James Callihan
"Hey, my super power may be that I have a gun... But I am REALLY good with it." Codename:Agent Callihan
Sexuality:None of your business
Relationship Status:Classified
Skills:Trained to use most forms of firearm at an advanced level.
Trained in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat, including Greko-roman wrestling, Boxing.
Under 15's Greater London regional Fencing champion at the age of 12 and again at 14
Pilot trained in a beginners course in Personal Helicopter piloting (Is only licensed to fly civilian helicopters and with no more than 3 passengers).
History:James was born and raised in London, England. It was a typical upbringing for someone like him. He grew up in the era of hero-worship, his hero was Captain Britain. He collected newspaper clippings of any hero. His proudest picture he collected when he was 8 years old. When he was on a bus with his parents, the bus was attacked by mutants. They were rescued by the original X-Men, he was personally saved by Hank Mccoy, A.K.A. Beast. After the danger had passed, he managed to get a picture of himself with Beast. He passed out of Secondary school with the bare minimum qualifications under his belt to get him access to the Military. His father had been a Naval officer until he was crippled when somebody accidentally set off the magazine on the ship he had been serving on. He had rushed in to help a fellow crew member out when one of the shells exploded and the shock killed the nerves in his legs.
Ever since his father had returned, he wanted to join the military. His eldest brother had was flying Gunships in Germany and his next older brother was in the Army, so he opted to join the Royal Navy, like his father. By the age of 23, he had done 3 tours abroad and put in for the application process to join the Royal Marine Commando's. After a year of training, he managed to make it through the secretive, yet grueling process. He and his squad performed several raids on terrorist cells in the middle-east. However, 6 months after he was initiated, he went on what would be his final mission. Raiding a Mosque that was supposedly the base of operations for terrorists, they instead found that it was a refuge for Mutants in the area. After finding that the people inside were innocent civilians, they were given orders to escort them back to base. The Locals had a notorious hatred of mutants. During the escort, where he was in a large truck full of them, the convoy was ambushed by super-powered individuals. The U-Men.
Captured and put into containment with the rest of the mutants, he was kept alive, only as they needed a living being to test their new powers on. For 2 grueling months, he was subject to their every whim. He was beaten, immolated, electrocuted, poisoned, shot, stabbed, impaled. They even destroyed his right eye, but they refused to let him die until he outlived his usefulness. During this time, he met a mutant by the name of Makalah. The official report of his escape is classified, but what is known is that Makalah died during the escape.
After his escape, he was sent home to blighty for debriefing. When they heard his story, he was transfered to NATO's "Supernaturally Gifted Terror Response Force" or SGTRF. Since this has gone into force, they have worked diligently all over the world to bring Mutants that work with terrorists and other forces to undermine the worlds governments, under control. Those that are young enough are transfered to Muir Island and given an audience with the heads of the Xavier Institute to see if they can assist them become productive members of society, whereas those who are too old and set in their ways are transfered to "The Petri Dish" a super-max prison, designed to hold the most dangerous mutants. He has now been assigned as a liaison with the X-Men in order to try and help prepare their new team. As much good and well trained as the SGTRF are, they are, unfortunately, unable to adequately respond to the threat of mutants that have fully mastered their powers. Beings like The U-Men and Mr Sinister have proven far too powerful for them to combat effectively.
Appearance:James is 6'3 with short brown hair with a rather large, stocky build, typical to those in the Military. He wears an eye-patch over his right eye. Under the patch his eye is a milky white with deep tissue scarring around it. He has a tattoo on his upper arm of the
Royal Marine Commando's, with his lower arms having a list of numbers, 101 through to 121. Several of them have hearts around them. He also has the name "Makalah" tattooed onto his wrist at his right forearm, with a pair of wings coming out of each end of the name, touching wingtips around the back of his wrist. He also wears a gold ring on his left hand
"Who Dares, Wins."[*hr][*hr]
Personality:A rather complex man, he doesn't really have any specific speaking patterns, with the exception of his excessive use of british slang. As a soldier, he likes to spend a lot of his time either in his room or in the training room, usually listening to classical music being played rather loudly... Maybe with a bit of Bowie and Queen thrown into the mix. He is also very family oriented. Every day at 3, he will slip away from whatever it is he is doing to make a quick phone-call to his parents and will take any chance to get home to see them or his brothers.
One of his natural talents that he just seems to have developed is a natural empathy. Nothing supernatural about it, but he considers himself to be a good judge of character and will figure out rather quickly if he is being lied to or if someone isn't being honest with him. Ever since his incarceration at the hands of the U-Men, he has harboured a deep hatred of them and all anti-mutant bigots. He has seen where the extreme leads to and is determined to wipe out that way of thinking. He also doesn't like bullies, so also harbours a deep hatred of mutants that use their powers to push others around and is quick to make this known.
Likes:Classical Music (Especially when played on Vinyl. If you let him play his mix tape, it is a Vinyl filled to the brim with Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Holst and Bach.)
Haggis (It's ground pig gut and corn, boiled in a sheeps bladder. What's not to love?)
BAE Systems (They make such lovely guns. Guarenteed to never fall apart and give you many years of trouble-free maiming.)
Tattoo's (He adorns his body with momento's of the most important parts of his life.)
Classic Video Games (Gimme an Amstrad or a ZX Spectrum or a Commadore 64 over any of these newfangled Xbox's anyday.)
Classic vehicles (From the sleek British sports saloons like the Aston Martin DB5 and Jaguar E-type to big American muscle cars like the Dodge Charger and Ford Mustang, or even as far back as the Ford Model-T and Crossley 18/50, he is a fan of almost every kind of car from before 1990. He has a special place in his heart for the Lamborghini Countach. But, he also has a love of steam trains and would easily say that Sir Nigel Gresley is one of his heroes.)
Dislikes:U-Men (Bastards made me spend 2 months as a living punching bag, before killing my best friend)
Sourkraut (Tastes like ass)
American Football (Why do you call it Football, when you play the game primarily with your hands? It's like Rugby, only you sissy's need armour to play.)
War Video games (Way too samey. You shoot a guy, you move on, you shoot another guy, you move on. Gimme something like Bubble-Bobble any day.)
Dubstep (It sounds like 56k modem, violently throwing up.)
1812 Overature"The sound of Cannonfire"Extra