Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

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S H A Y E R A H O L P O L I C E O F F I C E R A T - L A R G E T H A N A G A R
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"For years I've felt torn between my feelings and my duty."

Born into a world of war and violence, the winged people of Thanagar strike fear across the universe, making use of their Nth metal weaponry and advanced technology.

A veteran of the Rann-Thanagar war, the atrocities of which shaped her youth, Shayera finds herself an agent of the Thanagar Police Force. Operating and training under the guidance of her betrothal, Commander Hro Talak, Shayera battles all those that oppose the power of the Thanagar Empire. Yet, day by day Shayera finds herself doubting the cause she has spent her whole life dedicated to. She finds herself haunted by constant nightmares, mainly consisting of the assaults on Rann, yet intermittent with segments of forgotten memories of a time she does not remember on a distant world.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

As highlighted through my portrayal of Magik in Absolute Comics, I really enjoy stories involving a character's journey of self-discovery and actualization. Hawkgirl, particularly the version shown within Bruce Timm's Justice League and Justice League Unlimited television series, is a character who I feel embodies these themes extremely well during the "Starcrossed" story arc; This featured Shayera having to choose between her home planet and Earth. The conflict here of individualism, collectivism, and fighting for the common good are ideas I want to explore further.

The first few arcs of my story will take place amongst the stars, as Shayera Hol works as a Thanagarian Police Officer, before eventually heading to Earth.

My concept takes huge inspiration from the previously mentioned story arc from the Justice League series, as well as Captain Marvel from the Marvel Cinematic universe.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Supporting Cast:
Hro Talak: Commander of the 31st Thanagar Legion during the Rann-Thanagar War, Hro Talak is regaled as a war hero. After the war, he joined the Thanagar Police Force, working alongside Shayera. The two became betrothed to one another shortly after the war.

The Thanagar Ruling Council: Both feared and respected by the people of Thanagar, the Ruling Council are the Oligarchy which rules the Thanagar Empire. Many will live their entire lives without ever setting eyes on the council, with the invitation of a meeting with the group often being considered a death sentence.

Byth Rok: A criminal on the run.

Shadow-Thief: TBD

Adam Strange: An old enemy of Shayera from the Rann-Thanagar war.

Routlette: TBD

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Sorry that I was a day late with this...

Goldfinger theme intensifies



Sarge Steel . .Ex-Super Spy . .
. .International Operations

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Once upon a time, Sarge Steel became the world's best spy. After a stint at West Point, Steel would end up working in the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command aka INSCOM. While working for INSCOM, Steel worked predominatly in the realm of counterintelligence, but much of his work during the army days remains heavily classified.

Military intelligence provided an easy transition into civilian wetwork. After his time with the Army was up, Steel ended up working for the CIA's Special Activities Center aka SAC. Steel remained with SAC for several years doing more dirty work than you could think to imagine. Steel's handlers used to joke that if his file ever went public the bureaucrats wouldn't be sure to give him a Nobel Peace Prize or send him to The Hague. Steel's illustrious career was cut short when bad intelligence got him burned and captured by Russian agents. Steel would eventually escape his captors, but he would his right hand after trekking through as Siberian winter on foot. His intelligence career seemingly ended, Steel made his way back to the states and settled in Blüdhaven where he grew up.

Back in Blüdhaven Steel took up two new hobbies. The first was the bottle and like his father and mother, before him, he spent every night drinking himself into a stupor. The second was PI work using his long career in intelligence to solve petty crimes and infidelity cases. The work wasn't exactly fulfilling, but it paid for Steel's drinking habits so he couldn't complain. After a few more years of this charade, Steel decided that he would be better off dead.

Right as Steel was about to throw himself off the Littleneck Narrows Bridge, a man approached him with an offer. His name was Miles Craven and he represented a group called International Operations. As it turned out, Craven was looking for people exactly like Steel. People, the world had spit up and chewed out without even a second thought. Steel already sold his soul to the devil once... what was once more?

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I'll be honest, this pitch is a bit more personal than I'm used to making. My Dad's favorite comic character was always Sarge Steel, so I've always had this desire to get a crack at writing him in one of these games. In amalgam games, he seems a little out of place, but in the tighter scope of just the DC-verse? I feel it's the perfect place to shoot my shoot as it were.

I have this vision of a washed-up Cold War-era super spy thrown into a new world of superpowered lunatics and learning to adjust. Personally, I find that I write my best work when I have lots of constraints and what is more constrained than a character that only has his wits, charm, and robot hand to get the job done. I also have a soft spot for the Wildstorm verse, so I'll take any opportunity I can to shine a spotlight on that corner of comics. Hence why I have Steel being recruited into I.O, instead of for example: the DEO or such. That and as Morden has already pointed out, the wonderful world of spy fiction gives you many pots to stick your paws in.

The story I have planned is inspired by the classics like le Carré as well as more contemporary works such as SLEEPER and the James Bond comics by Dynamite. So it's more grounded and gritty in a similar vein to my recent take on Jessica Jones in Absolute (RIP). My thesis statement of sorts being from le Carre actually:

<Snipped quote>

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

I would also like to request that in the future, all applications avoid using the hider tag for their sheet. Using it within the sheet is fine, to obscure bits of info , but hiding entire sheets has made it more difficult to be able to see that someone had applied on a couple of occasions.

On that same note, if your sheet has a sample and hasn't been either approved or denied by myself or @Hillan, please feel free to call us out in this thread. We're doing our best to work with everyone and get them sorted, but we're still human. We make mistakes, and a great benefit of large player groups is being able to be called out on stuff like this.
I'd just like to remind everyone going into this game that when the story starts, the public is entirely oblivious to there being such things as magic, aliens, metahumans and all super-phenomena. The JSA, as @Hound55 has devised, operated in complete secrecy and @DocTachyon's S.H.A.D.E. is also a huge secret.

On a similar note, characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Alan, since Kai-ro is in space) and The Flash are in the middle of their "origin" stories, meaning that unless otherwise specified, none of them have made waves or become referenced as national or worldwide news as of yet. A few may have yet to even adopt their given personas. So any references to them prematurely would be strongly discouraged.

I'm not calling anyone out thus far, as I don't believe these two points have been breached by anyone who's posted. But it's important to remind people that these are the parameters that we're all working under before any mistakes are made.

This has been a public service announcement by your resident GM Of The Night.

@Cybermaxx as the Titans, @webboysurf as The Outlaws, and @Roman as Jonah Hex are all...

Okay, I did a sample post too.

Excellent. Your time has come.

@Mao Mao is APPROVED for the Misfits!

The IC tab is open for business.

Let the games begin!


"With worldwide contamination being recorded at an all-time low since the outbreak earlier this past year, President Carr seemed to remain optimistic about the continuation of local and regional government action against ---"

"Tensions between Bialya and Corto Maltese have been reported as having escalated in the fallout of what worldwide media outlets have dubbed the Markovian Virus, with the death toll reaching the thousands after the vaccine was delayed in being deployed to the small island nation by, quote, 'an error in calculation' by Biaylian authorities tasked with overseeing public distribution to territories prioritized over the Maltesian government's call for aid ---"

"It is only now, in the wake of the virus' inoculation, that Prince Brion Markov has granted a public interview with journalists of the BBC and select members of the foreign press, a move heavily criticized by the Prime Minister as appearing "facetious" in the wake of a health scare that saw the royal palace of Markovia enter a media lockdown despite allegations made that the virus' failure to be contained originated within the capital city. But as Prince Markov defended his actions in this morning's briefing, it became clear that the Prince had criticisms of his own...."

From within an inner sanctum in the faraway Arctic, a figure divides his attention between several television screens at once while seated with a glass of a vintage 1838 Cabaret. A laptop at his side, he occasionally glances over to a software program in action, cycling tabs between the front pages of all of the major online publications that are reporting one particular issue of interest. He catches only glimpses of them as they switch from one site to another, but his mind has been conditioned to read them at a much faster speed - he takes in, if not the full articles, then at the very minimum the portions that pertain the most to his findings.

Each article largely reads the same, anyway. Scientists explaining how their 'miraculous' vaccine was so easily cracked, from different points of production. The unfortunate-but-deemed-necessary loss of life that occurred in the three-stage trial process. The unearthed, formerly redacted findings that were leaked by The Daily Planet through a series of documents. He takes it all in, doing the math in his head. Knowing that their discoveries play into a much different purpose than they even realize. It would be so simple to ignore them and press on with the next phase, undeterred.

But he wants to learn. He wants to know how, precisely, to adapt his methodology and execute his orders in these crucial days ahead.

Turning his attention back to the screens, he pours himself another glass of the Cabaret, swigging it gently so as to enunciate it's distilled flavor. A young man, barely into his thirties, is sitting upon the throne of one of the world's most accosted countries as of late. He wears a suit that projects modesty, surrounded by gold and silver trinkets that project a contrary statement. Nevertheless, his body language and facial expressions speak with sincerity - though his actual words are drowned out by an English translator, imposed over the Markovian's native tongue.

"No, I do not think it is fair of the media to have named the pandemic after us. The evidence that Markovia was the originator of this catastrophe was minimal, at best, and most seem to choose to forget that when the virus reached it's month-long peak, Markovia saw the most casualties of any nation. But my family understands the need to make a villain out of this scenario, however simplistic that viewpoint inarguably remains. It is a racist ideology that has permeated throughout Europe and spread to the United States, who have been the most vocally critical of us. But I assure you, Markovia is innocent of any wrongdoing. We have suffered with you, not independent of you. Please respect this as we move forward..."

The individual watching the screen smiles to himself, his lips touching the wine after a moment's pause. What none realize is that despite the young Prince's perceived arrogance, he is speaking the truth. Markovia had nothing to do with the virus' spread, nor did it originate the strain that created it. The truth is that the person, not an entire people, who created this is the same man that now watches the reaction that the world's media has with a clear and focused anticipation.

As misinformation spreads, the waters will become murkier. Markovia will attempt to reclaim it's own narrative, but it is already too late. The smokescreen was successful in it's diversion, and those looking for retribution for the relatively few lives lost, in comparison to what could have happened, will focus their hatred on a militarily compromised monarchy.

"How wonderfully unfortunate,", the individual tells himself. "Because that's exactly what's about to happen. Just not in any way you expected, you inbred twit."

A door behind the individual opens.

A woman appears, carrying a L-Pad that illuminates her bespeckled face as she approaches.

"What is it?"

"Dr. Jace's latest findings bid us welcome news.", the woman replies, flatly. "You should examine these. The test subjects in Sector 17 have responded considerably better to the new strain. It's beginning to have an effect."

The man turns, taking the L-Pad as it's handed to him. With an almost bored expression, he mentally cycles through the highly delicate and extremely complicated research notes with ease, processing them as easily as a five-year-old takes to reciting the alphabet. Handing the device back, the man rises from his seat and snaps his fingers. Each of the television screens immediately cut to black, deactivated.

"That woman is a fool."

Leading his assistant to the right side of the massive compound's room, the individual takes his seat at a desk adorned with highly unusual relics - glass-encased rusted bullets taken from the Revolutionary War. Baubles and trinkets that were kept from the same period as the fall of the Romanovs. A series of arrowheads that are progressively refined, starting from ancient stone and ending at a titanium tip. Each item tells a story of it's own, one that the woman has spent her lifetime wondering if they hold any validity. After all, anyone could fake the significance of such a collection.

"Tell her that the research is flawed in key areas, without telling her which areas, and ask that she start again in Sector 18. Have the test subjects in 17 liquidated. I want complete and total resistance first. The desired effects will manifest only after immunity is achieved, not before. We can't afford to cut corners."

But not this man. Not with the conviction, the vivid recollection that he imdues the stories with. These are merely part of a tapestry that has yet to fully unfold, and the person that sits behind the desk is eager to begin unfurling the next piece.

"And if she refuses to give the order, father?"

"Then remind her that any disobedience will earn my wrath, as her many missing predecessors can attest."

The woman nods, making note on the L-Pad.

"And what about the crisis response? Did you still need me to compile the data on that, too?"

"I already have. I've already learned everything I need to know. The first phase of this strain has worked beyond our wildest dreams, with each of the expected variables playing their parts to the absolute letter. It's nothing short of amazing to think that by this time tomorrow, it will be a brand new world. A world of miracles to some, horrors to others. But most importantly, a world of the impossible becoming irrefutable fact."

"A world that we must meet with utmost savagery."
@Retired is approved for Zatanna.

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