Avatar of Master EffeX


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19 days ago
Current Any MARVEL SNAPers out there lookin' to join an Alliance, maybe start the new week off with one tomorrow, I welcome anyone - search tag "DNA" and team name "S'NAPsis!"
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26 days ago
Aaand nearly 1 and 1/2 hours later, I have answered the "simple" question of "what are you writing?" My ability to expressly fire off a composition is non-existent. 🤦‍♀️ (Appreciated the Q, tho).
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1 mo ago
I hear ya, Sp00ki. I'm currently writing something I want to be a web comic and also have a separate idea where I think comics could be a great jumping off point, but I don't have those artist skills.
2 mos ago
"What'd you expect? Black leather?" Because if so. . . . : telkjplang.wixsite.com/xmen…
2 mos ago
When you like what a reddit user had to say on a board from 2 yrs ago, but trying to Chat = unable to send invite message. -_- Now I'll never know if TheFantasticXMan1 and I could've been friends.


It all never happened ~ but in your mind!
It all never happened ~ but in your mind!

Aspiring Screenwriter. Imagination whiz jumping between many 🌎s.
Self-taught Pic/🎶 Editor, VFX Coordinator & Mixer.
Independent student of 🎞; ever learning.

'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.
'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.

The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'
The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'

The comic book world is such a rich sandbox! Perhaps none richer than the X-Men -mutations to mix, slice-of-life elements to turn into anything but ordinary -the lines are drawn but the colours exceed them ~care to embark on the eXploration with me?

*cue 🎶X-Men Animated Series theme🎼swelling into Fox Movies theme🎵*

Interest Checks:
Interest Checks:

DeoXys: A next gen X-Men/Comic Superhero RP

Cache of other X-Men concepts.

X-Men Envisionings: one passionate fan's riff on the FOX X-Men franchise.
Call it a fanfiction, call it what you will, but don't miss out!!

NeXt Envisionings Paused for Revision
NeXt Envisionings Paused for Revision

Be ready for the New (and Improved) Releases -- Sign Up now!
Be ready for the New (and Improved) Releases -- Sign Up now!

And/or consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:
And/or consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:


The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey
The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey

Where ever it takes me.
Where ever it takes me.

X-Men Envisionings, a sector of



Most Recent Posts

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

It seemed Jaclyn wasn't the only one whose mind could be caught in a negative direction, as something about Max's disposition seemed to shift, suddenly. Yet just as soon, it flickered in another direction. Internally or otherwise, she didn't question it. After what they'd recently been through, anything could account for it, and in fact it caused her mind to shift again as well, given one reason: here they were about to play a game, just enjoy life, while so many others had been stripped away. . .

She did a slow kind of blink, like both giving the lost a moment of her thoughts and giving herself permission not to be, well, stuck on this current track of thinking.

It wasn't too hard to, once again, shift back to Clue, as her teammates' attire changed due to Max's magic.
Jaclyn had to smile. She gave a complimentary kind of nod to Max; impressed.

Now it was her turn. "In that case, I feel in the mode for Plum." She couldn't remember the characteristics of that person in the game, but going by the colour that one stood out to her once Mira had explained which were left. In the space of a thought, Jaclyn's outfit changed to a two piece gown with an embellished collar.

It skewed more '30s than '20s, but Jaclyn liked the flare anyway, and in play struck a pompous pose for all-of-a-second.
She didn't typically wear dresses, but it was always fun to dress-up.

Wouldn't you know, at that moment as everyone was now clad in past-era attire, Ed was making introductions for Klara. Jaclyn turned in their direction, feeling a little embarrassed yet in good humour. "Hi, Klara." She moved, on the cusp of extending her hand to shake, but then realized that might not be an Asgardian custom and brought her hand back to her own side. "It's nice to meet you. We're just setting up for a kind of entertainment." She said, gesturing loosely to her and the others' outfits.
It was possible Klara had observed at least one of their outfits in the change-over process, and the thought landed in Jaclyn's head of an outsider thinking, maybe people from Earth regularly changed their attire that way.

Cyclops filed away what Magneto had put into his mind to ruminate on later, focusing on task- when he found someone else's thoughts suddenly put into his head. Again he experienced the peculiar sensation like his head was suddenly too tight- like Ryder's mental voice was no more agreeable to being confined than she was in body.

It wasn't painful. More like vaguely uncomfortable.

He instinctually braced himself for what was going to follow "I already ripped one", but was relieved she was only referring to the sentinels. And, she'd said the jet could fly. Had she landed it here? If she had, he would be impressed. Though, what hadn't Ryder proved capable of in just the short time they'd been acquainted?

Cyclops had paused when her voice sounded in his head and he now resumed looking around. It took only another minute or so before he saw her coming around a building about a half block's distance away.

"I'm sorry for what happened," he stated once he'd come to be standing in front of her. Assessing her visually she certainly looked to have been spared any further harm. His sense of remorse was alleviated.

Still. . .he had been responsible for Ryder and blew it. Again.

He'd learned some time ago that it didn't matter how prepared you were, didn't matter if you did everything right, somethings were not in your control. No matter how much you took in your hands, something was always out of them.

But that concept didn't apply here, as Cyclops didn't feel he had done everything right - he hadn't checked all the boxes that he was able to check. Not in his opinion.

Which seemed to be a refrain with Ryder.

If he'd done a better job intercepting her at Umbra, she wouldn't have made it to town which resulted in injury to herself as well as to others. If he'd been better prepared up front, he wouldn't have gotten himself compromised nor would he have been away from Jean which, unsettling circumstances notwithstanding, lead to his rookie level mistake of allowing his attention to be divided. To the subsequent result of Ryder getting away from them -from him, again- and the very final consequence of what happened in the black forest.

And now? He'd been alert and task-focused enough, but still the jet went down. He went down.
If Ryder had been a causality he didn't think he could be convinced it wasn't by his failing.

At least that wasn't the reality he was facing.

"We can go. . .Where's the jet?" Sure the nurse had told him he should stay with them for the day, but he felt fine enough. He wasn't going to make another mistake by testing what patience of Ryder's he felt she had left. From what little he'd glimpsed, Magneto did appear to have a good, even a great thing, going here.

There was just one problem as it pertained to their leaving.
No sooner had Cyclops asked the question when something caught his eye, and there, traveling over their heads in the direction Cyclops had just come, was the unmistakable side of a Lockheed SR-71.

Having turned with its movement, Cyclops watched as it came to rest by where he'd left Magneto, who now repurposed it for the building he was erecting.

Cyclops strode back over as other pieces of the jet sailed overhead; to the fascination of the soccer kids.

"I thought you were giving us a choice to stay?" Anger flashed in his face and his tone.

"I didn't arrive where I am today by not taking advantage of what I was given. I do thank you for your gift of metal."

His smug smile and tone was like kindling to Cyclops' emotion, but he kept it in check.
"How can I get message out from here?"

"You needn't bother." At this Magneto looked up, which caused Cyclops' gaze to go skywards as well, just in time to see the expanse of blue clouding over too suddenly to be a natural change of the weather.

Magneto paused his construction to grab at the sky, and within moments the slate grey clouds gave way to charcoal black and took shape; a piece of the sky coming down on the city until it became apparent it was the X-Men's second jet.

Magneto had felt it resist before it had surrendered, those on board clearly realizing this was where they'd been headed all along to pick up their strays.

To the further fascination of the young and growing interest of the older, he landed the jet right there in the city square.
Its engines were already off.

Storm disembarked, returning the heavens to their previous state of clarity as the X-Men now had the knowledge that Magneto must have his own means of keeping undetected; they hadn't known they were coming up on Genosha until they'd felt his magnetic pull.

Wolverine followed, looking around like 'what is this joint?'

And next down the ramp, surprisingly, was Xavier. "We didn't know what happened to you," he stated, almost by way of greeting as his eyes fell on Cyclops then set on Ryder; a certain look crossing his face. He had wanted to see for himself that she was alright, not wait passively for the information to be conveyed. The time for him being a distance away from her life had passed.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn was impressed.
So glitter was an actual thing with Klara, and that individual who came down the hall was her. Somehow, besides the shining orb, Jaclyn wouldn't have pegged her as the glitter, tackling-hug one. That seemed more. . .social and exuberant than the wordless, singularly-focused person who had gone past them. But then, people often didn't fit any kind of template.

She smiled softly to herself at this kind of lived reminder of such.

She'd noticed Mira glance in the direction of the library and Avery come out. Jaclyn felt something there, but nothing that was her business. She started walking in the direction that would take them downstairs. "So we haven't finished picking characters," she recalled, mind back on Clue. "It's been a while since I played. And there are different versions, aren't there? I forget who all there is."

If someone like Xavier or Jean spoke to Cyclops telepathically, that was a good indicator they were keeping enough of a tap on his mind, at least for the following few moments, that he could think back to them.

He had a feeling Ryder wasn't that kind of telepath. That she preferred the "call" to be one-way, and frankly, having her in his head was rather a different experience. . .he made no effort to respond. Both had enough intel on the other, for now: Ryder knew he was in the city. Now he knew she was, too -sounding no worse for wear. She wanted him to figure something out. Was this Ryder trusting him? Or was this a warning that if he didn't want her brand of a solution, he had better be the first to come to one. . .his mind became suffused with a sensation of artificial darkness, some kind of void. . .Wait, this wasn't--

Next thing he knew, clarity came like waking from a dream.
Indeed, from a lain position, Cyclops took in his surroundings and the condition of his body. He felt surprisingly little pain, and not like he was on medication for that.
There was someone there.

They met his gaze -as well as it could be met, anyway, given his visor. "Gen has used her abilities -a projected healing factor- to treat your injuries. It still takes time, so you should stay with us for the day at least."

"A projected healing factor?" He understood what this other mutant meant by it, but having not encountered such a mutation before, it interested him.

"It requires Gen to touch the point of injury, so we did have to perform surgery so she had access to your lung and ribs, though she healed the incision points on her way back out."

They had, of course, removed the chest portion of Cyclops' uniform, so presently he looked down at his bare skin, surprised to find that he could only find faint traces of any procedure--like wounds at a healed-over stage of a much later point. "How long has it been since I was brought here?"

"Three quarters of an hour."

Cyclops was impressed. This must be what it feels like to be Logan.
"Someone else arrived here after me," he got back to business, being careful as he transitioned into an upright position, though he hardly felt the need to be.
"Do you know where they are?" He slide his legs off the padded medical table and was standing a second later.

The other mutant shook their head. "No one else has been brought to us. You're fine to go look for them."

Even without their permission, that was exactly what Cyclops intended to do. "Thank you." He looked around, and not seeing any other mutant, he added,
"thank Gen for me." At their nod, he suited back up -damaged though his uniform now was- and left.

His second surprise came when he happened on Magneto after only a couple minutes of looking around.
The Master of Magnetism appeared to be in the middle of constructing some other type of building, with all the ease and creative flex as a hobby sculptor.
Cyclops had paused and was at an oblique angle to him, but Magneto caught sight of the X-Man. "Up and about, I see."

Another moment of a measured look, part on Magneto himself and part on his work, Cyclops walked closer. "I was flying with someone. Where are they?"

"Wandering freely around here, where they desire not to be. Perhaps she'll learn, though Charles has never been much for instilling free thinking."
He turned his attention back to his task.

Maybe a 'thanks' for orchestrating his medical aid would've made it past Cyclops' lips had it not been for this slight against the Professor. Instead he wordlessly left the older man to his construction. 'You don't bother me, I won't bother you,' the silence seemed to say.

Though Magneto spoke before he got too far:
"I would be more careful if I were you. . .leaving a family behind."

It took just a couple seconds for Cyclops to understand what, specifically, Magneto was referring to.
In the same moment, his expression contorted. "If that's meant as a threat, Magneto-"

"It's not. . .I had, once, what you're preparing for." Magneto looked straight at him. You should seriously consider making this where that life starts.
Give your family the chance mine wasn't allowed."

Cyclops looked upon him like he was seeing someone other than the once leader of the Brotherhood. . .somewhat.
Behind his visor his gaze lowered as his thoughts went to the subject(s) of the conversation.

"You're familiar now with the mutant medical care we have. What human hospital exists that you know of, that would consent to bringing another of our kind into what they believe to be their world?" At this, Magneto turned away. "The invitation is extended indefinitely. When you've made the correct choice, get word to me and I'll ensure you safe passage. As I've already told your feisty charge, sentinels patrol these skies in search of their Atlantis."

Cyclops continued on to find Ryder, feeling for once, that Magneto had actually given him something worth thinking about.
And he didn't like any bit of that.

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn's attention was brought properly back to her group as Perry asked to be filled in on the blanks here.
Jaclyn's eyes shifted to Max then to Mira as he gestured for her to begin.

So now I have reality rifts to worry about, she thought to the beginning of Mira's explanation. Although she thought this in more of a matter-of-fact way with unease aside. Fuller emotions on the subject might come later, both because that was the way Jaclyn sometimes worked, and because the oddities they tended to have to deal with, even a mutant brain needed time to catch up and process.

Her brows raised at the fact of Klara being Thor's daughter, and furrowed at Runa being Goddess of Lies. That didn't sound good, but then again, some things that seemed obvious were in fact open for interpretation. Like a beast deemed a doom-bringer because accidents followed the sighting of it, in fact being a savior as it was coming as a warning. A Goddess of Lies could, then, by the same logic, in fact be a force to find truth.

On the mention of Mira being among those who didn't get to go to Asgard, a conversation came into Jaclyn's mind; for another time.

The supposing Runa was here to see Lance had something vaguely click in Jaclyn's mind, though she couldn't place anything exact.
Then, Mira's concluding point was sound: they would hear about it if it was anything important. That was leaning Jaclyn a little more back the other way.

Max's turn filling in the blanks came next.

The way he summarized everything hit Jaclyn's ears like a storyteller; she could practically see and feel the details.

A particularly intriguing one was how everyone had likely been a part of a manufactured reality, yet wouldn't have known it. This was something for Jaclyn to set aside in a part of her mind to reflect on later. She wondered, too, how Max knew of Runa's destiny, and his words supported Jaclyn's thinking on "Goddess of Lies".

She also wondered about Max's best friend.

The poetry of Goddess of "love and oceans", a confirmation of Mira's info, hit Jaclyn in a way that elicited a soft smile. Which quickly gave way into a look of surprise and confusion with the way Max's explanation blended together. Glitter in a resistance against Magneto?
Jaclyn appreciated Max's giving Klara the benefit of the doubt rather than judging her solidly, under the circumstances.

Then another new concern to add to the list -after reality rift: "the veil".
Limbo sounded like the most intense scenario that had been recounted to Jaclyn yet.

It made her feel great sympathy for this Klara she had yet to meet, and a fuller understanding of those she already knew.

Her little emotional rollercoaster wasn't complete, however, until Max added to the supposition of why the Asgardians were here with the little bit about maybe killing Lance.
Why would he suppose so?

Curiosity still existed in Jaclyn, yet Clue was sounding more appealing after all that; a breather by which to assist in the digestion of everything, and probably a good thing to grab before something else occurred. One thing was clear between Mira and Max's information: things occurred where Klara was concerned. Pretty big things.
Not unlike with the XMen, so all the more reason.

Conversely. . .well. It was hard to put into words. She felt like she'd like to know these people, but it didn't feel like it would be a natural time.

"I think we should give them some space." She landed on, a moment later. "That call to Lance seemed pretty important, though maybe that's an Asgardian way. In any case, I don't think we should crowd in and distract from their coming." This was stated in a neutrally thoughtful tone; not like she was judging anyone who might've wanted to follow their curiosity.

She then looked down the hall where the focused one had gone, added: "the one who came through here did seem pretty dead set on not acknowledging us. Which one was that?" She returned her eyes to the group.
Welcome (back), Shadrack'Nor!
Wicked cool picture. Erupting tesseract?

collaborative storytelling that pushes the boundaries of what's possible.

: D Sounds good to me!
I enjoy pushing boundaries in terms of flowing off from the mainstream. Though it may not look like it from the surface.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn grinned at the enthusiasm of Perry and -especially- Max!
This was going to be a blast and already fell into the good category of learning new things given some of the things Max rambled off.

She had just enough time to respond curiously to Mira with an "Oh, okay." before a
-and undoubtedly medieval sounding- voice shook out for Lance.

Jaclyn's mouth was on only the cusp of forming a verbal reaction when Max started off again.
Here we go again, the mention of a different Runa "way off into the future" prompted her to think to herself, though Max's behaviour didn't fail to elicit another smile. It was hard to tell with him though if this "Runa" was to be a good encounter or not so much. . .already she'd already down a minor number on the eardrums around here.

Compelled by curiosity, Jaclyn was poised to follow when Mira spoke up. What she recounted and how Max responded pretty much served to heighten the feelings Jaclyn had just had, she kept her paused as she started on own thinking. Namely if she should stay out of the way of this one, or--

--just then, a woman who she assumed to be Runa came into view, passing them by without an ounce of acknowledgement, and followed by some peculiar, captivating orb -which Jaclyn shifted away from out of reflex even as she followed it with her eyes.

She glanced back at Max as he brought up "Danger Room Clue" again, but now Jaclyn's interest was divided. That kind of activity still -more or less now- sounded appealing, yet her curiosity was already down the hall. On the other hand, a stranger just following someone to see where they were going was not the thing to do. Though, this "someone" was technically in Jaclyn's "house", and heading to speak to a kind-of-family-member. Though she was obviously focused -seemingly hyper focused- on speaking with Lance exclusively. Yet announcing this in a booming voice did leave privacy a matter up for debate.
Magneto looked around having heard -and seen out of the corner of his eye- the gathered mutants reacting to something negative.

His attention returned to the one in front of him. This child had just done something.
This bothered him. Though -his citizens already recovering- also intrigued him.

Her threat hit him likewise, and though his eyes held warning, his lips turned up; he wasn't about to be intimidated by this urchin.
Magneto gave a certain look to two mutants whose buttons were more easily pushed; they stood down.

"Explain why I allowed you passage here instead of leaving you to search endlessly for your injured, whom I saved from near-certain death? This is the ungrateful generation, isn't it. And you will not be destroying this," now his expression, and tone, was dead serious. Though held no combative edge, as yet; the X-Men's longest-standing foe actually wasn't looking to fight. "This is a sanctuary, child. Those robotic extensions of the human's simple impulses," -his eyes turned skywards as he referenced the sentinels; though none could be seen- "patrol in search of this place. If you prefer to return to the mercy of their radar, by all means. You'll find your pilot recovered in remarkably short time, though it will still take some. If I can trust you won't harm the citizens of Genosha, you may wait for him where you like."

With that Magneto gave a half-turn, and stood as though he were a living marker of a crossroads.
Ryder could walk past him towards the city proper, if she liked,

--most of the other mutants had already started walking away, one looking like they thought they were taking their chances in doing so.
The more defensive two doing so gradually, as if undecided if they should -or wanted to- stay or go--

or Ryder could stay right where she was.

Of course there was always the third option. . .Magneto's steely eyes conveying his readiness should she make that mistake.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn had to smile at Perry's enthusiastic consideration of Mira's aversion. Besides the mood boosting, what Perry planned had been a nice way to get to know her a little bit too, and Jaclyn definitely counted it as a positive to be sharing a team with her. As for her present suggestions, Jaclyn wasn't sure of the bonfire. Even though it was an entirely different thing, it made her think of the fire she'd lit for the lost. . .

Hilariously bad movies and "all that" sounded like a good idea, though. She was just wondering what movies might come out of that when Max made his suggestion.

Something in the Danger Room sounded like a plan already, as that was one of the destinations Jaclyn had been considering heading to before she heard Perry's proclamation of boredom-- a virtual Clue sounded a treat!

At this, Jaclyn turned to Mira, however, who began to explain the reason for her being turned off of board games.
On her first sentence, Jaclyn had to smile. She had seen Jumanji and certainly wouldn't want to play that game for real-- in fact, most games sort of "came to life" after that as Holo applied "Jumanji logic" to others when they played, but that had all been in good fun. Besides, her sister's projections held no mass and couldn't harm.

'Oh, so that's what-' Jaclyn was beginning to think with relief, before the rest of Mira's explanation. . .
So it was something else crazy to learn about.

Somehow, though, something like right out of a movie sounded like a tame kind of crazy, relatively speaking.
That movie, anyway.

The last time things were kind of calm around here... Jaclyn wondered the last time since when?

It was good Mira jumped on Max's idea as well. Her spoken curiosity working to shift Jaclyn's attention back to now.
"Well, it would still be training for our minds," she pointed out positively, "and there's a lot to be taken from fun anyway. Besides," she turned her hand over in a sort of shrug, a very slight laugh coming into her words -not at Mira, just the prospect, "it's not as though the computer's sentient. We're the drivers, so it'll take to it just the same."

Simple as that.

A face in the crowd shares a smile.

OOC: Welcome, Phase! : )
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