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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

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Neither am I. Doesn't mean they're not worthy of appreciation and celebration.

Breasts, I mean. Not twelve-year-old boys.

Hey, look. The next director of The Guardians Of The Galaxy franchise.
See, and here your brief turn as Thor in... one of these fuckin' One Universe things... where you played up the Donald Blake alter-ego and also had a romance going with Diana Prince has left a serious impact on me that's always made me want to see more. I think the Asguardians and the Amazons make for interesting bedfellows (metaphorically and literally).

Ah, yes. That was actually the first-ever iteration of Ultimate One Universe that @HenryJonesJr started back on the Hype. My only real stab at playing Diana, and one that I put alot of effort into before unfortunately fizzling out just before she was to suit up for the first time. I played Blake as a second character to be a supporting link for her, with the promise of Thor shenanigans in the future.

But I think it says alot about that story, really, that I didn't intend for Blake to discover that he was Thor until well until the very end of that season, or a future season, given that I couldn't see myself writing Thor for an extended period of time (outside of a tragic ending I had intended where Diana discovered that Blake was never coming back).

Regardless, that was alot of fun, especially since Diana was the one discovering that she had an unusual heritage.
Random Inebriated Thought:

What player characters in the RP would you consider taking up if the player took a leave of absence to try something new? How would you build off the current season's dynamic, setup, and concept? What character would you be most interested in helping grow in a collaborative fashion?

I don't really think I could add anything to anyone's concepts, since alot of them are personally suited to their player. But if you're asking who'd be fun to play as a presented concept from another player... probably HenryJonesJr's Gwen or Wraith's Thor. I'd have done such a lesser job with either of those, though, and probably would've gotten lost very quickly.

I did have a notion of playing a female version of Spider-Man at one point, but it was heavily inspired by Mayday Parker and not Gwen, with Peter as her father and MJ being killed in the manner of Uncle Ben. There were also alot of villain concepts I wanted to play with in gender-swapping certain members of the rogue's gallery, aswell as switching entire dynamics around. But HJJ has done such a good job that I'd have felt like a pale imitation.

As for Thor, Wraith's concept itself would be fun to play around with, but I don't know enough about Thor's mythos to really play him. I'd be super lost.
To the surprise of no one, I'm attached at the hip to Batman, so there'll be no character swapping from me.

My Daredevil concept was that Fisk took Matt in and oversaw his training directly with The Hand until Daredevil became Fisk's own personal enforcer and turning Murdock into his own private attorney, making him more of an anti-hero character with designs on overthrowing The Kingpin when the time was right. Heavily inspired by the Shadowland/Spider-Gwen stuff, with a bit of a master and apprentice angle going on. I just really love the idea of making Murdock more morally ambiguous, given the many runs on the character that have flirted with the idea but never gone full-tilt - with the exception of a single run that took a promising portrayal and fucked it at the last minute by making all of it a case of demon posession.

There. Now that I've spoiled the concept, I can exorcise the desire to play it out.
Nah it was an old hockey injury coming back to bite me lol. Got hit in the face with a puck. That made a tooth grow into my jaw instead of my mouth apparently lol. It got really badly infected so they had to cut my jaw open to get it out.

Yikes. Having had an abcess for an ingrown tooth that had to be pulled, I sorta know what that's like. The pain of such an infection is the fucking worst. Glad it got treated.
@Master Bruce@Morden Man@Byrd Man
Yo just figured I'd give you folks a heads up that I just had surgery. This shouldn't effect my posting schedule too much long as I recover in time, but just in case I figured I'd inform you.

Oh, shit. Take your time, no worries. Wasn't anything too serious, I hope?

Well, no one ever said the star-spangled man with a plan's actual plan was to post consistantly...

(Seriously, though, your Cap has been great. Be a shame to see you drop him, though if it's for Catwoman, well... who the hell is Cap?)

<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Says the guy who played The Question in multiple seasons of UDC...
Wait, are you guys talking about playing a second character or supporting characters?

Playing a second character.

There are no restrictions on supporting characters, really.
If I were further along with my Batman story and were finishing the season with even half of my arcs done, I've made it no secret that I'd be throwing in an application for Daredevil. But I haven't, the season's gonna be over next month, and I still have too many stories to tell with Bruce. So on a personal level alone, I couldn't rightly endorse a second character slot anytime soon. Getting Byrd and Morden in as co-writers was the only way that I could keep The Surfer arc going.

As a GM, however, I feel obligated to take any and all opinions on the subject into consideration before making a final decision. If a decent argument could be made to allow them, I might be able to be swayed. But I don't think Morden's point is really arguable, right now. We're still too fresh of a game, and with the season's end looming and the beginning of Year Two right around the corner, it still feels too early. I doubt that'll change in a few weeks' time.

Now, opening up villain PCs for Year Two is something I'm a little more willing to engage. It'd require that already committed players drop their characters, but I do understand that not everyone thrives on playing a good guy. Though, I also get that committed villains are a rare commodity in these games.

But yeah. Those are my thoughts. No official decree or anything, but I definitely lean towards supporting Morden's opposition. We're doing good, and we have to preserve that. If that means letting concepts for other characters go in favor of a singular focus, so be it. You gotta be able to commit to making concepts stick, and that starts with what you got.
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