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Tyler Jane was consumed by the music, utterly distracted and entranced by the highs and the lows of the notes and fueled by the shots she had already taken. The night was young and she wanted to soak it up for all it was worth. She had turned to venture to the kitchen, hopefully to find another drink to sustain her.

And then like magic, there was a boy in front of her extending a red solo cup in her direction.

She gave him a once over as they both stood there, time nearly stopping in the moments that she took in his outward appearance. The redhead was sure she had never seen him before - quickly delineating that he was a Liberty kid - his dark hair and mysterious sapphire eyes making an impression without him needing to say more than a phrase. It was the way that he held himself that said it all with no words- the boy practically oozed charm and a debonair grace. He had definitely captured her attention, that was for sure.

"How'd you know?" Tyler Jane smirked, brushing hands with the boy as she took the cup from his grasp, the contact like an electric shock. She didn't bother asking questions about where the beverage came from (not exactly her brightest decision, after all she was already tipsy) and the girl simply took a sip before continuing to speak. "I could never say no to a drink."

Liv’s gaze had followed the redhead- now identified as Tyler Jane- to the dance floor, so she didn’t notice when someone approached her and began to strike up a conversation. Spinning around to face them, the blonde tried to hide the subtle blush that had splashed across her cheeks as a result of his compliment. She had remembered JayVaughn from class before he had even brought it up- the boy had a warm smile that was not hard to recall - but she still wasn’t used to getting attention from anyone, more specifically suitors.

The girl drummed her fingers on the granite countertop nervously, mustering a response after a few moments. "Yeah, I'm Olivia. Well, Liv." She looked down at the outfit she had chosen to wear before glancing back up at JJ. "Thank you, you're very sweet." Liv replied with a gentle smile, "What do you think of the party so far? I-"

"Alright, let's move it along now."

Almost as if his spider senses were tingling, Aiden spontaneously appeared next to his sister, slinking an arm over her shoulder casually. He had seen the beginnings of this exchange from across the room, and was already not enthused in the slightest of the impression that his younger sibling seemed to be making on their classmates. The blonde girl looked up at her brother with a grimace - why is it that he always had to intrude at the worst possible moments?

She offered JJ an apologetic expression- hopefully he could read on her face that she would have stayed and chatted if it weren't for her nuisance of a brother. "I guess I'll see you in class?" Liv stated, before being ushered away by Aiden and sternly glaring at her kin. "You didn't have to be rude, you know. He was just being nice."

"Yeah right, being nice is how it always starts..."

Tyler Jane Morrissey was tipsy.

Whether it was because of the few shots that she had taken at the pregame (plus the one she just took with the little blonde girl) or the lack of dinner she ate was anyone’s guess, but nonetheless the redhead was already feeling intoxicated. The evening was young, and she was clearly at the party to have a good time after a long first week of classes. As a Rosefell student, she was a little apprehensive about the entitled rich kids from across town joining their ranks, but from what it seemed like it was a pretty seamless transition. Plus, she really couldn't complain- she hadn't met many of them yet.

In anticipation of this being the first party of the school year, and more importantly the first Rosefell/Liberty mixer, Tyler Jane had chosen a slightly more revealing outfit than she might’ve normally worn- the black bodysuit cut out just below her chest and the jean shorts showed off her long legs. The dancer’s lithe frame was often one that people liked to admire, and her clothing choice for this evening's party welcomed it. She wanted to make an impression - after all, half of their school was now unknown to her, and that meant opportunities.

Since arriving at the house, the redhead and her friends had barely left the makeshift dance floor, only taking reprieves for snacks or shots. Tyler Jane, as always, let the music that played move her, swinging her hips and letting her hair fly freely about as she sang along to the words she knew. This was the kind of dancing that she didn't often have the chance to do- no choereography, no mirrors, just the beat and her feet carrying her. If you looked closely, you could see the fire behind her eyes as she enjoyed herself, not a care in the world.

Suddenly thirsty, Tyler Jane decided to go and indulge in another alcoholic beverage. She could worry about her hangover tomorrow, but for now, she was having too much fun to pass up more of it. In the midst of trying to locate another drink, the redhead felt herself collide with a dark-haired girl. “Oh god, I’m so sorry!” Tyler Jane hurriedly apologized with an embarrassed laugh and smile before continuing on her quest to the kitchen.

A collab featuring: Lilith Montgomery @HaleyTheRandom & Ellie Roberts @Melissa

As the two girls entered the party, Lilith grabbed Ellie’s hand and led her through Christian’s house. Stopping to grab a few glowy accessories, Lilith grabbed a decent handful of bracelets and a couple of necklaces. The glow in the dark sunglasses looked quite stupid, but Lilith was sure to grab a pair of those too.

”So! What do you want to do first,” she asked, filled with excitement. Lilith was glad that she and Ellie had pregamed - otherwise her anxiety would have been going through the roof. She and crowds didn’t mix.

Ellie trailed behind Lilith as they weaved through the masses of people that filled the house, jaw slacking as she gazed at the luxurious fixtures and furniture that filled the large space. She knew that Christian was well off, but she didn’t realize how rich he actually was. This house was absolutely palatial. Realizing she was gawking, she snapped out of her daze and looked over to her friend. She was starting to feel the effects of the joint they had pregamed with, but nothing too out of the ordinary. If she was going to have fun at this party, she needed something else.

“Drinks?” Ellie suggested, motioning to the table filled with booze near the kitchen.

Lilith shrugged her shoulders. ”Drinks are good,” she mused. ”The only thing about drinking and smoking though is that you can get super fucked up super fast. So just like… know that. It’s super fun, and totally worth it. But yeah.”

The brunette nodded, understanding. “Noted.” Ellie replied, leading the way towards the beverages with a fire in her eyes. Her ears had been burning from the moment they stepped into the house; she could hear people whispering, about how she was there and so was Rico. But she tried not to pay attention as she poured herself some vodka and lemonade into a cheap solo cup. “Do you want?” The girl asked, holding out the drink to Lilith.

Eyebrows raised in surprise and Ellie led the way, Lilith took a deep breath. She was glad that her friend was opening up and trying new things - but she wasn’t happy with why Ellie was being so open. People's eyes kept darting back and forth from Ellie, to beer cups, to Rico and back. Lilith wasn’t here to judge - she was here to help, and she completely understood where Ellie was coming from. She just wished her friends' first time getting cross faded would have been at home.

”Absolutely,” Lilith replied, taking the cup from her friend. Taking a gulp, she nodded her head approvingly. Pineapple juice was always her favorite mixer for vodka, but lemonade was proving to be a close second. Pulling a blunt from her bag, Lilith sat the cup drink on the table before taking a drag. ”So what do you suggest we do first? Dance? Bouncy house? Oh! I heard there’s burgers.”

Ellie made herself the same mix with a heavy hand, taking a sip and looking around. The dance floor was crowded, and the brunette was not in the mood yet. She could move- but only after having a few drinks. The bouncy house sounded a little nauseating at the current moment, nothing like an empty stomach and alcohol to make your head spin. Her eyes continued on, searching for their next activity, until they fell on the person she had been avoiding.

There he was, in his usual party form. Rico looked unbothered; without a care in the world as he drank his troubles away like he always did. Ellie’s face paled as she watched him laugh with his friends, chatting up some girl and acting like he owned the place. Her heart ached, and she consciously tore her eyes away, looking over at Lil for a reprieve, “Up to you,” The girl replied blankly, trying to not let her inner emotions show.

Taking another drink, Lilith watched Ellie close. She had to be sure that El wouldn’t freak herself out once the alcohol and marijuanna collided. But instead of a freak out, what Lilith saw was how Ellie’s eye fell upon Rico, and how her mood changed shortly after.

”Do you want to talk about it?” she asked sympathetically. ”Or do you just want to forget all about it?”

“No,” Ellie blurted quickly, but after realizing how that must have come off, she continued, “The last thing I want tonight to be about is some stupid boy. Hell, that’s what the whole summer was about and I’m sick of dwelling on it.” The brunette explained. “I’m here with you, my best friend, and I want to enjoy myself. And so should you.”

”Heard,” she said, downing the rest of her drink. ”In that case, hit this.” Passing the blunt to Ellie, Lilith grabbed two new cups from the stack and filled them with Jungle Juice. The good thing about Jungle Juice was that it was super strong and super fruity. After all, ninety-five percent of it was alcohol. So if Ellie wanted to get fucked up, then that’s what she was going to get.

”I don’t want to make tonight about guys either,” she stated. ”But that doesn’t mean that we can’t like… flirt with them, right?”

Ellie gladly took the blunt, hitting it and exhaling a puff of smoke as she watched Lil get the two of them more drinks. She was lucky to have a best friend like her- someone who she could talk to and be honest when it was necessary, but also someone who could understand what she needed without saying anything at all. In this case, it was to focus on anything but Rico. With a laugh, the brunette exchanged the blunt for the new cup, but not before finishing up her first drink. “Of course you can, I’ll be your wingwoman. I promise.” Ellie smirked, “Anyone in particular you have your eye on?”

Leaning back on the drink table as she surveyed the crowd, Lilith was only mildly interested in the people that she saw before her. No one was catching her eye. Not until --

”Him,” she stated simply, watching as the tall figure slowly drifted away from the entrance. He was obviously from Liberty, and held himself in a way that showed off just how much better than everyone he thought he was. His clothing looked a little on the more pricey side, and his smirk screamed trouble. The girl giving him the finger served to prove that.

”I have no idea who he is, or where he came from - but he looks like trouble and I like that,” she rambled on, a mischievous glimmer in her eye. ”Of course I’d rather have a bid tiddy goth girl crush me with her thighs, but there appears to be none here. So were settling for rich boys.”

“I wouldn’t necessarily call that settling, Lil,” Ellie chuckled to herself, following her friend’s gaze to the boy in question. She was right though- he did seem like trouble. Something about the way he carried himself unmistakably screamed ‘I’m bad news’ but not in the same way their classmate Colin did. Turning back to Lilith, the brunette motioned in the mystery boy’s direction, “Well, what are you standing here with me for? Go get him.”

Shrugging her shoulders once again, Lilith winked at Ellie before finishing off her second drink of the night. Grabbing the blunt back from the other girl, she took a long hit before slowly exhaling and passing it back.

”As you wish,” she replied with a smirk. ”If things go south I’ll just scream and you can come find me or something.”

Taking a deep breath, Lilith set out on her journey.

Also featuring a new friend...

Narrowly escaping her brother’s watchful eye, Liv Howard placed one white Ked in front of the other and made her way towards the thumping and bumping of the party. She followed the students to the ajar front door and as soon as she walked in behind them, overwhelmed was a vast understatement as to how she began to feel. The music was blaring, there were people everywhere she looked, and the overpowering scents of weed, beer, and Axe body spray seemed to dominate and throw off the rest of her senses.

It was a high school party all right.

Anxiety was quickly replaced by excitement when the girl remembered that this was supposed to be fun! She should be thrilled to be at a gathering like this and the blonde regained her composure, maneuvering her way through the crowd to get a better sense of her surroundings. As she passed by her classmates, she could feel their eyes burning into the back of her head as well as her backside. Naively thinking that they were only looking at her because she wasn’t with her brother as per usual, she continued without giving the premise much thought. They were definitely not staring at her because of how she looked… or were they?

Liv meandered over to the kitchen where all of the alcohol had been set up and was taken back by the sheer amount of booze that there was in one place. How someone scored all of this whilst underage was beyond her (hell, she didn’t even know fake ID’s existed), but she appreciated the effort nonetheless as she stared at all of the different labels and variations laid out in front of her.

In her entranced distraction, the blonde didn’t even notice that someone was trying to talk to her and only realized when the girl attempting to get her attention tapped her on the shoulder. The blonde could tell that the redhead’s lips were moving in an effort to communicate, but she couldn’t hear what she was saying for the life of her with everything going on around them.

“I’m sorry?” Liv shouted over the music, hoping that the girl would repeat herself.

“I said, are you okay? You look lost, hun.” The friendly looking redhead asked with a laugh, holding up a bottle of vodka and motioning to the two other girls beside her. “Do you want to take a shot with us?”

The blonde hesitated, letting her eyes drift down to the water bottle she had been gripping tightly filled with the Goose that her brother had provided her with. The angel on her left shoulder said no- she definitely shouldn’t drink more than what she was given. Don’t betray your brother like that! But the lesser heard and even lesser followed devil on her right shoulder spoke differently, telling her to be daring and free for once. Her brother was busy with Fi and wouldn’t even notice. Right?


“Okay, sure!” Liv eagerly nodded making her decision which caused the redhead to beam with excitement that she accepted her offer. She poured the blonde a nearly overflowing shot of vodka before passing the glass to her carefully as to not spill.

“Okay, so down, up, down, and then drink.” She instructed, demonstrating to Liv that she should tap the shot glass on the table, bring it up to cheers with the group, and then tap it on the granite once more before taking the shot. The blonde looked like a deer caught in headlights, so she reassured her once more. “It’ll be great, I promise. Ready?”

The young Howard took a deep breath. “Ready,” She replied, trying to hide any hesitation in her voice. She could do this!

Down. Liv could hear her heart thumping in her ears as the glass hit the granite. Up. She smiled at the other girls who were being so kind to her as they brought their shots together. Down. The blonde’s eyebrows raised as she brought the shot glass down to the table and then back up to her lips, shutting her eyes tightly as she tipped her head back and took the drink in one fell swoop. The alcohol burned on its way down and adrenaline and nerves coursed through her veins in the aftermath. She slammed the empty glass back down on the table with a grin. If only Trixie were here to see this!

The redhead took back her shot with ease - this was clearly not her first time drinking - and glanced over to check on Liv. Seeing that she had taken the shot with no issues, she smirked at her. “You did it! That was great.” Before she could say anything else though, her friends began to cart her off towards the dance floor.

“Wait! I didn’t catch your name,” Liv mustered, throat still on fire from the alcohol. She wanted to thank the girl for being so nice to her, and also semi-wanted to make sure she wouldn’t rat on her to her brother...

The redhead smiled widely, calling out to the blonde as she began to disappear into the crowd, “I'm Tyler Jane! Find me later, we can do another one!”

Liv returned the grin, the buzzing sensation that the shot left behind disappearing after a few more moments. The way that it felt energized her and if this is what partying was all about, then she was all here for it.


Topher Jones was by no means a morning person. Hell, if it weren’t for the fact that his Uber driver was blasting music so loud that his ears were ringing, he would have dozed off right there in the backseat as he made his way from the airport to Marble Heights Academy.

It hadn’t been a long trip to get to San Francisco- the flight was only a few hours long, but the curly haired boy’s especially early wake-up call was already having a dismal effect on his focus and disposition. His eyes still had sleep in them and he was groggy with exhaustion, having stayed up into the late hours of the night writing down lyrics and playing chords that he just couldn’t get out of his head. In fact, the melody Topher had recently created was also keeping him alert, the nuances of his chorus and bridge replaying in his mind as the car rolled through the gates of campus and towards the Oaklands dorm building.

The brunette was looking forward to being back at school for his Senior year. The summer months in his hometown had dragged on for far too long and his childhood home grew quite suffocating in those last few weeks before finally departing this morning. Toph had spent most of his time on break throwing himself into his craft, scooping ice cream to make some spare cash, and trying to keep himself busy while his parents were MIA. But with the negativity and emptiness of his home life far behind him, he could once again focus on things that made him happy: friends, music, and California living.

As the Uber stopped, signaling that they had reached their destination, Topher thanked the driver and gathered his things in the backseat before clamoring out of the SUV towards the trunk. He didn’t have too many personal effects with him- only a large rolling suitcase and a smaller carry on bag- but his trusty six string was the most important of them all. He threw the encased guitar over his shoulder before walking through the double doors of his new home for the next year, gazing at his bright and shiny surroundings in awe.

“Damn, nice place you got here.” The curly haired boy spoke to no one in particular, admiring how fancy and new the building was as opposed to to the older and shoddier accommodations where he had lived in years past… not that his previous dorm wasn’t nice- because it was extremely nice and Marble Heights was practically made of money- but this dorm made the old ones look cheap in comparison.

Checking his email again to make sure he was heading in the right direction, he walked over to the elevator and once it arrived pressed the button that would take him up to the eighth floor. Hopefully the view would be nice! The lift dinged as it quickly ascended and opened promptly, leaving Topher to scan the nearly identical doors for room 803. His tired gaze caused him to take a few extra moments than it normally would to search, but settled on the correct suite eventually. Tapping his ID card on the keypad which swiftly unlocked the latch, he pushed the door open with his foot revealing the apartment-like layout. Nodding his head, he claimed an empty room, noting that someone had already beat him to first dibs and was settled in- he’d have to meet them later.

The boy leaned his guitar gingerly against the wall before flopping down onto his mattress with a large sigh. Comfy! He let his eyes find their way to his window, revealing the lovely scenery of the campus below and the Bay in the background.

He could definitely get used to this.

A collab featuring: Lilith Montgomery @HaleyTheRandom & Ellie Roberts @Melissa

With her lips pressed together in a thin line and with her arms crossed, Ellie Roberts stared into the abyss that was her closet, searching through what seemed like endless thrifted finds for the perfect outfit to wear to tonight’s party. It was indeed a bit unusual that the girl would be in attendance, as normally she’d be working a closing shift at the diner, but she had made a vow to herself that this year she would try to break out of her shell and have a little fun while she still could. So, she found herself getting ready alongside her best friend in the hours before they departed for Christian’s house.

Everyone would be there tonight- both Rosefell and Liberty kids -and out of them all, the only person that Ellie was intent on avoiding was Rico. She somehow had managed to go all week without running into him (aside from spotting him on the first day), but knew that luck would run out tonight since it was practically guaranteed that he’d be present. This meant that even if she didn’t intend on talking to him, she still had to look damn well good.

Grabbing two hangers in order to present them as options, she pivoted on her heel to meet Lil’s gaze. “Alright, which one? Left or right?

Lilith was sitting on the edge of her best friend's bed, legs crossed as she silently rolled a blunt over her rolling tray. At the sound of Ellie’s voice, Lilith’s head snapped up as her eyes examined the two choices in front of her.

”Honestly, babe? The second one is way too formal. I know we’re low-key trying to impress the Liberty cuties but… no. That’s gross.” Taking a lighter, Lilith gently ran the flame back and forth across the wax strip to help the blunt dry faster. ”I like the first one. You know I do. I adore that outfit everytime you wear it - but I also think you could do better.”

The brunette vocally grumbled, letting both the hangers drop from her hands and fall to the floor dramatically. She was sure one of those outfits would have been good enough for the party, but now she was back at square one. Even though she knew her friend was right (as always), she still was frustrated. Finding something to wear wasn’t normally this hard! “Ugh, fine. Let me see what else I have.” Turning back around and leafing through her options again, Ellie spoke over her shoulder to Lil.

“How many of those are you making?” The girl inquired curiously, not directly implying that she wanted in, but her interest clearly piqued.

Ellie’s reaction put a small smirk on Liliths face. A small huff through her nose signified the girl's amusement as she readjusted on the bed, and the question resulted in the shrugging of her shoulders. ”At least five - one for each of the storage tube thingies and one for now. Maybe more. Just depends on how long we hang out until the party. Plus what I don’t smoke now, I’ll smoke later with someone at the party, so...” Her voice trailing off, Lilith began to roll another blunt.

”You know… the offer always stands to smoke with me. Sure, the choking sucks, but it’s worth it.”

Ellie sighed, resigning for a moment from scavenging her wardrobe to flop down on the bed in momentary defeat. She peered over and watched as Lil rolled another blunt with delicate fingers, a true art form of it’s own. For as long as the two had been friends, and as many times she had been offered a joint or a hit from a bong, Ellie had never smoked. Partially because she had been scared to death when they talked about drugs during Health class for the first time, partially because she’d seen how Ri- her ex could get when he mixed too many things together, and mostly because she was afraid of how she’d react while high. But something about tonight and the mood she was in was making her extra curious about joining Lil in her escapades.

“I know,” Ellie replied, always aware of Lil’s open door policy. With a slight pause, she let her train of thought become words, “Like, how high will I be if I smoke with you? Is there like a tolerance for weed like there is for alcohol?” The brunette asked in her naivety, knowing that her friend would probably laugh at her dumb question. “I’m just like really nervous for tonight.

Lilith cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes as she tried to concentrate. This one wrap wasn’t wanting to stick shut, and it looked like she might have to double wrap it. It was a little annoying, but it also burned a little slower, so it was worth the pain.

”Well, love… like with anything else in life, every person is different. Some people have to smoke a little bit more when they get high, some people a little less. Also depends on the strains. And there’s different kinds of highs and --” Pausing for a brief moment, Lilith glanced over to see the look on her friend's face. ”Okay, that might be kinda scary. Let me put it this way.”

Putting her rolling tray of supplies to the side, Lilith turned to look Ellie in the face, her legs crossed on the bed. ”The strain that I have is called Cherry pie. It’s what we call an Indica hybrid, so it’s really gonna mellow you out.”

Ellie’s brain moved at a mile a minute as Lil tried to explain the intricacies of smoking, but all she was focusing on was the high. Of course she was nervous, as such is anyone when trying something new, but she trusted her friend with her life (quite literally) and so she knew that Lil wouldn’t throw her in the deep end without a life vest. “There’s different types of weed? I thought it was all the same thing…” The brunette sighed, burying her head into a nearby pillow.

“How the fuck am I supposed to be going to art school and plan on surviving in college if I don’t even know that there’s different types of weed?!” Her words muffled, she replied to Lil with a grumble. Lifting her head up, she returned her gaze to her friend. “I’ve missed a lot, haven’t I...” She trailed off, referencing the fact that instead of going to parties, she’d been working around the clock at the diner.

”Baby - listen. At the end of the day it is all the same. It all burns, it all smokes, and it all gets you high - unless it’s just really shit weed.” Lilith took a moment to light the first of her treasures, inhaling deeply before letting the smoke exit through her nose.

”Are you okay, E,” she asked, clearly concerned as she got off the bed to open the window. Taking another hit, she looked at Ellie. ”Something seems…. off.”

The brunette exhaled deeply once again, “I don’t know.” She replied honestly, staring blankly at the ceiling. “I thought I was okay- I thought I was over it- but of course I had to see Rico on the very first day of school hitting on some Liberty blonde and it made me question everything.” Ellie explained, the words just tumbling out. It was an uneasiness that she had felt all week but opted to keep to herself, but as it always went, she knew she couldn’t lie to Lil.

“I sometimes feel like I made the wrong choice and breaking up with him was a mistake.”

Lilith listened as her friend explained her current dilemma, her eyes widening at the mention of Rico’s name. So he was the problem. Putting the blunt out in the ashtray, Lilith made her way over to Ellie’s closet, trying to see if she could find a revenge outfit. Hands on her hips as she huffed in frustration, she shook her head.

”Look - I know that you loved the guy. I mean, how could you not?” As Lilith began shuffling through the clothes in the closet, she began to feel the heat rise to her face. Rico had been an ass to Ellie, and Lilith had never forgiven him for it - no matter how many times they had hung out. ”But! He broke promises. He lied. He manipulated. He came home at odd hours in the morning, not caring if you had plans or if you were in the right mind to deal with his shit. And he didn’t treat you right.”

The more upset Lilith got, the faster the words came out. Taking a deep breath, she yanked the two most appealing pieces from the closet she could find - a white crop top and jean shorts.

”I’m sorry. I don’t have any right to be upset. But I remember how he treated you, and I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him for it, either. Now - if somewhere down the road you do end up taking him back then so be it. But don’t forget what he did, and don’t forget how he made you feel. Breaking up with him back then was the right choice. And now that I know what’s wrong...”

Tossing the clothes to Ellie, Lilith picked the ashtray up from the bedside table. ”I suggest that we find a way for you to have a good time tonight - starting with that outfit.”

The brunette watched as her best friend’s demeanor made a complete 180 from the moment previous, her statement about Rico clearly striking a negative chord and resulting in an off- colored tangent. But she couldn’t blame her- Ellie would react the same way if Lil was in a similar situation and as she listened to the words that quickly fled from her lips, the girl tried to align herself with the mindset that her friend was in. Lil was right- her ex had made empty promises, he hid things from her, and he always knew that she’d come to his aid even when it was inconvenient. And as much as Ellie was head over heels for him at the time and would do anything for him, looking back, the behavior shouldn’t have been tolerated in the slightest.

As her friend threw options her way, the brunette inspected the shirt and shorts choice from her closet before slipping off the outfit she was wearing in order to try it on. As she pulled the white cropped tank over her head, she realized it was more revealing than she’d normally wear, the fabric just hitting above her belly button. The same was discovered as she stepped into the shorts one leg at a time. With both pieces on, she responded to Lil.

“You do have a right to be upset, you know. Just because you didn’t date him doesn’t mean you weren’t hurt by his actions too…” Ellie paused, not wanting it to sound as though she believed he had cruel intentions. Because he didn’t, so she clarified. “But he’s not a bad person either though- he just clearly needed help with getting his priorities in check.” The brunette inspected herself in the mirror before breaking her train of thought to address the clothes she was wearing.

“Is this more of what you were envisioning?” Ellie asked, turning to see her backside in the reflection, “My ass isn’t hanging out of these shorts, is it?”

”I know he’s not a bad person, and I know people change,” Lilith said, relighting the blunt. Talking about Rico had a way of killing your buzz. ”But despite all that… just don’t get hurt.”

Flopping back down on the bed, Lilith laughed at Ellie’s reaction. ”That’s perfect!” she exclaimed, genuinely pleased with the job she had done. ”For the current situation - there could not be a better outfit. Besides - you have a nice ass and it ain’t gonna look like that forever.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Lilith took another hit. ”But seriously - we can find you something else if it’s too much. Or… you could just say fuck it, think about the fact that it’s Senior year and hit this shit so I don’t feel so bad about smoking a whole one by myself. Your call.”

“No,” Ellie blurted, continuing to gaze at herself in the mirror. The more she stared, the more she liked the outfit and how she looked in it. The shorts hit her hips just at the right spot to emphasize her natural curves, and the tank hit her midriff in the perfect place to draw the eye upward. “I think it’s just enough.” The girl directed her attention away from her reflection and towards Lil, as well as the blunt she was holding. Debating with herself for one last moment, she finally walked towards the bed and extended her hand, agreeing that if there was ever a time to smoke, it was now. Besides, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

“Fuck it, this is happening.” Grasping the blunt delicately with her thumb and index finger, Ellie walked towards the window and brought it towards her lips, inhaling shallowly at first but then deeper. Even though she had never smoked before, she had seen Lil take a hit about a thousand times at this point, so she knew basically what to do. As her lungs filled, she tried to resist the urge to cough, and managed to exhale almost completely before letting one or two gentle ones slip out. Heat graced her cheeks and Ellie smirked as she handed the blunt back to Lil. “Are you proud of me?”

Already bursting with excitement before Ellie took the blunt, this moment easily made the list of Lilith’s top five most shocked moments. Standing by and watching eagerly to see if Ellie’s first hit would be good or bad, she nodded her head in encouragement as she took the blunt back from her friend.

”Eleanor Roberts - I have been waiting a lifetime for you to smoke with me,” she said, laughing. ”And yes. I am completely shocked at how well you took that. My first hit was an absolute disaster.” Taking another hit, Lillith looked at Ellie. ”What do you say you go do your makeup and I’ll get us an Uber to the party?”

The brunette laughed along with her bestie before nodding in agreement. “Sounds perfect. Let’s make tonight one to remember… or not.” Ellie winked before grabbing her makeup bag and heading towards the bathroom to complete her look, preparing for the night ahead of them.
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