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![]( "enter image title here") **Nations name:** The empire of Ereatia **History** Eratia has always been a rather backward country at the edge of the earth for hundreds of years. Officially the nation was a kingdom but country was greatly divided among the nobility who ruled their own realms as kings. There was not much unity as the nobles fought each other for 250 years in a row. As the position of most nobles grew weaker the peasantry of the realms became more discontented with their position and the ever increasing taxes and demand for soldiers. It was lord Gewain Constantine who realized the potential of the masses and started a revolution to overthrow the nobility and unify the country under a new governmental system. It took him another 15 years of war and clever diplomacy to unify all the islands under one central rule of the Emperor supported a government and parliament in a new democratic system. Under the new government equal rights to all citizens where granted and the country started to develop in a rapid pace. Industrialization kicked off 50 years ago and new production methods where quickly integrated into society and trade flourished. As the wealth of the country increased the demands for resources sky rocketed. As not all trading partners proved to be trustworthy the government decided that certain key resources should be secured at all costs. Army expenditures grew and overseas territories where added to the empire. Victories over minor nations stunned the general public and bolstered the popularity of the armed forces to greater heights. Keen military commanders soon capitalized on this popularity to gain spots in the government as they dreamed of an empire stretching even further. **Race** Human **Form of government:** Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy. The empire is on paper a democratic state with the emperor as head of the state. The government consists of two houses, the house of commons and the house of lords. Based upon the voting for the house of commons a government is formed by the political parties. **House of commons:** Once every 4 years all the citizens of the empire are allowed to cast their vote on one of the various political parties. The voting sessions determines how the 450 seats of the house of commons are divided. The winner of the elections (biggest party) will then get the task of forming a government based upon having a majority of seats in the house of commons. All laws and degrees that the government decides must pass the house of commons with a majority vote before being presented to the house of lords. **House of Lords:** The house of lords is the second house of the empire. This house consists of 151 seats who are all granted to the various important noble families. Every seat is inherited to the family by birthright. Officially the nobles are not affiliated with the political parties but many have political preferences and are sometimes actively supporting parties by donating money. The house of lords task is to determine if laws and degrees do not violate the constitution. **Current leaders** - Head of state: Emperor Henry Theodore Constantine - Prime minister: Steven Wilde - Minister of the army: General Roger McRagear - Minister of foreign affairs: Admiral Walter Seaventon - Minister of economic affairs: Oswin Orwen - Minister of technological development: General Collin Wilson The current government formed by militaristic right winged parties. The military has a very big influence in the government and military leaders have been placed at key government spots. The government advocates a strong free market economy, further military buildup and securing vital resources on foreign grounds. In the current system there is no form of social security and the distribution of wealth is very unequal. At times this leads to violent demonstrations and internal instability. **Notable figures** _Richard Lowes:_ Head of the Democratic Labor Party and opposition leader. Richard strongly advocates against the current government and follows a socialist ideology. He's strongly in favor of decreasing the military expendature, stop further colonization and work towards a system where colonies are granted more freedom and all the inhabitants of the empire share equal rights. _Johnny DeWane:_ Leader of the Usonia Liberation Front. A group of native inhabitants of the Colongo colony that strives for independance. This group often organises strikes and protests against the oppresion and their means to achieving independance becomming more violent every week. Johnny is currently wanted for a bomb attack on an Imperial police station that killed 7 people. Gerald Veron: Leader of the Usonia Communist Front. The UCF is a group of militant Usonians who fight the Eraetian oppresssion in the Colongo colony through strikes and protest marches. Often these marches have lead to violent clashes with Ereatian security forces. _General Richard Maenor:_ Govenor of Colongo and chief of the combined military force. _Colonel Kensington Richards:_ Ambassador of the Empire and military attaché in The Malassakian Republic **Diplomatic Relations** Allied to The Malassakian Republic **Total poulation** 85,000,000 Native's 20,000,000 colonials who have fewer rights or are downright oppressed. They do not count for the military population as their loyalty to the empire is questionable. **Nations location & Geography** ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") 1. Isles of Ereatia. The main isles are the native territories of the Ereatian Empire. Here the unity was formed and the empires influence expanded. The main isles hold the fast majority of the population. Around 75 million life on the main isles. The area consists of 3 main island and countless smaller ones. It is here where the big industrial base of the country is located. Geography of the isles. The main Isles consists of mostly flat grasslands and minor hills. Rivers run across it making it very suitable lands for farming. Much of the land is cultivated and used for food production to feed the population or for export. Many large cities exist on the main lands of which 10 exceed the 1 million in population. The population is heavily urbanized. 2. Earan Islands. A small group of islands that have been colonized 90 years ago. The Earan Islands are not densly populated. It mostly consists of rough forests wildlife but the fishing grounds around it are extremely vertile. 3. Cape Constantine. Cape Constantine is a tropical paradise. Inlands it has large tropical forests and its beaches are pure white with clear blue oceans around it. The Cape has many large cities around its coastlines. This paradise is inhabited by around 5 million colonials and many of the Empire's citizens visit the colony during their holidays to relax at one of the luxurious resorts and surf the blue waves. Out of all places in the Empire, Cape Constantine is a famous tourist spot. 4. Bastion Island. Bastion Island is shrouded in mistery. After its colonization the Ereatian military relocated its entire population to other colonial holdings in a massive deportation program. After that the military established a large base on the island. Many believe it holds a large research facility dedicated to inventing some kind of super weapon. It's needless to say that the seas surrounding the island are heavily patroled and any vessel entering its maritime boundry is immediatly intercepted and boarded. 5. Colongo. Colongo is the largest colony of the Ereatian Empire. The fast majority of its population consists of the 6 million native Usonians who live there. Prior to the colonization that area was known as the kingdom of Usonia. It’s people are closely related in both ethnic and cultural ways to the people of the Federated states of Alleghany. The native population currently have limited citizenship of the empire. This makes their political influence non-existent and entitles them to higher taxes and stricter laws compared to full citizens much to their discontent. It’s this brewing unhappiness about the new rule that leads to more frequent strikes, protests and riots in the largest colony of the empire. Some tongue’s even whisper of armed rebellion if they can get their hands on the funds and weapons. Colongo was occupied 15 years ago under the command of general Edward Colongo. The Ereatians quickly renamed the country to the brilliant general who crushed their defenses in a rapid campaign of 10 days. Since its occupation the colony has grown to be one of the most important possessions of the empire due to its natural resources. Colongo alone is responsible for 35% of the country’s oil needs. Due to the economic significance of the colony it currently holds the largest overseas military presence of the empire. 150,000 troops with supporting artillery, vehicles and tanks are stationed in the colony. Also the high command has stationed a significant air force detachment in the colony. Geography of Colongo. Colongo has a much warmer climate then the main Isles. It has mainly lowlands with some desert areas and flat grasslands. Near the border of Alleghany the terrain is formed by minor hills and forests. Much of the population also lives in cities and towns. 6. Corin Island. Corin Island is a tropical island which consists mostly of rainforest like environments. On the coastline many cities can be found that holds its population. Due to its strategic position Corin Island has always been a trading hub for trade between the north and south ocean. Many nations favored control over the island and it's control has been shifted between great powers on many occasions. Due to its strategic significance Corin Island hold one of the largest naval bases of the Eraetian Empire. 7. Yokonan colonies. The Yokonan colonies are one of the largest colonial possessions of the empire. The lands are extremely fertile and the colony is famous for its many plantations that produces tobacco, spices and exotic fruits. The colony has a healthy agricultural economy where Eraetian citizens are the land owning class and the native inhabitants serve as workers. The colonial law states that native citizens are not allowed to own land, businesses or other production forms. They merely serve as cheap labor for the land owning class. **Economy** The empire has a strong economy that is heavily based on industrial manufacturing and international trade. There is also a strong agricultural industry of food production, spice and tobacco plantations and fishing. All companies are privately owned. Imports: Raw materials such as Iron ore, oil, coal, rubber, Ragnite Exports: Ships, airplanes, cars, weapons, electronics, food, canned fish, tobacco, spices. **Technology** After the unification the government adapted a plan called the great leap forwards. In this plan the Empire strives to become the leading nation in technology and engineering. The nation and culture rapidly changed from a backwards feudal society at the end of the world to a heavily industrialized superpower. New innovations and idea's are quickly adopted and the government heavily invests in technological development. Many secret research projects are underway at the many facilities that have been constructed on Bastion Island. **Military overview** The military is an important structure of the Empire's society and strongly woven into civilian life. The total military population of 1,980,000 men. Roughly 2,33 % of the entire population is employed by the military. The military is divided into four branches. The Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, Imperial Air force and Imperial Marines. **Imperial Army:** The Imperial Army are the land forces of the empire. They employ 1 million soldiers. Vehicles and weapon systems - Medium tank 2,000 - Heavy Tank 1,000 - APC 5,000 - Infantry support and reconasance vehicles 7,000 - Artillery 5,000 - Self propelled Artillery 500 - AA artillery 6,000 **The Imperial Navy** The Imperial Navy is the second largest branch of the military and employs 500,000 men. This also includes the Imperial Navy Air service who fly off the carriers. Ships: - Fleet carriers 14 - 1. Battleships 8 - 1. Battle cruisers 13 - 1. Light cruisers 60 - 1. Destroyers 195 - 1. Frigates 75 - 1. Submarines 74 - 1. Transport/Amphibious support 120 **The Imperial Air force** The Imperial air force is the independent air branch of the military. It employs 200,000 soldiers. - Fighters 4,000 - Close air support 1,500 - Medium bombers 1,000 - Strategic bombers 500 - Transports 500 **Imperial Marine Corps** The Imperial marine corps employs 280,000 soldiers. They specialize in amphibious landings but rely on the navy for transportation. I read that mess, can we start already!?
It's alive. It's alive! Or at least sort of :) Anyway. Here are a few suggestions. 1. The people that still want to play should post their nations in the new character part. That way we have a good idea about what nations are still active. 2. Nation claims from players who have left and that don't have finished sheets should be deleted from the map. This frees up space for potential new players. 3. Abandoned nations with finished nation sheet could serve as non player nations.Or they can also be removed. 4.Make someone GM and let him pm the players who went missing to spark their interest. With a bit of effort it should be possible to reboot the rp :) I can GM but have no experience with GMing a nation roleplay but with a bit of imput and some trial and error we should do fine. Also a CO-GM would be nice.
As Tommy shook Rebekah's hand he could feel the Asgardian girl's power flowing. It was unlike anything he'd felt before. Way beyond anything he'd felt from any human or mutant in his 17 years on this planet. The young thief quickly pulled back his hand as he was nearly overwhelmed by the sensation the girls power. Before reaching out Tommy had played with the idea of tapping into all the students powers and memories just to learn about them the quick way but if all the students had such power, he'd better made sure not to get on their bad side...for now.

Tommy smiled as he watched Tyson march off. That Asgardian could definitely use a social skills class or two. "Ehh, nice to meet you to...ehh Tyson" Rebekah had just mentioned the guys name and apologized in his place for Tyson's rather unsocial behavior. "Don't worry about it. He'll just probably need some time to adjust I think." Responded Tommy relaxed. "I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. A place famous for its Jazz and Blues music but I doubt its fame reaches beyond the earth's atmosphere" Joked Tommy.
Before he could continue to talk about his roots, Rebekah stumbled into one of the other students. A pretty funny sight and Tommy had a hard time not to laugh. "Better keep your eyes off the scenery. You might trip over and damage the pavement" Teased Tommy.
Tommy had been sleeping for most of the bus journey. Two days ago the young thief got caught inside a secret shield during his Tilling. He was on a job to get a certain artifact for one his guilds customers known as The Collector. Everything went according to plan until he entered the vault and stared right down into the one eye of Nick Fury who made him an offer he could not refuse. Attend hero school or spend the rest of his life in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D prison. It did not take Tommy long to decide to board the bus that was outside of the facility.

As the bus came to a stop the young man opened up his eyes and looked around only to see how the future students of the school made their way to the exit. The number of people had certainly grown since the moment he had closed his eyes. He quickly made his way to the door of the bus and stepped outside into the bright day. For a moment he wondered how long he had slept. A quick glance on the expensive Rolex on his left wrist told Tommy that he had been out cold for at least twelve hours.

As a small breeze lifted up Tommy's dark blonde hair he looked around, observing his fellow students as they formed up in front of the man who started talking while totally forgetting to introduce himself. With just a quick glance Tommy determined that he found himself in a rather odd group. There was this black haired Goth guy who tried so hard to shy away from the group, not to get any attention and yet chose a clothing and hair style that was bound to draw attention. Then there was the sunglasses guy who tried his best to look though, cool and independent. Yet he seemed rather normal compared to the Goth guy. But the next guy the young LeBeau gazed upon put the others to shame when it comes to the odd factor.

Mr. burning eyes seemed to use his gift in order to make others stay away. Constantly radiating heat from his body, showing off his power. He either had little control over it or simply used it to scare others away. For a moment Tommy wondered what kind of person he would be but quickly turned his attention towards the better half of the students.
He first scanned the girl who was adjusting her make-up. Judging from the expensive clothes she was wearing and Tommy thought that she was born into some wealthy family. Possibly the heir to a great family fortune. The way she looked upon other seemed rather arrogant. Like she is better than the rest. A characteristic often found in mutants with powers. As they sometimes developed the habit of thinking they are the next step in evolution and thus born superior to regular humans. None the less she was pretty good looking. Good looking and wealthy was always a combination that draws Tommy's attention.

Yet Tommy knew that appeasing snobby girls takes a different approach then regular ones. An approach that does not please their ego by giving them attention but rather plant a seed of insecurity within the victim. Making them doubt themselves and strike when they are at breaking point. In order to score big, you need patience and a good strategy. To game is like playing chess. You need to plot ahead, observe your opponent and adapt when necessary. All in order to kill the king, or in this case score the queen.
The first move would be to create some competition. All snobby girls think they can get like every guy just because they are good looking. When you show interest in inferior stock in front of their own eyes, it often makes them doubt themselves.

Tommy casually walked up towards the red haired girl. He could not help but to overhear her say Asgard. Apparently she was comparing the architecture to what Asgard looks like. For a moment he hesitated. If all Asgardians where like Thor, he better made sure not to get on their bad side. He turned towards the girl and smiled "If Asgard looks like this I definitely would love to visit it someday. This school looks really impressive." He paused for a bit and then reached out his hand and spoke on a gentle tone. "I'm Tommy. Tommy LeBeau. It's a pleasure meet you."
I've updated my cs.
Hi, is there still room for more?

I Took the liberty to make up a character in advance :P

Name: Tommy LeBeau
Age: 17
Parents: Remy Etienne LeBeau (Gambit) and Marie Anne (Rogue)

Control over potential and kinetic energy of inanimate objects. Basically he can re-arrange the energy stored in objects to make them explode. The larger the object, the more time it takes to charge and the bigger the explosion. This power can only be used on inanimate objects of non-organic material. Tommy uses a variety of objects as chargeable grenades including golf balls, playing cards and the notorious 8ball. Any object he can easily lift in one hand can be charged within 30 seconds. Any object that exceeds his body weight is too big to charge. Tommy can use his control over his own bodies potential and kinetic energy to create a static shield that shields his mind from intrusion, telepathy and illusion magic.

Tommy has also inherited her biological mother's ability to absorb the memory, powers and psyche of other people. His victims temporarily lose these memories and powers. The absorption can only take place through direct skin contact. Tommy's skin must be in contact with his victims skin in order to work. Also he can only absorb from one person at a time and only hold on to other peoples power and memories for a limited duration of time. Technically it works like this, the more power he tries to absorb, the longer he must remain in contact with the victim. Also the power is transferred from the victim to Tommy, weakening the victim while increasing his own power.
Experienced con artist and pickpocket. Tommy combines a charming personality with a clever mind in order to deceive people into doing his bidding.

Lacks any form of combat training and has the physical strength, stamina and abilities of an average human of his age and size. If he gets punched in the face by the likes of Thor, Hulk or any other "Super powered" character the result will be most certainly be a coffin 6 feet under the ground. Weapons and explosions will just as much effect on Tommy as it has on every other average person.

Absorbing superpowers takes a great toll on his body and tires him out quickly as his body is not used to have so much energy stored within it. Also Tommy will have to release the absorbed powers after 5 minutes in order to prefent his body from collapsing,

After Rogue found out that she was pregnant, she instantly realized that her life and relationship with Gambit where far too complicated to take proper care of her baby and give Tommy the future he deserved. For a moment she considered the option to let her child get aborted but Gambit managed to talk that idea out of Rogue's head. The complicated couple decided to abandon the child and leave him at the doorstep of a Louisiana orphanage.

Initially the child would be raised in the orphanage but as his powers began to manifest at the age of eight the LeBeau Clan Thieves Guild started to take interest in the young boy. His ability to charge objects and let them explode reminded the now elderly Jean-Luc LeBeau of his adopted son.

Under the tutoring of Jean-Luc and his thieves guild Tommy learned to use his powers in order to compliment his skills as a thief and con artist. Since all doors and locks are inanimate objects, the young Tommy could simply open them all by letting them explode. Also his ability to absorb memories proved in handy to learn valuable information about his targets and security. Every time Tommy stole an object, he replaced it with an 8ball. This earned him the nickname of 8Ball in Lousianna.

When Tommy turned 17 Jean-Luc send him to undergo his Tilling (an initial rite of passage through which all thieves pass). Tommy got ordered to retrieve a mysterious artifact from a secret shield facility. In the beginning the mission when flawless as Tommy managed use his absorption abilities to gain vital knowledge of the facilities layouts and security systems. Pass codes where easily obtained and doors never stayed locked for long. As the last door opened with a bang, Tommy did not find what he was looking for but stared into the one eye of Nick Fury. Two days later he found himself at a rather unique school.

Tommy is cheerful, outgoing and very social. He always appears very relaxed around other people and is very confident in himself and his abilities. He loves to be in the center of attention and has no problem at all to speak in front of groups. He hardly every shows any of the more negative emotions such as fear, sorrow or anger. His upbeat attitude, cheerful personality and charm often result in that people easily trust him with all the dire consequences.

Crushes/Love interest:
He hasn't met anyone yet so undecided.

Still keeping my eye on this
We should get this show on the road asap before everyone who has made a nation loses interest.
I hope we start soon :)
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