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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

@thatguy is approved for The Flash. Apologies for the delay.

I'll be working to correct some roster oversights. Hopefully I can get back into it with Bats aswell.
I'm debating on who I'd be in this. Obviously, Batman's my top pick, but I feel like I could also go for Flash or Wonder Woman. Depending on what the roster would look like.

@HenryJonesJr has generously accepted the position of Co-GM alongside myself and @Hillan, and will be the architect for the upcoming-and-completely-optional mini-events that we intend to implement in the IC. Henry's proven himself as a capable GM in his own right many times over, a fantastic writer and an all-around great guy, so his expanded contributions to the game are sure to make things alot more exciting.
You have my sword - er, batarang.

Yes. That.
@Master Bruce
On the same note- while I don't think what I have planned steps on any toes, perhaps a concrete rule as to how much mayhem any individual can create could maybe inspire people to 'go big', or get more involved in large events already established?

Outside of dropping a nuke on an entire city or something, sky's pretty much the limit. All I ask is that you know which characters are gonna be affected and give them a head's up if you intend to do major damage.
@Retired, I believe of all of the suggestions so far, you brought forth the best solution. I absolutely agree that the idea of events being spread out rather than kept solely to the middle and end of seasons could be a very fun experiment in driving up the game's interactivity. I've already discussed options with @Hillan regarding how we want to implement this as a system going forward, and he's on the same page. So, with that in mind, everyone should be ready to see an announcement in the next few days.

Also, I've decided on a new rule. In order to ease the more militant idea of strict posting deadlines, even though the rule will remain to post at least once every two weeks, I've decided that I'm going to replace the Weekly Post Check with The Bi-Weekly Post Check instead.

In conjunction, I will be utilizing the "expiration" method of roster duty to give players more of a chance to gather themselves in what are undoubtedly very troubled times in all of our outside lives. As such, the player characters in red on the roster will now indicate who is halfway to roster removal rather than who is past the point of character ownership. After a month in red, a character is removed. But in that month, players have the chance to resume at their convenience.

I hope this makes sense, and if there are any questions, feel free to ask. But I think this can help to both address the fact that this is a slower game getting off the ground and that circumstances are a bit different for everybody with COVID-19 heightening problems all around.
Anyway, with Opposite Day festivities coming to an end...


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"A bullet is forever."

You remember that New 52 run called 'The Grifter - Most Wanted"? No? Me neither.

This takes the bare bones of that concept and runs with it. Adapts it to my writing and I'll strive to tell some sort of military-on-the-run story with sci-fi elements and the ability to bring the entire world into chaos via alien invasion. Writing an action thriller that's about uncertainty and a guy who thinks he's playing everyone else for a fool. A cat and mouse game where nobody's sure who's the cat and who's the mouse.

Basically, a lot of shooting, spycraft and what it really means to be a psionic.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

To be frank, I've been wanting to play Grifter for as long as I've known about the character, and never had a story or even the faintest idea of what to do with him. After rewatching Mission Impossible, Shooter (both the movie and the TV-show) and reading his New 52 run, I realize he's the perfect vehicle for me to tell my military based stories I'd normally try to push onto an OC or some Frankenstein version of some other street hero like Red Hood or Punisher.

Due to his psionic connection, he allows for the weird and whacky to undercut the grimdark, bullets and explosions.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Max Cash:
Younger Brother, Government Agent and massive pain in Cole's ass. Max played hard with the rules while Cole played loose. A decorated war hero and veteran, Max is one of the most esteemed soldiers America's produced in the past half century.

Rick Flag:
Cole's commanding officer before he joined Team Seven. Flag taught Cole everything he knows about being a soldier.

His brothers in arms once upon a time. They've fallen out of touch with each other, but if there was one thing the military teaches you, it's how to rely on your new family.

Jeanette Tarkov:
(ex) Girlfriend and Partner in crime.

Franklin Clay:
A Burnt spy he met along the way.

Freaky psychic aliens who are infiltrating mankind.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"When you realize that kind of person you are, you know your path in life, right?" He began, taking out the cigarette from his mouth, putting the glass of whiskey against his lips instead, drinking deeply. "For some, it's when they catch that 50 yard throw and wins the homecoming game with a touchdown. For others, it's when they have to save someone who's drowning. When they first pick up a guitar, or when they drive their dads 69 Mustang for the first time." His words were dry, hanging in the air of the empty bar, only him and the barkeep who wasn't really paying any attention to him as he was closing up. Wiping the counter and hanging chairs upside down on it afterwards.

"For me. I thought it happened when I held a gun for the first time. Colt 1911, 40 caliber. We were hunting, and I had tracked down the deer. It got out of the way of the bullet from my rifle, but I chased him down when I heard it scream. By dumb luck, it had stepped on a beer trap that was laid out there in the forest. I was 13 when me and my dad found it, and he handed me his pistol and told me to put it out of it's misery." He took another whiff of his cigarette, filling his lungs with the black smoke, exhaling, playing with the liquid at the bottom of his glass.

"If I'm being honest. I was scared as hell. Firing the rifle was exciting. But a handgun? Looking into the scared deer's eyes as a pressed the metal barrel against it's skull, and how my hand shook till my dad put his hand on my shoulder and told me the advice I'd live my life by."

"I knew that that was my calling. The way of the gun. A hunter. A warrior." He scoffed. "Yet, these days, it seems like I'm the prey." His eyes peered into the TV in the corner of the room, reflecting the light from the news, showing how a man with long blonde hair, just like his, wearing the exact same black T-shirt he had on, fought and killed two Police Officers four blocks away, an hour ago.

The bartender caught a glimpse of the Newsshow, finally paying attention to what the patron was saying. His eyes grew wide with concern.
"Get out of here before I call the cops." He promised, his hand reaching behind the bar, grabbing the handle of the wooden bat. Cole could see his eyes were full of deceit, as his hand rested on his hip.

He Knows! I need assistance! the bartenders true voice hissed in the other man's head. The smoker pulled his gun out, the same kind of gun he had talked about from when he was a kid. The .40 cal 1911. Leaping from his seat, Cole dodged under the swing of the bat, the bat colliding with the counter behind him, shattering the wooden counter, showing off the bartenders incredible strength. Cole hit him with the butt of his gun, stunning the bartender, Cole could now see the blue energy oozing off of the man. He aimed his pistol at the disoriented man and quoted the words his father had told him back in the forest that day.

"A bullet is forever."


P O S T C A T A L O G:

Issue 1:
1.00 - Seventeeen


Nah. Nah, you don't pass.


After some extensive discussions over the Discord sever between active and former players, aswell as other interested parties, I've made the decision to review any and all pitches for the future functionality of the RPG. Some people want one thing (IE: more interaction and cohesion, player-driven events), other people want another (IE: solo-driven content, minimal oversight), and even some ideas in between, so I'm taking this opportunity to start an open dialogue within the OOC to bolster the player community and lay a foundation down for how the game should operate based on everyone's feedback.

At our current trajectory, a month into the game's launch, progress has been admittedly stilled from both a narrative standpoint and sheer quantity in the level of posts. There are virtually no incentives for player interaction and weeks have gone by without some characters even being posted for, leading to several roster removals and drops. Interest has been expressed in continuing the game as it is on a base level, however, without a reboot or retooling of the core concept. So there needs to be a change of some kind, but what exactly that is should be determined through an examination of what's working and what isn't.

I'm opening the floor now.

8/8 - The Weekly Post Check

@Retired - Zatanna - 2 Days Left
@WXer - Animal Man - 4 Days Left
@Cybermaxx - Teen Titans - 7 Days Left
@Bounce - Kai-ro - 7 Days Left
@webboysurf - The Outlaws - 7 Days Left

Safe For This Week:

DocTachyon - S.H.A.D.E.
Reason: Said to return 8/4. Will begin counting days next week if no posts are made.

Tackytaff - Birds Of Prey
Reason: Personal loss.

Thank you and happy posting.

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