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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@AcerRo I have no objections to anything you said and will change it. I just thought it would be nice to have someone capable of flying the Blackbird... And as I said earlier, I kinda designed the character for age 38 and I had to change it.

For the whole "Yeah, let's send him to the place where he could hurt 18-24 year old kids" you do realize that the government see's it more like "Yeah, let's send him to that place filled to the brim with walking doomsday machines." I saw it along the lines of them wanting to send one of the few people that has proven an ability to handle mutants. I also wouldn't be opposed to the "Only down one eye due to deal with Myphisto" but Ace said he wanted to keep the non X-men stuff out so i'm not going to try my luck with that.

Plus, the British Military isn't as fucking insane as the American military. A tour is 6 months to a year, agreed beforehand. none of that "We can extend it if we feel like it, without the soldiers consent" shite, that some unlucky yanky was on the receiving end of, that would have spent 16 years in Iraq, was he not killed by being ordered to defuse an I.E.D. he wasn't trained to do, 12 weeks into his tour.

@Ace of flames01 I apologize and, as I said above, I'm gonna go tone it the fuck down.
@Ace of flames01 Fine, could I say that he is at least in the Royal Marine Commando's? I know you can be there by age 19, because my friend started his training for the RMC's aged 19.

The British armed forces work a lot differently than the American. In the British armed forces, you can join the Territorial Army at 16 (With parental consent) and be fully trained by 18, to be fast-tracked into the army, then you can apply to go to almost any branch for specialist training. RMC's are one of them. The British Army's training system is a hell of a lot more rigourous, as well. American Marines take a 20 week training course, RMC's are 36 weeks. Anyone that has been accepted into the RMC's can apply to join the S.A.S. immediately, that is 32 weeks of training and is held once a year, so if you apply at the correct time, it is actually possible to get straight into the S.A.S. by 20... Not likely, because the course is hell incarnate and they can kick you out at anytime they like, without warning, should they deem you not ready for it. All I asked was for my character to be able to be S.A.S. by age 24

Should I add that he failed the S.A.S. application process a couple of times before actually being allowed to take the course?
@Ace of flames01 Alrighty. I don't have any objections to changing it. I just didn't think it was a big deal.

I found a picture of a 25 year old soldier and stuck that in, instead. I just thought you would appreciate a face of perfection
@Ace of flames01 Well, my character also has a hell of a lot of city miles on him. Two of the most stressful jobs in the world are acting and soldiering.
@Ace of flames01 That was a headshot picture of him when he did The Young Ones, aged 24. So, I thought it was ok.

@Ace of flames01Alright, I'll cut his age back down. And don't worry, I do have a plan for mutant relations with him, but he, himself, I have no plans to develop powers. The U-Men wouldn't turn others into people like them. They see themselves as the ultimate beings and everything else is unworthy to share the same planet as they.
@Ace of flames01 It was that I wanted to play a Human, but I wasn't sure if that would relegate my character to being superfluous. You convinced me that it wouldn't so I ran with it. Then you suggested the military character and I got the idea for a military character that has had great dealings with mutants, but it hadn't soured him.

Essentially, the character, as I have him thusfar, is a former S.A.S. soldier who was captured by the U-Men (If you're not familiar with them, they are a group of X-Men villains. They are humans that capture mutants and harvest their organs to implant into themselves in order to get super-powers) when they were hunting mutants in the middle-east. They pretty much used him as a guinea-pig to test the strength of the powers that they developed. A living punching bag, if you will. After a while, he managed to escape captivity with the aid of a mutant that they were going to harvest. Afterwards, the U.N. transfered him to an Anti-Supervillain team that they were making.

So, now he is transfered to the Xavier institute to serve as liaison from the U.N. Is this alright? Or would you rather I made a student?
@Ace of flames01 I didn't want to be a mutant. I did want to play a human. It's just that you suggested the military character and I kinda liked it so I ran with it.
@Ace of flames01 Oh. No, that's fine, it's just that before you said that you were looking for a human character to be teaching the other X-Men in gun usage

I don't think that having a human as a character would prevent character development at all. You can choose to make your character a member/former member of the military or FBI, thus being skilled in combat and firearms or explosives. He or she would also not be the only human character as there maybe be 2 other humans joining you. They could assist in training the other students in combat and firearms.

So, I've been making an older, military character that can teach them gun usage and, as you said, work with them in the field. It kinda feels a little weird to play a character that has already passed all of the qualifications necessary to be in the FBI and still having to go to school.
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