Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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I did some evaluations with your skillset and honestly the wordings felt like they can be interpreted differently

In his first skill for example, this sentence [Psychokinetically control ice at twice the rate and range, even further away if ice is within line of sight] is kinda lost in me. Does the ability comes with ice teleknesis? Does the skill allows, for example, Evan to hurl pieces of ice with extreme velocity it can make a hole in rocks or steel plates?

His third skill seems fine. However I have to ask, how translucent are they anyway? Almost invisible to the naked eye? Also would they be dispelled when the moon is covered by clouds/at dawn/cant be seen?
The merchant stood up to read the booklet. He did it for quite a while Erwin had to remind him again of his obligation.

"Papers, please, if I may?"

"Ah! Certainly, Sir Erwin Est Euluin!" he fished a scroll from his inner pocket and let Erwine examine it himself. Then, an additional scroll, signed by Kindeance Harbormaster to ascertain the legality of his latest shipping was already in his hand. The shipping manifest was as follows: Jewelry and antique goods, ceremonial and ornamental weaponry, and pieces of art.

"I assume everything is in order?" He asked, before whistling in amusement. "Est Eluin! So you must be the relative of His Highness eh? Long way from Rascade aintcha? On a very important mission, I assume? Something royal perhaps?"

He grinned, and that wasn't his usual 'friendly and jovial' facade anymore.

Meanwhile, Solomon and Jazdia discussed about the energy that pulsed from that mysterious merchant earlier

“How odd.” commented Solomon with Jazdia, “are Cedar’s sisters causing the man some distress? I’m sure you saw it, too. That wasn’t anything ordinary.”

"Yeah, it is anything but ordinary. And I say, they should have listened." She shrugged, and the doctor stared at her searchingly.

The glow in her eyes was fading just recently when Jazdia answered.

"That man can bind them in a spot and have them shackled with his power if he wanted to. Especially in that range, it is as wide as on his rug. The power was similar to yours, it had a shorter effective range, but the bindings were a bit stronger. I see that he has a few cages in his wagon. Wouldn't that make you wonder what are those for?"
The bearded merchant stared at Erwin with his signature joviality. Though a glint in his eyes said he strongly disagreed with Erwin's legal assessment. The inconsistency of penalty he spewed was barely a legal procedure. But his golden rule was to never debate with a customer!

"Illegal? Oh no, good sir! I assure you that my trinket and wares are earned with legitimate means!" he bowed a bit, gesturing at his merchandise that somehow remained neatly arranged even after that previous ordeal.

"Ah certainly, regarding the paperwork, sure but the law also says only government officials may request to examine my permit. To avoid forgery they say! Hahaha can't be too careful these days. So, are you a legitimate officer, sir?"
"Anyway Mister. Can you please lower the price? I believe these are lower than you suggested price." The blonde said to him with a sweet gentle tone.

The merchant enthusiastically clapped his hands

"True. Your observation is the most apt, Miss! Hahaha. But if I appraise my stuff with the same price where I got'em that would leave me with no profit at all. I assure you the prices are rated fairly! What about this, I give you more discount! These two for 95 coins!"

He paused a bit, there was a yelling. I bit noisy folk themselves ain't they? And they complained about him being a disturbance.

Returning to Athena, to address her strong recommendation, the merchant sighed jovially. His shadows had completely disappeared now, leaving the old man with his head half-bald and scraggly beard. He lowered himself and sat back at his initial spot.

"Apologies ma'am. But I believe we have resolved the excess noise of my peddling activity, nay? And more importantly, Like ya'all, this 'ol me ais a weary traveler too. Don't be like those unfriendly locals to me, aye? It's simply me business strategy to rest myself and my burden beasts and also make a profit from such leisure activity."
For the entire duration of their conversation, Castor sits unmoving. The smile never left his face and he clapped his hands in anticipation.
At first he felt he had to say something to ease their suspicion, but his patience to not immediately debate a questioning buyer and let them discuss it between themselves seemed to be paying off.

The short woman had already left. That was a shame though.

And for the first time in the last five minutes, he acted friendly again toward the bear twins.

"That's a fair question, girlies!" He winked. "We are still in Kindeance ain't it? In Kindeance the king himself guaranteed the safety of traders like me! Kha kha kha! Trust me, have you ever been a dealer for once? Ever thinking bout becoming one yourself?"

He coughed, or laughed, nobody can really tell. His eyes scanned all four before leaning forward toward Loise and Athena

"I'll let you in on a little secret of me trade. Consider this a bonus? Ya?! A good merchant knows potential buyers when they see one. I call it--- intuition, you see! Been in this business for many years this me sense is sharp enough now. That way those pesky, desperate brigands, and heroes of righteous cause can be seen clearly as a day! A very useful sense indeed and dat way I can protect myself just fine!"
Whatever alluring speeches the bear was making, he was not having it. And the failure of their guardians to react appropriately to the fact that those two were not only invading his personal space but also touching his items without first asking him (and arm-twisted him instead) makes the situation not improving.

"I said back off," he said with a straight face. The shadow was still swelling around him, but it did little to scare the two juvenile bears. Especially the bear in front of him. The shadow on the rug twisted at his silent command and started to make a pushing move at Rose's hind paws, physically urging her to step off the rug.

The merchant had been very nervous for the entire ordeal. Usually, he would praise the other bear's keenness in appraising his items, but it means nothing now. For God's sake, her twin was walking around his merchandise! What if she stepped on one? What if her blood tainted the rug? The item! Seriously all he wanted was for these animals to back in line and shop like everyone else.

They seemed to comply with the demand. But the sass remained. Adding to it were explanations, explanations that could make even the most patient man pull his hair in frustration until he is bald.

But then those words came, like music in his ears.

"You two should apologize to the man. Invading someone's stuff is a big no to everyone. Grab stuff that you guys interested to buy and I handle the payment”

The shadow subsided, and the smile returned. Ignoring the bear, yet still alerted and prepared for their antics, the man faced the fair lady.

"Certainly miss! Your "friend" seemed to be fixated on that Abydos' talisman and I say she has good taste!"

he avoided using the word 'child', though this entire exchange indeed looked more like a mother buying her children fancy trinkets.

"I tell you what. 60 gold coins and it's yours! Sounds reasonable, right? The Ayane's pearls is a bit cheaper. 50 gold coins! Take both and I will give you a special price. Just one hundred gold coins! How's that?!
It was all fun and games until... well until it doesn't.

The merchant had been trying hard to be as affable as possible, and these two bears had been pushing their luck a bit too far. When one bear removed herself from him, he thought it was over. But apparently, another one swiftly replaced her, allowing the other to peruse his stuff. Touching, probing them to her heart's content with those clawed paws! Without him beside! How outrageous!

And that was where his patience ran out.

"Tell your pets to behave. M'kay?"

His eyes flashed at Athena and Loise, and all of sudden his voice changed from jovial into stern, and he seemed to grow tall, and menacing his shadows alone could make the air around them feel stifled. Some unknown power pushed the groping bear and the pulse caused the hanging lanterns to sway wildly.

"Put my things back! It ain't right for you to fiddle something that ain't yours yet."
"Kah kah! All right! 'preciate the spirit! That's the spirit! Yeah! But if you two want to buy, please stand behind the rug yeah!

It seems his words had fallen on deaf ears. The two bears were relentless in their escapades and it escalated into some rough pushing and unintentional but reckless nudges against his stuff below. And as much as he loved being cordial to his buyer, it seemed the merchant valued his merchandise even more.

"All right fellas! Hahaha. Enough with the skinship? Ok? Look, that fair lady will pay for you! Ain't that wonderful?" At this point, the merchant started to wiggle free.
The man seemed to be comically surprised by the twin's unexpected approach his hat jumped out off his head and landed among his merchandise.

"Hey, you there cute lady obe there! Don't be shy. Uncle her won't bite! Keke! He sells stuff! Take a look!"

The blonde squire wasn't moving, yet. But it didn't let him down. More will come and true was his prediction.

"Welcome! Welcome. Got hankering for skewering people? I've got spears!" pausing to look at Athena's impressive polearm, he quickly changed his tune. "Or perhaps want to pawn one? Unlike the other merchants, I only take 20% from me sales! All stuffs will be appraised fairly! Guaranteed!"

Heaving to catch his breath, the seller made a gesture for Athena to look around before bowing to pick up his hat. The shieldguard however was not interested.

“Rather inconsiderate to be making a sales pitch this late when many good folks are trying to sleep, don’t you think?”

"Is that so? Then, Pardon me, ma'am." he coughed, two yellow eyes of his glinted with a strange spark when addressing the black-haired woman in front of him. He lowered his voice, but his jovial attitude remained unchanged for everyone to hear. "If it pleases you some much I can lower me sound a bit. But a man gotta make a living somehow, eh? Tehehehe. When you you see a buyer you peddle. Kindeance way! Please look around!

"And what are these" he asked, shifting at the twin bears who flanked him from both sides and started to get rough with their antics. He smiled, either affectionate or the smile of a merchant seeing two sacks of gold in front of him, you couldn't really tell.

"Cute little things! I like smart animals like yours. What's your name? Both of you? You have names?"

He tried to reach for the bear on his left, intending to pet her muzzle.
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