Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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The Black Knight returns

Same with Carnathia, since your character has already been evaluated in the previous campaign, he can join in. Approved and welcome back!
Name:『 Ludvig Morsanqvist 』
Think of the V's as more of a W.

Approved after evaluation in Discord. GMPC or No GMPC by the way?
Tentative interest, not sure on what sort of character I'd bring, will mull it over and get back to you.

Understood, no rush, it will be a while until we get the campaign started.
Since you are reusing Carnathia, evaluation is unnecessary. Approved!

Ohh her applications reeks of ulterior motives, typical of Westernant Goverment. Surely our Case officer would have a field day

Anyway, which option do you choose? GMPC or no GMPC?

If the game gains enough interest, and we are ready to start the mission, there is something that players need to decide. It is the way the game is played from GM's perspective. There are two ways, each with its pros and cons.

1. Playthrough with essential NPC
GM controls a character that serves as the designated team leader. They have their own background, motives, and interests. Generally, They give your character orders, and although it is not mandatory, your character answers to them.

-More focused campaign
-Reliable pointer, easier campaign
-The first person to blame if something goes wrong
-A powerful ally

-The game would feel railroaded
-Additional boss

2. Playthrough without essential NPC
The GM only acts as dungeon master handing out clues and pointers. However to keep the game progression remain focused on the mission, players should elect one player to be a team leader. This team leader would be the one holding the communication device and deciding how they conduct their investigation.

-Grants more Freedom
-Free of conflict of interest from the GM
-Team leader get some privilege
-Likely more natural interaction

-When things go south, it is your fault
-Team Leader character needs a relevant background and more tailoring
-More hassle

So, which one do you choose?
Where do we draw the Line in No Man's Land?


Greetings and welcome to my latest RP idea yet! This time we are going eastward, to a region that is totally not wartime Poland. You will play as Pontificials, a watered-down term for Mercenaries hired by a peacekeeping organization because The Cardinals have faces to save. Your mission? Already in the summary above, but why should we think too much about such bothersome parameters, right?

As long as we stay true to our moral compass, everything will be fine. After all, aren't we all the good guys?

There are multiple possible endings for this RP depending on the player's actions (nuff said), but before we carry on with unadulterated mayhem and hero complex, A fair warning: Actions have consequences, even if you mean well. NPCs may not like you, you may get betrayed, or backstabbed, and the classic no good deeds go unpunished may or may not befall your characters.


Away from anywhere, a poor province with unremarkable natural resources. Its people subsides primarily on agriculture, crafting, and animal husbandry. Its terrain consists of forestry, wetlands, and grassy plains that would turn into an unforgiving snowy wasteland in mid-November.

Like many other provinces and vassal states in Tretagor, The people of Sielse never get it easy, even after centuries of oppression from the Fredrin Dynasty finally came to its end, the people had to deal with decades of civil war between those who sought to continue the monarchy, and those who support revolution. It is currently controlled by both the Confederates and the Loyalists in which none seemed to have gained significant upper hands over the others for years. It is basically a no man's land, yet the people remain there, for they have nowhere else to go; Nobody can guarantee their safety in the neighboring province, that also facing a similar problem, and Westernant has closed its borders due to political reasons.

That's all we know about the region. The Council had discouraged conducting any operation in that area until the unforeseeable future, save some humanitarian missions sponsored by the Helvetian Government.

Character creation

It is a fantasy RP (duh) and takes place in the world I crafted with my co-writer years ago. So yeah, we have elves, demons, youkais, orcs. Sadly no dwarves though.
You may refer to this post to see what species are available for your character.
Do you have any other ideas besides the listed races? Ask away and I will see if I can make some compromise, though I don't see the point of having unique races for the context of the story.

Skills and spells
Like my previous RP a character can have 4 active skills/spells and 2 passives at maximum. The passive effect can be a negative or a positive, depending on your liking. Active skills may have cooldowns, generally the more powerful, the longer its cooldown and will use more mana.
A character may also have mundane skills to define who they are. For example, an adventurer who can cook, a mercenary who knows the right medical procedure, a venerer who can track animals and people, to name a few.

Keep in mind that your character skills and capabilities will have to be evaluated in a case-by-case manner by the GM before they can be officially accepted.

The CS format, I prefer to make it simple, but feel free if you prefer something more elaborated, as long as it still has the following elements

The rules and expectations

Yes, wouldn't be fun without some~
  • The pacing of this RP is slower than in my previous work, 1 post per week is the slowest, and 1 post in 3 days is the norm. Also, we aim for completion, so if you can't commit, this is may not the RP for you.
  • Keep it Roleplayer Guild friendly. Any content that is not allowed to be posted on the forum should not be in this roleplay.
  • No godmodding/power-playing/auto-hitting/controlling other players' characters and stuff like that.
  • Kindly do not gamejack the campaign. While we encourage unique backgrounds and motivations, trying to steer the game direction toward the plot or outcomes you want is unacceptable and may disrupt the other player's enjoyment.
  • Be friendly, tolerant, and tolerable. Respect everyone and don’t be afraid to communicate with them or the GM. If you have any problems or concerns about unfair rulings, please immediately reach out to the GMs.
  • If there is a dispute, the GM has the final say on that matter.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you'll be interested in the idea. I apologize if you find it difficult to understand my phrase, for English is not my first language. If there is something that is not quite clear, please feel free to ask.

Brief summaries of species that exist in Terra

Meta TLDR To make my RP life easier

The world

Formally called Terra, or just The World by its inhabitants, or the Thaniealam, or simply Alam some ancient elves called it. The world of Terra functions similarly to the Earth as we know it. The level of civilization in Terra is currently equivalent to the late medieval to early Renaissance period.

It is a general knowledge among those who are literate enough that the world was created mainly for humanity to thrive. The destined dominant species, the Creator says, according to the ancient scriptures.

The Continent

The continent where the majority of the story currently takes place. The land soaked in blood for many centuries and the realm where empires fall and rebuild, only to have themselves plunged into another devastating war again. The list of conflicts was enormous most people wouldn't even bother to remember what the casus belli were.

Except, of course, misery during Serensiel's regime. But that's the story for another time.

It is the land where humans, elves, and other ancient races settle and thrive. The level of civilization, prosperity, demographics, and culture relatively varies between nations. Such disparity and differences have been used as reasons for nations to seek war with each other.

Nowadays, however, the prospects of war between nations have been more unpopular than ever. Pioneered by Helvetia and the Elven Kingdom, the two formed a strong alliance that advocated a peaceful diplomatic approach rather than an open conflict that also served as a deterrent from other hostile forces.

And it worked, flawlessly! No other major power would risk a blatant invasion against the two, allowing them to develop their nation significantly ahead of their neighbors. The success of the two racially different nations eventually inspired the other kingdoms to sign a covenant of peace and form a Council of Nations, for the peace and benefit of all.

And so, the continent is at peace. An uneasy peace perhaps, since there will be always some top brasses in every nation who despise the idea of amity and forgetting the old hatred. But as long as reasonable leaders remain in charge, the Council will manage. And so far, the organization has proven to be quite effective in resolving discords between its state members that are satisfactory enough for all parties involved.

The Nations in the continent are as follows:







@Remuri v2
When the Master Shinobi went back to the camp with the party. He automatically go his scanning routine so that he can notify them when a familiar or a foe closing by with their campsite

Considering everything that just happened in the past 24 hours, Nanashi knew his boundaries. Every step was taken cautiously, in a way not a single fallen leaf would be disturbed.

It was just a light recon, and an uneventful one at that until Nanashi saw a faint smoke rising in the distance. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in that part of the forest, and the smoke looked like coming from one or two campfires that served nothing but a generic source of heat deliberately lit up by a group of people. Probably twice the size of this party.

The question was, who was it? Wasn't this region supposed to be Varenheim's no man's land?
The Monster was still oozing greenish venom from its mandibles, it changed in color and viscosity upon being extracted, and if one would inspect it closer, it emanated a trace of a magical signature that seems of a foreign origin.

Gray advised not to touch the substance without any precaution, though typical of him, did not elaborate in detail on the important properties of such venom and its usefulness in regard to making an antidote out of it. So for now it was just very potent poison, capable of immobilizing a healthy grown man with a single touch.

With no longer stops ahead of them, they continued their march to the camp. The sun was already rising in the east when they arrived, and the situation at the camp appeared to be nominal at first glance.

Here they are at least, the result was far from optimal but at least mission accomplished. Vesemir, Gray and the remained young porter immediately unloaded some of the supply crates from the carriage and placed them under the giant chestnut, setting up makeshift beds where the injured could lay down.

"I thought you were going to give your verdict anytime now." Said Vesemir, in a defeated tone after Gray excused himself to get some rest.

"My wisdom can wait until I get a chance to close my eyes. For five or six hours, at least." Gray answered. "Until then, I would be no use to you. I am not a doctor you can consult on, Roxas is. though I am not sure if you will hear a lot of good news, even from her."

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