@JackDLemmy1) There are so many damn characters out there to choose from, you can have OC supporting cast, but the main heroes HAVE to be based on some kind of continuity.
2) Characters have to be recognizable as at least one of their incarnations. So, with Batman, for example, you can apply for Golden Age detective Batman, 60's Adam West Batman, 80's dark and gritty Batman, Rebirth's sociopath Batman, Alternate-universe Vampire Batman, etc. Now, there can be some leeway with this, you can change him up in different ways, but he still has to be recognizable as Batman. So, if you are going to give him guns and a need to slaughter anyone that is guilty, at that point, you are playing The Punisher, with a Batman skin and will be rejected. Ultimately, this is a little too subjective to properly define, but my suggestion is, alter them however you want and if you alter a little too much, i'll happily discuss a compromise.
3) In this kind of an RP, Power Levels are kind of irrelevant. Since interaction isn't necessary, all characters are subject to the "rules of narrative" meaning that they are only as powerful as their story requires them to be. E.G. logistically speaking, there is no way in hell Batman should ever be able to defeat Superman in a straight up fight, however, in every Frank Miller narrative, Batman is always able to get the upper hand, due to the narrative not working unless Batman is able to defeat Superman.
4) Think of it like how the MCU did their world. Pretty much exactly the same as ours at base value, but with whatever aliens, technologies and mythical beings are required to make the characters work in the setting. You can transport a character through time to this setting, E.G. Conan the Barbarian is thrown forward in time to the modern world, or the Legion of Super-Heroes are thrown into the past and have to survive in the modern world.
5a) There will be a specific start date, to be determined, based on how many people are interested. Anyone can apply for any role, so if we have Multiple people wanting to be Batman, then i'll determine who's sheet i like the most and will give that person the go-ahead and ask the others to come up with new characters. After that, then it'll become first-come-first-served, but, again, your sheet will need to be up to snuff. I'm not just going to hand away spots in this to every tom, dick and harry.
5b) As soon as you have your character, you have complete control over that characters part of the mythos. So, their specific stories, their rogue's gallery, their supporting cast, etc. If other people want to play something that is part of your mythos, then they have to discuss it with you. E.G. You have successfully applied for Batman, but someone else comes along wanting to play Jason Todd. We will get together and discuss what parts of the mythos each player gets. I mean, if the Batman player isn't going to use Jason Todd and a bunch of the immense rogue's gallery anyway, i don't see why someone else shouldn't get the chance. Again, a little too subjective to set down hard rules on it, but we will play it by ear and try to engineer a situation that makes everyone happy.
6) Agencies are another one that is rather too subjective to lay down a blanket rule. Self contained agencies, like M.I.B. or B.P.R.D. that are pretty much contained to a small number of character, yes, one player can have entire control over. Larger organizations with multiple branches, like S.H.I.E.L.D. and CADMUS, you can play members of, and control your own self contained unit within that organization, but not the entire organization, as those will remain in the GM's control. E.G. You apply for Black Widow, you control her, you control the villains that she goes after, you control the immediate members S.H.I.E.L.D. around her, but you don't control S.H.I.E.L.D. in its entirety. Nick Fury is going to be one of those characters that will be off-limits for any one person to control, as he is sort of a universal force and can show up in anyone's stories, at which time, they will get temporary control of him.
7) This is a sandbox. Each player will have their one story to follow. Not everyone's story will necessarily effect each other. Again, think of this like me running a Comic Book company and you each being a writer on a different line of comics. What happens in the Batman comics, doesn't necessarily effect what happens in the Superman comics. Global events are different and i'm still working on how those will work. Again, this thread is a literal "Interest Check" to see how many people would be interested in this kind of an RP.