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Alright. The Kervan Florin will be the international currency. Prices will be written as KF 1.000, - :)
I am in favor but I might be pro-colonist ; @AngryPersian, Theocratic Republic of Ardan is accepted. The combination of a theocratic ruling class combined with a syndicalist economy seems a bit conflicting. I am interested in how that is going to be played out :)
Office of the RSI Spokesperson, People's Proletarian University, Brouges Gerald Veron thought about what he wanted from the RSI. The deployment of RSI soldiers would be an open war against Ereatia and their allies. It would drag many countries into a war of proportions never seen before. "We should avoid deploying any formal troops of the RSI or any affiliated states. It would only drag many more nations into a conflict that could potentially mean the death of millions. Not to mention I have my doubts that the RSI could land troops on the Colongo shores when you take both the Ereatian and Malassakian navies into account." Gerald pauzed. An armed rebellion was the next step but victory on the battlefield would not be a necessity. Gerald Veron continued. "We need funding, weapons and trainers in order to start a full scale armed rebellion. The UCF has over 50.000 members and many more supporters. We could smuggle weapons and supplies into the country through the harbors. The dockworkers are all trustworthy comrades. Also it might be possible to smuggle weapons in through Alleghany. But starting the rebellion is only the first phase. We must fight the Ereatians to at least a stand still. Create a strong position for negotiations. You need to mobilize the international community to put pressure on the Ereatians in order to force them to negotiate. Economic sanctions and trade embargo's will be convincing arguments for them" Malassakian Capital, Office of the Archon Colonel Richards reached out, shook the hand of the Archon and smiled. " My apologies for this delay. It has been a very hectic month for my country and I had to travel up and down the Great oceans in order to get fully briefed on all that has happened in the past month. I really hope the next time we meet it would be in better circumstances" The colonel paused as he opened up his briefcase and grabbed a very thick file. "This is the official investigation report on the Colongo riots. The investigation has been conducted by the Ereatian Secret Service and has come to some shocking conclusions. The investigation showed that initial sniper fire against Ereatian security forces triggered counter fire against the crowd of protestors as the soldiers believed the shots were fired from the crowd. The fact that the investigation showed that the sniper only targeted officers make us believe that he deliberately tried to provoke a violent reaction from our security in which he succeeded. At this point we do not know who the sniper was or to what faction he was affiliated" Colonel Richards opened up the file and scrolled through the pages that reviewed the response of the Ereatian security forces. "The Security Service has also investigated how our Governor, officers and security forces ignored the protocols and used excessive amounts of violence and used an unauthorized media blackout in order to restore order in Colongo. Military police has apprehended governor General Richard Meanor and 300 senior officers for acting out of order. Trials against these individuals will start next week in the Ereatian capital." Kensington Richards paused and grabbed a second file from his briefcase. On the cover was written strategic review of changed world after the Colongo Riots. "My government security counsil has conducted a strategic review of the treats we face after this crises. Our security service believes that important leaders of the Usonian Liberation front has fled to Alleghany in order to exploit this incident to further the destabalization of Colongo. The same is suspected from the Usonian Communist Front. Their leader has last been spotted entering a ship with the destination of Brouches. We believe the communist will try to get support from the RSI in order to start an armed rebellion. Considering that the RSI main export product is violent revolution we consider RSI increasing their involvement in Colongo a very likely scenario and a major threat to the stability of Kervan as a whole." Colonel Richards paused and waited for the Archon to respond. Ereatia, Government Hall, Parliament meeting for discussion of the newly proposed military and security policies With the Colongo riots fresh in every parliamentarians memory they all showed up for the discussion on the new security and military policies the government had proposed. The house of commons is the first house of the Ereatian parliament where 450 representatives of the various political parties discuss the political challenges and vote for the bills. Once its passed the bill will go to the house of lords for a second round of voting. All the representatives sit in a half circle. In front of that half circle are the seats of the ministers and behind those seats is a raised stage with the throne of the emperor. Everybody had assembled today as the country was facing its biggest crisis of the past 25 years. Admiral Walter Seaventon stood up from his seat and walked towards the center of parliament hall and started to speak under the watchful eye of the Emperor. "Senators, ministers. We have all gathered here because right now, we're facing the biggest crisis in 25 years. For the past decades our people have enjoyed peace and prosperity. But that peace is currently being threatened by external forces such as the RSI. Their terrorist attacks in Colongo are ment to provoke a civil war in a colony that prospered under Ereatian rule. Recent event showed that they are succeeding in that scheme." The accusations to the RSI provoked negative responses. Sander Orwen, spokesperson of the Ereatian Syndicalist Party was quick to show his disconted. "If our current government would not be such oppressors and respected the independence of other countries we would not face such challenges!" The left winged Democratic Labor Party showed their consent to the ESPs statement. The admiral ignored the leftist and continued its speach. "Our security studies show an increased activity in RSI terrorism throughout Colongo and we believe their campaign will not end there. As preachers of world revolution they will not stop until Ereatia will burn. Our freedom and fundamental believes are under attack from these terrorists." The admiral paused as the right winged parties clapped their hands in sign of approval. The Emperor raised his hand in order to get the parliamentarians silent again so that the foreign affairs minister could continue his speach. "Word has reached us that the Deheran Republic might join the Syndicalists further increasing their political and military power. We as Ereatians prefer peace but those Syndicalist promote violence and war against anyone, any nation that has a government that differs from what they believe is just. In that light we must not only look towards our defences but also strenghten our relationships with non-syndicalist nations. Only in unity can we keep the freedom to shape our own future. In that light the Ereatian government proposes to accept the Alliance proposal of the Tsardom of Ventium" The parliamentarians all started to get into a heavy debate as different views on security through alliances clashed. The debate raged on for several hours until the Emperor stood up and commanded the silence of all in the room. "Representatives of the people of the Ereatian Empire. You shall now cast your vote upon the bill that gives the government the permission of the people to enter into a military alliance with the Tsardom of Ventium." The bill passed with 292 in favor the alliance. The 33 parliamentarians of the Ereatian Syndicalist Party voted against and the other parties refrained from voting as a sign of disapproval of the government's policies regarding the colonies. After the first bill discussion General Roger McRagear stood up and started his speach. "Representatives of the people of Ereatia. Our defence study shows that our current armed forces will not be up to the challenges we will face in the near future. The combined strenght of the Syndicalist nations outweighs our own by a great margin. Not only face our citizens the potential threat of the international revolution but also the eyes of other predators had set their sight on our possessions. Alleghany spies have been active for some time now in Colongo and their intentions are unclear. We will have to be prepared for all the worst case scenario's. Due to the further destabalization of Kervan the government deems it necessary to increase our standing army by 25%. Also our standing army will be complemented by a reserve force of 1.000.000 men. The increase of can be completed in 12 months." Richard Lowes, spokesperson of the Democratic Labor Party rose from his seat and spoke valiantly. "Outrageous! This is not increasing our countries security. This is gearing up for war! We should look to take away the tensions between the various countries of Kervan and work together for de-armament. Only if we take away the instruments of war we can assure that our citizens can live in peace. " John Daskin, spokesperson of the Ereatian Alliance laughed at the idealist Lowes. "Mr Lowes, this is the real world, not your peaceful fantasies. As long as organisations such as the RSI are out in this world, the Ereatian way of life is under threat. We of the Ereatian Alliance believe this increase of our fine Empires military capacity is not great enough to ensure our safety. We believe that doubling in size is a fine start." "Increasing our armed forces to nearly 4 million men is not something our government can fund. Nor can our economy support such a large army. The proposed increase will give us the best of both. More military power in order to ensure that other countries will think twice before commencing military actions against our fine country while preventing the government from overspending." Argued the leader of the Capitalist party. The coalition partner of the militarist partner in the government. The minister of the military put up his final speech about his proposal before voting commenced. Both coalition parties voted in favor of the increase of the armed forces. Also the right-winged Ereatian Alliance was in favor and some members of other parties as well. The Bill that called for the increase of the standing army and the creation of a reserve force was passed.
Telegram to the Tsardom of Ventium To his Majesty, Tsar Voltus Ventus, Today the Ereatian parliament had casted its vote in favor of entering into an alliance with the Tsardom of Ventium. We humbly accept your friendship and are looking forward to working together into making Kervan a saver world for everyone. We would greatly welcome the Tsars assistance in Colongo. Our military planners currently believe that your force are of best use on the border with Alleghany. Additional security would help to decrease the smuggling of weapons. Also I would like to propose a meeting in the near future between representatives of the Tsardom of Ventium, The Ereatian Empire and our other allies The Malassakian Republic in order to discuss all the current and future security threats our nations face and how we can use our combined effort to keep our nations safe and free. Yours sincerely, Prime minister Steven Wilde of the Ereatian Empire Telegram to the Malassakian Republic To Archon Antonius Soter Today the Ereatian parliament has passed a bill in favor of entering a military alliance with the Tsardom of Ventium. The Ereatian government strongly believes that the challenges we face today and will face tomorrow cannot be dealt with on our own. We strongly believe that we need unity in Kervan in order to make sure that the nations can peacefully co-exist without having to fear that certain powers will de-stabilize our beloved nations and hurt our citizens with terrorist attacks. I woul like to propose a meeting in the near future to discuss how our nations could cooperate in order to deal with the challenges that we face in Kervan today and tomorrow. I hope to speak to the great Archon in person again soon. Yours sincerely, Prime minister Steven Wilde of the Ereatian Empire
The Esperantist Commune is accepted. About the canal: It will be the greatest engineering project ever undertaken in Kervan. Considering the sheer size its construction will influence the involved nations at a more negative way. 1. Not everyone who lives on the land where the canal is intended to come will be eager to leave. Simple folks who have often lived in the same house, worked the same land for generations are not likely to be happy to move. 2. The costs of making such a canal will be astronomical. This will have to result in having less funds for other aspects of your nation. It will be interesting to see how syndicalists population responds to budget costs in traditional left-wing area's suchs as social security, healthcare and education. 3. Lifes will be lost, by the thousands proberbly. The building of a canal of that size will require tens of thousands of workers who will have to relocate to camps and temporary cities for years. In such places desease can often spread more quickly and working accedents will frequently happen. So basicly the construction phase will be a great burdon on the countries financial situation and it will have a social impact as not everyone will agree that the sacrifice of money and lifes is worth it. @AngryPersian, Looking good so far.
Looking good so far. Just do the army part and you're free to post. Just avoid adding chemical warfare elements in it that can eradicate entire cities. I prefer to keep weapons of mass destruction out of the game :)
Yes we have. Feel free to make your nationsheet. Post it here and I'll take a look at it. Once accepted it can be posted in the characters section. Rules in the first post still aplie :)
I missed that one. It's so tiny XD I'll put it in the next update.
No, I still need to make an updated one. The most current one is the one I've posted on the previous page. I need to update that map with one new nation location and adding Axiom claim to Alleghany. Update: Updated map is now online at page 14 :)
I had only time to write an reply to the RSI. I'll write more tomorrow :)
### Present day - Office of the the RSI Spokesperson As Gerald puts a lump of bread in his mouth he could not help but to think back about the events of roughly 4 weeks ago and the gruesome journey that followed. When the shooting started panic struck the masses on the town square. As the chaos erupted Gerald Veron only real option was to run for safety. With the protest turning into a firefight he instantly knew the Ereatian government would start looking for in order to blame him for the tragedy. Fleeing Congolo was really the only option for any opposition leader that became a target of interest. Veron looked at the desk Jeanette Joures was sitting behind. He was looking for the right words. A way to start the conversation and tell the story from the start. "I am grateful you where able to receive me on such a short notice. The situation in Colonga has gone completely out of hand. Many people have died and the Governor has put up very strict curfews' and prohibited any gatherings in public places. The military arrests everybody who violates the regulations and put them into prison camps without any form of trial. Probably thousands have been arrested already. Also anyone suspected of being involved with opposition groups have been arrested, homes and workshops have been raided and heavily armed soldiers patrol the streets. The repression was never been this bad. Everything changed since the last demonstration" Gerald Veron paused a bit as he just realized that he started with the end of the story and not the beginning. He as he looked up to ms Joures he continued his story. " There has always been many forms of resistance against the Ereatian oppression of my country. Some groups use violence while UCF believed we could solve this matter in a peaceful way. I believed that there was a maximum lifespan to any colonial system and that we just had to raise our voice when a favorable government would come in control over the Ereatian Empire. In Ereatia itself is also a lot of opposition against their colonial adventures and with during the past 3 election round the hardcore imperialists lost ground in their parliament. I believed that through demonstrations and strikes we could pressure the Ereatian government into starting the decolonization but my believe has been shaken since the events." Gerald thought once more about the events. His mind went back to the start of the demonstration. " We always notify our comrades through our movements newspaper Red Rebel for any upcoming demonstration or strike. Four weeks ago was no different. The dockworkers, Factory workers, Oil workers and Iron workers all showed up but they weren't the only ones. Johnny DeWade, leader of the Usonian Liberation Front had gotten notice of our demonstration and rallied his supporters to join. The ULF never had joined our rallies before and generally discard us as communist cowards for our lack of violence. In the past I've asked them numerous times to join but they had always refused. The numbers of people marching doubled this demo and everything went fine. Usually we march to town square, where the governor's office is located and scant our discontent about the situation. Sometimes the disgruntled youth starts throwing rocks, bottles and molotiv cocktails and the demo turns into a riot. The security forces then respond with battons and shield until the youths have been chased away or arrested. Most get released after a week or two. But on the last demonstration in went all different. As we arrived at town square we marched towards the Governors' building and then shots were fired. First one, then quickly followed by more. I could not see who was hit or who was shooting but after the first few shots the Ereatian security forces went all out. Shooting with their side arms in the crowd until their magazines where empty. I saw the people fall on all sides of me" Gerald hesitated as he remembered how many of his friends died that day. Anger took over his previously tired face as the pictures flashed before his eyes. "Everybody panicked and ran for safety into the many small alleyways of Uson (the usonian name of Colongo's capital and largest city). As the crowd fled from the town square fights broke out all over the city. I watched how security forces drove in with truck and tanks. Arresting every Usonian they encountered, shooting anyone who resisted on sight. Many of my people fought with whatever they had but some also had rifles, pistols and hand grenades. I've never seen the Usonians so angry. I watched how a group of Usonian Youths dragged an Ereatian women out of her home and beat her to death with iron pipes. Manny Usonians went to target Ereatian immigrants and Ereatian hold possessions. In the next days the violence spread to other cities as word of the towns square massacre spread throughout Usonia. I saw hundreds of my fellow countrymen lie death in the streets. All butchered by Ereatian soldiers." Gerald clenched his hand into a fist as he tried to fight his anger. "I saw my friends, comrades and my son all lie death in the streets. All shot. Those bastards killed my son while he was unarmed and barely 18. They shot him, in the streets as he tried to flee from the violence. We raised our voice and the Ereatians used rifles to shut them" ### Ereatia, Government hall Prime minister Steven Wilde sat down at his desk after the meeting looking down at two diplomatic messages his government had received. One was from the Ventians and the other from his Malassakian allies. Both where about the recent events in Colongo. Slowly details about the severity of the violence were leaking into the world. The press blackout was clearly not effective enough. As he thought about the situation, a man in a tight suit entered the room without knocking. Prime minster Wilde looked up and quickly nodded "I hope you bring good news, Mr. Smith" Mister Smith is what people would call a trusty. Some would even consider him the prime ministers man. Mr Smith was not affiliated with any formal agency of the Ereatian empire and yet all doors opened up to him. The prime minister had personally instructed him to investigate the Colongo riots and the man was here to bring out his report. "Would you like to hear the most positive story or the actual facts, prime minister?" Asked the man. Steven WIlde pointed to one of the seats in front of his desk and nodded "Start with the actual facts. After that I will listen to what you believe would be the story we should tell" Mr Smith didn't move. "You know I prefer to stand, Steven. But I will tell you what I've learned. Soldiers from 32nd marine battalion all testified that they started shooting after their CO was shot. In fact, they all confirmed that the first victim was commander Rogers. All soldiers that died from shot wounds in the first 30 minutes where all officers of the 32nd marine battalion. During the autopsy on the officers the bullets where retrieved from the bodies. All officers have been shot with a large caliber long distant rifle" Steven Wilde looked up. "You're stating that someone deliberately targeted the chain of command of the security forces present at the square, Mr Smith?" "Yes, I have also confirmed that those shots were not fired from the crowd. A sniper has been firing from one of the apartments on the other side of the square. Somebody deliberately targeted the officers in order to create chaos. I have .....questioned the owners and renters of the apartment but they came out clean. I am positive that they were not involved in this case. Analysis of the bullets and cartridges found made me believe that the shooter used a sniper rifle produced in Alleghany. It is most likely bought on a black marked and smuggled into Colongo. As the shooter continued to target the battalions officers, the soldiers returned fire to where they believed the firing came from, the crowd of protestors. The shooting resulted in a massive panic from both the security forces and the crowd of protestors. Tens of thousands Usonians tried to flee the scene and many of them where simply overrun. Analasys of the retrieved bodies shown the following figures. 27 marines where shot with the same rifle. 23 of them where officers or non-commission officers. Another 15 marines where beaten to death by protestors when they got isolated from the rest. 247 Usonian were found on the square who had died gun fire produced by Ereatian firearms. 2785 Usonians where crushed to dead as the crowd panicked." Mr Smith paused and walked towards a cabinet containing various drinks of the Alcoholic kind and poured two glasses of whiskey. "This is going to be a long night prime minister and you look like you could use a drink" Spoke Mr Smith as he put the glass on the desk. "Somebody wanted to egnite the powder keg in Colongo and succeeded. What followed directly after the town square shooting was that many groups of angry Usonians targeted everything Ereatian in sight. They released their rage on women, children, shops, homes, churches and where met with brutal repression by the army. Some of the usonians believed that the revolution had started and grabbed their hidden weapons in order to fight. In the next 4 days there would be violent clashes between mobs of angry Usonians and your military throughout the colony. It is needless to say that the high civilian dead toll is bad publicity for the empire. Such violent oppression had not been seen for over a decade. No wonder the Ventians call for an investigation and the Malassakians are worried about how your administrations actions will reflect on them due to the alliance." Steven Wilde looked slightly worried. He could not risk the alliance with the Malassakian alliance nor did he want to put a strain on the relations with the Ventians. Not now there was a chance to get valueble trade agreements with that country. "You are as informed as always Mr. Smith. How did our security forces deal with the situation? Did they follow the protocols about the use of violence against civilians?" Mr Smith smiled. "Yes, Governor Richard Meanor had followed all the protocols to the letter for when the Usonians would get violent. Those protocols include a complete media blackout and coverup." "Who, wrote down those protocols?" Replied the prime minister "Have you forgotten Steven? You wrote them down 15 years ago. You are the architect of all the security protocols for stabilizing the then newly formed colony of Colongo. It was of course approved by a former administration, but can you imagine what the damage would be if the international public would learn that the current Ereatian prime minister designed protocols that would call for shooting civilians in case of massive civil disobedience ? I suggest we move on to the story part" Steven Wilde face became bleak as he listened to Mr Smith. It was true. 15 year ago Steven was working for the ministry of defense and was charged with writing and reviewing all security protocols for maintaining order. "What do you suggest, Mr. Smith?" "That depends on what your interest is Steven. Do you want to do what is best for your country or for you?" The prime minister knew that he was in a tight spot. All credibility of his country would be lost if the world found out that he was responsible for the security policies and could still be in office. The other side of the story would be that he had to step down, become subject of investigation and face trail for his role in this incident possibly under international law. That could well mean life in prison or worse. The government would fall and new elections would be held. His party would most likely lose the power but the Empire would save face internationally. The prime minister looked at the man in front of him with a determined look on his face. "Cover my involvement up and create a scrapegoat" Mr Smith bowed done slightly and spoke. "As you wish my prime minister". Later that night Prime Minister Steven Wilde appeared in a passionate radio speech. Explaining that terrible violence had erupted in Colongo and many Usonian and Ereatian lifes had been lost. He also told the public that the Governor and his administration violated all the protocols on how to handle and that the governor had ordered his forces to use a disproportionate amount of violence in order to restore order. Over 300 soldiers, officers and Governor, General Richard McMeanor had been arrested for their involvement in the incident. At the same time all evidence that current president Steven Wilde had written the protocols where erased from the face of the earth. ### Malassakian capital. Colonel Kensington Richards made his way from the Ereatian embassy towards the one of the Malassakian Republics government buildings. He had received orders to deliver the official investigation report on the Colongo crisis to Archon Antiochus Sotar as soon as possible. The report explained how a sniper targeted soldiers and officers who where policing the demonstration and that the soldiers believed they were shot at by the crowd. It also told that the governor ordered the use of excessive force against the demonstrators and insurgents and that he abused his power to order a media blackout and tried to cover the incident up. As Colonel Kensington entered the building he introduced himself to the lady at the desk. "Good afternoon, my name is Colonel Kensington Richards, ambassador of Ereatia. I have an appointment with Archon Antiochus Sotar" ### Telegram to the Tsardom fo Ventium To his majesty , Supreme Commander, Tsar Voltus Ventus, A great tragedy has befallen the citizens of Colongo. The loss of life is irreplaceable and our first thought go to the families who have lost their loved ones in the crises, regardless of their cultural or racial background. The string of events have been under thorough investigation and we are happy to share our findings with you. We can assure you that anyone who played a part in the incident will be persecuted and will be held accountable for his role. Justice will be served. Ereatia strives to be a transparent nation. Therefore we are willing to share our official investigation report to whomever desires to read it. I will make arrangements to have the report send to as fast as possible. Yours sincerely, Prime Minister Steven Wilde of the Ereatian Empire
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