Marina Watercrest was born twenty-four years ago on a cold abhorrent winter night in a royal infirmary on the island of Galma in the Imperial Sea.
Marina’s parents were an unlikely pair, but circumstances had brought them together for a time and Marina’s birth had cemented things where they had been uncertain only months prior. But such happiness was temporary, as such Marina would learn some years later. That aside, Marina had the typical childhood of a girl born into wealth and prestige. Marina’s parents were not forgettable in terms of the grand scheme of things. Marina was a child who was subject to inherit legacies from both sides and she knew it pretty much from the moment she could comprehend thought. After all, her father was not only a member of the emperor’s inner circle but also a powerful fleet admiral who was in control of the entire northern naval forces. Her mother’s legacy wasn’t as immediately recognizable, but the stories of the most famous adventurers that the Southern Sea ever produced was something of an inspiration for Marina when she was very young. Who needed tall tales of heroes she had never met or seen when her mother was standing right in front of her?
Though such idolization changed when on the eighth anniversary of Marina’s birth her mother vanished from her life with little explanation beyond a Southern Sea ornament that was left on Marina’s bed. It would be a birthday that Marina would never forget.
For the rest of her childhood, Marina’s father took the reins of her guardianship completely and utterly. Marina began being forcefully taught how to be the ideal soldier from everything down from posture to physicality. Her education in aether became more rigid and constant, her instruction in etiquette and knowledge became meticulous. Admiral Adonius Terrec IV Watercrest had no room for error. Some children would’ve seen such expectations and attention overwhelming, but Marina rose to the challenge. She didn’t want to lose the only parent she had left. Such determination would continue until she was accepted into the Imperial Fleet Academy for Future Cadets (IFAFC) at the age of twelve.
Upon leaving imperial fleet academy, Marina has thought hard about what she wants to do with her life. Initially her immediate family championed for her to join the imperial naval right out of the academy, but for reasons only known to Marina, she opted to explore the world on her own terms instead which has resulted in a more fufilling career path despite Marina still finding herself unsatisified by all definitions of the word.
Her first escapades started as an independent diver and adventurer, sailing in the Imperial Sea away from the trappings of imperial mandates and expectations. She found something comforting about being the designer of her own destiny–about not being stuck on an imperial cruiser doing menial tasks and grunt work. And for one of the first times in her life people didn’t care who her parents were and what they did. Marina was Marina, not Marina Watercrest or Marina Everdeep. Being a member of a diver’s guild was freeing and without trappings of what legacy she was part of. For a time the only legacy that mattered was her own and there was nobody who could take that away from her. Or at least that was what she thought before her group was stricken with a great calamity that led Marina to leave the Imperial Sea.
It has been one year since Marina resigned from the Imperial Sea's divers guild and has since relocated to another sea. She hopes for a new start as she still continues to search for answers and perhaps other things.