Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
7 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
9 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
9 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
1 yr ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Zhara said weakly “if you and master Mahad help me…I can…just have the healers…stitch up the wound now…I’ll be fine…” mana was watching from the other bed, seeing the men help Zhara in. And couldn’t sense the curse any more which was a great sign. But how had she done it?

Odion smiled and said “I will help where I can. Master Marik?”

Set pulled out a pocket watch and said “I’d give my scouts an hour…they won’t be long. Now, I’m sure you have other questions…I am here to answer them”
A shadow came thru the door and waved them into the room, almost pulling Atem inside. Zhara was sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall and breathing hard. She opened her eyes seeing Atem and said “it’s…handled…my pharaoh…”

Odion moved and rested a hand on hers. “I understand. Master Marik was like this as well before he met this crew. They have done a lot of good for him…don’t worry, they won’t see anything you fear they will. Only the positives…”

Set looked at him and after a moment said “ah, so this Yugi has been blessed by my sister. Her gifts are powerful but take much to use. She only uses it when it’s life or death…” he looked at Adam and said “I see why you have been around them, Knight…dealing with the gods isn’t an easy task”
The healers looked lost and unsure but it was Zhara who cursed and got up. “I see…seems he wanted payback…very well…don’t worry…I can handle this…just give me a moment…” she moved out the ward, into a side room with no one there. She didn’t see Mahad or Atem follow her as she moved to her pendent and muttered “god of the shadows and the keeper of the gate…I ask you to banish this evil…” the shadow appeared, a huge wolf who bent his head and rubbed her face. “Be at peace my pup..,I’ll always protect you…even in death…” he blew onto the wound and it flashed, making Zhara gasp in pain. Red smoke flame from the wound as she fell to her knees, breathing hard. Then the shadow vanished along with the smoke. She panted as she tried to get up, but her body shook so much that she got light headed and fell to the floor.

Odion smiled and said “I would say in any other situation I would say yes. But with it just being his strength I say let him rest. In the morning if he is not recovered then you should step in”

Set nodded and snapped his fingers. Soldier like monsters appeared and he said “find this Mako…and be sure if my sibling has already blessed him that you ask for permission first” the three monsters nodded and vanished in a wind. Set nodded and looked to Seto. “How is your brother ?”
Mana nodded softly and said “yes master…evil…like when we were kids…that red eyed evil being…that took the pharaoh…”

Zhara sat down and said “I’m sorry to be a bother…I don’t know why this wound is seeming worse…” she was shaking and looked at Atem and said “I’m sorry my pharaoh…I’ll sort this out…then get back to my duty..”

Odion laid Yugi down and covered him with a blanket. “There, the young man is able to sleep in peace. What is troubling you Ms Cora?”

Set looked to Seto and said “would you rather I bring him to you here? Or won’t take me long as long as you have a location for me?”
When they were almost there Zhara had to lean on one of the healers as she was losing a lot of blood and said “sorry…not sure why this is…hitting so hard…”

Mana opened her eyes more and said “the blade that hit her glowed red…wasn’t right master…”

Tristen sighed and nodded. “Sounds good marik…thanks…” Odion got up and said “let me help you master Marik…” he walked out and took Yugi in his arms so Marik could find a spot for him.

The card glowed and next to Seto appeared the human form of Set; a man with a hound pin on his business suit. He looked at Seto and said “you called on me, my blessed?” He glanced up and saw Adam and raised an eyebrow. “Knight…I didn’t know you were hanging around…”
Zhara sighed but nodded softly, fighting to stand up straight and said “very well…I want reports…and check ins…” she looked to the guards around and muttered “is Priest Seth in charge of security? All the guards? I might have an idea that could help things in the future…” she put her staff in the sling on her back and flinched again. “Lead the way…my pharaoh…” she limped after them, blood dripping. Mana groaned softly and opened her eyes a little. “Master…Zhara…trouble…blade…glowed…”

Isis smiled softly and said “as you say Seth…” she took him to the healers ward, still smiling.

Yugi looked at Marik then said softly “I think…you might…” then he fell forward against Marik, his legs giving out.

Adam sighed and said “sorry it take a while to snap back to my human form…to this mind set…my true form likes to be a free spirit…wanting to handle the matters of monsters..”
Mana stirred slightly when Mahad picked her up, her eyes moving under their lids. Zhara started to wave them off saying “I can’t right now. I have to make sure the palace is safe and the path for the pharaoh is secure…I’ll tend to the wounds myself later on…” she turned to pick up her staff and hissed at her wound again, stumbling back as her staff hit the ground again. The wound was worse than she thought it had been.

Isis smiled at his look and said “I know Mana and Mahad know the shadow well…thru might have an idea of a way to give thanks to her…maybe even the Pharaoh might have a few ideas…it would mean a lot to him to show how much she is treasured…”

Yugi looked around and sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to win this one. “Okay…let me at least check on Duke and mokuba…” he got up again and started to walk to the door, but when he was next to Marik he paused, his hand moving to support himself on something.

Adam said folding his hands together “call on Set tonight and have his scouts locate and protect Mako. That way we know his safe till we can get to him in the morning” he rubbed his temple, trying to focus.
Zhara was off the wall by the time the men had made it to them. Zhara’s back was bleeding badly as she saw Mahad and said “she hit that far wall hard. A unseen force…I’m sorry master Mahad, I couldn’t stop it. I think she is unharmed for the most part…” Zhara knelt down so she could lay Mana flat, letting Mahad tend to her fully. She flinched standing up and looked to Atem and said “are you unharmed my pharaoh? Is Priest Seth alright? His side looked injured…” she was cut up all over, but her eyes were on her king, ignoring her own wounds.

Lady Isis saw Seth and moved to his side, taking his unharmed side and pulling it over her shoulder. “Lean on me, my friend…I’ll help you…the others will make sure the Pharaoh returns safely…he has his shadow after all”

Yugi said weakly “I want to help Cora…” he was getting warm again and Tristen said “Yug your in no shape for anything right now. Let Joey and the others start with her, you need sleep”

Adam watched and said “that’s a good idea, we don’t want contact tracing either of them…just make sure he gets Mako isn’t a threat but an ally, that will make more sense to him…” Adam glanced to Duke and muttered “wonder if Hoth is this protective…”
Zhara saw the magic being applied and she threw the monster into the air to help get them out of the way and to the tablets. Then she spun and took out the host with a smack under his chin with her weapon and she moved to Mana, taking a defensive stance in front of her form as the remaining hosts came towards her, suddenly stronger then moments before. She was panting with blood dripping from her back. She muttered “I won’t get back up in time…the monsters must be sealed…Bane…I need you…”

Her shadow moved and the wolf like shadow appeared, towering over her and her foes. “I’m here my shadow…protect the young mage…” the shadows shot out and hit the hosts, slamming them into and thru the next wall and out of the outer wall. Zhara flinched and moved to look for them, pausing to pick up Mana in her arms and jumped onto the outer wall. The hosts were down, shadows pinning them as their soul monsters were being sealed.

In the shadows the eyes appeared and Zhara glanced at them. She smiled and said darkly “your going to have to try harder then that…I know your game by now…you want him? You’ll have to go thru me…” the red eyes hissed and said “I’ll tear your soul to pieces, Shadow Keeper…your true master won’t be able to protect you forever…” the eyes faded and Zhara sighed, holding Mana in her arms.

Yugi looked at Joey and said “but I’m used to this kind of thing from Yami…” he got up, his head pounding as he added “besides…I don’t want her…to get hurt…I’d rather it be…” he paused, the room spinning a little.

Adam said “I’d look near the docks, somewhere out of the way so he isn’t seen but close to the water…”
Mana nodded and jumped up “I’ll go ahead and scout master! Follow when you can!” She jumped off the wall to the next roof and kept going.

Lady isis appeared by Mahad and said “we should hurry…this may be too much even for the shadow…”

When mana got to the scene it was a battle ground. Four monsters of the shadows were rampaging around with their hosts fighting guards. But Zhara was handling the monsters with deadly speed, her staff flying along with shadows. She was cut and bruised but wasn’t slowing down. She saw Mana and said “mana! I need the high priests here fast! And I need tablets as well! The guards here can’t hold them long and I need to keep the monsters from running loose!”

Mana said “of course” she moved back and sent word back with a guard who had come just then. She looked back at the fighting and she said “Zhara…your so amazing…”

Zhara was handling a larger monster, binding it down with shadows, when from the darkness appeared a pair of red eyes. Watching her.

Bane nodded then growled at the scene. “Apep…” he eyes flashed and one of the hosts suddenly kicked the guard off of him with strength not his own and grabbed the guards weapon. He ran at Zhara and slashed her across her back. She gasped and fell to a knee, fighting to hold the monsters down. She looked back and muttered “that…was a dirty move…” mana gasped and jumped down to help her but red eyes saw her and sent out a wave of power that sent her flying back and slamming into a wall, making her slide down and crumble unconscious.

Yugi shook his head and said “no…she might get burned out like I am…I just need to push thru…”

Adam walked over and looked over his shoulder. He looked things over and said “where would a fisherman feel safe?”
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