Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

Flying fish chariot Aquaman it is then!


Out of my own morbid curiosity, who are your usual go-tos?

I assume beyond Batman, Daredevil, but I couldn't hazard a guess at who else.

My go-tos are generally everyone else's go-tos. The holy trinity for me are Batman, Spider-Man, and Superman - those are my top three favorites in general, even outside of RP. Daredevil and Nightwing hold a special place for me as player characters, Wolverine's been a favorite for awhile, I've enjoyed playing Captain America in the past, and I like playing Wally West's Flash (or a Wally-fied Barry). Basically, any of the major popular superheroes from when I was growing up in the 90's - if they were in a cartoon or had a cartoon to their name.
So does when does the Angsty Bat Arrow make an appearance?

Heh. To tell the truth, I'm more of an old school Green Arrow fan. The bleeding heart liberal who's not afraid to wear a ridiculous goatee along with his Robin Hood tights, quite frankly. Arrow's version leaves me pretty cold, aswell as the New 52 version that tried to copy it. So if I were to play Ollie, you'd be getting more of a Kevin Smith/Judd Winick era version than anything current. Nothing resembling Bats.

Not that I've contemplated an app or anything...

In all seriousness, I thought about playing Ghost Rider and doing an all-out horror tale, or The Punisher, or some version of The Hulk where Banner isn't the alter-ego. But I think my indecision is what caused me to realize that it'd be better to stay as a passive than commit to anything I won't follow-through on. Byrd's doing a pretty fantastic job with Batman and my usual go-tos are either taken or would wildly step on the toes of established concepts here, so I'm content to let it ride until something really grabs me.

Oh look @Master Bruce is here. Lurking.

Just reading the IC thread. So far, everyone's been doing a great job and I applaud the game's universe as it's slowly building.

<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>


*flips table*


*flips a second table*


*flips third table*

*is confused as to why there are so many tables in this room*

I, erm...

My bad.

*looks at litany of befallen tables*

And despite the overall belief, I'm not gonna challenge for Bats. Got someone else in mind. You've rocked the shit out of the cowl in the past, so I'm excited to see what you've got planned.
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

You know if this Hmm turns into a sheet. I wonder who it'll be for.

Was I that obvious?

I should also probably say that in light of Byrd dropping out a few weeks back and my struggles to keep up with the game even since before dropping out as Batman, I'm publically extending an invitation to @HenryJonesJr to become a member of the GM staff no matter how the vote goes.

Most of you probably don't know this, but the Ultimate One Universe concept actually originated with him on the Hype, so I wanted him in from the ground floor. The only reason he wasn't was because, at the time of launch, I couldn't get ahold of him and we'd already settled on the three man team of Morden, Byrd, and myself by the time he got back to me. So the idea was already out there, it just didn't seem nessescary at the time.

Henry's proven himself to be a more than capable GM and, despite the launch of his own game, could probably handle RP related business for UOU just as well as Morden has. I've unfortunately just not been as reliable as I'd hoped to be and I can't allow Morden to be burdened with essentially running the game himself due to my continued absence.
There isn't really a point to doing the Weekly Post Check, now, with people deciding all around to either step away or outright drop, so I'm gonna try and address the issue at hand. Since the topic was broached and a good number of the game's roster weighed in, perhaps it'd be best to put it to a vote:

Hiatus until the holiday season passes. Yay or nay?

Let's just get everyone's thoughts in and let the majority rule.

Despite not currently playing, I'm personally mixed. At this point, the game's survival might be in jeopardy with either course taken, so I'm not entirely convinced that a hiatus could hurt. But I'm also of the school of thought that when guys like @Morden Man speak from experience, there's something to it and their input should be taken more seriously. So if you guys want to weather the storm and see if the game can continue at it's current trajectory, I'm fine with that.
Hey, all. Apologies for the radio silence, as I've had some stuff in my personal life drop in my lap. So that new application is unfortunately still in development, as I want to be sure to have at least a few posts pre-written before committing so as to not fizzle out again.

I have been keeping an eye on things, and am aware of the game's current lull, so I'd just like to thank the players that have remained active for keeping the IC thread going despite my absence and withdrawal on the player side of it. We're going through a rough patch, but seeing your dedication is very much appreciated in keeping the spirit alive.

But, absence or no, I still have responsibilities to get back to. So with that said...

The Weekly Post Check!

@Superboy - 14 Days (Late)
@Lord Wraith - 13 Days (1 To Go)
@Inkarnate - 11 Days (3 To Go)
@Hound55 - 8 Days (6 To Go)

The following players are beyond the two-week limit and am being given their final notice now. Wednesday is the cutoff, as I didn't perform the Post Check last week and a couple of warned players got extra time as a result.

@Eddie Brock
@Star Lord
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