I liked DDLC but I found it pretty mundane, but I was experienced with the medium of visual novels before, so.
I was gonna respond with a YJ Robin gif about being whelmed, but trying to share pics on my phone without signing up for some garbage-ass app is nigh impossible.
But anyway, yeah, I'm down for running as Robin. Expect an application soon.
C'mon Gowi, you know I can't resist loading myself down with games!
[center][img]url of your character image of choice[/img][/center]
[indent][b][sub][h3]Character Name[/h3][/sub][/b]
[indent][color=DIALOGUECOLOR][i]Character Name
[indent][color=DIALOGUECOLOR][i]Your characters age, optimally between 13 and 19.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][b][sub][h3]Attributes & Abilities[/h3][/sub][/b]
[indent][color=DIALOGUECOLOR][i]Your characters attributes, skills, and abilities in a descriptive style over a listed style.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][b][sub][h3]Character Synopsis[/h3][/sub][/b]
[indent][color=DIALOGUECOLOR][i]Explanation of your interpetation of the character's backstory here. Important to note. Should be the most detailed.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent]