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9 yrs ago
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I'll write my next post tomorrow :D
Yay :D
As Oliver moved his Saxknot away from the battlefield he watched how the OPFOR packed up and returned. What was moments ago a battlefield would return to a desolate farm within hours. The tiger always found the end of an exercise the most surreal part of his solder life. For hours they would try to kill each other in mock combat and afterwards they would all go back to base for diner and hangout and laugh like they were mates since high school. The comradeship of the army sure was a pleasant surprise for the young tiger when he joined the LDF. Just as Oliver over thought such concepts he got awakened by the pleasant voice of the mostly serious Raisa.

The tiger had to blink a few times because he could hardly believe what his foxy companion just said. Oliver thought he kind of had shunned her away with his attempt to flirt with his female comrade in arms prior to the mission briefing. Now judging from her giggle and the fact that Raisa kept calling him Private Tom mend that the serious and reversed girl had relaxed herself a bit. None the less her invitation to have a drink with him came as a surprise. Oliver quickly recovered and spoke joyously in the radio "That's an offer I can't refuse. I'll see you after the debrieffing"

It wasn't for long until the tiger reached the debrief trailer. Just as Oliver was about to power down his GEAR he heard colonel blade speak over the radio. Also the boss seemed to have his own questions about the exercise. Oliver guessed that the answers would come in the debriefing or at least some of them. Also the tiger hoped that his hacking into the surveillance satellite would not get him into trouble. For once he felt that he was making something decent out of his life.

Oliver pulled the lever and the Saxknot cockpit hatch opened up smoothly. As he put down his helmet on the pilot seat the tiger could feel the cold wind blowing. Even though he enjoyed piloting GEARs the tiger was happy to leave the cramped space after a couple of intense hours. For a moment he looked over his shoulders and noticed how his CO was smoking a sigar. "You do know that those things could get you killed, sir" joked Oliver towards his commander as the tiger was well aware that soldiers have far worse health issues such as lead poisoning to be concerned about.
I'll proberbly get a post up in the next few days :)
Always nice to watch such stuf before going to bed XD
I used to be a fan but don't watch much anime anymore. Not much interesting has come out in the last few years. Just the same old concepts getting refurbished into a new show over and over again. None the less I'm still a volunteer at an anime convention^^

Some of my favorite series are FLCL, Serial Eperiments Lain and Ghost in the shell SAC
Well, i've done my fair share of rather disturbing rp's in the past and don't feel much need for such stuff anymore. That's why I'm at the guild and not some shady furry board full of sexually deprived people XD
HazmatMedic said
Yes. We'll need the conflict, since everyone's always a bunch tree-hugging, peace-loving hippies ; P

I'm not planning to be a peace-loving, tree hugging hippie^^
Just browsed through some 1X1 RP's. 73 post of vampire X human and no fun stuff. Giant dissapointment :(
Hailfire said
Errrrmmm... Vell this is Hawkvard. Ashers' ref is one of Strypes and I can't say I plan to change it now as the character us too well set in my mind. Having looked at the aforementioned t-shirt though it specifies YIFF rp. I wouldn't consider this yiffing...Awaiting judgement.EDIT:Now have read the rest of that page... well... I guess I can't respectfully use that ref... much saddness.

We're not allowed to yiff in public on the RP guild so there should not be a problem^^
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