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Amelia's response to his confession about his prison sentence caught the tiger by surprise. For a moment he was confused what to say about it. Usually when Oliver talks about his past he either gets shunned away or girls would find it incredibly exciting to talk to an ex convict. But the fox was different. She seemed to approach the subject in a much deeper, almost philosophical way. "I never really thought that deeply about my choice to join the LDF. It was more of an idea I did in a sudden burst after seeing scale model of a GEAR in the window of an recruitment office. I might not have over thought it well but it was definitely one of my better idea's I had in my life." Oliver paused for a bit when he noticed that lieutenant Winter got a call on her PADD. For a moment Oliver was worried that she'd lose interest in hanging around with him now that the conversation had become more serious.

Luckily for the tiger it seemed to be a call from work. Apparently the techies needed some instruction about what to do with her GEAR. Oliver smiled as Amelia excused herself for the interruption. "I almost worried that I started to bore you but luckily that wasn't the issue. It would be a giant blow to my ego" Joked Oliver about himself. The tiger paused for a bit as he thought about what to do next. Oliver quickly turned his attention back to the fox and gave her a mysterious smile. "I was thinking of getting some fresh air. Wanna join me? One of the ships technicians told me about a maintenance shaft that leads to the ship's roof. I've heard the view from up there is stunning. However, the area is officially of limits for unauthorized personnel."
I'll get my next post up tomorrow :)
Oliver smiled as he listen to how the lieutenant complimented on his performance. He could not help it but he actually appreciated it that for once someone noticed him for something other than his shenanigans. But then again, the lady was not part of his unit during the little drone incident and was probably not aware of that the tiger had used military equipment to stalk a civilian girl for a bit. "Thanks, but I have to admit that I did do my homework for once. The LDF more or less use the same encryption algorithms and frequencies over and over again during their exercises. That way I already knew where to look" Oliver paused for a bit as he listened to Amelia talking about that she initially planned on becoming a math teacher prior to joining the LDF until she asked him the same question in return.

For a moment the tiger stared to his beer glass for a bit , it was almost empty but he hadn't taken a single sip since he started his conversation with the lieutenant. "That's a pretty big career chance, from teacher to soldier. For me, I didn't really have much options. My father kicked me out the last time I was released from prison. So I basically had the choice of living in a cardboard box under a bridge or join the LDF. Hobo's don't have GEARs so the choice was easy" Joked Oliver about why he ended up in the military. For a moment he paused and looked lieutenant Winter in the eyes with a curious smile, wondering how the girl would react to his story.
Ill start working on my next post today :)
Oliver smiled as lieutenant Winter introduced herself. Judging from the foxes reaction his opening line had hit the mark. It was actually one of the better lines the tiger had come up with. He quickly extended his hand and give Winter a firm handshake. "The pleasure is mine. I'm private Stone.. but just call me Oliver." Oliver paused for a bit as he observed the lady in front of him. He let his eyes scan her from top to toe. He could not help to notice that the lieutenant had a really nice smile. For a moment he thought about what would be his next step would be until he let his eyes fall on her PADD. It was only a glimpse but still Oliver could seen enough to know that she was going through work related files. Miss Winter must be real serious about her job if she reads through files on a party. Judging from the little knowledge Oliver got from reading Winters body language the tiger judged that she was serious about her job and it would be better to compliment her on her battlefield performance rather than her appearance. "I'm the squads SIGINT and electronic warfare specialist but you're probably already aware of that since I tried to infiltrate your GEAR during the exercise. You did really well on that part. Not many have noticed my attempts and even less have jeopardized it. You did really well on that part."

Oliver paused to speak as he noticed how the colonel gave him a quick wave. The tiger quickly give his CO a nod back before turning his attention back to the girl. At this moment his other co-workers are not important at all. He had to keep the conversation going and give room for miss Winter to Speak. Often the best conversationalist are good listeners. So it's often better to end your saying with an open question. "Maybe this question is a bit personal but I'm kind of a curious person so I'll take the liberty to ask it anyway. What made you join the LDF?"
Oliver smiled as his fellow tiger commented about that he was happy that not everyone was a housecat or flufftail. "There might be a lot of those but some of us are real predators. So those other three behind you are the other infantry, right? Then I better watch my step. Would be a shame to step on their tail and stroke their fur the wrong way if you catch my drift". Oliver was hardly done speaking as Kensington the chopper pilot approached him.

As the tiger listened to his comrade's little speech about bailing out and being watched by the boss because of his shenanigans he gave Ken a friendly slap on the shoulder. For a moment Oliver thought about his actions from earlier. Only to come to the conclusion that it where just minor incidents, at least according to his book. "Don't worry about it. I've lived my entire life on the edge and have no reason to change that yet. If the boss gets mad at me all you need to do is watch and laugh as he tries to discipline me." Spoke Oliver as the next new guy was about to introduce himself.

What came from the dogs mouth was kind of the most lengthy and business introduction anyone had ever given him. The dog introduced himself as the unit's combat medic and explained all the stuff he was able to do in what was the most boring introduction ever. The only thing he said that wasn't entirely business related was his name. Before anyone could even react or ask something the man retreated to the bar and started to play around on his PADD. Apparently, Aiden was not the most social doctor of Landren. "Well, it looks like our medic is the most fun loving type" Said Oliver as he turned back to Ken and Nathaniel. "I guess he's more interested in our medical history then getting to know his comrades" Spoke Oliver as he now spotted Amelia entering the room.

As his eyes followed the foxy lady as she walked over to the bar the tiger quickly excused himself. "I'll talk to ya all later again. I've someone I'd want to get to know a little bit better" Oliver casually walked up to the bar and set down on the seat next to the fox. As he turned over to the new unit member he spoke gently "Someone told me once that whine always taste better when you have company"
I'll start working on my next post tomorrow. Have been out of town for a few days due to a wedding in the family :)
Oliver hardly listened to the debriefing at all. Just the usual crap was thrown around with exeption that they did well for once and nobody was scolding him for his shenanigans and stuff. The tigers ears only twitched a bit when the general spoke of people wanting to see them fail. For a moment Oliver taught that his father might be involved but that man preferred to see the young tiger dead. Or at least that is how Oliver thinks about his father. His thoughts quickly drifted away as the tiger laid his eyes on his two new teammates. For the moment he wondered where the colonel had found such beauty. The old man sure had a good taste for women even though he probably did not select them for their looks.

As the order was given to ride back Oliver kicked his GEAR into full speed. He only had the chance to play around with the GEAR during the past training exercise and was dying to find out how far he could push his Saxknot. Oliver pushed the throttle forward and the GEAR speed up. The wheels on the Saxknot's legs kicked up dust as the machine speed away. The tiger could feel his machine vibrate heavily as it approached its top speed. Oliver was pretty pleased with what he saw on the meters. Not bad for a piece of metal. As the Claw came into sight Oliver approached the ramp at full speed. Only pulling the breaks hard at the last moment, making his machine spin 90 degrees, pushing up another cloud of dust as the Saxknot came to a grinding halt only a couple of meters from the ramp.

Oliver smiled as the anger looks and raised fist of the ramp crew showed up on his monitors. Especially the one who duck away looked really pissed as the tiger walked his GEAR up the ramp and onto the docking spot. Oliver quickly climbed down from the GEAR in order to avoid the very pissed ramp crew commander and snuck out of the GEAR deck, rushing his way off to the showers making sure he was one of the first to be there so that he did not have to wait in line. After a quick refreshing shower the tiger switched into a fresh set of cloths and made his way to the common area.

As Oliver walked through the doors he noticed he was one of the first Rough Riders to enter. Might be a bit boring but with beer on the line you could never be too early. Oliver just figured that the rest was still busy with stuffing their GEARs away. He made his way to the bar and ordered some beer. As the tiger poured down some of the yellow gold liquid down his throat he noticed the colonel addressing some people. These must be the new recruits Blade was talking about earlier. With these and the two GEAR pilots that joined up after the exercise Oliver has a busy schedule of socializing to do. Not to mention his promise to Raisa to have a drink with her too.
With a beer in his hand he approached the group of people gathered around the colonel. Oliver raised his beer as a sign of greeting and spoke. "Yo, you guys and gals must be the new recruits? I'm Oliver Stone. Nice to meet you all. You can continue to listen to the boring speech of the colonel or come with me to drink beer, have a good time and meet the rest of the crew. The choice is yours"
Silverwind Blade said
Dude, you had like, 5 WHOLE DAYS to post :P I didn't realize it had been that long until I made my own post. And besides, if he didn't introduce himself yet, then you can still do it afterward!

Yes, there will always be a good opertunity to leave an impression^^
And I was slow as hell with posting indeed :(
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, I almost had my post finished and now everything changed. Now I can't have Oliver introduce himself to Amelia with the nice comment I had in mind :(

O well, I'll start over with a new post.Party is comming and guess who will be there^^
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