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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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Suddenly the roaring sounds of the simulated combat silenced as colonel Blade's message came through on Oliver's radio. As the orders to stand down reached the young tiger he could see the OPFOR troops standing down too. For some unknown reason the exercise had been halted prior to the roughriders completing their objectives. For the tiger this outcome wasn't really satisfying. Ending things prematurely without a solid conclusion just felt wrong for him. It was like picking up a girl at the bar, take her home and then find out that she doesn't want to go beyond first base. It just felt like a big disappointment to him, especially when you consider that the Rough Riders came very close to victory.

For a moment Oliver watched how the OPFOR units packed up and moved out. He could not help to think than that this was the most ridicules exercise he'd ever participated in during his short military career. A bandit scenario with tanks, military grade GEARS and spy satellites just didn't make much sense. None the less the tiger did enjoy the adrenaline rush he got from the chaotic attrition battle at the OPFOR base. It was only now that Oliver realized that sweat was pooring down from his head and that his mouth was as dry as the desert. He could reall go for a nice cold beer now but that had to wait. Standard army doctrine demanded that the GEAR pilots would sit through the agonizing debriefing first.

Oliver moved his GEAR into formation with Blade, putting down the Saxknot wheels for additional speed. Thank god all the limiters from the virtual damage had been removed. As the tiger moved out he called back his drone. He had almost forgotten that his bird was still in the sky and it was almost out of juice. Oliver opened up the entire units channel and spoke. "This was without doubt the weirdest exercise i've done since joining the LDF. The scenario was totally off and the ending doesn't make sense. I hope they have something nice and cold to drink standing ready for us when we return"
We just abruptly finished our first excercise and heading back to base for debriefing. I think the (returning) new guys and gals should get introduced there. Makes stuff easier I think.

Anyway, I'll try to get a new post up today :)
I think spells comming from the person themself is fine but magic should be really uncommon and not that influential. I prefer it in a way that it can influence the world but not on a massive scale. I don't really like the idea of a single person leveling cities in an instant. Maybe a in the way it is currently done in Game of Thrones. It is there, it can influence events but really uncommon :)
Nation Name: The Atli tribes
Region on map:
Capital: They are nomadic
Capital Population: -
Other Major Settlements: -
Population: 1.000.000
Racial demographics:

Social dynamics: (What is respectable, how do people re-act to certain things, hierarchies, widespread beliefs, etc)
Calendar: (If applicable)
Art: (If applicable)
Law: (If applicable)
Education: (If applicable)
Religious beliefs: (If applicable)

Type of Government: Meritocratic confederation of tribes
The Atli tribes are a loose confederation of 6 individual tribes. Every tribe has its own tribal council and chieftain but above them stands the Central Atli council and Atli Chieftain. The key element in the government is that the tribes need to be lead by the most competent person. Chieftans are selected by the council. Once a chieftain retires, every man or woman that is of adult age can apply for the job. They will have to convince the council that they are the right person to lead the tribe.

The tribal council is made up entirely of elders. Most of them have hold a chieftain or other important leadership position. Once a person has reached the age of 50 he can choose to become part of the council. There is no fixed number of council members so the council is often very large. Sometimes the numbers are in the hundreds. In most occasion when there is a council meeting only a portion attends to make the decision. Only for the determination of the next chieftain the entire council meets to review the applicants.

Other jobs of the council is to speak justice when disputes arise between tribe members and to advice the chieftain on internal and external affairs.

Influence and relations: (If applicable)
Important People:

The economy of the Atli Tribes is based upon the idea of self preservation and survival of the harsh conditions they life in. As nomands they don't have permanent settlements nor do they have knowledge of farming. The Atli work with a commune system where the entire commune is responsible for the wellbeing and production of goods their commune needs. Overproduction is often traded with other commune's within the tribes or with foreign nations in order to aquire items and resources the Atli don't produce themselves.
The Atli produce their food mainly for their own survival and don't export much beyond their own tribe. The Atli herd various life stocks such as sheep and goats to provide them with dairy products in the summer and meat in the winter. Also they hunt on various animals on the steppes and are extensive trappers. The women folk often scavenges eatable plants but this is only a minor form of filling their food needs.
Skins and wool from the animal is used to make clothing and leather products such as armor for their warriors and the tents they life in. The most important resource the Atli export are horses. The Atli's horses are famous for their speed and stamina which surpasses those bred in the neighboring countries. The most important resources the Atli import are without doubt steal and metal tools.
Metals are used to produce tools and weaponry for the tribe. Metal is rare with the tribes and hardly never used to make body armor.
The Atli does not have currency. They rely on barter to exchange goods and services.

Landscape: The land of the Atli consists of the endless steppes. A giant area of grasslands and small plants. Trees are really uncommon due to the low amount of rain that falls on the steppes. The steppes are mostly flat with some hills. A few shallow rivers run across the land, beginning in the Atli Highlands and moving all the way beyond the steppes into the sea. The Atli highlands are a mountain range in the south of the land with the highst peak being about 3.000 meters above sealevel. The steppes are around 1.000 meters above sea level.
Wildlife: For A desolate and cold place the Atli life in it has a rather varied wildlife. On the great steppes lots of mamels can be found such as Wolfs, Corsac foxes, Snow Leopards but also herbivores such as Gazelles, Deers, Antilopes, rabbits, Wild horses and bizons.

On the Atli mountain range animals such as Serbian Ibex, lynxes and Argali (mountain sheep) can be found. The rivers of the Atli area are clean and full of fresh water fish and crabs. Also during the summer season aquatic birds such as ducks and Geese can be found near the rivers.

Furthermore the Atli hold a number of domesticated animals including goats, sheep and horses. Also the Atli Shamans often hold wild animals suchs as wolfs or snow leopards as pets.

Notable places: (If applicable)

Climate: The land of the Atli consists of the endless steppes. A giant area of grasslands and small plants. Trees are really uncommon due to the low amount of rain that falls on the steppes. The steppes are mostly flat with some hills. A few shallow rivers run across the land, beginning in the Atli Highlands and moving all the way beyond the steppes into the sea. The Atli highlands are a mountain range in the south of the land with the highst peak being about 3.000 meters above sealevel. The steppes are around 1.000 meters above sea level.

History: (Optional)
Classification: (NPC or Player-Controlled?)
Shared traits:
Natural abilities:

Relations with other races:
History: (Optional)
Preferred occupations:
Famous people:
I don't really mind any technololy level. On the subject of magic. I think it's fine as long as it is not overly powerfull. One mage should not be able to lay waste to an entire city or kick the butt of giant armies on their own :)
I am interested. I got an idea that i'd like to try out. A migratory horde of nomadic people in search of lands to settle on. Not sure yet about the race.
Alright, I got my next post up. It took a little bit longer then I anticipated. Anyway, I think I can be a bit more active from this point again :)
Suddenly Oliver's cockpit turned red from all the warning lights flashes. Missile inbound, missile inbound warned a voice as 3 high trajectory missiles from the six legged GEAR closed in on Oliver's position. "Why the hell can they target me with such accuracy when blocking all their radars and communication" yelled Oliver as he began evasive maneuvers. Just the moment the tiger moved his Saxknot out from the cover of the dead APC the enemy GEARs started to engage him with rifle fire. Simulated explosions surrounded Oliver's GEAR as he jumped out of the way for the incoming missiles and rifle fire. For a moment all screens turned black before coming online again. "Damage report" growled the young tiger is his mike. His GEAR's build in computer responded in a monotone female voice " Front armor:40%, Leg armour:35%, rear armor: 70%, left arm: offline, 5,56 mm machineguns: offline"

Sweat broke down from Oliver's head and his body was still shivering as he just realized he'd been almost annihilated by the missile fire. The then question of why they still were able to fire rockets with such pinpoint accuracy. Then he noticed it, on the screens that shows all radio activity a new frequency had appeared. One of the reserved frequencies used for satellite communication. It must be one of the military GEARs that had requested the uplink as Oliver knew his unit had no access to satellite intel for this training exercise. The tiger quickly opened up his comlink to the colonel. "Why the hell do the OPFOR have access to tanks, military GEARs and satellite intel?" Spoke Oliver angrily. The OPFOR has been pulling one trick after another ever since the battle for the camp begun up till the point that the scenario became some ridicules caricature of what it was supposed to be. Well, if they we're going to play it rough there was no point for the Tiger to hold back at all. With a few button presses Oliver's code cracking computer began to work.

Data packets of the satellite communication started to roll in as the Saxknots antenna's listened to the frequency. The more data was fed to the computer, the better shot Oliver had at cracking the encryption. Anxiously the tiger watched the meter move slowly towards the 100% mark. Judging from the speed of it, completion would take some time, giving the tiger a moment to judge the situation. From the looks of it, Colonel Blade managed to take out the tanks in a grotesque action hero like way. None the less, the group under control of the unidentified military GEAR (Vanessa) still had a few operation makeshift GEARS. The Group lead by the six legged GEAR was in full retreat after a strafing run from Ken. Judging from the info on Oliver's monitor, all the Roughriders took damage but where still in action. Suddenly a bright green message flashed at the Tiger's HUD. "Access granted". Oliver was in.

It was the first time the tiger did hack into the LDF satellite system and doing so he was in direct violation of LDF laws but Oliver didn't care. The tiger quickly uploaded a message to the satellite that replaces the video stream to everybody connected to the stream. "Dear brass, I suggest you stick your stupid tricks where the sun doesn't shine. It would be rather problematic if the entire satellite surveillance system would go offline for the coming hours due to unexpected maintenance don't you agree?" With the satellite problem out of the way, it was time again to focus on the problems on the ground. There were still operational military GEARs in the area that had to be taken down before the extraction team could be flown in.

Oliver looked at his radar as he scanned the area looking for the Blitzer. Taking down the leaders of the enemy would decrease their combat efficiency with a great deal. It wasn't for long before the Tiger had spotted his target and locked on to it. With the Saxknot's left arm down, Oliver could only accurately fire his 20mm assault rifle in single shot due to the kickback. He quickly took aim at the joints of the machine's legs and took the first shot. The dummy round kicked up dust near the right leg of the Blitzer as it narrowly missed its target. Fire was spewed from the muzzle of the Saxknot's assault rifle as the Tiger fired his next few shots before he retreated once again behind the cover of the destroyed APC.
Sorry for not posting yet. I've been really busy this week with work and planning my wedding. I hope to finish my next post tomorrow morning prior to going to work.
Silverwind Blade said
If you've got one you want to put up, then I say go for it! Especially because Ramzam tagged your character in his last post, so you can answer. Right, I've been thinking: We have a few people who are interested in joining, or joining back in. Hailfire has expressed an interest in coming back and joining us, Esailia was interested in joining a while ago before we had a membership explosion and she missed out as a result, and Fallen Muse was interested in joining in as well. I'd like to let them join in, but I'm worried about overwhelming the thread with too many players. What do you all think, as it'd affect all of you too?

I think it's fine. Might all just be a matter of organisation. Basicly like you did on the early part of the training excercise, Basicly split the group up in 2/3 teams. That way you don't have to micromanage every player :)
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