage was humane, pure, and filled with a burning need for revenge.

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