Detective Chimp
Bobo-T Chimpanzee ♦ Worlds greatest animal detective ♦ Baker Street ♦ Her Majesties Secret Service
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"I swear that i will jolly well slaughter anyone that makes a "Monkey Business" joke."
Beloved pet of the famed explorer, Fred Thorpe, Bobo was once as any ordinary chimp. Found by Fred when he rescued the baby from some poachers on an excursion to Africa. Bobo was raised by Fred and became his faithful sidekick on many adventures, all the way up until his last one. During WWII, Fred worked for MI5 on a mission to prevent Nazi spies from locating and coming into possession of Excalibur. After a long and perilous journey, Bobo and Fred found their way to The Chamber of The Lady, who would grant the sword to whoever had only the purest intentions for the defense of Britain and her people. Just as Fred was about to step up and claim it. After Fred was deemed not worthy enough, the spies that were waiting for him to claim it so they could take it from him, saw no reason to let him live and cut him down with gunfire. Outraged at the death of his friend and father-figure, Bobo thought of nothing but defending Fred and his people. To which the lady responded and gave the chimp Excalibur, with which to defend king and country. As he took the blade, he was given intelligence and wisdom. He easily dispatched the two spies and buried his friend, before making his way back to MI5 and explaining the situation. Seeing that Britain's champion, by ancient rite, was a chimpanzee, they saw no other recourse but to begin training the chimp in all forms of espionage, detective work, combat. Bobo became Britains unknown champion, bodyguard to the royal family, Agent of MI5. But soon, the busienss of human affairs grew to bore him and he began to wonder about the animal kingdom, who would defend them. Retiring from MI5, he used his money to buy a flat in Baker Street and he has put out the word among the animals, spread the word far and wide. If a champion was needed to defend those that could not defend themselves, if an animal was cruelly ripped from its mother to be solf on the black market, if a dog was mistreated by its owner. Bobo T Chimpanzee would be there and on the case.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Bobo is a fun character whenever he pops up and i do hope to have fun telling detective stories where he has to investigate animal disappearances, as well as maybe become the one to discover a number of super-powered animals around the world. The end goal would be for Bobo to amass such a status among the animals of the world that he is able to create a Legion of Super-Pets, using all sorts of animal heroes from all over the world with backstories that fit into their human counterparts new re-imagined story as told through the IC. But right now, i kinda just want to give a Chimp Excalibur and a funny hat and have him solve mysteries and have other wacky adventures.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Grodd is the deposed ruler of the secret African civilization of Gorilla City. Originally getting into office due to his charisma, he began bringing incredibly dangerous plans to bare against the rest of the world, including a plan for human extinction, Bobo helped his own people overthrow him and ever since, Grodd has had a vendetta against Chimp, becoming something of the Moriarty to his Holmes. Grodd is always up to some evil scheme to eradicate humanity and give Earth back to the Apes.
Once but a simple Caterpillar, munching his way through leaves, he had no idea that he was destined to become of the keenest criminal minds the universe had ever seen. Having the fortune to be in the area where a powerful wizard was casting a spell to try and enter the magical realm, the wizard thought he had failed, not realizing that he had succeeded, but the magical realm had opened itself only the the caterpillar hiding in the grass where he was trying to cast the spell. Falling through the bind eternities, the Caterpillar landed on the Throne of Metron, god of Knowledge. The caterpillar, not knowing what was happening, simply wondered what it didn't know and the chair began to teach it EVERYTHING. As it sat drinking an ungodly amount of knowledge from the chair, Metron noticed the creature and banished it from the realm.
The Caterpillar called itself Mister Mind and now has a single goal in life, to get back to the chair and obtain the ultimate knowledges and it has no care for what it has to do in order to get there.
S A M P L E P O S T:
A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.
P O S T C A T A L O G:
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
Work in progress, but here's hoping it's liked.