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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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Baker had retreated behind the counter, busying himself with cutting vegetables and preparing leftover minced meat. Nina. after fulfilling the last order from the elven lady sauntered into the kitchen, bringing a new pot full of water and having it boiled immediately.

Sweeping sweat from her forehead, the girl heaved. "I swear the pot was full last time I checked. What happened to it?"

"The old one? I thought they were made last week. The pot looked grisly."

The young lady looked like she was ready to sweat bullet this time.

"So you tossed it out?!! Daa I made it just yesterday! Remember that small lady? She downed almost the entire serving, I made a new batch after that. The pot looked dirty because I kept being asked for more."

"Really now?" the Baker shrugged, his expression was nonchalant as he walked toward the boiling cauldron and poured gunk of minced meat and fats unfit for pastry filling into the pot."Whoops, guess who sold the entire batch to our hungry beastman outside!"

'Definitely not me..." said Nina, pouting as she poured salt and other seasonings into it. To think Father would send the entire batch away on a whim was definitely upsetting. Not only it would mean the batch was sold at a huge loss, but it also means she would have to stay late to stir the stew until it was safe to be left alone.

Baker, after downing an entire basket of minced cabbage and carrots into the mixture, shook his head in a playful chuckle. It took him a while until he spoke again.

"All right, Young Miss. Enough with the faultfindings already! I tell you what, leave the dishes to me. You can sleep early--"

Before Nina could ponder whether the deal was satisfactory enough, the York Siblings called her.

No longer bothered showing her professional facade, the girl stomped out of the kitchen and approached them. "Yes? What is it?"

"Every time I go to this facility and keep seeing you a hard working one. It always makes me joy." Said the elder brother. And right upon hearing that, Nina almost rolled her eyes in. Not her first time dealing with Gepard, but, seriously! what's the deal with the guy and his long-winded talk? like everyone has the time for a fancy preamble.

"Was your brother always blathering like this?" she interrupted, eying at the younger sister. A foolish question and the answer was equally foolish as well. The girl named Lynx shrugged, yet the beam in her eyes signaled that she enjoyed the entire show.

"What I mean... Please, take this with you." Continued Gepard, placing two silver coins in addition to his overall bill.

Nina looked at him, seeking confirmation. It was surprising, but not sure a welcomed one, though. They have been regulars, but paying extra was never customary. What was the deal this time? Was it linked to the long-winded speech earlier? Was he trying to---"

The more she thought about it, the more Nina realized her brain would sooner be boiling like that new stew currently simmering in their kitchen. Rebuilding her composure, she picked the payment politely.

"You sure two silver is not a bit too much? I won't turn it down, though. Thanks!"

"He wouldn't mind," said Jazdia before kneeling in front of the fireplace and breathing out a stream of fire to light it up. "We are not here to rob him, nor to ask for a charity. Every bread will be paid, and every roll will be compensated properly."

“Then I will have supplies enough on hand as needed.” said the doctor solemnly, walking back to the common room and addressing his request to Nina.

The girl returned not long after to fulfill the order; clean and dry bandages in a satchel bag, and water in a metal bucket. On her shoulder was an old shirt that seemed too small for anyone in the room to wear. She thanked them for their patience after placing the bandage on the table.

"Is there anything else?" Though a trace of sleepiness could be heard in her voice, Nina maintained her professional demeanor by smiling earnestly. Their order was a bit strange today, but this elven lady paid generously, so it was no problem.

"Of course. I'd like to have tea, and the pastries, what do you have left?"

'That would be the pirozhki I made with that Maid this noon. And the usual garlic bread."

"Splendid! Please bring some with the tea, sweetheart. Thank you!"

As the girl left, Jazdia turned to Solomon again and offered him a weary smile. "I can patch myself this time," she said as she picked up the bandage for herself. "Then again, if not for sanitary reasons, it's improper to perform a medical procedure in a dining room. Baker has other patrons at table three... I will be back shortly. Feel free to order something for you."

And thus, she excused herself and walked into Baker's personal chamber next to the kitchen.

Nina shook her head helplessly.

Both were always this weird, and she couldn't get used to it. In one corner you have the younger sister and her obsession with her magic studies. On the other, you have an apologetic older brother named Gepard who was clearly strange to the concept of loose lips ship sinks. Seriously! Now clearly ain't the time and place for you to blabber about your family's downfall.

"Yes, yes. May I know what you want now?

"Bread, hunter stew and soup for our dinner. Please, Miss Nina." answered Gepard.

"Finally... Daaa, a bowl of soup and stew! Table number three!"

"I hear you! A bowl of soup and stew coming in hot!"

Nina returned to them again with one of her trained smiles. "Please wait, yeah?"


Matilda was still staying at the wagon with the prince, with the window being kept open for an obvious reason. Jazdia didn't inform her about the two hours break and decided it would be a less (or more, but still hilarious) hassle for the orc captain to find it out herself.

Before walking into the store with the old doctor following, she looked back and said to him.

"It's actually not needed, Baker has an ample stock of medical supplies I can use generously. But well, what's done is done. I hope your spectral servant won't stumble into any trouble, or inflict one on somebody..."

On their way, they met Baker, who teetered about bringing a pot of stew in one hand, and a vegetable sack full of yesterday's and imperfect loaves on his shoulder. The load was heavy, but it didn't mean his trademark smirk would go away.

"Oh, glad to see you Ma'am," he said before playfully shaking his head. "Nice coat, by the way! Barely a day and your friendship with our neighbor Delving has been this symbolic I am afraid the press would have a wrong idea when they see it."

"Oh, shut up Baker... our stop-off will be brief, so spare me your sarcasm. I'd like to have a reservation, the usual place, and the usual servings. Thank you."

"Sure...sure. Feel free to toss more wood into it though. I left the fireplace cold because I thought you are not stopping by. Enjoy yourself, ma'am."

Leaving Jazdia to do her own business, Baker continued to hover around. First, at the table where the York siblings were, he placed two bowls and ladled out two equal portions of greasy stew into them.

"Hello there, Little miss Lynx. Pretty as usual. And Young Master Gepard, how is it going? Thanks for waiting, but so sorry, we are running out of soup, not even the bones, nor a strand of cabbage left, so I guess stew will do? Feel free to ask Nina to take it away if you don't like it. It's on the house!"

Swiftly, he then dashed toward the bear. The pot landed smoothly in some corner of his terrace and he immediately handed the sack to the bear.

"Here you go, pal. I know you are not very comfortable with handouts, but I'd still say you don't need to worry about the expense, I will gladly be rid of all for twenty coppers, excluding the empty pot of course! Hahahaha! Put it whenever you like when you are done. Enjoy your meal!"
In a business with a very busy queue, silence mean yes, and thus Baker strode back into the room and invited the two other patrons to take their seat.

"Come on, kids, Stop bothering him and sit down, will ya."

Then he shouted to the balcony above them. "Nina! We have guests here!"

Not long after, a girl hurriedly descended the stairs, both hands securing a knot of her apron. He freckled face immediately sported a frown when she glanced at the siblings. "Oh, the usual York guppies. Don't worry I will take their order."

"Be easy on them. I am counting on you. " Quipped the elf before leaving the two at the mercy of his daughter. God knows since when did she inherit his sense of sarcasm despite being unrelated by blood?

"So, what can I get you? No, don't request something weird like polyjus, and no, we don't want to buy your awful recipe. Gentleman, Lady, this is a bakery, not an alchemy laboratory, thank you very much.


Outside, Jazdia stood up from her seating and stretched her arm. It was not like she was intentionally being rude to Baker or anything, she only felt rather unwell after dismounting from her horse, like an overwhelming sensation of dizziness assaulted her head. But now the nausea had been suppressed and she shook her head one more time to get rid of it.

"Yeah, you are right. I think my body is confused," she said, rubbing her temple in a pained expression. I don't think Matilda would appreciate us taking a lengthy break though."

Jazdia unbuttoned the cufflink of the navy coat she was wearing and rolled up its sleeves. Not the kind of fashion she preferred, but admittedly helped her to conserve her energy and body heat during the trip.

"Say, do you think two hours is enough to replace them and have a proper tea break?"
"Good evening. Please come in. I will have your order shortly after this gentleman."

He then shifted back to Cedar again.

"I understand, but I will insist you take the pot, And I will take no for an answer. I am not a fan of what you call Hunter's stew, but folks liked it. The older it gets the better they say. But I have a strict expiration date policy in my establishment and I say the current one has been sitting there longer than what I deem acceptable.

Pausing, Baker realized that his new female patron had been staring intensely at them for a while now.

"I will get your bread, please wait here."
"That's very thoughtful of you. Most folk here won't even bother to use doormat to scrub their soles I am pretty used to it. Are you sure that's all? We have more good bread than the stale ones."

Baker looked at the bear tentatively. and shrugged. "You are my guests so it's outrageous for me to serve table scraps. How about this, I give you some of yesterday's loaves and a pot of stew, and a jug of water to wash it down. Or perhaps you would like a beer? I have a half barrel on the counter. Call your friends. You all can sit on the terrace if you like. The floor is always swept clean."

Not far from there, Jazdia could be seen as if she had been slumped deeper into the bench she was sitting on. Baker's words had become a discordant noise that was slowly gnawing away coins in her wallet.

Baker could be found sitting at one of the guest's tables in the middle of the room, reading some books with a snicker on his face, not because the book was an exciting read, but because of the whimsical attitude his patron showed. On the terrace, he had his former boss who refused to enter. On another, he has a hungry bear who seemed all too eager to raid his entire establishment, but commendably decided to be a gentleman and knocked politely.

The Bakery owner closed his book and approached the door. "Yes? Please come in, what can I do for you? And where are the others?"
Jazdia activated her eyes, deactivated them to look at the map, then reactivate them again to verify the route they take. The road was calm with nothing unusual afoot. Their guide so far was still playing nice with the entire arrangement, and although the land and the road were strange to her, the elf didn't let cautiousness slow down their journey. Their countermeasures were already as strong as it was. They had Veronica as their early-warning system, and she has her eyes for a direct detector against ambush.

When they reached another crossroad, Jazdia opened her map again as a standard procedure. And activated her communication device.

"Good night, Baker. I assume there was nothing unusual at your end?"

There was a few second delays before the earpiece sounded the reply from the other end. "The road is clear... and if you don't believe what I say, your girl is napping next to me."

"My girl?"

"That blindfolded gal you picked on your way from Rascade." answered Baker, intentionally sounding it like describing a stray cat. "He was with me on the lookout."

Jazdia was almost choked by the air she was breathing. "You--Baker, If I heard you right, then I don't know what else to say other than hoping you know what you are doing."

"I figure you'd say that. She has been a nice girl, don't you worry. I have my reason to take her on a stroll. The suppressor might kill her, and her power can also kill her if I let it build up inside her. So, I do what a good guardian must do and let her unleash some of it on some unfriendly passersbies.

Jazdia paused to rearrange her breathing. No matter what she did, she lost the battle with her own mind; she has a powerful living weapon in her custody, and her plan for her must be addressed sooner or later.

"Don't worry, it was also for your own benefit as well," said Baker again, breaking the silence.

"I have heard that phrase too many times this day alone. But whatever, if you can 'read' her, that was not very surprising."

A hearty cackle could be heard from the other end. "So, nothing else from you as well? Delving has been a good friend?"

"Still remain to be seen."

"Good enough for me. Anyway, I am heading back now. It's night already and I have a kid in my care."

"Yeah, thanks for doing this. Baker."

"Yeah... be safe out there, I know you will. What I do not know is, what we, a bunch of retirees are doing out here, relieving the old days? National interest and security? Feels like I am a true Kindeance now..."

The communication was cut off without giving Jazdia a chance to answer. Almost like Baker was ashamed of his own sardonic comment. It was a shame though, riding on a lonely road with nothing else to do had made even a talk with Baker sound like an interesting activity.

Another two hours had passed, and Jazdia didn't bother anymore to count how many kilometers they have traversed. The convoy maintained its speed and all was quiet Jazdia for once though everyone inside the carriage was sleeping.

When she looked forward again, she saw two specks of light in the darkness. Jazdia had her ultravision activated and saw five men camping on the roadside. They didn't seem alerted when the convoy passed through, save a few glances toward the incoming gallopers. They were indeed armed, but their presentations didn't seem like people that were there for combat.

Another kilometer passed, and she saw similar campers again. Now looked more like traveling merchants with burden beasts and roofed cart. But.. as ridiculous as it sounded, no less than seven men were being packed inside that small cart. She was ready to nock an arrow, but thankfully nobody was stupid enough to instigate hostility.

They reached the bridge now, and anyone who was still awake would easily notice another remnant of a wall of thorns. Jazdia who had her eyes peeled since they passed that weird wagon was focused more on the structural damage caused by the overground and immediately notified Kaito to slow down and cross it with caution.

The road was quiet, and Jazdia barely picked up any sign of heat signature when looked at the treelines. The Delvings were still ahead. Though the admiral was beyond the range of her vision, the maid was not far, riding almost by her lonesome through the darkness and only looking back at some occasions.

It was almost too easy. After yet another long haul, they finally arrived at Hdur. The town too, was quiet, but not devoid of life. Some townsfolk could be seen hanging out at the plaza, and guards were patrolling. It was still nine o'clock when Jazdia looked at her pocket watch.

The Delvings, that had been their foremost outriders were nowhere to be seen. She did not see which turn they took.

The group made their last stop here, right in front of Baker's Inn. Jazdia parked her horse and sit on the bench on the bakery terrace, taking a moment of respite. There was still a considerable distance between Hdur and Rascade, but at least the road ahed was a lot safer now.

It was still several hours before the sun sunk at the western plain when the party set out from Fanghorn. Jazdia took the lead, with the cart following behind her. Reinhold was their coachman, with Kaito sitting behind him to ensure the vehicle drove on the intended path. No offense, but the hunter was still an unknown quality to her, and to see how grief could devastate a man like Chonan, a preventive measure should be at the ready.

"Hey back 'dere-- Could on a ya fetch ma boots 'n beatin' stick? Muh daddy made 'em boots!"

Yelled Cedar as the group passed the turn where they had hidden the old wagon.

Yvonne looked at the doctor for a moment, then broke away and into the trees, only to emerge a short while later with a large stick tied to the side of the saddle, and noticeably more stuffed saddle bags.

"Got 'em!" Yvonne shouted, before falling back in line.

They only slowed down when reaching the settlement scattered along the road from Fanhorn to Pesti. Initially intended to avoid the attention, but rather moot with the wagon having bear perched atop of its roof. And thus, such sightings became a small novelty to amuse disconsolate peasants and passersby.

Jazdia kept gripping her bow in one hand while the other unfixedly held the reins, ready to reach her arrow should the need arises. On her left and right was a swath of tilth with many orchards planted, but due to the storm earlier, it seemed they were having a crop failure, and many peasants could be seen salvaging the fruits that fell prematurely.

Another dozen kilometers had been covered without any portents. The group arrived at the remnants of the thorny wall that was supposed to block the road, courtesy of Cedar the Druid. But now it seemed someone had mowed through, creating a gap in the rosy hedge enough for two horses to walk through it side by side. Jazdia did not hear what they spoke of back them, but she figured someone might question how and who. Didn't really matter to her. The wagon passed without a hitch and they could put up more speed afterwards.

The sun was no longer on the horizon when the group slowed down again to a trot. Still leading Jazdia reached her arrow and breathed her power into it, causing the arrowhead to glow in soft purplish light, and with that, she signaled the group to stop. Kaito would know that this was the time to light up a lantern so the rearguard didn't lose the convoy.

When everything was all set, the elf detected another rider headed toward her. The alert, however, immediately dropped when her eyes scanned through the darkness and saw a certain maid trotting with a lantern hung on her saddle.

"Greetings, madam. The admiral sent me to guide." she said.


From the distance, the two seemed to be having a lengthy conversation, though nobody could hear the words uttered. On some occasions, the maid glanced at the party before talking to Jazdia again. It looked intense for a brief while, Jazdia could be seen nodding, pointing in the general direction of Fanghorn while the maid then having a facepalm.

After more pointings and affirmative gestures, the maid canter ahead of them. Her white silhouette and dimed light persisted for a while before being swallowed in the pitch black.

And finally, Jazdia signaled the team to continue their journey.

Jazdia was already on a horse's back when she saw the two sped up to reach the meeting point. Clutching her antique, pocketwatch, the elf marked the 25 minutes had passed, pretty fast for such a tight deadline.

Cedar and Reinhold brought them two horses. Looked healthy physically, but rather questionable on the mental side; looked reluctant and giddy as if fear was still gripping their psyche. She assumed the beasts must have suffered terrible would before Cedar's healing spell did its wonder to them. Thankfully they seemed to be slightly calmed when they got closer to the rest of the steed.

"Right on time!" Said Jazdia as she rode past Cedar. "Get some rest at the back of the wagon. And you, Hunter, take a driver's seat with Kaito."

Jazdia pointed at the disguised fox youkai now standing next to the already arranged wagon set before giving up more orders.

"Mister Solomon, kindly take one of the horses and follow the wagon. Miss, Rosenving, I actually planned to delegate this task to Chonan, but sadly he preferred to meet his maker." Jazdia straightened her posture and announced to everyone. "That's right, he killed himself." then leaning forward toward the petite noblewoman again, continuing in a slightly annoyed tone. "So, you will replace him and join our good doctor as our rear guard."

The elf yanked the reins and trotted back to the carriage, ensuring everything was ready for their departure. "Miss BlackWater, please accompany our prince and Madam Matilda inside."

I think that's all. She said, guiding her steed to take a position in front of the carriage. 'If you have any objection, say it now. Though I am afraid we wouldn't have enough time to resolve it."

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