Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@MacabreMoth Vinca nodded furiously as he realized that he was over a barrel. "Of course. Vinca gets his stuff from a man going by name of "Fulcrum" Vinca doesn't know where Fulcrum gets his stuff from. Vinca doesn't WANT to know where Fulcrum gets his stuff from. Vinca just wants to get merchandise for cheap and then move on. He usually delivers his stuff in a YT-2000 freighter, the meeting point is on one of the moons of Pengalan (DM Note: Pengalan is the nearest habited system. Less than a parsec away.)" He said, looking far more terrified than before.
@MacabreMoth You ok? We're kinda waiting on you to move the scene with Vinca along because Rush doesn't speak the language.
@Sep I thought so, it's why i asked.

As O's got out into the open, he looked up to see the pitch black sky filled with large cracks. "Ooooh, that ain't good..." As he stood looking up, Ratbat ejected and looked up

"Appears to be some kind of dimensional tear..." He groaned.

"Yeah, this is way worse than i thought..." He didn't have his Action Man communicator on him at the moment, his comms were back in the van... "Let's see if the van is still there." He said, running towards the perimeter fence and crawling over it, before jumping down and landing. Springfield looked a LOT different than when he went in. More run-down. Ratbat following him. As he ran down the street towards where he left the Snake Oil truck, a large gust of wind seemed to blow a gale behind him, along with loud, obnoxious music.

Amazon & Express

As Amazon sat in the cockpit of Express, him flying back home to The Pit in Nevada after a... Rather explosive mission to Alaska. "Well, that was a bust." Amazon groaned.

"I dunno, I think that went rather well." Express chirped back.

"We were supposed to observe the trade with Destro and the moment you saw Soundwave, you started raining hell on him. Now we have no idea where he went or what he was even trying to trade with Destro" She growled.

"Yeah, but we killed a lot of Grenadiers." Express laughed.

"Cool, you're explaining this fubar to Hawk..." She groaned. Suddenly the cabin shifted a little as something happened. But neither knew exactly what. "What the heck was that? Have you been on the Synth-En again?" She asked. At that point, the cabin shifted again.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, getting a Con signal!" Express yelled. At they flew over Springfield, they spotted Ratbat and the old man running down the street. "RATBAT, THAT RAT-BASTARD!!!" Express yelled with excitement.

"Crap, he must have hypnotized that guy into helping him with something. He can lead us to Soundwave." Amazon replied. She pulled up her HTB access pad on her wrist. "Pit, this is Amazon, we are heading to investigate a potential Soundwave sighting." She then noticed the lack of connection. Before looking up to see the white cracks in the skies. "Ummm... Express?" She began.

"Inaminute, i'm in the Zone!" At that point, several clicks and clunks were heard, before he started blasting loud music to announce his entrance Flying over the old man and Ratbat and spinning around, before ejecting Amazon, who parachuted safely down, while he mode-shifted into Bot-Mode. "ATTENTION DECEPTICON SCUM!!!" He yelled, pointing the missile and vulcan pods all at the old man and Ratbat. YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO HAND OVER SOUNDWAVE TO THE AUTHORITIES BEFORE I COMMENSE PULERIZING YOU!!!" Ratbat and O's looked at the odd bot, yet INCREDIBBLY well armed bot.

"Is that a Wrecker logo? What's a Wrecker doing here?" Ratbat asked.

"1, 2, 9, DANCE FOR ME SUCKERS!!!!" He then started blasting with the vulcans, as Ravage ejected and pulled the pair of them into a nearby alleyway. Express continuing to blast bullets down the road.

"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! EXPRESS, CALM THE HELL DOWN!!!" Amazon shouted as she landed, running over to him. She pulled out her knuckle-duster and set it to a low Transformer setting, before punching him in the ankle. He stopped firing and looked down.

"Hey, i'm trying to kill bad guys." He groaned, looking down at her. He then looked back. "Great, you made me miss their bodies getting cut to pieces."

"No, you are so preoccupied with trying to kill them that you missed where they escaped." She punched him again for good measure.
I'm gonna be honest, i'm not sure what to post next. @Sep Any chance Iris needs the save on this one?
@Lurking Krog@Varshanka

As Ian looked out to get a look at the ship. The blaster turret seemed to scan back and forth one last time, before retracting into the ship and the shield dropped again. The defense turret was most likely set to scare rather than kill. Having a security system that shot wildly was one thing, but actually killing people was another thing, one the courts didn't usually approve of too much.
Sorry for not responding last night, got home from the gym and was very ill. Will respond hopefully tomorrow.

Springfield, Oregon. A wholesome town built on the American dream and American value's. And by American Values, what they really meant was Corba Commander's twisted mess that he calls "American Values". In the dead of night, a parked Snake Oil Truck just outside of a petrol station in the middle of town sat idly. the lighting fast form of Laserbeak swooped in and landed on it and crawled inside silently. Transforming into Cassette-mode and slotting himself into one of the computers in the converted mobile-base, 0's looked at he footage being played. A secret chemical weapons plant masquerading as water bottling plant. Cobra King was a sick bastard, right in the middle of a residential zone. 0's quickly grabbed his gear and body armour, suiting up. "Thanks, Laserbeak" 0's said as the tape ejected from the console and hovered over to the boombox before slotting in. He slipped out of the hatch on the bottom of the truck and rolled out. His old bones ached from this never ending war. Added to the heavy equipment, and it all came to one inescapable conclusion... 0's needed a vacation...

Slowly making his way across the street, the Sig in hand, he looked around to make sure the area was clear of civilians. I mean, it was 2am, who the hell was awake in an Americana dystopian hell-hole like his? But still, make sure he doesn't accidentally give Cobra King any martyrs to parade across the propaganda networks. Watching the Dreadnock nightwatch slowly make their way around the corner. As soon as they were gone, he ejected Ravage and climbed on the cats back, Ravage ran and leapt straight over the fence in a single bound. As soon as they landed, Ravage went back into the boombox and 0's continued his mission. hugging a wall, he made his way towards he entrance of the factory. Kicking open the door, he quickly put 3 bullets silently into the head of the Televiper at the desk, before running around the desk to try and use the logged in computer to see what he could pull up. However, as soon as he got around the desk, he suddenly felt rather faint, almost collapsing, but managing to stay upright. Was his heart finally giving out? Rumble and Frenzy both ejected to help keep him upright. "Hey, Zero, don't you go dying on us!" Rumble said.

"Yeah, Soundwave ain't gonna be pleased if we let you go all decreased on us." Frenzy concured As the two bots held him, he looked around. Something was off... Something had changed.

"What's...?" He asked, looking around the room. Several things had changed places... And the Televiper corpse was gone. He immediately pulled up the rifle. Frenzy pulled is blaster and began waving it around wildly. "Sweep the room. Possible Arashikage..."

"Why's it always gotta be Ninja's? I hate Ninja's!" Rumble grunted. Inside of the tape deck, Ravage chimed in.

"I don't smell anything." He hissed out in his feline voice.

"Something definitely just happened." Ratbat chimed in. "Cosmic energy just shifted in the spectrum..."

"New Cobra Weapon?" He asked.

"Unlikely. If they knew we were here, they'd just send in the vipers to kill us. Makes no sense to waste the surprise of a new weapon on just us." Ratbat replied. 0's quickly approached the computer while Rumble and Frenzy continued their sweep. He looked at the computer. Not logged in, but the screen was just that of the water treatment company. No Cobra markings around. Must be some kind of legitimate cover-up... But why? This was Springfield and it's not like they had to worry about Government inspections anymore. He tried a few passwords, but it kept getting rejected. "Eh, nuts to this." He grunted, before pointing to the twin Minicons who quickly jumped back into the boombox. 0's ran through a few doors and down several corridors until they heard the sound of laughter and a TV in the next room. Slowly creeping up to the door. He put his ear to the key-hole, listening. Sounded like someone telling jokes at the expense of some politician he had never heard of. The guards in the room clearly finding the whole thing hilarious. That wasn't right. Cobra Commander had specifically outlawed political satire when he came to power. Bootleg stuff? Maybe a pirate station? He raised the pistol and slowly opened the door to see a pair of security guards. they were out of shape and neither had any Dreadnock or Cobra insignia's on them. At this point, Frenzy loudly ejected and pulled the blaster on them.

"REACH FOR THE SKIES, COBRA CREEPS, LEMME SEE THEM PIT STAINS!!!" He yelled, the Security guards fell out their chairs, hands raised. 0's looked at Frenzy in that "How many times do i have to tell you to stop doing that?" way, but not taking his own gun off of them.

"Alright, tell me where Big Snake is keeping the goods?" The pair looked at each other, clearly confused by the question. "This place ain't Cobra then? Iron Grenadiers? Crimson Shadows?" They continued to look at him as if he were insane. "WHERE ARE THE DAMN BIO-WEAPONS?" The guards continued to look both terrified and confused.

"This is a water bottling plant..." One of them said. "No bio weapons." 0's then quickly shot a pair of warning shots past their ears.

"That jog the old memories?" He asked.

"Wait..." The other guard said. "Iron Grenadiers? Yeah, i remember them from school. Used to be terrorists back in the day."

"STOP PLAYING GAMES!!!" He roared at them.

"Wait..." Ratbat ejected and he pair of guards screamed as he flew over to one of them and activated his hypnosis. "You will tell us everything we want to know... Where are the bio-weapons?" the pair staired into the hypnotic waves Ratbat was emitting from his eyes.

"We have no idea what bio weapons you are talking about, master..." The pair replied in unison.

"Taze each other unconscious and forget about us ever being here." Ratbat ordered. The pair did so without question, pulling out their tazers and zapping each other simultaneously unconscious. "They are telling the truth." Ratbat replied. He then flew over to 0's. "Chronotron particles... I'm picking up Chronoton particles." Joe had dealt with this type of energy before. Alternate versions of Steeler, Grunt and Clutch from another timeline had come through and helped for a while.

"Time trave?" 0's asked. "But... But that would make this... The past? But no, he said the Grenadiers were the past... Another timeline?" 0's looked around. "We gotta get out of here and figure out what the hell is happening." He said as the Minicons all bundled back into the cassette player and he began running out, not realizing her had already set off the silent alarms. Nearby Autobot City would probably pick up the alarm, especially since the security camera pictures of the intruders had them all wearing Decepticon logos.
So, when is the IC going up?

As Tavitri knocked at the door, there was the sound of clacking from within, before an old R-Series Protocol Droid opened the door. "Greetings, officer." It began in a low, dull, monotoned voice. "I am afraid that Lady Vancil is not here at the moment. But i can take a message if you require to speak with her." The alarm and blaster sounds then began ringing through the streets. "By the maker!" It said in a raised, yet still dull tone, "There appear to be vandals attempting to steal the master's shuttle, i should call the..." It then looked Tavitri up and down. "Oh good, you're here!" If Tavitri didn't know any better, he might think this droid was being sarcastic. But the R-Series was known for being rather dull and unintersting, it's why they were so cheap as far as Protocol droids went. "Please save the master's ship from those ruffians!"


Vinca looked the two up and down as they began talking about inquests, inspections, impounds and audits for his stock. "Wow, wow, wow there my good friends, we don't need to get anything like that involved. Vinca's business is ALL above board and Vinca is all about helping serve is beloved and benevolent Empire." He laughed in Huttese. "You tell Vinca how best he can serve Empire and maybe make some of the beurocratic nonsense that serves no one, least of all Vinca, go away and Vinca will tell you anything. Especially if it helps to rid the great Empire of stinky Rebels." He said, continuing his used car salesman routine of playing innocent.
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