In the grand music room, Caspian Grey, now dressed in all black, no longer finding a need to brighten up his appearance since he was in the comfort of his barren, empty, and cold estate, studied the harp and its vacant seat. He sat in his designated area, across from it, letting his own graceful instrument rest between his knees. A deep resounding hum filled the room, as he dragged his bow on the strings. He was the only breathing thing in this room, in the whole Grey Manor even. Aside from the butler and maid, the rest were inanimate objects that couldn’t talk or tell him everything was going to be okay.
To break the silence, he played music. While his mood wanted to play something dark, due to the constant, lingering force pressing him down, the anvil on his chest, he decided against his negativity and let hope drive his left-hand fingers that danced at the top. In tandem, his right hand moved back and forth, working together to create the sound of beautiful Silver Linings. Thinking back of the events of today, how the WSYX ABC 6 news cast utilized his tip to disclose the merge to the public, his continued observations of the sad state of the school (but the potential it had to be something beautiful), and his talk with Alina, which ultimately led to his talk with Niki.
Caspian couldn’t say if he and them were on better terms or not. If issues had been resolved, he would know, but he was relieved he approached them, at least. Niki didn’t stay long enough to give him much of a chance to explain himself, but it was still progress. It was the first time Niki ever yelled at him like that, which shows they cared, and now he knows why they were hurt. "And if you seriously are trying to tell me that you don't remember saying any of that. Honey, I think you might need even more therapy than me."
His memory was spotty and unfortunately, he couldn’t remember last semester well. He remembered he was worried about Niki and how they didn’t keep in contact with him as much as he’d prefer, but after that? He didn’t remember the guy Niki mentioned. The guy that said things Cas did not know he was capable of saying. A side of him that shouldn’t exist, but was apparently buried deep. A side that felt like the person his father wanted him to be. The man he deliberately tries to not be.
Sighing to himself, Caspian knew what he needed to do, but part of him was scared to tell his therapist that he thought there was more to his problem than anger. That there was a part of him he knew nothing about and was scared to know anything about. For now, he would immerse himself in his music and not think of the future or the past.
Somewhere in him felt like his sister was playing with her harp, the one she is permitted to travel with (they have an instrument for the mansion and one for orchestra) in her new school, along with him. He missed her. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted to be with her because in these moments she would know just what to say. She would know how to push him in the direction he needed to go to feel content with himself. He hated how human he felt sometimes. Part of him wished he did become the monster that his father wanted him to be, but he knew if he succumbed to that darkness, he would never be able to change the Grey legacy for the better. The family portrait, while seemingly perfect on the outside, was peeling and needed to be restored, or better yet, renewed.
As he sailed at sea with his music, his eyes closed and the sound waves enveloped every fiber of his being, becoming one with his soul. He could feel his phone vibrate in his pant’s pocket, and yet, he needed this moment to himself before letting the reality of the world crash into him again. Before checking his phone, he let the gentle repose offer him that gateway of reflection. When he opened his eyes and his ode to himself concluded, as if he dropped the anchor and took a second to breathe in the calm of his surroundings, Caspian could see his sister’s smile, encouraging him to just keep swimming.
After breathing in, and out, he reached into his pocket to see who had texted him. To his surprise, it was none of his close friends. Instead, it was Christian. Someone he considered a friendly acquaintance, who so happens to think about even the quiet people of Liberty High. It seems that Christian wanted to see if he’d be attending the first party of the year.
Hesitant, Caspian sat still and deeply stared at the message, wondering if he should or should not go. You don’t expect to get Callie back with that attitude, do you? Go. She’d want you to. Grimacing to himself, he argued with the voice inside of his head, Me going wouldn’t make a difference. I don’t do well at parties. Not without her. Who would even notice me? Most of my friends need space or are preoccupied. Shaking his head, he continued to think to himself, Do you really think you’ll help this school with that attitude? Stop relying on Callie. You need to do this for yourself.
Leaning back in his seat, listening to both the angel and the devil on his shoulders, Caspian closed his eyes, taking in the pros and the cons, coming to a decision.
To break the silence, he played music. While his mood wanted to play something dark, due to the constant, lingering force pressing him down, the anvil on his chest, he decided against his negativity and let hope drive his left-hand fingers that danced at the top. In tandem, his right hand moved back and forth, working together to create the sound of beautiful Silver Linings. Thinking back of the events of today, how the WSYX ABC 6 news cast utilized his tip to disclose the merge to the public, his continued observations of the sad state of the school (but the potential it had to be something beautiful), and his talk with Alina, which ultimately led to his talk with Niki.
Caspian couldn’t say if he and them were on better terms or not. If issues had been resolved, he would know, but he was relieved he approached them, at least. Niki didn’t stay long enough to give him much of a chance to explain himself, but it was still progress. It was the first time Niki ever yelled at him like that, which shows they cared, and now he knows why they were hurt. "And if you seriously are trying to tell me that you don't remember saying any of that. Honey, I think you might need even more therapy than me."
His memory was spotty and unfortunately, he couldn’t remember last semester well. He remembered he was worried about Niki and how they didn’t keep in contact with him as much as he’d prefer, but after that? He didn’t remember the guy Niki mentioned. The guy that said things Cas did not know he was capable of saying. A side of him that shouldn’t exist, but was apparently buried deep. A side that felt like the person his father wanted him to be. The man he deliberately tries to not be.
Sighing to himself, Caspian knew what he needed to do, but part of him was scared to tell his therapist that he thought there was more to his problem than anger. That there was a part of him he knew nothing about and was scared to know anything about. For now, he would immerse himself in his music and not think of the future or the past.
Somewhere in him felt like his sister was playing with her harp, the one she is permitted to travel with (they have an instrument for the mansion and one for orchestra) in her new school, along with him. He missed her. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted to be with her because in these moments she would know just what to say. She would know how to push him in the direction he needed to go to feel content with himself. He hated how human he felt sometimes. Part of him wished he did become the monster that his father wanted him to be, but he knew if he succumbed to that darkness, he would never be able to change the Grey legacy for the better. The family portrait, while seemingly perfect on the outside, was peeling and needed to be restored, or better yet, renewed.
As he sailed at sea with his music, his eyes closed and the sound waves enveloped every fiber of his being, becoming one with his soul. He could feel his phone vibrate in his pant’s pocket, and yet, he needed this moment to himself before letting the reality of the world crash into him again. Before checking his phone, he let the gentle repose offer him that gateway of reflection. When he opened his eyes and his ode to himself concluded, as if he dropped the anchor and took a second to breathe in the calm of his surroundings, Caspian could see his sister’s smile, encouraging him to just keep swimming.
After breathing in, and out, he reached into his pocket to see who had texted him. To his surprise, it was none of his close friends. Instead, it was Christian. Someone he considered a friendly acquaintance, who so happens to think about even the quiet people of Liberty High. It seems that Christian wanted to see if he’d be attending the first party of the year.
Hesitant, Caspian sat still and deeply stared at the message, wondering if he should or should not go. You don’t expect to get Callie back with that attitude, do you? Go. She’d want you to. Grimacing to himself, he argued with the voice inside of his head, Me going wouldn’t make a difference. I don’t do well at parties. Not without her. Who would even notice me? Most of my friends need space or are preoccupied. Shaking his head, he continued to think to himself, Do you really think you’ll help this school with that attitude? Stop relying on Callie. You need to do this for yourself.
Leaning back in his seat, listening to both the angel and the devil on his shoulders, Caspian closed his eyes, taking in the pros and the cons, coming to a decision.

The Boys had went their separate ways and Spike was deliberately going out of his way to not be seen by Christian and Eleazar. He wasn't ready to work his night away at the grill. They should've just ordered pizza. Yeah, he loved burgers, but pizza meant he didn't' have to work. Going straight to the table with the glowy shit, Spike was quick to accessorize. Glasses that glowed, check. Necklaces that glowed, check. A lightsaber that lit up this world, fuck yeah check! Looking around him, Spike sneaked a second lightsaber and then rushed outside to be a kid.
The school mascot took time to appreciate the scenery (girls, girls were the scenery) and then exited the back door, only to immediately jump in the nearest bush when he saw the grill station. His eyes went from the boy behind the grill to a sight he didn't expect to see... a bouncy house. Tensing up, Spike recalled his dream earlier this week, which now felt like an awful premonition or some shit. "Open your eyes," Minty had said. In the beginning of the week, he would think those words would mean open your eyes and see that I love you more than any other guy. But now? She was gone. She just up and left, pushed him away, and now he knows exactly what his dream meant. Minty and him could never be. She didn't care for him. Not like he did for her.
Clenching his hold on one of the lightsabers, Spike bit the inside of his cheek. Not tonight. He wasn't going to think about her tonight. They were never an item. They slept together for funsies. Nothing more, nothing less. Gallantly, he snuck around the many people of the party, going straight to the thing that triggered his emotions. The motherfucking bouncy house. If these lightsabers were actually real, he'd destroy this omen with a stab, and a jab, and a pow. Twirling his hands around, dual-wielding the swords, Spike pretended to be a jedi going in for the kill, looking completely badass and flexing his baton skills.
Only to jump (and yelp) when he saw something move in the corner of his eyes, coming from the woods that led to the lake. When did that kid get there?! A boy wearing all black with the palest of skins and prominent dark circles leaned against a tree. It was clear he didn't want to be noticed, keeping to himself and away from the crowd's eyes, while he smoked. His expression was hard to read, but his reaction of taking the cigarette out of his lips and letting the natural air extinguish it, revealed to Spike that this boy didn't like this nasty habit but needed it for one reason or another.
Awkwardly standing up, putting the lightsabers behind his back, kind of embarrassed for some reason, Spike watched the boy glide to the garbage to dispose of his cigarette, "...Liberty?" Of course he was a Liberty kid, Spike. You know basically everyone and you clearly do not know this kid. Honestly? This kid reminded him of... hm, what was he thinking about?
"Yes, what gave it away?" Making his way to the ball of energy, Caspian broke the distance between them, to introduce himself.
"Uh, probably the pants. Nice pants like that don't last too long here. Whether it's glitter or glow paint, your pants won't stay black forever." A vampire! This kid reminded him of a VAMPIRE. With widen eyes, Spike gained inspiration randomly and now needed to know his name, "Liberty, Rosefell, that shit doesn't matter anymore, right?"
Amused, yet staring at Spike with the dullest expression, it was probably because of the natural apathy he gave off, Caspian nodded in agreement, "It shouldn't."
Hopping closer to the vampire, causing Caspian to step back in caution, Spike offered the end of the lightsaber for the mysterious boy to shake, "I'm Spike!"
"Caspian." So this was Spike. The boy who talked on the intercom and the boy that everyone in Rosefell knew, for better or for worse. Looking at the lightsaber, Caspian asked, "...do you want to fence?" Why else would this kid be offering a glowing sword?
"What?! For real? You'll spar with me?" Shooketh. This kid who didn't look like he had a childish side was willing to swing lightsabers with him. You really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe meeting this boy was fate. Maybe they both needed a simple meeting to make them feel better. Unbeknownst to each other, they both were missing someone and somehow this first meeting brightened up their demeanor. It was like two worlds meeting and seeing that on the other side, there were people willing to meet in the middle. Smiling to himself, Spike could see the silver lining of the merge. Maybe this year wouldn't be as bad as everyone thought it would be.
Unfortunately, once Spike handed his extra lightsaber to Bloodwave, wow - he was a fucking genius, he could hear his name being called. Damn. He'd been seen. "Oh man, dude. I'mma make sure to find you later. We need to talk. Maybe after I have a shot or two, but for now... duty calls and by duty, it has nothing to do with the booty. Why don't you go to the dance floor? I'm sure someone like you got moves like Jagger. Your dark and mysterious thing is definitely cool and I'm sure a lady will want to peel all those layers off to see what's underneath the edge."
Tilting his head, holding the lightsaber now, Caspian muttered, "Thank you?"
"Or boy! I don't know your type but I can promise you someone would definitely be DTF." There was another SPIKE shouted and grumbling to himself, the mascot yelled back, "UGH, FUCK. I'M COMING, CHILL! CAN'T YOU SEE ME MAKING FRIENDS!" He was proud of himself for finding a new comic book character in his story, but now he had to work. Playtime would have to wait. Time to flip burgers.
Sad, so sad, he won't get to make out with a girl right away. Heading to Eleazor to either relieve him of the grill, or grill with him, leaving Caspian bewildered and with a lightsaber, Spike dramatically sighed, "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. What did I miss? And bruh, we'll need to make way more than that if we want to appease the drunk people."
Bringing attention to the food, Spike went beside the other boy to get to work, when a random girl approached him, he joked, "Welcome to Good burger. Home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order?"
The school mascot took time to appreciate the scenery (girls, girls were the scenery) and then exited the back door, only to immediately jump in the nearest bush when he saw the grill station. His eyes went from the boy behind the grill to a sight he didn't expect to see... a bouncy house. Tensing up, Spike recalled his dream earlier this week, which now felt like an awful premonition or some shit. "Open your eyes," Minty had said. In the beginning of the week, he would think those words would mean open your eyes and see that I love you more than any other guy. But now? She was gone. She just up and left, pushed him away, and now he knows exactly what his dream meant. Minty and him could never be. She didn't care for him. Not like he did for her.
Clenching his hold on one of the lightsabers, Spike bit the inside of his cheek. Not tonight. He wasn't going to think about her tonight. They were never an item. They slept together for funsies. Nothing more, nothing less. Gallantly, he snuck around the many people of the party, going straight to the thing that triggered his emotions. The motherfucking bouncy house. If these lightsabers were actually real, he'd destroy this omen with a stab, and a jab, and a pow. Twirling his hands around, dual-wielding the swords, Spike pretended to be a jedi going in for the kill, looking completely badass and flexing his baton skills.
Only to jump (and yelp) when he saw something move in the corner of his eyes, coming from the woods that led to the lake. When did that kid get there?! A boy wearing all black with the palest of skins and prominent dark circles leaned against a tree. It was clear he didn't want to be noticed, keeping to himself and away from the crowd's eyes, while he smoked. His expression was hard to read, but his reaction of taking the cigarette out of his lips and letting the natural air extinguish it, revealed to Spike that this boy didn't like this nasty habit but needed it for one reason or another.
Awkwardly standing up, putting the lightsabers behind his back, kind of embarrassed for some reason, Spike watched the boy glide to the garbage to dispose of his cigarette, "...Liberty?" Of course he was a Liberty kid, Spike. You know basically everyone and you clearly do not know this kid. Honestly? This kid reminded him of... hm, what was he thinking about?
"Yes, what gave it away?" Making his way to the ball of energy, Caspian broke the distance between them, to introduce himself.
"Uh, probably the pants. Nice pants like that don't last too long here. Whether it's glitter or glow paint, your pants won't stay black forever." A vampire! This kid reminded him of a VAMPIRE. With widen eyes, Spike gained inspiration randomly and now needed to know his name, "Liberty, Rosefell, that shit doesn't matter anymore, right?"
Amused, yet staring at Spike with the dullest expression, it was probably because of the natural apathy he gave off, Caspian nodded in agreement, "It shouldn't."
Hopping closer to the vampire, causing Caspian to step back in caution, Spike offered the end of the lightsaber for the mysterious boy to shake, "I'm Spike!"
"Caspian." So this was Spike. The boy who talked on the intercom and the boy that everyone in Rosefell knew, for better or for worse. Looking at the lightsaber, Caspian asked, "...do you want to fence?" Why else would this kid be offering a glowing sword?
"What?! For real? You'll spar with me?" Shooketh. This kid who didn't look like he had a childish side was willing to swing lightsabers with him. You really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe meeting this boy was fate. Maybe they both needed a simple meeting to make them feel better. Unbeknownst to each other, they both were missing someone and somehow this first meeting brightened up their demeanor. It was like two worlds meeting and seeing that on the other side, there were people willing to meet in the middle. Smiling to himself, Spike could see the silver lining of the merge. Maybe this year wouldn't be as bad as everyone thought it would be.
Unfortunately, once Spike handed his extra lightsaber to Bloodwave, wow - he was a fucking genius, he could hear his name being called. Damn. He'd been seen. "Oh man, dude. I'mma make sure to find you later. We need to talk. Maybe after I have a shot or two, but for now... duty calls and by duty, it has nothing to do with the booty. Why don't you go to the dance floor? I'm sure someone like you got moves like Jagger. Your dark and mysterious thing is definitely cool and I'm sure a lady will want to peel all those layers off to see what's underneath the edge."
Tilting his head, holding the lightsaber now, Caspian muttered, "Thank you?"
"Or boy! I don't know your type but I can promise you someone would definitely be DTF." There was another SPIKE shouted and grumbling to himself, the mascot yelled back, "UGH, FUCK. I'M COMING, CHILL! CAN'T YOU SEE ME MAKING FRIENDS!" He was proud of himself for finding a new comic book character in his story, but now he had to work. Playtime would have to wait. Time to flip burgers.
Sad, so sad, he won't get to make out with a girl right away. Heading to Eleazor to either relieve him of the grill, or grill with him, leaving Caspian bewildered and with a lightsaber, Spike dramatically sighed, "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. What did I miss? And bruh, we'll need to make way more than that if we want to appease the drunk people."
Bringing attention to the food, Spike went beside the other boy to get to work, when a random girl approached him, he joked, "Welcome to Good burger. Home of the Good Burger. Can I take your order?"