Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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"I think that's all the rumor I can get," Silas Delving shrugged, groaning as if trying hard to show a bit of sympathy. "But still, better to keep a name card of an attorney handy if you want to deal with them. Time's changed, Yona, Kindeance is more... constitutional than ever now. In a weird way."

He did not elaborate further, but it was clearly implied in its early implementation, the law may favor those with power and those who were many. And of course, those who were willing to deal with its lengthy proceedings.

"Well, fortunately, you seemed to have a good lawyer on your team." he smiled, sipping his wine before dropping his voice in a soft murmur. "Or was I wrong? Has this agency been disbanded after... the last incident?"
"So, I was saying..." said Jazdia with a straight face, the bear was just a few steps away from her when he walked away, wallowing in self-pity. Now the music has played again, with more lively beats than before, either to erase the remaining gloominess or just to pick up where they left off.

"No, it's not that the party is bad." she sighed, feeling the irony. "I am waiting for my salmon!" the elf glanced at the servant earlier, who walked steadily toward her appointed seat with a straight face. "There it is! It's a dinner, so I think I will dine, feel free to join me, you two. Or, you two can dance and leave this little old me enjoying my meal alone..."

Offering them a smile of false disappointment, the elf turned to go.


"Well, I am actually here to find my sister," said Silas awkwardly, the sister in question, the eye-glassed maiden with flowy hair was sitting not far with a blonde young man. "Turns out she is fine by herself. Youngsters these days."

He lets out an uneasy smile as if he was not young-looking himself.

"What about you, Yona? Couldn't help but hear the latest gossip about the Rosenving Heir. I kinda discounted it, but figured that you might want to hear it."


"Well, that was one heck of an outburst." Kirsten shook her head as everything returned to normal again. It was a lie if the scene didn't feel depressingly relatable to her, but she tried to distance herself from it. It was up to her to have a perfect evening. Let the Von Kruber widow wallow in her grief, it didn't concern her.

"Oh? I wasn't forcing myself," answered Kirsten when Gepard offered him his handkerchief and told her to not force herself. The gesture was rather fussy, but Kirsten let it slide, again.

"It was fun, yeah, go idea! I will see you at the next banquet."

"What my husband did before his death?" Sarah had asked her surviving servant. Right after she arrived at her home, where her beloved husband lay sundered apart. "And with whom? Was it that wizard?"

"They said they were king's agents. They were accompanied by a bear, an elf, and a masked man. After that, a fight broke."

Sarah had come prepared, the moment she entered this building, her faith was steadfast, there must be a good reason for it. The king would listen to her grievance, and she would listen to his reason. She had well past the denial, anger, and bargaining. All she needed was an explanation. If it was some kind of punishment, she would gladly accept. If there was something she need to reimburse, should give her possession. She just wanted a talk, not this.

A wave of shame and anger washed Sarah Kruber when the bear uttered his first word. Good? There was nothing good with her situation. Her husband was dead, and her home thrashed beyond repair. And now she had to attend a banquet to celebrate the promotion of people that might murder her husband?!

Next words struck like thunder. Sarah froze, prepared she was, but it was still hurting nonetheless. The bear was still speaking, but all Sarah could hear were foggy words, almost nonsensical save some keywords that further drew her ire.

All that ruckus, just to explain this? The stains hadn't even dried yet!

She was shaking, trying to wriggle free from debilitating grief. She looked at her children, their faces were a mixture of sadness and confusion. And while the bear's words remained hazy noises, something snapped when the nobleman beside her quipped the summary.

"Looks like he will be your new housemaster. How pitiful..."

A sudden shock and anger flared in her like never before. How dare he! She stood up, and the words were no longer hidden.

"You, I know you, you were one of the murderers! I asked why are you here? Was it to gloat?!" she panted, her voice was thick and reckless. She walked from her table shivering, blood thundered in her face as her outrage rose, deviant and irrational. Her eyes, wet with tears now locked at cedar.

"We don't need your pity! How dare you!" she shouted, loud, clear, and full of anguish all of the attention was now directed at her and Cedar. And for a split second, she glanced at the robed king on his throne. Majestic, powerful, and unreachable. While Cedar, the one she believed represented his Will, was here; big, reachable. An easy target.

"I-I just want an answer! Why did you kill him?! A-are you not going to tell me?" she pleaded, barely a second before her voice cracked in utter disgust. "No? Then tell your majesty I hope he is satisfied with my husband's sacrifice!"

"Come on, Dunand, Elaine. We have done enough for the crown today!"

It was a mess. The music ceased, and so was all the dancing. The servant sprung awake to defuse the situation, but as they got there, Sarah Kruber had already made her way toward the exit.

"Leave us be! I can leave by myself!"

Besides the guards and some servants. A certain journalist could be seen rushing to catch up with the widow and her children, peddling the name of his agency and the importance of her testimony. Silence engulfed the entire hall, following reproving murmurs that spread like wildfire. The annoying 'uncle' left his seat and joined his partner, seeking another group to mingle.

Only one person could be seen smiling triumphantly.

The talk stopped abruptly. "Oh, here we go again."

Cedar the bear, standing fully upright towered beside the sitting guest. The man with stained doublet was still for a moment, his ire rose and boiled as Cedar speak.

His voice was indistinguishable rambles, but nobles knew an order when they hear it, and this order came not from anything remotely superior or kingly, but rather from a woodland bumpkin who happened to earn their king's favor. How dare he!

He stood, face red not only by anger but also embarrassment, regulated lots of self-restraint. Either because he acknowledged the disparity in weight and perceived strength or tried to be a better man by not instigating a fight himself, nobody could know.

A harsh, confrontative glare was all he could do before he left the table. Meanwhile, his comrade leaned against his char, his expression was stern when Cedar uttered a name.

"Currect muh if'n I's wrong, but you's Mrs von Kruber, righ'?"

The woman was even more tense. He eyed the bear defiantly, her body trembled in a seething disdain, but he closed her eyes once and managed to appear emotionless. Her words were hoarse and stifled, yet comprehensibly calm.

"I am. What Do You Want?"


Admiral Silas Delving laughed. "That's very kind of you asking that. It appears that I am quite well!

And then he sighed exasperatedly, though still trying to keep a hard edge out of his
voice, He failed. "but things could've always been better."

"Are you two not dancing?" he continued somewhat more jovial this time. "Don't tell me even the most lavish party in Rascade has managed to disappoint two gorgeous ladies and leave their feet cold! That would surely tarnish the reputation of our capital city."
The dancing goes on, the music was amped temporally and now returning to its slow melodies. Kirsten already lost count of how many twirls and harmonious cortes she did, but she was ready to do more.

Or perhaps a breather would do. Sweats were already formed on her forehead, and she tried to dampen the fatigue by humming the music. Dancing was almost like a swordplay, one step forward, two steps back, remember your footwork, easy your body, and let he music guide the movement. She looked at Gepard, and the two smiled at each other, enjoying the mellowing tune until Kirsten talked to him.

"Not too shabby aren't you, Gepard York? It's been a while since feel this worked up."


When Cedar accidentally jostled the man, the force was so strong that he instinctively grabbed the tablecloth before falling, taking with him a cup, and a plate of snacks and causing some glass wines to topple sideways and spilled its content toward the centermost persons of that group.

The stumbled man, similarly spoiled by his own man quickly rose up to his feet and deflected the helping paw, understandably angry with the whole situation. Cedar asked for a name but it seemed he wouldn't get any. The man was ready for an outburst until his friend stepped in.

"It's okay pal." The man said, looking up with a bemused expression. "accident happens... you okay?"

Murmurs were already rippled through the crowd. Two servants rushed in, and one of them immediately escorted the fallen man back to his seat. The other, who seemed to have been trained for this kind of situation politely ushered Cedar back to the spot he once was, maybe slightly more away to ensure that he is out of their line of sight. The widow and her daughter were wiping their laps with a handkerchief while the young boy sit there with a dumbfounded face, and eyes shifted between his mother and Cedar.

"What the fuck was that?" blurted the man with a stained doublet. Even from this distance, his voice could still be heard by the keenest ears.

"Fredricus's new pet, if you don't remember."

"I know he is, but fuck me, I swear it was deliberate. He had been there by the table for quite a while."

The man paused, he scanned the surrounding and called for another servant after realizing that his glass was now shattered glasses under the table. Irritatingly, he asked for a replacement before returning to his friend.

"Yeah, I saw him. What do you think, a newcomer, being endorsed by the king and he already thinks he owns the place. Disturbing another guess and then just go after a sorry as if the words sorry could clean the stains... Poor Elaine here is uncle's handkerchief use it to wipe the stains..."

"Messing with us just because he can." mused the guy with the stained doublet. "Back in my father's days, commoners like him would get beaten up! King's protection could only last so much, you know. Now everything is more blatant, no respect, and that fucking animal is the reflection of what is wrong with this country."

"The way you say that makes Delving's plan to restore the tradition sounds very reasonable." The man chuckled wryly. "But we might just overanalyze things. Like you said that guy is an animal, maybe his motives were not to mess with us, but because he is attracted to us?"

"Mason you piece of shit. There was no way!"

The man 'uncle' laughed. "Who said it's you? Maybe he is interested in you, Sarah. He suddenly gets clumsy after seeing your beauty. What about you, kids? Would you like to have a bear as a father?"

The reply comes somber, almost inaudible, but the man's reply was clear still.

"Then make up your mind, woman!"

"Since we're here and all - may I claim your first dance tonight?"

With one of her enigmatic mirth, Jazdia held her hand, but instead of letting the Rosenving daughter bring her to the dancefloor, she unexpectedly pulled her closer to her, releasing that hand once she was close and landed her hand on Yconne's toned shoulder. It could very ell lead to a tango, but instead, the elf spun once and pulled her closer again in a shoulder embrace, tilting her head closer to Yvonne's.

Their eyes met, things seemed to have paused for a moment, and Jazdia picked her words carefully. Should she decline it like responding to a jest? Would she offend her if she do so?

"I am afraid you have to look for another dancing partner, Miss Yvonne." the smile was maintained for a while until it gradually wanes as Jazdia's tone turned more sagacious. Should she decline it like responding to a jest? Would she offend her if she do so?

"I am no stranger to participating in a ball dance and I am sure you are more than capable to keep up, and I don't doubt the performance would be great, but such a spectacle would draw a dangerous amount of attention."

Then she released her, smiling warmly and diplomatically. "Well look at that, the charming Admiral himself in the flesh!"

As Yvonne turned, Silas Delving was just a few steps ahead of them.
There were smiles, laughter, and cheers. Two unlikely couples waltzing into the dance floor with blind confidence, people old and young retelling their stories in nostalgia, and two women exchanging flirtation, compliments, and innuendoes, all just to name a few.

But there were always two sides of the coin in every story. Misfortune exists, happens, and was retold if you care enough look meticulously. Cedar the Bear was one of that anomaly. Nobody knew why would he leave the comfort of his table into the wildest section of the party, when all the devils dance, scheme, and scowl.

The noble's talk was tediously long, like green vines with occasional barbs. But this particular group seemed to have dropped such elaborate courtesy and speak in a more straightforward if not vulgar manner.

"Honestly, what are we even here? Don't you agree madam? I bet the invitation was not from the king but from old coot you-know-who."

"Don't worry, young miss, Uncle here would take care of you."

"And your brother too. I have prepared everything. My connection would ensure he could continue his school."

"look. I know I approached this from the wrong angle, I have apologized, what else you would want me to say?

"It is not preposterous, I'd call it pragmatic. Let the memory pass away, for the future. Now don't be so full of yourself. Why do you have to be so full of yourself? What do you have now woman? Fredricus couldn't be any more merciful, and you have debts with Delvings. Own nothing. Not even to support yourself."

"Fine, let us not talk about it anymore, not in front of the kids. Stop it, Reynolds. But Madam-- Sarah, my dear Sarah, we have known each other before you married that-- I know what you are thinking, let us talk about this later, my mansion is always open for you and your children. I hope you can decide quickly before your debtors seize all of your assets until nothing is left but Kruber's tombstone."

"Come here, Dunand, isn't it? Join your sister."
The Banquet
Written from Kirsten Delving's perspective

Of course, words and promises can only be worth so much. Once her brother was done with getting his beverages, he had himself immediately besieged by giggling ladies and hopeful fathers who sought to curry favor with the family. From this distance, Kirsten could only imagine how painfully diplomatic her brother's words would be when asked about his future soulmate, or if he had one, or be willing to consider any.

It was an amusing sight to see, only for a while.

The maid-in-splendor sighed, making her own way toward the other beverage table. The first table was populated by not-so-unfamiliar people; The blonde elven archer and Yvonne Rosenving, who now seemed to have an argument with York Matriarch. Kirsten decided to steer clear. Though she know Yvonne quite well, the elf was an enigma that raises too many red flags.

At the next table There there was a couple, the man seemed to know her but she didn't recognize any of them.

"Ah, lady Kirsten. What can we do for you on this fine day? Can I get you a drink? I do not believe we’ve met. Allow me to introduce myself. Danny Winston. Nice to meet you."

The man bowed, of course much to his companion's dismay. The lady accompanying him was not that bad herself; a typical coastal beauty with tanned skin and black hair. Kirsten felt bad for her.

"I believe you are mistaken. My name is Ranaria," she said, smiling as she slightly pushed the man aside to ladle a goblet of fruit punch for herself.

The man furrowed."But I saw you..."

"Ranaria Seymore." she insisted, restraining herself to not smirk at the young nobleman's existing companion. "Perhaps you know my cousin, Lady Elana?"

The man's face furrowed in a confused look as he glanced at his partner before smoothing out so he won't embarrass himself. "Ranaria... Elana... Ah yes... I remember her. How about--"

When he returned to her, Kirsten had already treaded away from the couple, heading toward an area usually dedicated as the hall's dance floor. Her gaze traveled over the sea of bright-colored clothing, glossy locks, and garish hats. All are swaying and twirling in harmony following the slow if not relaxing tune.

Her eyes shifted to the corner of the hall and landed on a woman and her two teenage children; a boy and a girl. They were accompanied by what seemed to be a group of wealthier noblemen. The widow of Baron von Kruber sat in the middle, her daughter next to her, and they were flanked by two men. Their eyes gleamed like greedy wolves, and the boy could only watch helplessly as those men groped his mother and sister.

Something inside her clicked. A memory flashed, fully formed though it had been lost to her till just this instant: a young woman scorned and divorced, and had nowhere to go. In the next flash, the woman had been withered, dying in her bed. The door opened, and someone breached in, to help? To weep and regret? It didn't matter anymore.

It was an old nightmare, a frequent nightmare. The music rang, now from a slow tempo to an arpeggio, and with that, she banished the memory and looked away, refusing to draw any conclusion though the outcome was already apparent at the back of her mind. It was easy, as easy as uttering a lie. She gripped the skirt of her satin gown and suddenly found herself wanting to jump in and join the tango, and dance to her heart's content so the pang would go away and be dealt with in another day.

"My apology, Miss. May I interrupt your loneliness?"

The request startled her, and Kirsten immediately searched for the source of that voice. There, she found a blonde man approaching and presenting himself with excessive gracefulness. with bows too deep and arm gestures too broad like performers in a play.

But despite those small misgivings, Kirsten found herself reluctantly impressed by the man's handsomeness. To the point, she would return the effort by adjusting her eyeglasses so they won't magnify the alertness in her eyes. Not a good sighting to see.

"Loneliness?" She chuckled and their eyes met. "That's very bold of you to assume a lady's feeling."
The Banquet
Written from Silas Delving's perspective

Silas Delving looked about uneasily when he, his half-sister, and his Father entered the Royal Palace. The eldest and brightest progeny of well respected Delving clan had a lot of reasons to feel so, but his father, shrewd as ever came to his side, squeezing his shoulder, reassuringly as he led them children into the main hall.

As if The Admiral himself was a frightened child in need of reassurance that everything would be okay.

Silas was still unfazed by the gesture, but he followed anyway. Hard to imagine that just mere hours ago he and his father were in fierce arguments. It started with his inquiry about Aaaron, who at least should be given a chance for a military trial so he explain himself instead of being personally punished by him. His father, in turn, blurted that he was a fool and his proposal was equally foolish.

"What do you think would happen if they got Aaron in their custody!?" he shouted. "Our disgrace will be laid bare, our secrets exposed, plans and all. Do you really want to see this family ashamed?!"

"Then stop doing this!" Silas' voice was unusually hoarse as if years sailing the seas had inflamed his larynx. "Stop," he pleaded. "It IS over. The plan is fucked. Fredricus agents have seen through it all, and HH will know in no time."

Jonas Delving snorted, but his voice was no longer as fierce as his resolute countenance. "This plan would have been flawless if my children didn't shrink their duties!"

The statement smarted Silas to his very core, while Jonas sipped his whiskey and glanced out the window. The silence stretched uncomfortably until Silas willed himself to speak.

"I do not want to be a part of this anymore, Father." he shook his head, the words were blunt. He had suffered a blistering retort and wouldn't care if his reply would do the same. He had it coming.

As expected, Jonas didn't take it well, he was visibly flinched. Another silence ensued, and the patriarch stood nonmoving, with his back on his eldest son. His brightest son, his pride and joy. The next words uttered emotionlessly, hiding a raging disappointment Silas was thankful he didn't have to see that.

"Then you are dismissed, Admiral."

The words were hurtful, but at the same time, relieving and he did not regret it.

Yet here they were attending the banquet as a family. Silas wondered if his words were finally getting through. The last debate was not the first, but arguably the fiercest they ever had. Though it lacked any meaningful follow-up, Jonas acted like nothing had ever happened between them. He even went easy with Kirsten, allowing the girl to choose her own preferred style of gown and jewelry.

It all seemed too easy, and that was why Silas quickly banished both thoughts. That his father had changed, or he had to accept that the stubborn oaf shouted at him this afternoon was here to stay. No, tonight he lived at the present time.

"Well..." Silas said as he extended his hand to assist Kirsten in stepping up the last few staircases. "I had almost forgotten what you looked like underneath the house dust you seem to acquire. Turns out, you are quite beautiful."

"Course I am, you dummy!" she pouted, reaching for his hand regardless. Though laced with a dismal undertone, the compliment was as earnest as it gets. Kirsten Delving looked as dashing as he was; from high-heeled shoes that seemed made of pure silver, to her white gown tinged with the soft color of gold that gracefully embrace her tall figure. She looked warm and soft and alive, her pale blonde hair flowing gracefully about her back, and behind simple black-rimmed eyeglasses, her blue eyes were bright with rare joy.

It seemed most of the attendees had arrived, but the banquet had not started yet. Their father had already mingled with his usual crowd; clans from Yager, Baswaiden, and Barlos. Of course, there should be Stritzel among them, but the unnerving old lady was already in her own world away from them.

And there he was King Fredricus, a commanding figure as always. Elegant and poised, resplendent in his heavy, jeweled robe of deep purple and bright gold. Robed almost similarly, the young Prince Alec sat on his thrones with Knight Captain Matilda faithfully accompanying in his sides, armed and in full plates.

It was tasteless. Silas wondered who the man was, but then realized that he was likely to be a reporter on the syndicate's payroll. The speech went on, cheers and toast announced, and everything seemed fine until another disturbance made his heart sink.

With sheer arrogance his father interrupted. Silas observed restlessly, dreadfully. Kirsten, who usually acted indifferently regarding court matters and its politics stood beside him, silenced as well by what seemed to be a deliberate act to irritate Fredricus. The only consolation he felt was he, fortunately, had chosen to not sit at the same table with them.

They must have been feeling very smug now seeing Fredricus tolerate such antics, for the Delving siblings, it almost ruined their evening

Suddenly he felt dizzy. Kirsten approached, naturally confused as he was. "What did.."

"Not now..." discussing their own father's recklessness in public? You bet now was a good time.

"I... I need a drink."

"Oh, I thought you are going to join Father and his friends." said Kirsten, her eyes surveyed the scene. After their father's brazen display, those who usually surround them with small pleasantries had been keeping their distance, but the leerings from youngsters toward his half-sister were still ever-present. Sure, some other gorgeous contenders seem to have stolen the spotlight, but Kirsten was in no way having a shortage of admirers.

"Well, go ahead then, I'm staying here. At least if Father summons you to his table, I could pretend that I can't hear him."

"How cunning of you! Promise I'll be quick. Not sure I am comfortable leaving my baby sister alone anyway."

"I will be fine."

The smile on Kirsten's face was almost forlorn, and Silas didn't fail to see the irony of his own words.

"I will get you fruit squash or something," he said in a defeated tone. "Hang tight."

"Quite bad I am afraid," she said, huffing. "Poor boy got arrows stuck in his nostril, they did a number on his legs also, and what's above them. Gods... afraid I can't share much with you. It is too gruesome you may lose your appetite. I have done all I can: all pellars, doctors, and herbalists I could find have been summoned to fix my lovely Ted. His recovery also put a lot of burden on my Dear Olga. We employ only a handful of staff, you see."

The bodyguard snorted, not sparing Cedar another glance. "No task is too big, Mistress! You can count on me."

"That's my girl..."

Stritzel smiled, so triumphant and smug her dusted cheeks constricted like dried prunes. The bait has been reeled and Cedar's body language seemed to show that the beast-man was interested to know more. However she was also tacit enough to understand when to halt her advance, to buy her time, there was no need to rush. She retreated her hand, glancing intently at Cedar as she stood up from her chair.

"Be a dear and visit me when you have time, I will introduce you to my Ted." She winked, fidgeting to raise her hand for Cedar to kiss. But then whirled and leave.

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