-A bar on one of the many long roads in Massachusetts-
The locals were having their regular night, a woman in cowboy attire was behind a wire mesh and singing country music whilst playing a guitar. The last thing that the inebriated patrons were expecting, when they heard the door open, was for an 8 foot tall man wearing red armour and a domed helmet to be stood there. They looked around and several fell off their chairs and the only sound heard from behind the wire mesh was an out-of-tune twang from the guitar and "Holy hell, lookit the size of him." The bar-man immediately looked at a "Super-Villains Warning Sheet" that he had gotten off the internet. One of the rows mentioned "Juggernaut" who was described as "8 foot tall and wearing red armour, as well as a domed helmet" The man took his helmet off and left it by the door.
"Now, look, Mr Juggernaut, I don't want no trouble." he said, looking up at the man (Who it was hard not to look up to, as he was a clear 2 foot taller than anyone else in the bar)
"And I don't want none." he replied with his thick british accent. "Just get me a beer." he said, placing 3 dollar notes on the bar. The bar-man looked at him, not moving. "Look, I don't care what type of beer, just get me something that's alcoholic and tastes like piss!" he snarled. The Bar-man didn't take his eye off the giant whilst walking to the fridge and putting grabbing a bottle of Budweiser, before putting it in front of Juggernaut. Juggernaut pushed the money towards the bar-man who looked down at it before looking up at Juggernaut again.
"It's on the house." he said. Juggernaut pushed the money further towards him.
"If you don't want me to flip out and wreck everything, you'll stop treating me as though I am going to and take the money." he growled. The bar-man snatched the money and shoved it in the till. Juggernaut sat down on a bar-stool which collapsed under his ultra-dense weight. He fell over with a loud thud that shook the bar. He growled before getting up and sitting on another one, this time, keeping his feet on the floor and only putting a tiny portion of his weight on it. A severely drunk patron that he was sat next to stared at him.
"30 years i've been coming here and you've never once given me one on the house." he said, staring angrily at the bar-man.
"That's because he's not afraid that you'll wreck the state if you get angry." Juggernaut replied. The drunk man looked at his beer and then back at the giant.
"Ooooh, i get it. You're one of them Super-villains." he said. "Like that Galactus Feller that tried to eat the world." The Bar-man stared daggers at the drunk guy.
"Zeb, shut-up." he seethed. Juggernaut took no notice of the bar-man.
"Summut like that." he replied to Zeb, taking a swig of his beer.
"So... How did you come decide you was gonna be evil and try to take over the world or destroy everything or whatever the hell your tryin' ta do?" he asked.
"Zeb, shut-up." repeated the Bar-man, he was sweating quite profusely at this point. Juggernaut looked at the bar-man.
"He asked a legitimate question. And if you can't share your backstory with a room full of drunk hicks, then who can you share it with?"
"AMEN TO THAT, BROTHER!" Came a call from across the room from another drunk patron.
"It all started when I was a kid, me and mum and dad... We were so happy back then... Well, up until she died."
"That's a shame." Zeb butted in.
"Well, after that, Dad went into seclusion and left me to my own devices. He grew really distant... That's when he met Sharon. Well, he wanted me to call her mum, but I called her Sharon. Always did... He married her and I got a new little brother. One from her previous marriage. Charles... Well, I called him Chucky, but he hated it... So, naturally, I kept calling him that." Zeb laughed a little, but Juggernaut continued. "We were the best of friends growing up. He did my homework, because he was so smart and I protected him from the school bullies, because they knew I was king of the playground. That's when dad started getting mean... Drunk and mean... He only married Sharon for the money, you see, and soon he had drank a large chunk of it away. Sharon killed herself due to the neglect and feeling like she betrayed Chucky's dad or some bollocks like that. So, dad started taking his anger out on me, because he didn't want to hurt his little prodegy... Can't deny, I did resent Chucky a little, but I decided that that we needed to stick together."
"So, who killed Chucky?" asked Zeb.
"What?" Juggernaut looked at Zeb.
"Who killed him? That's how these stories go. Someone killed your little brother, you got a taste for revenge and you've been tryin' to taste more ever since." Zeb said, before putting more money on the bar. "Bar-keep, more beer!" he called.
"Look, do you wanna tell the story?" asked Juggernaut. Zeb gesticulated that Juggernaut calm down and that he didn't mean any harm. "Anyway, I decided it was time to leave that old bastard to rot. I joined the army and went out to earn money. I was planning to secure some money, buy a house and get custody of Chucky when I came back. He was much younger than me. Well, one christmas, I come home... There's Dad and chucky. We have a nice chat, then dad goes away for a bit, comes back drunk and tries to hit Chucky. I sock 'im one and we got into a hell of a nasty fight. Of course, I was in the army and he was a drunk achademic. We all know who was going to win." there was a laughter of agreement.
"Hope you gave the sorry bastard what was coming to him" one yelled.
"Tell the truth, I fucking lost it that night. I nearly beat him to death... That's when Chucky stopped me... Turns out he was a Mutant." there was a chorus of disagreement.
"God damned mutants. It ain't natural." one called.
"That's my little brother you're talkin' about!" Juggernaut growled, the jeering quickly stopped. "So, anyway, he has these mind control powers. He made me stop and... Well, that's when I decided I wasn't having any of that. I left, didn't see him again for 10 years. Turns out that dad, the stupid prick, set fire to the house that night and burned to death." He raised his beer bottle. "Here's to you, dad, you useless waist of fucking skin." he downed the rest of the bottle.
"So... That was nice an' all," Zeb started "But this is startin' to sound like a Superhero story." Juggernaut looked at Zeb with the look of complete and utter bafflement.
"What on earth are you talkin' about?" he asked.
"Well, you got beaten as a kid, you loved your little brother, he got beaten and developed mind control powers, you set out to go save kids that had got the problems that you had, with your 'Pa and all that." Juggernaut shook his head and took no notice.
"Anyway, I became a merc. A pretty good one at that. Helped some of the locals in Kuwait, fought a couple of african warlords. The usual. Then 10 years down the line, who should show up but dear old Chucky. He hires me to be his bodyguard against some Cambodian bandits, because he wanted to visit some ancient temple in the middle of the ass end of no-where. Well, we go, I kill a few bad-guys, tried not to get personal with Chucky and just did the job. That's when we found the temple and my true birth into super-villainy arose. Picked up this weird Ruby... Turns out that that was a fragment of a very old, very angry, very powerful god. And we aren't talking about Thor or any of his lot, we're talking older and even more powerful. That's when I got this..." he gesticulated to the armour and his size.
"OOOOOH, so you aren't naturally that fuckin' big." Zeb said.
"No... It's all thanks to Cyttorak... Now I have to wreck things for him... That's it." Zeb looked at him with confusion.
"So... You get a say in the matter, otherwise you'd have plowed straight through here and taken all of the booze for y'rself." he said.
"I broke a lot of things... I decided I wasn't going to break anything else for him. He is making me do things I don't like."
"Well, then why are you a villain?" he said. "If you don't like this Kite-or-ak or whatever the fuck his name is, why are you bein' a villain? Surely the best way to piss him off is to start buildin' shit, 'stead of knockin' it down."
"Because when he gets angry, he keeps pestering me and pestering me until I can't stand it any longer and have to wreck things."
"So... You ain't a bad guy by choice... Hell, that don't make you a bad guy at all. That makes you one unfortunate son-of-a-bitch." Zeb said. Juggernaut stared into the empty bottle.
"Hmmm... Maybe..." he got up and threw some more money onto the bar, about $100.
"Wha... What's that for?" asked the Bar-man.
"This." Juggernaut replied as he punched his way through the wall of the bar and out onto the lonely street. Zeb started laughing until he fell of his chair. Juggernaut looked into the sky and exhaled loudly. "Damn... I can't keep this up forever..." he said. Punching that wall was all that had given him the strength he needed to not destroy the entire place. He then walked back and grabbed his helmet. "Sorry again, about the mess." He walked back out and looked down the roads. "Maybe I do need some help... Not yet." he said. He was determined to beat this thing on his own. He began to walk, then jog, then run, and as he started running, he found himself running faster and faster, until he was charging down the street, completely out of control, speeding across the state as an unstoppable force, trying to meet the immovable object.