Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

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To apply for a character, please utilize the Character Concept Proposal sheet located here.


@Master Bruce









@Mao Mao











Characters in Red have expired and therefore available to be applied for.

To apply, please copy, paste, and fill out the Application below:


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A YEAR ONE DC COMICS ROLEPLAY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

G M (s): Master Bruce, Hillan & HenryJonesJr G E N R E: Superhero/Fandom T Y P E: Sandbox with linear and Collaborative Arcs

I N T R O D U C T I O N:

Welcome, fans of the DC Universe. DC UNIVERSE: GENESIS is a sandbox based RP that seeks to allow you to tell the story of the world's greatest heroes from the very beginning. The idea behind this RP is not to embody our favorite heroes to simply retell iconic stories and origins but to take these characters and make them our own. In fact, the goal of the RP is for players to take their favorite characters and re-imagine them to tell their own stories. We only ask that the core of the character remains the same. Players will take the roles of their characters and tell stories either alone or in collaboration with other players in order to develop and grow the world.


It is the year 2020. Thanks to the swift action of President Lucas Carr and other world leaders working in tandem, the world has just started to recover from a viral pandemic, originating from the nation of Markovia, that would have otherwise left the worldwide economy crippled. But this regained sense of freedom and return to civilized life comes a dire cost: rampant crime. In major metropolitan cities like Midway, Coast, the twin cities of Central and Keystone, and St. Roch, some of those left financially impacted by the virus have become desperate, and others look to capitalize on the growing sense of paranoia by targeting the defenseless. While the police are militarized in some areas where crime has affected the populace the largest, non-violent citizens are often becoming the victim of oppression from those sworn to protect them, prompting a wave of backlash threatens to dismantle efforts towards peace on both sides of the political spectrum. Now more than ever, the world needs a new type of hero to stand above these ideologies and make the world a better place.

A few select individuals are ready to step up. A young man of Metropolis looks to utilize his vast array of superhuman abilities to stand between the very sources of good and evil. An ageless demi-goddess, meanwhile, draws upon a life of warrior's training to bring peace to a world she has yet to fully understand. Another young man, spurned on by the memory of his murdered parents, takes to the streets of Gotham as a vigilante. And then there are the budding stories on social media that speak to a crimson blur, leaving behind a trail of unconscious purse snatchers and hostile criminals in it's wake. A glowing green light emanates from the heavens, striking down those who would cause harm to the innocent. The seas find themselves protected by a new guardian, who seems to be controlling the marine life at will to prevent pollution and piracy, among other crimes against nature. And there is even the fringe conspiracy theory that we are not alone, given new life by supposed first-hand encounters of a figure that is unlike anything humankind has ever seen.

Will these men and women, or otherwise, become Earth's greatest champions? Or is there a different destiny in store for those who would be called upon to don symbols of their own making, uniforms of a starkly different era, and disguises that allow these heroes to work anonymously? Their ultimate place in this world lies with you.

This is the dawn of something new - the genesis of something yet to come.

C O M M U N I C A T I O N:

All official discussion and announcements will happen through the OOC, however, for those who prefer a faster-paced place of discussion, or just enjoy getting to know your peers, the game can also be discussed in the former Discord channel for the Absolute Comics RP.

The Discord link can be found here.


  • All players will initially be allotted one Character Concept, to begin with. This concept may be any character from a main stream comic book. If applying as a 'Team Concept', a combination roster may be allowed at the scrutiny of the GM Team. Characters originally appearing in Competing Comic Imprints, Manga or Anime are heavily discouraged because of their incompatibility with western superhero comics. We will judge all properties from outside of the DC Universe (IE: Vertigo and Wildstorm) on a case-by-case basis provided they fit the themes and tones of the game, but the above limitations are definitive.
  • We will grant a second character concept to players who demonstrate a commitment to the game and a consistent posting schedule.
  • Players can compete for characters if an application for your desired character is posted ahead of yours and has not yet been accepted. To compete for a character, you have a twenty-four-hour window to state your intent to compete. The GM Team will then judge the competing applications.
  • In terms of character creation, you are free to overhaul and redesign any canon character from one of the aforementioned publishers. This means you can tell the story of the character how you believe it should be told. However, there is one major limitation, the heart and soul of the character must stay intact. The character should not be changed so much that they're unrecognizable. This means that Superman can't be a cold-blooded killer any more than Green Lantern can be a rich, well off and arrogant playboy. Every aspect of the character that isn't a key to their major identity is malleable, this can even include sex and abilities if so desired.
  • Player characters are claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis. If the parent character (i.e. Batman to Robin), hasn’t been claimed, the legacy is just as available. If another player comes along and asks about playing the parent, it’s requested that both players be as accommodating as possible to allow the other to express their vision. It is understandable that sometimes two visions will not mesh, and in this case, we will give the player who came first precedence. If a GM needs to step in as a mediator or an arbiter, we can arrange this in a group PM.
  • The 'parent character' or 'acting parent characters' have a say in any further legacies being applied for. For instance, if you were playing The Flash, and another player applied as Wally West, as the established 'parent' character, you are able to voice if the concept compliments your own, or if you would rather the character not be accepted. The GMs will take this into consideration before moving further ahead with any legacy application.
  • Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon. If you require a more immediate answer, don't hesitate to directly ask the GM Team or relevant player in the Discord.
  • Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts, however, would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar is also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.
  • You are required to post at least once per character within a fourteen (14) day period. There will be a post-check-in, once per week performed by the GMs in order to ensure the IC is moving consistently. Extensions will be given in extenuating circumstances. Please recognize your limitations before joining the RP, if you are unable to post once every ten days, then it's highly likely that you do not have enough time to keep up with the RP. In the event that you do miss the deadline, your character will be listed as 'inactive'. After a further week of inactivity, your character will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. This whole process is simply easier if you just let the GM know if you're unable to keep up or simply have lost interest in the RP. If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM.
  • This is a Character-Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. There will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be developing a driving plot that will ensure the RP keeps moving and player interaction can become more convenient - however, we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. That being said, we also don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. Like with all pleasurable activities, no one enjoys watching you play with yourself. It's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

Rules, OOC and Character Application formats created by @Lord Wraith and @HenryJonesJr
Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who voted. It's cool to see the enthusiasm for another comics game still alive in the Guild.

Secondly, it appears that with over twelve votes, the winner is almost unanimously Pitch #2, which I will be drafting up an OOC thread to launch for on Friday. @Hillan has been chosen as my Co-GM.

Thirdly, everyone will get a chance to submit their applications once the thread launches, and remember that every character is contestable - meaning that if you want to apply for somebody already claimed, you have 24 hours to do so when the thread starts.

Thanks again, everyone.

The Narrows, 2005.

A traumatized boy is escorted out of his home by police as two bodies are covered by a tarp. The couple is a lower class family, a small business owner and a nurse practitioner. A break-in turned home invasion and double homicide, the attending officer James Gordon notes, with nothing notable about them except for their name - Wayne.

It isn't mere coincidence, as the city soon learns that the patriarch of the family was indeed the brother of billionaire Phillip Wayne, sole heir to the Wayne family fortune and CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Phillip's reputation as a cold, calculating businessman who never fails to step on the little guy to stay ahead is put aside, as the news portrays him in a gentler light when side-by-side with his 10-year-old nephew at the burial site of the deceased Thomas and Martha Wayne. It is said that Phillip will gain legal custody of the boy, whose name is kept anonymous from the press, and that the mystery child could potentially become the new face of Wayne Enterprises when he turns of age.

This, of course, never happens. When the cameras are done rolling, Phillip places his nephew Bruce into the care of a private investigator that he has on retainer, hoping that a foster home can be found without taking a hit to his newfound publicity. The private investigator, Alfred J. Pennyworth, takes an immediate shine to the boy and decides that Bruce needs to be raised with more care and finesse than Phillip would ever be capable of. Alfred ensures that Bruce's education is paid for and that his future remains prospective in the face of a two-fold barrage of tragedy and greed.

This only partially happens. Bruce is eventually diagnosed as having extreme Post Traumatic Stress. He can barely get through a night's rest without waking up screaming, reliving the horrible night that his parents were murdered. Alfred consults Gotham City's top psychiatrists, but nothing seems to work. Bruce is constantly sneaking out of the house, often being found at his parents' gravesite after hours and telling the officers that find him about the last movie he saw when they were alive: The Shadow Of The Gray Ghost.

"Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot,", the boy explains, paraphrasing the film. "That's how you can stop them, isn't it? Because they're afraid."

The officers usually say nothing, but it's a fantasy that Bruce carries with him for the rest of his life. Growing into the role of a teenage social outcast, he becomes reclusive from his schoolmates, teachers, and neighbors. Alfred eventually learns that Bruce is intentionally blocking them out, with his sights set on one goal: the complete and utter dissolution of organized crime in Gotham. So in a desperate bid to break through to his son, Alfred plays along with this delusion - so much so that he eventually gets lost in it himself. Bruce is convinced that he will need instructors for this mission of his, so Alfred reaches out through the grapevine to find what Bruce is looking for, still thinking it to be harmless, though an intense phase of his troubled young life.

The first instructor that Bruce meets is Ted Grant, a former heavyweight boxing champion turned owner of the run-down Wildcat's Gym. In exchange for taking on a part-time job in helping to fix up the place, Grant gives Bruce nightly lessons in hand-to-hand combat. The basics of boxing, at first, but Bruce eventually convinces Grant to bring in some friends that can teach him a cursory knowledge of how to perform Silat, Kali, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Tai Kwon Do, Wushu and even Judo with relative success. Grant is amazed at Bruce's proficiency with each style, displaying a level of memory retention that allows him to mimic and master every move that he's given. By the time that he turns eighteen, Bruce is a natural - so much so that he turns his attention away from combat to seek a new vocation.

Though Alfred eventually retires from the business, he does introduce Bruce to a detective named Slam Bradley under the pretense of needing a steady job. Bradley puts Bruce to work on errands, but eventually catches onto the kid's true intention: he wants to learn the trade. And so Bradley takes him out on a few field investigations, letting him know how to approach a scene undetected, tail a potential suspect, gather evidence, and come up with conclusive results. Within three years, Bruce becomes equal in skill to his mentor and is working as an assistant, breaking some of Bradley's toughest cases on his own.

During this phase in his life, Bruce runs afoul of some dangerous members of Gotham's underworld. But rather than turn back and avoid danger, Bruce seems to run toward it, despite Slam's protests - eventually having a falling out with his determined protege. But Bruce doesn't seem to care, and within a night, Alfred discovers the reason why in a letter left for him: he's realized that to learn all he needs to know, he'll have to turn to more unorthodox mentors to stay ahead. Burglars, thieves, underground fighters, drug dealers, gang members, street racers, and all manner of the criminal element that infests the city. Only through them, Bruce reasons, will he learn how to turn their methods against them. Alfred doesn't see or hear from Bruce for another five years.

But as Bruce's "education" continues, it becomes clear that the Wayne family name is carrying terrible secrets. Phillip Wayne is arraigned on suspicion of colluding with the Falcone Crime Family, painting Wayne Enterprises in a less than flattering light and prompting the question of who will become Wayne's successor. While a few stories run of the mysterious young boy that Phillip supposedly adopted, most outlets are focused on leading figures of the industry that are looking to bid for Wayne Enterprises' stocks. The most ruthless of them is the owner of a franchise series of nightclubs named Oswald Cobblepot, looking to go legitimate and put Wayne Enterprises back on top. In actuality, however, Oswald is Carmine Falcone's rival in the mob and knows that securing the company will generate enough revenue to make his weapons' trade the most prospective venture on the black market. The only thing standing in Oswald's way is the jailed Phillip - and with a single phone call, that obstacle is rooted out: Phillip Wayne dies in a pool of his blood, having been shivved by three fellow inmates. Within a month, Oswald is named CEO of Wayne Enterprises.

Over the next few years, the corruption in Gotham begins to escalate. The streets are engulfed in a massive gang war between Roman Sionis, the sadomasochistic leader of The False Face Society, and Waylon Jones, the murderous psychopath who butchered his way to the top of the food chain, earning himself the moniker of Killer Croc. Through these powerful underworld leaders, several criminal enterprises are allowed to thrive. Dr. Crane of the mental hospital established in place of Wayne Manor following Phillip's death, Arkham Manor, seems to be misplacing many of his patients. The police turn a blind eye to this activity and the District Attorney, Harvey Dent, is proven to be far from incorruptible. Mayor Rupert Thorne openly mocks the victims of GCPD brutality in The Narrows, proclaiming that any violence would have been avoided if they'd vacated their homes. Captain Lyle Bolton is visibly covering up these incidents, threatening any press that attempts to cover what's happening. Millions of citizens are being blackmailed by an anonymous hacker who bizzarely leaves puzzles in places of frozen bank accounts. The economy is down, tensions are escalating, and even those fighting for the good - such as Lieutenant James Gordon - are beginning to lose faith in the possibility that peace can be restored.

Enter a series of robberies at Wayne Enterprises' Applied Sciences Division. A figure in black attacks each of the archival warehouses with uncanny precision. Each security guard is systematically taken down, the alarms are bypassed, the military-grade technology that lies dormant is stolen in irregularly large quantities, and the warehouses themselves are ransacked to the point that no one piece of equipment can be properly identified. Oswald Cobblepot publicly condemns the lunatic responsible, placing pressure on Mayor Thorne and Commissioner Loeb to head up an investigation. But the thief is never caught and the robberies go unsolved.

Around the same time, Lucius Fox is greeted outside of his home by a young man with jet black hair. He tells Fox that he knows what happened to the man's late son, Luke, how nothing was ever done about the wrongful murder at the hands of a corrupt cop named Flass. He promises that if Fox, a former engineer and member of the board of directors at Wayne Enterprises, helps him to not only learn how to use a heap of stolen technology but improve upon it, that he'll make sure Luke's murderer is put in jail for the rest of his life. The man only ever identifies himself as William Kane, but Fox suspects it to be an alias. Nevertheless, he takes a chance. Within a week, Arnold Flass is arrested after evidence is anonymously collected and sent to Lieutenant Gordon. Fox begins teaching 'William' what each gadget does, and 'William' begins sending back notes.

But it isn't enough. Despite being armed to the teeth with such items as an experimental grapple launcher, modified tasers, tear gas and mace caplets that explode upon impact, and a police radio dispatch forcefully taken from a corrupt officer, Bruce Wayne returns to Alfred's doorstep in a bloody heap, near the point of death after having tried to save a family from being jumped just outside of a theater by a gang of False Facers. As he lies in a hospital bed, drifting in and out of consciousness, Bruce begins to relive the night that he'd always been afraid to confront in a series of hallucinations. This assault on his senses doesn't stop until, upon happenstance, Bruce notices a winged animal fighting to defend its nest outside of his hospital window. It inspires him to fight these delusions in tandem, becoming unafraid of the memories of losing his parents as the bat manages to restore its place.

Taking it as a sign, the words of The Gray Ghost echo throughout Bruce's mind throughout his recovery: that criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot. To prey on their fears, he'll have to appear to them as something that isn't entirely human. Within an hour of being released from the hospital, he phones Lucius Fox with a brand new series of ideas - and with some trial and error, a new persona that Bruce crafts for himself that will begin the fight to reclaim Gotham. An unsung figure that will strike from the shadows and use the night to his advantage.

The beginning of the The Gotham Bat's legend has begun.
I suppose while we're taking about creating canon, we ought to work out exactly how much of each canon we're allowed to shape. The DCU, after all, has tons of legacy characters and spin-offs and whatnot, so it may behoove us to clarify the rules around, say, if someone wants to have Wally West be the Flash first, or someone wants to play Damian as Robin before Dick Grayson shows up, etc.

I think, in the case of Pitch 2, it would have to work on a case-by-case basis... as long as the applicant keeps in mind that this would be a Year One setting. So if someone wanted to apply for Supergirl or Batgirl while their predecessors are just starting to cut their teeth, that'd obviously clash. But if there were a way to play Kara Danvers or Barbara Gordon another way, in a way that makes sense but is also sidestepping the sidekick element, I think that would be viable. Damian Wayne would be trickier since he's Bruce's son.

Overall, my advice is that it'd just be best to submit an app with a back-up plan in mind.
To answer a few questions at once...

@Crimson Flame, while it is true that these would be alternate DC universes, a vast majority of them rely on the idea of Clark Kent still being Superman, Bruce being Batman, Diana being Wonder Woman and all that. So that would have to remain.

However, I would like to note that Pitch 2 let's you create your own version of those characters with no continuity to speak of whatsoever.

But if this doesn't seem like the game setup for you, that's completely understandable. We all have our preferences on what we like to play.

@Mao Mao You absolutely could play a neutral alignment character like Selina, yes. I probably should have been clearer about that, but any character that isn't an outright villain would theoretically be fair game.

@Retired None of these games would allow OC player characters. I moreso meant that if you wanted to invent new supporting characters, that'd be fine.
I want to do an RPG set in the world of DC Comics. However, while I have an idea of what I'd like to do most, I can't decide on my own what setting would be the most desirable for potential players. So I'm leaving it in your hands! Vote on the following pitches. If you like one or some elements of one pitch but would rather see it transferred to another, let me know and we might be able to hash out something. I'm flexible.

PITCH 1 - A Prime Earth-Style DC Comics RPG

Following the disbandment of The Justice Society of America in the 1970's, the world was introduced to their successor ten years ago, in the wake of an attack against the city of Metropolis - The Superman. And thus a new age of heroes began, with costumed and superpowered crime-fighters taking to the streets to fight back against the tide of criminality and injustice. Though their presence inspired almost an equal measure of deadly villains and madmen bent on world domination, hostile alien threats, magic unlike anything the world had seen, and other phenomena that has inhabited the world of mankind since The Man Of Steel's arrival, the formation of The Justice League of America has led the charge to protect Earth and even the galaxy at all costs. But when a schism splits the League apart and the world's most powerful champions go their separate ways, who will pick up their mantle for the next shift in the paradigm of superhumans? And better yet, as the world struggles with the reality of these heroes continuing to seemingly exist above humanity - should they?

This RPG is loosely based on modern DC Comics continuity, with some leeway given in regards to strict events. The main point is that every major hero (IE: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, multiple Green Lanterns, multiple Flashes, The Teen Titans, The Doom Patrol, and others) has been around since 2010, leaving the door open for any sidekick and legacy character to be portrayed in addition to the former members of The Justice League and similar groups.

It would be largely up to the players as to who and what is considered canon, and it would expected for players within the same 'families' to work with eachother to establish set events for each corner of the DCU. Players could tell their own stories and leave interaction for set events of their own making, with any and all characters being allowed to join in once your event starts.

Emphasis would be on character interaction and world spanning team-ups and clashes, possibly even cosmic level skirmishes if the game goes on long enough. Teams and new factions could be formed, characters would be allowed to die or be killed with suitable reason and GM permission, and the characters would be allowed to be interpreted in a sort of 'catch-all' manner, meaning that you could take as much from the comics, cartoons, movies, and other sources as you want.

Villains would be NPC's and be left to related hero player discretion, though if the consensus opposes this, villains could potentially be allowed to become applicable following the launch of the game.

PITCH 2 - A Earth One-Style DC Comics RPG

This RPG would be the complete opposite of Pitch 1, though alot freer in creativity. There is no real backstory, as the central premise is this: we would start on day one of the DC Universe's creation. Superman would be putting the cape on for the first time, Batman would probably only have dabbled in vigilantism, Wonder Woman might still be on the Island, Hal Jordan may have just received his ring - all of it would be primordial and very organic, heavily reliant on player interaction to create the history of these characters as they grow and develop into who they are. And the state of play would be that players would be encouraged not to rely heavily on known events from the comics, such as the JLA's formation and events like Blackest Night having to occur. This would be a brand new continuity, made up of player created events that would hopefully diverge from established canon to create something wholly unique.

I hesitate to say that this would operate in an 'Ultimate Marvel' comics fashion, where you could go out of your way to modernize every little thing for the sake of it, but the basic principle is the same. You take a well known hero's backstory, powers or abilities, and superhero identity, and from that moment, they're your's. You define what their allies, their enemies, and their personalities develop into. You would even be allowed to incorporate original characters, though it would be strongly advised to build on the DC elements before creating anything too far in the realm of fan-fiction.

Despite reliance on interaction, this would be alot looser with set rules, and stories that build into well-treaded territory would actually be discouraged - this wouldn't be a situation where any character is boxed into prior knowledge of the DCU. The only real rule would be to make yourself open to player interaction as opposed to walling yourself off to only participate your own pre-planned set of stories. Though, there would be plenty of that allowed as long as it isn't all that you're doing.

Again, players could spring up events of their own making, with any and all characters being allowed to join in once your event starts. If things get too out of hand or unwieldy, it would be up to GM discretion to come in and work with the players to achieve a desirable resolution.

Villains would be NPC's and be left to related hero player discretion. This wouldn't really change, as the entire point is for a hero player to be able to take known entities and remake them at their will, so playing another hero's villain wouldn't make sense if they have yet to set up what their version is.

NOTE: This isn't actually intended to be based on the 'Earth One' line of books, the name and images are just the closest to what the game would be in terms of what exists in a published comic. This would be a new universe.

PITCH 3 - DC Comics: The Silver Age

Following the debut of The Superman in the year 1938, each subsequent costumed hero rose up to take back America from the scourge of mad science, hostile extraterrestrials, mechanical monstrosities, and the newest, most enduring criminal act since the abrupt end of World War II in 1945 - Lex Luthor's age of the Supervillain. Set in the year 1950, this would obviously be a period piece more in line with DC: The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke. Heroes and villains would be their most classical selves, with the threat of real-world events driving the story forward in real time. While 1950 would start off with the heroes being accepted and even praised for their actions during the war and domestically, the road to 1955 and the 'Silver Age' of the DC Universe would see a change in attitude and even paranoia about what these super-beings and masked lawbreakers are capable of.

This game would perhaps be the most strict of all, with characters being made to act as they would in a time before any of us were born. You could easily incorporate classic elements from later stories into the story that you'd be telling, such as giving Superman a bunch of his post-50's enemies or creating a 50's version of The New Teen Titans with Starfire, Cyborg, and the like, but the general idea is that you would be playing roles rather than outright defining them. You would need to make these characters recognizable, either by emulating how they acted in the Silver Age or creating a facsimile of their modern day interpretations for the 1950's.

The bigger emphasis than character interaction would be world-building. What is Metropolis like in a Post-World War II America? What about Gotham City, or Themyscira, or even the OA and the Green Lantern Corps in a time before the space age truly began? What happens when what was only believed in the funny papers, the radio, and the talkies to be real actually turn out to be science fact instead of science fiction? This would be where you come in to fill in the blanks.

Villains would be outright playable from the start, with their classic interpretations holding as much to how you could play them as a hero character. Sidekicks could also be portrayed or introduced, though that would be more reliant on the setup of the main hero characters. You could even throw a curveball and play characters like Jimmy Olsen or Ambush Bug, as long as you have a story you want to tell and think it could contribute to the creation of a strange new world.

And ...that's it. Any questions or concerns with this could be addressed, any input would be welcome and ideas would be encouraged for the RPG of your choosing. Whichever gets the most votes, if any get a vote at all, would be the game that we move forward with.

P H I L A N T H R O P I S T G O T H A M C I T Y , N E W J E R S E Y W A Y N E I N T E R N A T I O N A L
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Never again."

For over half a century, Gotham City had been protected from the forces of evil by an unseen guardian. Considered an urban myth whispered among a superstitious and cowardly criminal lot, those who had been saved by him and those who had been unfortunate enough to earn his wrath knew him only as The Batman. And as the times and traditions of Gotham's citizens changed, he remained the one true constant, striking terror into criminal factions of all creeds and urban terrorists that sought to challenge him through their own bizarre, inspired gimmicks. But with the aid of Commissioner James Gordon, his trusted and faithful servant Alfred, his one-time partner Robin, The Boy Wonder, and the use of his civilian identity as billionaire Bruce Wayne, The Batman crusaded against evil successfully for many years - until one fateful night in 1986 changed everything.

Becoming hardened, grim and vicious, The Dark Knight Detective began to forgo the shadows and legitimately terrorize evildoers, leaving them maimed, broken, and scarred beyond repair. Some terrible evil had been committed against him, and those who knew him best were unable to comprehend how Gotham's greatest hero could have fallen so far. It wasn't until many years later, in a final fight against arguably his greatest foe, The Joker, that something finally shattered The Caped Crusader's restless spirit. Bruce Wayne realized that he'd come too close to the edge for comfort - or worse, that he may have even descended into the abyss without even realizing it. And so he made a choice.

Retiring the cape and cowl, destroying the many weapons, gadgets, suits and vehicles that he'd used to operate as a vigilante, and going so far as to abandon Stately Wayne Manor and block off the fabled Batcave beneath, Wayne devoted himself to his philanthropic and financial efforts entirely. One way or another, The Batman was dead. And as soon as his absence became noticed, his rogue's gallery seemed to slowly dissipate, either dying out due to age, unfortunate circumstances, or retiring far away from Gotham to live in peace, their war against the masked vigilante having ended. With only a few remaining in Arkham and no further escapes reported, Gotham seemed to settle into a period of peace, seemingly affirming that The Batman's war on crime had escalated the very evil he sought to vanquish and that the city was better off without him.

But while Batman's abscence may have left Gotham with eased tensions, they eventually began to boil over once again with a dramatic rise in street crime. With Commissioner Gordon having left the GCPD years earlier, a new civil servant had to rise up and challenge this escalating violence - and to everyone's surprise, the one to answer the call would be Harvey Dent. The one-time criminal known as Two-Face, Dent had been given a clean bill of health and returned to civilian life shortly after his masked enemy retired. Having managed to amass a fortune that rivaled Bruce Wayne's own in the years following, Dent's charm and ambition managed to win him back the public's trust - aswell as an eventual election for Mayor of Gotham City.

In a move that could only be seen as suspicious soon after taking office, one of Dent's first acts as Mayor was to erect a massive wall, blocking off the crime-ridden East End of Gotham City from the more fortunate West End, where the rich were accommodated while the poor were left to fend for themselves against common criminals and street gangs. Despite the best efforts of Commissioner Renee Montoya and the GCPD, whose members were beginning to align with Dent's promise of a Gotham where good and evil could be easily separated, The Blackgate Wall eventually stood as either an achievement in forceful dominion over crime or a testament to a city too far gone to be saved. Montoya eventually quit the force in disgust, leading the way for the ruthless Lyle Bolton to succeed her. But regardless of who was running the police, the massive blockade proved to be effective at preventing GCPD from interfering with what transpired in what was then dubbed "Old Gotham", with even fewer citizens of "New Gotham" willing to lend a hand. While some initially heeded the legend of The Batman as an example to try and take back their streets, those that fought back were soon eliminated by a vicious gang of masked criminals calling themselves The Disciples Of Order.

In the year 2020, all hope seems lost. Bruce Wayne is 81 years old, forced into a pending retirement as CEO of Wayne Enterprises. The once gallivanting socialite has turned into a bitter old hermit, never seen among the public between his hours at the office and the many nights spent alone on the top floor of Wayne Tower, overlooking the city he once would have given his life for - wishing desperately to be able to defend it once again, but physically and mentally unable to return to the mantle of The Bat. In his mind, he is poised to die a failure, leaving behind a Gotham City torn apart by the very sort of criminal that murdered his parents.

It is only until a mysterious figure treads the soiled ground where a ghostly Wayne Manor now stands and begins digging, reaching the partially collapsed ruins of The Batcave beneath with the intent to steal a very important book - The Journal Of Alfred J. Pennyworth - that the quest for Gotham's salvation begins again. Someone out there knows Gotham's biggest secret, and they're determined to continue the fight whether Bruce Wayne allows it or not.

The Batman is dead.

Long live The Batman.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

This concept is the most ambitious endeavor I've ever attempted with the character. It's not so much about one single narrative - with the exception of Bruce Wayne and the new Batman's perspectives, since they're the protagonists - as it is the biggest statement I have about the myth and legacy of Batman and how that can affect a Gotham City which has seemingly lost it's hope. When Bruce began as a vigilante, he was trying to save a corrupt version of the city. This is the antithesis, where the war was seemingly won, but the corruption naturally took back over after the age of the costumed supervillain passed. There's been no one there to stop it - until now.

I've taken alot of inspiration from notable Elseworlds stories, including The Dark Knight Returns, Year 100, Brotherhood Of The Bat, The Batman of Bethlehem, White Knight, Arkham City, a very tiny bit of Batman Beyond, and the general history of the character in comics, films, television, games, and everything in between. I've also taken some inspiration from stuff like HBO's Watchmen, Logan, Netflix's Daredevil, and the current political climate of The United States to really try and tell a story with some meat to it. It's going to be something very personal that I hope can be wholly mine and yet honor everything that Batman is and has been for the last 81 years.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Gotham is home to many characters that operate within the new status quo of a city quite literally divided. Very few of the original rogues gallery remain, and if they do, they're far too diminished to make any trouble now. But there are quite a few recognizable names that still appear within the city that will make up the supporting cast of Bruce Wayne and the as-of-yet-unidentified Caped Crusader.

And finally...

The Once Deadly... And The Dead
Many of Batman's original rogues gallery were either scared off by their arch-nemesis' newly gruesome approach to striking fear into the hearts of his enemies, forced into retirement by debilitating circumstances, or simply died off due to a varying number of causes. Whatever the case may be, their names are almost as mythic as Batman's own, even now existing as whispers within the halls of The Arkham Institute from the mouths of those who still remember. They are...

Residents Of The Arkham Institute

Julian Day
Thomas Elliot
Hugo Strange
Drury Walker
Jervis Tetch
Arnold Wesker

The Dead

Poison Ivy
1966-1997. Transmutated.

1965-2012. Overdose.

Ra's Al Ghul
????-2005. Natural Causes.

The Scarecrow
1941-2008. Heart Attack.

Harley Quinn
1952-1992. Murdered.

1950-2016. Suicide.

1952-2012. Asphyxiation.

Victor Zsasz
1972-2005. Shivved.

P O S T C A T A L O G:


1. And I Heard, As It Were, The Voice Of Thunder


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"Somebody had to do something. And you sure weren't about to!"
- Terry McGinnis to Bruce Wayne

Obviously, this isn't a character that originated with me. @Lord Wraith did all of the heavy lifting to establish the blend of both the contemporary Batman mythos and the canon of Batman Beyond, resulting in a version where Terry can operate as Batman in a modern Gotham City that hasn't become a Blade Runner-esque futurescape. So the changes to the regular Batman canon should be apparent - my goal is basically to take the baton and run with it, seeing as I've had conversations with Wraith about the basic philosophies of what made Batman Beyond interesting (so don't expect a Riddler Beyond or similar gimmick concepts). We both seem to agree that Terry should be the focus, not Bruce.

Wraith provided me with alot of story content that he was going to do himself, but has no interest in pursuing any further, so I'm going to do what I can to blend what he had in mind with my own ideas since I like alot of what he came up with. Beyond that (no pun intended), I want to really flesh out the Gotham of the past and the Gotham of the present, since The Batman's been around since the 1960's and holds a metric slag-ton of history that influences Terry's life as the heir to the cowl.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

The overall crux of Batman Beyond, as I've revisited the show, is that as Terry grew into the mantle of Batman, he became further away from what Bruce Wayne was whenever he was active. The best way to describe his personality is that Terry evolved from the best parts of each Robin to create a new character, someone who saw things like justice and heroism in a more optimistic light than his predecessor while retaining the rough edges that would make someone The Dark Knight. My plan isn't to deviate from this arc, but to take it even further. Right now, Terry's operating very much in the shadow of The Bat, but I want him to eventually own the role almost independently of Bruce and set the course for his own destiny. Which I recognize is a mammoth task when Bruce Wayne has been the originator from day one of his creation, but I want to make it clear that the old Batman's days are over rather than lean on Terry being an extension of one man's legacy.

Especially since the canon of the DCAU went so far in the opposite direction that they eventually retconned Terry into Bruce's biological... well, let's not get into it. Best to ignore the mistakes of the past, right?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Supporting Cast - Established By Wraith

Bruce Wayne - the original Batman, Terry's mentor, who retired in 1995 after a life-altering final mission. Wayne is actually 80 years old, but appears closer 60 due to a Lazarus Pit encounter.
Ace - the loyal guard dog of Bruce Wayne, and sometimes ally to Terry as Batman in the field.
Melanie Walker - Terry's current girlfriend, formerly the villainess 'Ten' of The Royal Flush Gang.
Mary McGinnis - Terry's mother, legal guardian, and widow to Terry's father, Warren.
Matthew McGinnis - Terry's younger brother, who lives only to annoy his older brother.
Maxine 'Max' Gibson - Terry's lone confidant in his secret life, a genius level hacker.
Carrie Kelly - Max's girlfriend and one of Terry's classmates at Hamilton Hill High.
Dana Tan - Terry's longtime girlfriend, recently turned ex.
Chelsea Cunningham - Terry and Dana's more 'out there' friend, prone to attracting attention for her rebellious behavior.
Nelson Nash - Terry's rival and frequent social antagonist, arrogant and spoiled rich.
Commissioner James Gordon - Current head of the GCPD, unaffiliated with The Batman past or present.*

*Established by @IceHeart

Antagonists - Established By Wraith

Roman Sionis/The Black Mask
Jervis Tetch/The Mad Hatter
Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
Lonnie Lachin/MoneySpider
Deever And Dumfree Tweed/Tweedledee And Tweedledum
Real Name Unknown/The Tally Man
Warren White
The Mutant Gang
The Jokerz
The Sons Of Batman

Supporting Characters - Established By Me

Antagonists - Established By Me

Deceased Characters
The Joker
Catwoman/Selina Kyle
Alfred Pennyworth
Lucius Fox
The Riddler/Edward Nigma
Ra's Al Ghul, The Demon's Head
Two-Face/Harvey Dent
The Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
Mr. Freeze/Victor Fries
Arnold Wesker/The Ventriloquist
The Phantasm/Andrea Beaumont

S A M P L E P O S T:

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