Cain slowly stomped forwards as he clutched his head. "Dammit..." he grunted, he had come to New York to try and finally have a true tete-a-tete with Charles, but now he was feeling the urge to destroy. "No... I'm gonna talk to Chuckie... He's going to go fishing in my brain and he's gonna pull out a-" At that point, the world in front of him disappeared, going black... Very black... Now Red... Very Red... Unbelievably Red.
"You think to try to deprive me of my food, WORM?!" He then saw the
Monsterous form of his benefactor "You like to forget your place... Because you like to think that, deep down, you are a good, kind, honest man..." Cain fell to his knee's before the god.
"I don't... I don't know what books you've been readin'" he panted. "But they sure as fuck ain't about me."
Indeed... You are a destroyer, my destroyer and you will destroy.""Again..." Cain grunted. "No clue who you're talkin' about..." he began to laugh, as did Cyttorak.
"Indeed. You want to get my gem from your soul, but you cannot fathom how insignificant you are next to me." He began to laugh again.
"Even now, you serve as nothing more than my puppet." At that moment, a small portal opened up, Cain looked into it to see city rushing by at what seemed like a hundred miles an hour. Hands lashing out to grab a car and rip it apart before throwing it straight through a building next to him.
"YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!" he roared. Cyttorak laughed again.
"No, you are the monster, I just decided to take that stupid little part out of your mind and let the rest run free."****
Downtown New York was used to villain attacks. They were New Yorkers, they had seen everything from world-gobbling gods like Galactus to costumed cooks like Batroc The Leaper. Well, today would be no different, people now saw it as more of an inconvenience than anything horrifying. Insurance rates in New York had gone through the roof, by this point and now Juggernaut was single handedly bankrupting several of their firms. "AHHHAHAHAHAH!!!" he cried out. "I'M GONNA TEAR THIS PLACE A NEW ONE!!! AND AIN'T NUFFIN'S GONNA STOP ME!!!" He bellowed, before charging down the street. As he reached an intersection, he saw a truck drive in front of him, which he simply nutted his way through, spraying the produce that it was transporting all over the street. "I'M GONNA KEEP ON RUNNIN' FOREVA!!!" His speech becoming less and less coherant.