Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

I got a question regarding Darkseid and Thanos. Are they friends? Enemies? Frenemies? And I am assuming that the GMs have plans for Darkseid rather than Thanos at the moment?

That thought hasn't really crossed my mind, but I imagine that they're rivals. Darkseid isn't really capable of having friends, just subjects to rule over. I don't imagine he's very good at entertaining company. I imagine it's the same for Thanos, though I'm way more familiar with his MCU counterpart than the comics. They likely have similar goals, but see eachother as unwieldy.

Alright, it took me a little longer to write than I anticipated, but the kick-off is finally up. And with it, I'm going to have to explain a few things, as this MME is quite different from the last.

The difference being, everyone who wants to take part is going to have to choose how this goes down. I intentionally left things very vague, as I didn't want to just pick a bunch of random villains out of a hat to throw at people, but who exactly comes out looking for a fight is all up to you. Not to mention how many, and whether or not they've been established before now.

Basically, someone's going to come to one of the mentioned cities and start wreaking havoc. Your job, as the heroes, is to fend off these attacks as they come and then go to help whoever you logically can. So in Thor's case, after he fights his challenger, he could probably fly to another city still being attacked. Same with The Flash and Superman (though Andy and I are doing our little team-up, so we may be late to the party).

The goal of this is to gather as many of you into one place as you can while also giving you a threat where you live, to give you each motivation to go seek out answers. Your villains, once defeated, will likely reveal that they came from The Raft. Or you'll get them to tell you. However you want to approach it.

The point being, this is all in your hands. If you want to get creative and use a member of someone else's rogues gallery for your initial fight, PM them and ask permission. Otherwise, dig deep and pull out someone you don't really have plans for, or someone that you want to tease for a future story. Once all of the villains are defeated, there'll be The Surfer himself to deal with. And if there are enough of you assembled, that fight will be considerably shorter than the first.

Also, if you wanted to take part and I left you or your city out, or got your city wrong, or included you without you wanting me to, let me know and I can edit the post. I did the best I could, but I'll admit to rushing some of the details just to get the dramatic stuff out of the way.

So... let's do this.

The Raft Prison Island
New York City, NY
1:34 AM

"Is the prisoner secured?"

"Best as we can tell, sir. There's no real way of knowin' what this freak can do."

The Silver Surfer solemnly stared out at his own reflection as the thick, so-called shatterproof glass stood between him and a considerable escort of human guards. They each held heavily militarized energy pulse rifles that had been generously provided by a paranoid being of some influence named Luthor, who seemed to be even more wary of the steadily growing metahuman population than most of this world's chosen leaders. It mattered not to the master of The Power Cosmic, whose pulsating binds and shackles did little to dampen the power that flowed through his veins. But removed from the humans' desire to see him contained just as any metahuman that they'd mistakenly believed him to be, there actually was something holding The Surfer back. A fleeting sense of confliction that dwelled within him, rearing itself at every inopportune moment that he could experience of peace. Glimpses of a life once lived, a life that he had once believed that he'd chosen to relinquish freely in submission of a greater purpose. When the might of the cosmos was bestowed upon him, it seemed to have a far greater effect on his mind than originally realized.

He'd felt it for the first time whenever his energy dampened, however as impossibly as that still seemed, in the test to prove the worth of Iris West - known to all as The Flash. Were it not for the interference of Kal-El, called 'Superman' by those whom spoke of the event, The Surfer was more than certain that The Scarlet Speedster would have failed the test and rendered metahuman life unworthy of the ultimate gift of serving a greater good. But with their power combined, something had happened. The Surfer's connection to The Power Cosmic had waned, and in his struggle to maintain what had claimed his mind for so very long, The Flash and Superman were able to subdue him. And whenever he caught a glimpse of himself and looked upon the face of that which stared back at him - having been revealed beneath the chrome exterior that had since replaced it - The Surfer only saw a stranger.

This troubled him. More than anything else, that sense of disillusionment was what had kept The Silver Surfer from escaping these bonds with ease and leaving the confinement of The Raft, or The Triskelion, or any other potential holding that the humans would devise. While the thought of resuming his test after such an unexpected outcome had crossed his mind, it was his encounter just one week prior with the cosmically charged human woman, Susan Storm, that had made him realize the source of his confliction.

He did not know who he truly was. Before, it had been relatively simple to assume that he was The Silver Surfer and nothing more. A pawn of a master who had tasked him with carrying out a glorious mission that would result in peace across the cosmos. And for quite some time, he dutifully excelled, watching over planets that could possibly hold beings worthy to serve at the feet of the only being in the universe that sought to unite them all.

Now he could do nothing but stare at his own reflection, wondering if he could possibly conjure that stranger's face once more. If by some force of will, he could peel back the layer of powerful energy crackling across a body that lied underneath the silver construct that he'd been turned into. The Surfer was confident that if he could study that reflection with contemplation, he could discern the truth of his very identity. But even he did not fully control The Power Cosmic as he once believed, as the living energy refused to relinquish from him even for a moment.

For what purpose?, The Surfer wondered. Whom would benefit from clouding my mind? Twisting my intentions, laboring the very thought of a life before this?

And in the first real moment that left The Surfer surprised since his arrival at The Raft, as if in an answer to his lingering question, something appeared from nothing behind him. Breaking his eye contact from the troubled glint of his own gaze, The Surfer turned and realized that a brilliant beam of light was bouncing off of the wall of the cage that he had chosen to remain within. The light was solitary at first, appearing as though it were sphere, before expanding into a series of interconnected circles. He immediately recognized this, as it had been used as the customary mode of transportation from his home - or at least, what he had been led to believe was his home. Within seconds, a figure stepped forth from the portal, surrounded by the blinding light as it subsided. The Surfer recognized this person aswell, and his posture became visibly tense.

"My, my. Would you look at this? It would seem as though that there are binds even you cannot escape after all..."

The individual chuckled to himself as The Surfer stared back, his eyes pulsating with cosmic energy for the first time since his imprisonment here. After all that he had suffered with in recent days, he found the agent of his homeworld's tone to be particularly mocking. And it was less than appreciated.

"Kanto.", The Surfer finally replied. "You have come a long way."

Kanto allowed a staff that he was carrying to fly from one of his palms to another, jovially admiring the sight of The Silver Surfer bound by such primitive constraints. Taking a look around, he suppressed an even bigger smirk, realizing just how little that the denizens of Earth had advanced since his original exile to the once insignificant planet.

"I would not have bothered, to be quite honest with you.", the weaponsmith replied. "But it seems as though that Father has further need of your power, for reasons that I cannot even begin to comprehend."

The Surfer paused.


The energy illuminating behind his eyes began to glow even brighter as The Surfer stepped forth, his legs phasing through the constraints that had never truly held him to begin with. While an alarm was meant to activate in the event that The Surfer had tried to escape, per the instructions of The Raft's warden, something was dampening it. Realizing that the staff that Kanto held was no mere part of his ensemble, as it too glowed with an otherworldly energy, The Surfer's eyes narrowed towards the mischievous man.

"You call him father. I am... unsure of what to call him anymore."

The Surfer's brow furrowed.

"There have been questions since we last spoke that plague me, Kanto. Questions that I know you hold the answers to. Tell me now and I will spare your life."

Kanto held up a palm, clearly untimidated by The Surfer's threat.

"Questions? Plaguing you? Then it is just as I feared. Granny had assured me, as she assured us all, that your mind would irreversibly break under the strain of wielding such a power. Especially one which was stolen from a devourer of worlds..."

The Surfer glared in recognition of that term. Superman had briefly alluded to such a being before, in the midst of some misguided attempt to appeal to a being that he believed himself to be facing. Susan Storm also spoke of this being directly.


"Oh, yes. Even now, the giant slumbers within the ether of space, unaware of what has been accomplished even after all this time. But it appears that Granny, despite herself, doesn't truly know what's best. You're beginning to remember something.", Kanto curiously posited. "Tell me, what was it that reversed the effects of Granny's laborious torture? And don't tell me it the woman. That would be so very predictable."

The Surfer's head tilted, confused by Kanto's taunt.

Woman? What woman?

"Evidently not. But no matter. I'll admit, I was simply having a little bit of fun before I helped you carry out the next phase of the test."

"The... next phase?", The Surfer questioned. "You waste your words aswell as my time. The 'test' is long since over. I have already cast judgement."

Kanto grinned.

"Have you?"

Suddenly, The Surfer felt himself growing weaker. The Power Cosmic within him no longer felt as though it were a tangible part of his being, but as though it were it's own prison. Striking out at his life force, pulling him apart from within. Unable to bear it for very long, he inevitably dropped to his knees. Kanto placed the staff in his hand upon the base of The Surfer's head, watching as the staff glowed in tune with The Power Cosmic.

"You forget yourself, 'herald'. Such judgement was never your's to give in the first place. Why else do you believe that your power dampened at the moment of opportunity? In the midst of battle, at the moment that these beings could be properly observed by our spies. You were simply the conduit for something greater. And you performed the part to the letter."

Gritting his teeth, The Surfer weakly looked up at Kanto, barely hiding his rage.

"What are you talking about?!"

"The Power Cosmic slipped from your unworthy fingers because Father allowed it. He willed it, infact, in an effort to utilize you as a part of his own test. Because in the end, what better way to make use of a blindly loyal servant than to throw him at prospective soldiers?", Kanto laughed. "Oh, but... you believed that you were the soldier and not the servant, didn't you? Such naivety. Even beneath that shell, you truly haven't changed."

Summoning every possible ounce of strength left within him, The Surfer angrily rose to his feet and grabbed at Kanto, pinning him to the wall of the glass enclosure. The brilliance of the silver coating his skin was beginning to wane, but he still felt enough of his power coursing through him to pose a considerable threat to the weaponsmith. Kanto merely smiled, more amused than anything.

"I served the master without question! Without disobedience! I was unwavering in my loyalty to him, and he repays me with deception?!", The Surfer angrily shouted. "I am no mere pawn to be played in a game at his leisure! In what manner do you seek to mock me?! For what reason other than your own perversions?! I would speak with 'Father' myself, were I to possess the means! You've stolen from me! Thoughts, memories, perhaps even more!"

Kanto grabbed tightly onto The Surfer's wrist, immediately quelling his rage. The weaponsmith's strength was greater than one would assume, and it caught the herald off guard. With a mere backhand, The Surfer flew against the other side of the cell, cracking it upon impact. Composing himself once more, Kanto slammed his staff against the ground, causing The Power Cosmic to respond by immobilizing it's host.

"Such a temper, too. Though you were never very good at maintaining your dignity when faced with such harsh truths.", Kanto remarked, approaching. "Worry not, however, for your burdens will soon be lifted. These thoughts and memories will fade from your mind once again, never to return and cost Father even more precious time than they already have. As I said before, you played your part. You were subdued by the humans, taken to their own personal refuge for beings that could further challenge those that dear Desaad would mold into loyalists. And now, we both find ourselves in the perfect place to initiate the true test. By Father's design, of course."

The Surfer's rage was unrelenting, even if the power refused to bend to his will.

"You think me a fool, Kanto?", he hatefully replied. "In what version of reality would I ever agree to help you in light of this transgression? What world would you have me live in to once again believe the lies that you likely had a hand in telling me yourself?"

"Why, the only world that matters. A world you already know very well."

Kanto lifted the staff, maliciously looking upon the helpless Surfer.


With a light so blinding that even The Surfer could not look into it, Kanto's staff rose into the air independent of it's owner's grip and began to spin. As it spun, it shrunk and transformed, assuming a cube-like structure with a series of circular etchings. As the glow faded, the cube fell into Kanto's hands, revealing itself to be a Mother Box. A glint of fear passed over The Surfer's eyes as Kanto raised it to him, slowly remembering what had happened the last time that he had come into contact with such a device.


Within an instant, The Silver Surfer felt himself overcome by every prior memory that he had once believed lost. He remembered his days on New Genesis, following it's takeover once the Highfather fell to the forces of Apokolips. Escaping anything and everything that had sought to bind him, time and time again. Winning the admiration of the court of Granny Goodness, and the heart of her fiercest Female Fury.

He also remembered the conspiracy to pull of his most masterful escape yet, once it became clear that the machinations put in place to put them on the path towards The Anti-Life Equation would prove to be catastrophic. He distinctly remembered relaying his plan to his love, who unquestionably agreed. The madness had to end.

They were both captured. Reconditioned. And for his part, Scott Free had paid the ultimate price.

Stripped of his very identity and consciousness, he was remade under the influence of a power stolen from Galactus, the devourer of worlds. No longer in a position to escape the massive confluence of his forced bond with The Power Cosmic, Scott Free was reborn as The Silver Surfer. And with that power, he became subservient. Ready to carry out any task that was asked of him by a cold, calculating master of all that lived. All that ever would live.


And with that, he could remember no more.

Closing his eyes, The Silver Surfer stood, void of emotion and filled only with purpose. Kanto nodded once in approval, seeing that the Mother Box had achieved success in restoring the herald's fleeting loyalty in full. Allowing it to take on the form of his staff once more, Kanto gestured towards the cells that surrounded his.

"Go forth, Surfer. Your next task is clear. You're to release these fools and imbue them with the power that they need to be able to initiate conflict with the metahumans. When such conflict is initiated, you are to resume observance. Have you learned of the primary locations that harbor these prospective agents of Apokolips?"

The Surfer turned to Kanto and rose into the air, his board suddenly forming beneath him. The shackles that once held him in place having been long severed off.


His eyes glowing, he reached out into the vastness of the cosmos to locate what were considered the primary metahumans of this world. And within seconds, images of various costumed individuals began to flash across his mind. Superman, of course, aswell as The Flash. But there were others. Greg Saunders, The Ghost Rider. Blake Donaldson, The Mighty Thor. Gwendolyn Stacy, The Spider-Woman. Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Jonathan Storm, and Benjamin Grimm of The Fantastic Four.

Saunders resided in Warpath, Texas. Donaldson in Marville, Oklahoma. Stacy, Richards, the Storms, and Grimm were all currently just outside, in New York City, after The Surfer's brief encounter with Storm in Washington, DC. And Iris West still resided in her dwelling of Central City. Curiously, Kal-El was currently visiting Gotham City, New Jersey, despite Superman's considerably well known home of Metropolis, Delaware. The Surfer assumed it wise to dispatch individuals to both locations.


All of these locations would serve as branching points. If the individuals within The Raft were to test these metahumans directly, they would have to be transported to those cities. Enhanced with power beyond their imagination, but nothing in comparison to The Surfer himself. Kanto would likely wish to provide them with weapons, should they need them, as that was his trade.

"Then I believe your confinement is lifted. Happy choosing."

Wordlessly, The Surfer drifted upwards and slowly spun in the other direction, just barely noticing the crowd of panicked guards as they drew their weapons and attempted to open fire upon seeing their prisoner phase through the shatterproof glass. Each bolt of energy fell to an invisible barrier, with some blasts being redirected towards the guard that had fired it. The Silver Surfer cared not for this conflict, as he scanned The Raft for potential inhabitants worthy of the cause.

Sensing a few promising candidates, The Surfer flew forth and phased through the guards as if they were nothing. A series of explosions rang out across the prison island, as people began barking orders at eachother to re-establish order. Cells were opened automatically, of their own volition, and an all-out prison break was mounting. Some would try and resist, but it would be impossible to completely contain this. Especially once The Surfer began teleporting the subjects to the respective cities to initiate battle.

Kanto smiled.

"Glory be to you, Father."

Tipping his head downwards, as if in a slight prayer, the weaponsmith looked towards the chaos ahead of him and found a sense of familiarity in the fires that were beginning to spread. Re-opening the Boom Tube that had brought him here, Kanto took a final passing look as the chaos mounted even further. His mind raced with the possibilities, as he knew he would momentarily return with technology that would turn these poor souls into formidable threats to come.

"For who is to be their God, once the ashes of this planet settle?"

"Darkseid is."

Me waiting for the MME (yes I’m being rude, I apologize)

No, that's entirely fair. Unlike the last MME, I didn't have a post pre-written and now it's come back to haunt me. I'm working on it, I promise, and I'm going to try my damndest to get it up before midnight - or at least around that time.
And as far as this goes...

@Byrd Man said it best. While I encourage anyone who wants to join to submit an app for review, Bat-Mite just isn't a character who would work in this world, even divorced from the rather grim version of Gotham that I've set up. We've all taken great pains to really establish a uniform tone for Ultimate One Universe where the characters are a bit on the edgier side, for lack of a better word, and a full-on revampless Bat-Mite clashes with that. Plus, the fact that he would be without a revamp is in and of itself it's own problem. I see no difference between this app and the Bat-Mite found in the normal DC Universe, so I'm afraid it's going to have to be a denial.
Sorry that I've been MIA as of late. Some personal issues came up and basically constricted my attention for the last week. Then, I relinquished quite a small amount of my considerable fortune (if that's what you want to call "saving up for seven months") and bought both a Playstation 4 and a little game featuring a certain webslinger that none of you've probably heard of. So my head's not been in this game quite as much as it should be. Will try and remedy that with some posts this week.

In the meantime, unlike the GM, the attention of the Weekly Post Check! never falters.

Over The Limit (Post By Friday)
@Star Lord

12 Days (2 Days Left)
@Simple Unicycle

10 Days (4 Days Left)
@Master Bruce
(Far as I'm concerned, that son of a bitch has one day left.)

9 Days (5 Days Left)
@Eddie Brock

7 Days (7 Days Left)

Also, would you look at that. 2 posts away in the IC before a certain something begins...
Then it would for sure work for you. My only concern right now is colour codes, I assume they're pretty universal though.

That's likely. I actually figured out a cheat in choosing custom fonts for my characters through Photoshop. The color codes in that program apply to this forum seamlessly, so I assume it'd be the same with Google Docs.
Just to give everyone a time table, if we're not at least close to twenty posts ahead in the IC by a week from tomorrow, the MME is likely to either start abruptly or get canned.

For my part, I actually have a post unrelated to my current crossover with Andy in the works for the 15th, given that it's going to be Batman Day. And I can also probably post some supplementary stuff while Clark Kent and Lois Lane get their bearings in Gotham. After all, I've established so many NPCs that one of them is bound to be up to something...

*writes sex scene between Alfred and Selina Kyle that's so graphic that @Lord Wraith beams with pride*
Hey! I've been working my arse off!

And it's been a great... weirdly last minute surge of activity on your part, but I'm just saying. If you still want to beat the shit outta that werewolf, you better do it within 20 days!

I've got two posts before I'm ready for the MME. If I post them within the next few days, do you think it's unlikely enough to happen that I should carry on with anither arc? Or just wait for the MME?

Honestly, if you're about to be good to go, I'd say wait. Better than getting caught with your ghostly pants down when or if the thing actually happens. If it doesn't, oh well. You'll still probably have time to wrap things up on a suitable note before we close up shop.
And not to rush anybody or make things seem more dire then they actually are, but... we are about to enter the 20 day countdown to the end of the season.

If we don't make it to 375 fairly soon, plans may have to be scrapped and endings may have to be rushed for all of us to stick the landing, with the MME being cancelled outright in favor of next season. And given a few characters are relying on that thing to happen, it'd suck to have to move it. But it can't really start right in the middle of everyone already doing their thing.

So if you're not entering the endgame for the season, best get a move on. We're in the homestretch!*

*He says, about to enter a Batman and Superman crossover arc at the tail end things.
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