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This was designed to be a roleplay around the techlevel of 1940. So no nukes, no biological weapens, no ballistic missles (V1,V2) and no Jets yet. At this moment I find it more important to get the roleplay going and have a steady pace on posting and stuff. Get everybody involved in interesting situations and resolve them and stuff. Maybe later we can make a step in technological advancement. Once we've a couple of hundred post or something. Even so, a technological step does not automaticly mean Nukes. It is really something I need to think carefully about and how it would influence the RP :)
I will update the map proberbly tomorrow with HounderHowl's nation. For who haven't read his sheet yet, it is rougly in the area where the Greater Repuplic of Helvalion was. Also his nation is accepted :)
Threatened ofcourse ;)
### Four weeks ago - Colongo riots Gerald Veron smiled as he watched how the workers gathered for the major protest march against Ereatian oppression. Through word of mouth and the Usonian Communist Front newspaper the UCF had rallied its supporters to march for equal rights and more political influence in the colony. The UCF believes that it is just a matter of time before the era of colonization comes to an end. Decolonization should be strived for through protests and strikes and not violent revolution like the Usonian Liberation Front predicts. As long as the oppressors don't commit gruesome atrocities, peaceful protesting is preferred. It is better for the future to part ways in peace then in bloodshed. As long as the protestors remained peacefull, the Ereatians would let them march. The number of protestors seemed unusual high this day. Normally around 10.000 workers would show up but now the crowd has already risen beyond 25.000 in the capital. For a moment Gerald wordered why but then he noticed Johnny DeWane approaching. DeWane was just like Gerald a native Usonian. The Usonians are the original inhabbitants of the colony and currently are second class citizens with limited rights under Ereatian rule. DeWane is the leader of the Usonian Liberation Front. A militant guerrillia faction that uses car bombs and violent attacks agains the Ereatians as their means to fight the oppression. Both Johnny DeWane and Gerald Veron shared a similar goal but their ways of achieving it are different. As DeWane approached Gerald Veron he began to speak. "I heard that you guys would be marching today. I rallied my supporters to participate in the march. If we march together, we stand much stronger" said Johnny DeWane with a smile. Gerald Veron shook his head. He had a bad feeling about this. With the militant ULF members in the march there was a chance the march would turn into a violent riot. But regardless of Gerald's concerns, it was too late to stop the march. That day 30.000 Usonians marched for their political freedom. The march started in the industrial area of Colongo City and would lead to town square where the colony's administration building was located. They would take the usual route and would be closely monitored by Ereatian police and military units along the way. Usually in front of the administration building there would be a couple of hundred soldiers in Riot Control Gear and some hundreds more would be in backup at strategic locations. Charles Rogers, commanding officer of the 32nd Marine battalion watched how the first protestors would come around the corner. He could hear their scanting from miles away but this seasoned veteran was used to it. He and his 400 subordinates had been stationed in Colongo for the past 5 months and had seen their fair share of protests and riots. With some quick shouts he ordered his forces to form a solid line and watched how the protestors approached. Looking into the crowd Charles Rogers could see the communist hardliners and even the militant ULF members make up the front row. Judging from that it would be a day of beating commies and other Usonians into submission. As the first bricks and bottles flew, the loud bang of a firearm filled the air. A stream of warm red blood came from underneath the helmet of commander Charles Rogers as he fel to the ground. One gunshot erupted an orgy of violence the colony had not seen since the Ereatian invasion 15 years ago. Soldier emptied their firearms into the crowd in panic as they did not know where the shots came from. What should have been a peaceful march for more freedom turned into a massive 5 day riot and bitter street fighting between fully armed soldiers and militant Usonians. As the blood flowed in the streets of Colongo, militant Usonians dragged Ereatian civilians out of their homes, beat them to death in the street and burn their shops. In return, Ereatian soldiers shot any Usonian who disobeyed their orders on sight. It took he Ereatian security forces 5 days to restore the order but it came at a high price. At the end of the riots, more than 5.000 people died in the violence including 103 Ereatian soldiers, 143 Ereatian civilians and thousands of Usonian protestors. ### Present day, Ereatian security Cabinet meeting General Roger McRagear, minister of the army took the word as he watched the note in his hand. "Gentlemen, according to governor Maenor, the situation in Colongo is tense but under control. Strick curfews have been put in place and are stricktly monitored by our security forces. Also many members of both the UCF and ULF have been arrested over the past weeks. However both Gerald Veron and Johnny DeWane have not been found yet. We've interrogated many of their closest followers but their stories seem to be inconsistent. Some say both men have died during the riots while others claim they are in hiding. Our intelligence service believes both men have fled the country and are most likely residing in Alleghany at the moment." The general paused a bit to give the others a chance to speak. Prime minister Steven Wilde stood up and looked concerned. "This outburst of violence will negatively influence our already fragile relations with Alleghany. When they learn that our soldiers used deadly violence against their kin the Alleghany government won't be pleased. Their public opinion might move in favor of any form of intervention. We will need to assure that Alleghany will stay out of our internal affairs" . "I agree" Answered Admiral Walter Seaventon. "If Johnny DeWane has fled to Alleghany then he will most likely try to gather support for his cause. He will tell the Alleghany government how our soldiers shot peaceful protestors in the street without mercy. He will tell such stories to whomever he has the opportunity to." Walter Seaventon paused and thought about what that other man might do. The communists of Gerald Veron had been mostly peaceful so far but after this violent outbreak it will be increasingly hard to get serious support for non-violent protests. "There is one more thing. We will have to consider the option that Gerald Veron will travel to Revolutionary Syndicalist International and try to gain support there. If the RSI gets involved things might get messy at home. It will strengthen the position of the left-winged opposition in the house of commons. We will have to act fast and strengthen our relations with the other major powers of the world." Emperor Henry Theodore Constantine had been silent throughout the discussion. He realized that the current political situation could deteriorate quickly. The violence in Colongo would turn into an international scandal without doubt. No country would sit and ignore how soldiers shot thousands of civilians during a civil uprising. The situation would become more difficult if men like Johnny DeWane and Gerald Veron could gather international support for the freedom of Colongo. Considering the economic significance of the colony, losing control was not an option. "Hmm. We better notify all our ambassadors across the world that they might be called to explain the situation. It will also be wise to Strengthen our bonds with our allies, The Malassakian Republic. If foreign powers try to influence the situation, a combined show of strength might put them on different thoughts." The ministers in the cabinet all bowed to the emperor and nodded. " We'll handle the situation with the utmost care my emperor" ### Present day, Alleghany Capital Johnny DeWane had spend the last few weeks in a shady hotel room of a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city. For some time now he had tried to arrange a meeting with Alleghany government officials in order to discuss what happened in Colongo. Up until now, he has not yet been taken seriously. The Ereatian government did a good job on covering up the massacre. But Johnny knew that the Alleghany government could not remain silent for long. Some of his fellow ULF members had brought him picture's and a video reel of the riots and shootings on the other side of the border. Tomorrow it would be all over the Alleghany news papers that their colonizing neighbor had used its military forces against unarmed civilians. Johnny smiled as he looked at the telephone in the room. It would only be a matter of time before an Alleghany official would call. ### Present day, Revolutionary Syndicalist International capital When the violence erupted Gerald had tried to bring as much of the people into safety but it was already too late. The powder keg had exploded and no one could stop the rage of the oppressed Usonians for some time. He could only watch in horror how his kin fought in the streets with molotov cocktails and bricks while the Ereatians shot them with rifles, machineguns and grenades. On the second day of the rioting Ereatian tanks would roll into the city and guard the important roads and buildings. What government would use tanks against his own people. Gerald could only think about how foolish he was that he believed that he could fight for the Usonian freedom in a non-violent way. As he stood in front of the RSI's main office Gerald could only hope that RSI spoke's Jeanette Jaures would have time for him.
**The new official map** **Official list of (re)claimed nations:** These are the ingame player nations that have been claimed and approved. 1. Irodian Empire 2. The empire of Ereatia 3. The Tsardom of Ventium 4. Noordelijk Bondsrepubliek Vakbonden/Northern Federal Republic of Unions 5. The Revolutionary syndicalist international 6. Republic of Dereham 7. The Soverign City of Xingyi 8. Alleghany 9. The Malassakian Republic 10. Oussian Imperium 11. The Oclium kingdom **Unclaimed nations** - The great westhurst Union - The Cadian Empire These territories are now free to be either: - Be claimed for any new nation - Continue to exist in the world as a non-player nation in the case if any player wishes to interact with them. - To be reclaimed by its original owner if non of the above has happened yet. Changelog: - The Greater Republic of Helvalion has been erazed from the map. That nation can no longer be re-claimed. - The Oclium kingdom has been reclaimed. - Updated the map. Added The Oussian Empire, expanded the territory of Alleghany and removed number of unclaimed nations
Yes, you can still reclaim alleghany. Finish up your nationsheet and let me know when done :) Had some issues of the medical kind this weekend that prefented me from posting. I'll try to get first ic post up tonight.
Looking good so far :) I only have one request for those who've posted their nation sheet. Old code apparently no longer works so please update your sheet so that it looks nice again.
5 people already. Looking good :D I will post an updated map tomorrow that boldens out the already accepted nations^^ And further more I will proberbly make first IC post soon. That way we can get the action going. I do need to read up a bit again on the nationsheets before posting :)
I just messaged 15 people who originaly signed up :)
I'll try to spark interest by the original people who wanted to be part of this RP and simultaniously create a new interest check to get fresh blood. Rules will be needed to streamline this process because many terrirories are claimed but currently abandoned. Rules for territory selection. 1. All original signups have dibs on their original claims until sunday 18th of januari 17:00 hours gtm +1 2. Territories that are unclaimed by the the deadline above becomes free. 3. All nationsheets that where originally accepted and posted in the nation dump are automaticly accepted and must be posted in the new character part of the RP. 3. New nations and unfinished sheets must be accepted by me or a co-gm. Once accepted you are free to start posting IC. 4. Abandoned nations might become non-player nations depending on their sheet. Once a nation-sheet becomes a non-player nation its territory can no longer be claimed by its original owner or new players. Non-player nations will generally be controlled by GM or Co-gm unless otherwise decided. I am also thinking of introducing the League of Nations. An organisation like the current UN with the mission to prevent war by letting all the members engage in diplomacy and such :)
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