Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

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Bruce William Wayne . .Vigilante . .Gotham City, New Jersey, USA . .Unaffiliated
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"The time has come. You know it in your soul."

Fifteen years ago, a double homicide in The Narrows was discovered by the GCPD. When the corresponding address was checked for the tenant's name, few could have imagined a connection to billionaire Phillip Wayne. But the so-called Prince of Gotham did indeed have a brother who had never recieved a cent of their father's blood money, who chose to work towards the betterment of his city by his own accord. And while he and his wife had been taken by a petty thief, the two had a son that survived. A traumatized little boy who would emerge from that apartment forever changed, put on the path towards a quest that would transform him from an ordinary young man into an extraordinary crimefighter. He would learn how to fight against the criminal element that had made Gotham City an uninhabitable hellscape. He would become a master detective, a cunning warrior, and eventually, even a self-styled creature of the night. But like his father before him, he would do it by his own hand, inspired by a legend that has haunted Gotham City for decades - the grim fairy tale known only as The Gotham Bat.

Forget the familiar story. There is no billion dollar fortune, no lavish mansion, no elitist playboy act to galavant around in during the daytime. There's just a man with no extraordinary means, who worked hard to turn himself into something more - something that will tear away Gotham City's evils by the skin of his teeth, giving every ounce of his blood and sweat to do it. How this iteration of Bruce Wayne becomes The Batman is a story that will be told not only through the donning of the cape and cowl, but by the struggle to rise above the level of masked street vigilante to enact real change in a city that preys upon the innocent. It's a journey that will teach him not only the methods he needs to truly be The Dark Knight, but the allies he'll need to cultivate and the enemies that he'll have to endure.

For right now, however, he's still got some kinks to work out. Some equipment to test, some approaches to refine... and a persona to unleash onto the citizens that still think Gotham belongs to the criminals and the corrupt.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Batman is too significant of a part of me to ignore. He's the focal point of all of my cutural osmosis, to the point of an unhealthy obsession that always brings me back to wanting to write the character and entertaining an endless amount of what-ifs and alternate takes. But the one thing I've never really tackled is how well the character can endure once you strip away all of the elements that make his life entirely unattainable to the common man. After all, the big thing touted about him is that he doesn't have any superpowers. ...as long as you ignore the billions of dollars, celebrity lifestyle, luxury and privilege that allows him to break out the fanciful gadgets and vehicles on a whim.

That's the paradox of his character that drives this version. What is Bruce Wayne if he's not rich beyond belief, shoulder to shoulder with supermodels and escorted by a literal butler that raised him to inherit a dynasty that was never in danger of being taken from him? I don't really know the answer yet, but that's why this take on the origin is an interesting challenge. He's still everything that psychologically and emotionally makes him Batman. He's still a little disturbed and driven by an absolute obsession that puts him back on those streets every night. He still puts on a mask and cape and trys to emulate a giant bat, and eventually he'll start to obtain a few of the familiar elements, like a Batcave, a Batmobile, and even a Rogue's Gallery. He just has to do it without all of the shortcuts that made his journey the great fantasy that it's always been, in a Gotham City that functions even more like the real world than it usually does.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

Salvatore "The Boss" Maroni screamed at the top of his lungs as he was thrust into the open air admist shattered glass. The masked lunatic that had thrown the gangster aswell as himself out of the top floor of the penthouse grabbed onto Maroni hard and produced that same grappling device that had sent them hurtling into an over 50 foot drop towards the pavement. Firing it again, this time managing to snag a stone gargoyle overlooking the adjacent building, The Batman pressed hard into Maroni's back so that they swung into an arch, heading directly for the building just across the street.

All that Salvatore could see was oncoming glass before a very large and leathery piece of fabric shielded him from the impact. He couldn't see them hit the window, but he could feel it, aswell as the hard landing that both men made. By the time the fabric unfurled itself off of his face, Maroni realized that he was on his back, staring directly at his shadowy assailant, who stood above him. Salvatore growled.


The Batman's boot slammed down onto Maroni's chest, causing him to involuntarily keel and roll over in immense pain.


With his prey momentarily incapacitated, Batman searched the room ahead of them. A set of office cubicles greeted him in the darkness, evident of a local business. The employees had long since gone home, leaving no one but a janitor who had already ran for the emergency exit. But The Dark Knight sneered as the heat signature-detection feature of the lenses in his cowl picked up the image of an additional few men heading up the staircase, guns drawn. Evidently, Captain Bolton had managed to round up some of his remaining men to pursue them.

Looking down at Maroni, Batman forcibly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.

"We're not done."

Maroni wheezed in pain. "What the hell are you talkin' about?!"

Punching the mobster hard across the face with an executed right hook, Batman caught Maroni's body as it fell limp, immediately rendered unconscious. Letting him fall gently, Batman produced a pair of military-grade handcuffs from the back of his belt and dragged Maroni over to a support beam. Propping him up and placing his hands behind his back, the vigilante secured his captive in place, put something into the front of his jacket pocket, and looked towards the door to the spacious room they were in as the heat signatures immediately approached.

Retreating to the darkness on the opposite end of the room, Batman watched in cold silence as the door was slammed open from the outside with a kick. Several of Flass' dirty cops burst into the room, each holding weapons that were far above standard issue for the GCPD. Laser sights, automatic ammunition. The vigilante narrowed his eyes as they searched for any sign of him in vain. Someone had been outfitting Flass' men with the latest in high-tech ordinance. The other precincts didn't have the luxury of such treatment, and it wasn't hard to guess why. Salvatore Maroni had a good majority of the GCPD under his payroll, directly. It was how the mobster had kept himself one step ahead of his rival, The Roman.

"Look! Over there! There's Maroni!", one of them yelled, signaling two of the men to his opposite. "Get him out of here before that freak comes back! We'll stay here and keep watch!"

As the two men approached, The Batman produced a detonator hidden within his gauntlet. Waiting precious seconds as the cops inched closer to Maroni's unconscious form, the vigilante waited for them to discover the handcuffs.

"Uh, Lieutenant? He's bound to this thing. We're gonna need to..."

Hitting the detonator hard, Batman leaped forward with a roll as an explosion of smoke immediately hit the two cops from within Maroni's jacket. Seizing control of the situation as the smoke coated the entire room, The Dark Knight hit the side of his cowl and switched his cowl's surveillance mode so that the lenses could isolate the smoke and make the room clear to him alone. Immediately slamming his knee into the chest of one of the cops with a rising strike, The Batman spun mid-air and sent four projectiles directly into the hands of two of the other armed officers. He'd taken to calling them "bat-blades", though one of his associates had given them perhaps a more fitting moniker: batarangs. Landing behind the officer he'd struck, Batman downed that one with a hard elbow and immediately followed that up with a brutal headbutt, knocking him into one of the cubicles. Shooting his right leg out, Batman spun for a hard sweep, sending a second one to the ground fast enough for the officer to hit the back of his head. Opting for a palm strike against an oncoming enemy's jaw, the vigilante simultaneously reigned a flying high kick down onto a fourth officer's face, knocking both to the ground. As he regained his footing, he looked down to his chest and noticed the red targeting lasers start to cross his path.



Bullets sprayed the walls behind him as The Batman somersaulted forward, counting himself lucky as a bullet barely grazed the armor plating covering his right shoulder. Leaping into the air, he kicked off of the wall to the south of the room and produced his grapple gun yet again, firing a line directly into the northern wall. Directing a spin kick into an officer as he attempted to reload his weapon, Batman pulled at the line hard, catching the two leading figures of the group by the chest and waist as the steel cable slammed them into the adjacent wall. As another officer rose from the ground, still partially unconscious, the vigilante grabbed a stapler from one of the nearby cubicles and launched it directly into the man's head, sending him back to the ground. One remained. And he was firing off into the distance, having already lost the trajectory of his target. A batarang flew from the smoke and forced the weapon from his hands, embedding it into the window with a spiderweb crack. The officer's eyes widened as he looked at his unreachable weapon, failing to notice the figure that approached him.

"Tell Commissioner Loeb. Tell your fellow men. Tell everyone..."

"I'm coming for them, too."

P O S T C A T A L O G:

@Kaggs as Space (?) Cabbie, @HenryJonesJr as Blue Beetle, and @Polyphemus as Crimson Avenger are all APPROVED!

IC will be open on Saturday.

@DocTachyon is approved for S.H.A.D.E. I mistakenly overlooked his sheet when reviewing the applications for approval. The others haven't quite reached the 24-hour mar (IE: Space Cabbie, Blue Beetle), but are close.
On a similar note, I've made some major alterations to the Character Notes tab of my sheet. I've decided to switch some things around and change what I was gonna do with alot of characters, as I found that the previous versions weren't going to get me very far.

Most notably, Alfred is now formerly Phillip Wayne's butler/chauffeur/bodyguard/whathaveyou and left his employ to raise Bruce instead of being a private detective, I restructured who Gordon would be working with in the GCPD and their departments, and I replaced Roman Sionis as CEO of Wayne Enterprises with Edward Nigma, who I'm making more of a major villain. I also put in an entirely new version of Sionis as Black Mask and a new death cult that alludes to Ra's Al Ghul.

All of the summaries have also been heavily simplified, as I found that making their backstories extensive would limit me if I decided to switch things up along the way. While this changes little about my proposed version of Bruce/Batman himself, I just thought that necessary to bring up when considering my app.

Basically, in regards to the old app...

Well, would you look at that? 20 likes...

The inaugural 24-hour-period for accepting applications begins tomorrow. If you plan to contest any application posted so far, you have until Tuesday morning at 9:30 EST US time at to get a completed application together. Then the official selection begins.

Nobody else apply for Batman. Good luck to all.
I almost fear he's typecasting himself.
It wouldn't be a real game if I didn't act like a wishy-washy SOB. I voided out my first. I think it's too ambitious for where I am in my life right now. I wouldn't have enough time to write it like I would want.


Bruce William Wayne . .Vigilante . .Gotham City, New Jersey, USA . .Unaffiliated
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"The time has come. You know it in your soul."

Fifteen years ago, a double homicide in The Narrows was discovered by the GCPD. When the corresponding address was checked for the tenant's name, few could have imagined a connection to billionaire Phillip Wayne. But the so-called Prince of Gotham did indeed have a brother who had never recieved a cent of their father's blood money, who chose to work towards the betterment of his city by his own accord. And while he and his wife had been taken by a petty thief, the two had a son that survived. A traumatized little boy who would emerge from that apartment forever changed, put on the path towards a quest that would transform him from an ordinary young man into an extraordinary crimefighter. He would learn how to fight against the criminal element that had made Gotham City an uninhabitable hellscape. He would become a master detective, a cunning warrior, and eventually, even a self-styled creature of the night. But like his father before him, he would do it by his own hand, inspired by a legend that has haunted Gotham City for decades - the grim fairy tale known only as The Gotham Bat.

Forget the familiar story. There is no billion dollar fortune, no lavish mansion, no elitist playboy act to galavant around in during the daytime. There's just a man with no extraordinary means, who worked hard to turn himself into something more - something that will tear away Gotham City's evils by the skin of his teeth, giving every ounce of his blood and sweat to do it. How this iteration of Bruce Wayne becomes The Batman is a story that will be told not only through the donning of the cape and cowl, but by the struggle to rise above the level of masked street vigilante to enact real change in a city that preys upon the innocent. It's a journey that will teach him not only the methods he needs to truly be The Dark Knight, but the allies he'll need to cultivate and the enemies that he'll have to endure.

For right now, however, he's still got some kinks to work out. Some equipment to test, some approaches to refine... and a persona to unleash onto the citizens that still think Gotham belongs to the criminals and the corrupt.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Batman is too significant of a part of me to ignore. He's the focal point of all of my cutural osmosis, to the point of an unhealthy obsession that always brings me back to wanting to write the character and entertaining an endless amount of what-ifs and alternate takes. But the one thing I've never really tackled is how well the character can endure once you strip away all of the elements that make his life entirely unattainable to the common man. After all, the big thing touted about him is that he doesn't have any superpowers. ...as long as you ignore the billions of dollars, celebrity lifestyle, luxury and privilege that allows him to break out the fanciful gadgets and vehicles on a whim.

That's the paradox of his character that drives this version. What is Bruce Wayne if he's not rich beyond belief, shoulder to shoulder with supermodels and escorted by a literal butler that raised him to inherit a dynasty that was never in danger of being taken from him? I don't really know the answer yet, but that's why this take on the origin is an interesting challenge. He's still everything that psychologically and emotionally makes him Batman. He's still a little disturbed and driven by an absolute obsession that puts him back on those streets every night. He still puts on a mask and cape and trys to emulate a giant bat, and eventually he'll start to obtain a few of the familiar elements, like a Batcave, a Batmobile, and even a Rogue's Gallery. He just has to do it without all of the shortcuts that made his journey the great fantasy that it's always been, in a Gotham City that functions even more like the real world than it usually does.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

Salvatore "The Boss" Maroni screamed at the top of his lungs as he was thrust into the open air admist shattered glass. The masked lunatic that had thrown the gangster aswell as himself out of the top floor of the penthouse grabbed onto Maroni hard and produced that same grappling device that had sent them hurtling into an over 50 foot drop towards the pavement. Firing it again, this time managing to snag a stone gargoyle overlooking the adjacent building, The Batman pressed hard into Maroni's back so that they swung into an arch, heading directly for the building just across the street.

All that Salvatore could see was oncoming glass before a very large and leathery piece of fabric shielded him from the impact. He couldn't see them hit the window, but he could feel it, aswell as the hard landing that both men made. By the time the fabric unfurled itself off of his face, Maroni realized that he was on his back, staring directly at his shadowy assailant, who stood above him. Salvatore growled.


The Batman's boot slammed down onto Maroni's chest, causing him to involuntarily keel and roll over in immense pain.


With his prey momentarily incapacitated, Batman searched the room ahead of them. A set of office cubicles greeted him in the darkness, evident of a local business. The employees had long since gone home, leaving no one but a janitor who had already ran for the emergency exit. But The Dark Knight sneered as the heat signature-detection feature of the lenses in his cowl picked up the image of an additional few men heading up the staircase, guns drawn. Evidently, Captain Bolton had managed to round up some of his remaining men to pursue them.

Looking down at Maroni, Batman forcibly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.

"We're not done."

Maroni wheezed in pain. "What the hell are you talkin' about?!"

Punching the mobster hard across the face with an executed right hook, Batman caught Maroni's body as it fell limp, immediately rendered unconscious. Letting him fall gently, Batman produced a pair of military-grade handcuffs from the back of his belt and dragged Maroni over to a support beam. Propping him up and placing his hands behind his back, the vigilante secured his captive in place, put something into the front of his jacket pocket, and looked towards the door to the spacious room they were in as the heat signatures immediately approached.

Retreating to the darkness on the opposite end of the room, Batman watched in cold silence as the door was slammed open from the outside with a kick. Several of Flass' dirty cops burst into the room, each holding weapons that were far above standard issue for the GCPD. Laser sights, automatic ammunition. The vigilante narrowed his eyes as they searched for any sign of him in vain. Someone had been outfitting Flass' men with the latest in high-tech ordinance. The other precincts didn't have the luxury of such treatment, and it wasn't hard to guess why. Salvatore Maroni had a good majority of the GCPD under his payroll, directly. It was how the mobster had kept himself one step ahead of his rival, The Roman.

"Look! Over there! There's Maroni!", one of them yelled, signaling two of the men to his opposite. "Get him out of here before that freak comes back! We'll stay here and keep watch!"

As the two men approached, The Batman produced a detonator hidden within his gauntlet. Waiting precious seconds as the cops inched closer to Maroni's unconscious form, the vigilante waited for them to discover the handcuffs.

"Uh, Lieutenant? He's bound to this thing. We're gonna need to..."

Hitting the detonator hard, Batman leaped forward with a roll as an explosion of smoke immediately hit the two cops from within Maroni's jacket. Seizing control of the situation as the smoke coated the entire room, The Dark Knight hit the side of his cowl and switched his cowl's surveillance mode so that the lenses could isolate the smoke and make the room clear to him alone. Immediately slamming his knee into the chest of one of the cops with a rising strike, The Batman spun mid-air and sent four projectiles directly into the hands of two of the other armed officers. He'd taken to calling them "bat-blades", though one of his associates had given them perhaps a more fitting moniker: batarangs. Landing behind the officer he'd struck, Batman downed that one with a hard elbow and immediately followed that up with a brutal headbutt, knocking him into one of the cubicles. Shooting his right leg out, Batman spun for a hard sweep, sending a second one to the ground fast enough for the officer to hit the back of his head. Opting for a palm strike against an oncoming enemy's jaw, the vigilante simultaneously reigned a flying high kick down onto a fourth officer's face, knocking both to the ground. As he regained his footing, he looked down to his chest and noticed the red targeting lasers start to cross his path.



Bullets sprayed the walls behind him as The Batman somersaulted forward, counting himself lucky as a bullet barely grazed the armor plating covering his right shoulder. Leaping into the air, he kicked off of the wall to the south of the room and produced his grapple gun yet again, firing a line directly into the northern wall. Directing a spin kick into an officer as he attempted to reload his weapon, Batman pulled at the line hard, catching the two leading figures of the group by the chest and waist as the steel cable slammed them into the adjacent wall. As another officer rose from the ground, still partially unconscious, the vigilante grabbed a stapler from one of the nearby cubicles and launched it directly into the man's head, sending him back to the ground. One remained. And he was firing off into the distance, having already lost the trajectory of his target. A batarang flew from the smoke and forced the weapon from his hands, embedding it into the window with a spiderweb crack. The officer's eyes widened as he looked at his unreachable weapon, failing to notice the figure that approached him.

"Tell Commissioner Loeb. Tell your fellow men. Tell everyone..."

"I'm coming for them, too."

P O S T C A T A L O G:

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